Beyond the Cusp

February 17, 2016

The Israeli Political Class is the Problem


There is a malaise in Israel. The pale it casts darkens all horizons. There are those who claim they are Zionists; And those who claim they are Nationalist; And there are those hiding behind a title of Zionism and Union with the world. Let’s face it, if you are truly a Zionist, truly a Nationalist then you would hold to the dream, the dream of the great Zionist Nationalists who went before. The ones whose names precede the State of Israel; the ones whose names echo in the minds of those who have the flame within; the giants whose tombs we approached with reverential honor and a small amount of trepidation because we know those graves will ask us what we have done. What can we tell these giants who handed us a State, a Jewish and Zionist State which spread from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. They understand the land lost in the great first war where we were unable to regain Gaza and all of Judea and Samaria and even a small part of Benyamin but worst of all we lost half of Yerushalayim including the entirety of the Old City, the Temple Mount, the Mount of Olives, Mount Moriah, as well as Kever Yoseph, Kever Rachael and the Cave of Machpelah. We lost Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal which were the Mounts of blessings and curses respectively and the curses far outnumbered the blessings, a warning we should always heed. As it was written:

Devarim (Deuteronomy) 11:29:7
וְהָיָה, כִּי יְבִיאֲךָ יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ, אֶל-הָאָרֶץ, אֲשֶׁר-אַתָּה בָא-שָׁמָּה לְרִשְׁתָּהּ–וְנָתַתָּה אֶת-הַבְּרָכָה עַל-הַר גְּרִזִים, וְאֶת-הַקְּלָלָה עַל-הַר עֵיבָל.
And it shall come to pass, when the LORD thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, that thou shalt set the blessing upon mount Gerizim, and the curse upon mount Ebal.

Jericho, Bethlehem, Shechem (Nablus), Hevron, and all the lands, towns, cities which existed under Jordanian occupation from 1948-9 until liberated in June of 1967 in the Six Day War are returned to Eretz Yisroel and must be incorporated into the land in order that we may settle the lands of Eretz Yisroel. As the Jordanians had granted to those who desired citizenship, citizenship which it claimed to cancel after their losing the lands, proving these Arabs, who were no different than Jordanian Arabs, had no value to their brothers unless they were displacing, what even Jordanians would call, the accursed Jews, we can just feel the warmth. Those who were granted Jordanian citizenship should have immediately been given a simple choice; remain in Israel as alien Jordanian residents of Israel; request and work through an acclimation and absorption series of classes in Hebrew, Old Testament and Jewish traditions and practices; or take a generous offer for their lands and structures such as homes and businesses and cross the Allenby Bridge all the wealthier and then proceeded anywhere in the world but Israel. This would have settled the problems with the liberation of the remainders of Judea, Benyamin and Samaria and incorporated all of the lands within their natural borders of Israel. As far as the Waqf and the Temple Mount, they could have been granted jurisdiction over actual recognized Islamic structures while the different Christian sects would work out between themselves who was responsible and was the official caretaker of what parts of which Christian holy site, and the State of Israel would guard, clear, clean and allow universal prayer rights to all across the entirety of the Temple Mount not within a structure and thus under some governance.


No areas of now fully liberated and free Israel other than specific holy sites would be held and governed by some foreign entity, especially a terrorist group which is exactly that the Palestinian Authority (PA) is, just prettied up by renaming the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) to Fatah and then allow an election to place them in charge of something called the Palestinian Authority (PA) and claim they are now a partner for peace. It is all a scheming lie thought out by the powers other than Israel in the rest of the world such as the United Nations, European Union and its predecessor the European Common Market, the United Nations, Soviet Union, United States, Britain, France, Germany and some individual people with more money than brains all decided that they were slowly but inexorably going to destroy Israel replacing it with an Arab State, not the Arab State but an Arab state as it would be the twenty-third Arab State because twenty-two are not sufficient so the one and only Jewish State must be erased from the earth and replaced with the twenty-third, or if Hamas makes one and Fatah makes one they would be the twenty-third and twenty-fourth Arab States. But that would not be fair to Islamic Jihad so perhaps they could have a twenty-fifth Arab State. And the twenty or so self-important families who have gained sufficient power and finances to demand their own fiefdom? We cannot slight them after all they have done to enslave Palestinians. Truth be told, whatever Arab entities are formed would all be dysfunctional requiring a constant stream of money in order to claim functionality. Thus the world would be demanded to continue the investment of billions of Dollars and Euros every year with it soon to rise to trillions except for one small item; once these entities have taken Israel out, the world will lose all interest and these entities will be on their own which would soon result in five to ten surges of refugees leaving these dysfunctional states seeking the comfort of the European Union and member state’s safety net to care for them as they plot the overthrow of whatever friendly bureaucracy was feeding them. One need remember that the sole thing these Arabs have been trained to do is throw rocks and claim themselves victim to any and all conspiracies happen to be popular, the one percenters at the bottom using the government to allow them to change places with the top one percent. Even if such were possible and the European Union actually did such a useless venture, the new top one percent would be the bottom one percent within three years and the previous top one percent would rise from the ashes as unto the phoenix reborn from the flames and depths of poverty right back to near if not in the top one percent. But the world would be left wanting, forever the poorer, if they destroy Israel.



Arab World Showing Twenty-One of Twenty-Two States with Comoros off the Map South of the Arabian Peninsula and Depicted in Bright Blue the Sole Jewish State with its Original Borders of Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea And That They Claim is the Excessive Demand of the Jews

Arab World Showing Twenty-One of Twenty-Two States
with Comoros off the Map South of the Arabian Peninsula
and Depicted in Bright Blue the Sole Jewish State with its
Original Borders of Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea
And That They Claim is the Excessive Demand of the Jews



Why would we claim the world would be lost without Israel? Well, that is an easy one. Should Israel disappear, as the powers that be appear to desire, then soon the world would lose the remnants of the Jewish race as with nowhere to run and find other Jews ready to defend the family, they would simply perish as their connection to Judaism, true and Torah observant Judaism, is barely tenable as it is and would be cut forever without a place to call home. The rising anti-Semitism is claiming that its roots are in Israel and the brashness and irreconcilable rejection of making peace and allowing the formation of another Arab state taken out of its lands, its hide so to speak. The British Mandate lands were supposed to be the Jewish State but the British made as a justification for stealing over three-quarters of the land that the Jews would never number sufficient population to require as much land as was set aside, as if there would never in any future be the possibility of Jews in numbers to require more than the lands left for them which are attempting to again steal pieces. Jordan ended up with the lion’s share of the land but there is no manner of way the world would have Jordan absorb these people whom they once granted citizenship and then rescinded it when the land was returned to Israel. People need to understand that on the morning that Israel became a nation, her borders included all the lands west of the Jordan River, all of Gaza, all of Judea, all of Benyamin and all of Samaria. Jordan and Egypt were the true occupiers, the real colonialists taking lands from an indigenous people. But now there has been invented a new indigenous people who have their claimed roots in Judea and Samaria called Palestinians. They never resided in Syria, Jordan, Egypt or had ancestry from the Arabian Peninsula, they have lived in the “West Bank” practicing Islam for nine-thousand years according to a statement made and then retracted from the PLO Facebook page. Never mind that they were not present in the years before 1850 and almost none were reported residing here in Mark Twain’s account of his travels in the Holy Lands, neither Jew nor Arab as the entire population was as sparse as the vegetation, look it up.


But that has changed, and boy has it changed. There are bustling cities with tall new buildings with their glass and steel gleaming from amongst a patina of the old which still remains and refuses to surrender its land but slowly the new replaces the old as if a correction bringing modernity to a land whose ancient roots run deep into the soil. There is a vibrancy and in the north between the rising metropolises there are farms and open grazing lands still used by shepherds and their flocks who follow ancient routes to their grazing areas doing so as they have for centuries thus knowing when to move saving the lands so it will refresh for the visit next year. The mixing of new and old is even evident in the farming as in some of the less arable lands the water is recycled constantly with nutrients carefully injected into full hillsides of hydroponics raising crops and produce year round. There are orchards of olive trees seemingly as old as the hills whose sides they cling to as if to claim their area and protect it from other plants soaking up sun and soil. There are even mixtures of peoples with some wearing the dress from centuries gone faded into the past in Europe and the rest of the Western World but preserved as so much is in this truly ancient land that is sprouting a new shape amongst the old. Israel reflects the culture in which start-up companies appear in numbers unmatched around the world and only exceeded by nations beyond comparison in size and populations. Yet there is a hesitancy amongst many who fear the world and what it might think or say. In a land where boldness exudes from every corner and people strike out to force their way into the world and high-tech is the buzzword as well as the byword for so many, but those are not the politicians. Even those who made their name in technology and innovation and have now turned to politics soon lose their formidable presence and soon become hesitant, troubled. They begin to doubt even themselves, or so it seems. The brash and strikingly bold politicians who rose and defended the land in deed and word and always with style that was proper but always gave a spark of hubris appear to have deserted Israel and been replaced with the crafty and calculating always guarding their against misstep and so carefully crafting their words that they too often nuance their meaning making it unintelligible. The glamour and wonder of your words lose effect if their meaning is not starkly defined and presented framed and complete. Israel has too little precious land and lives in the midst of a roiling cauldron with wars surrounding her and threats come even from within the Knesset itself where more than a handful of traitors do stir. They are the ones with the brash boldness from which too many wilt. When they scream and make a tempest, it is requisite upon every true Zionist to take the wind from their sails and use it to sound the ram’s horns and bring down their pedestals like we brought down the walls of Jericho.


Perhaps what we have are too many nationalists who can live with splitting off pieces of land arguing demographics to give this away today and Hashem knows what tomorrow. The Zionist knows the boundaries which were promised by Hashem and knows that the rest of the world is equally aware though they lie and steal ambuscading that which is known but all too seldom stood upon as the principle they are. We need more Zionists of the bravado and principle as those of ages past, those like Ze’ev Jabotinsky, Rabbi Meir Kahane or more recently Menachem Begin who was a fighter who also knew the value of an honest peace. None of these Zionists would have allowed the bringing into the lands the beating heart of terrorism and murderer of all Israel if given the slightest opportunity. There is no need for Israel to surrender even a single atom of our lands because the Europeans or the Americans say we must. We need only listen to what we know and from the words of Hashem revealed in Torah, everything else is noise and confusion. We have to deal in reality of our requirement which was spelled out for us three thousand years ago when we were instructed to go and settle the land. We were not told to go and parcel out the lands to those who would simply take what we gave them and use it to launch new wars and attacks on our people. We even tried that and Hashem has made clear what our mistakes have been, we surrendered lands which were not ours to gift as these lands belong to Hashem. They do not belong to the Ministers of the Knesset; they do not belong to the mediators such as John Kerry or previously Madeline Albright or Hillary Clinton or anybody walking the lands today, yesterday or tomorrow. Hashem made it very concise and clear, the land belongs to Hashem and we are to be the caretakers, which does not include giving it to those who will despoil the land and create abominations upon our specifically outlined duty to the land that Hashem portioned out for us to care over. Hashem did not say share the land, that was the group the “Guess Who.” We need to return to doing what is prescribed in Torah and in that pursuit we will be blessed and any deviation from that is an accursed act for which we will reap curses. Where have all the Zionists gone, certainly not into politics and we need such to sacrifice and walk into the dens of iniquity, the lions’ den and be assured that Hashem will walk with you.


Beyond the Cusp


May 9, 2013

End the Charade and Annex Judea Samaria and Jordan Valley

The time has come to make one last stab at a valid and viable peace with the Palestinians. Present Mahmoud Abbas with that map he has demanded of exactly what Israel envisions the borders for their state of Palestine. The map should be based purely on Israeli desires and interests where Israel retains all of Jerusalem, all of the Jerusalem suburbs, all of Area C, the north-south corridor of the Jordan River Valley, all of the Israeli towns and settlements, and the undeveloped and Israeli developed parts of Area B leaving the Palestinians all of Gaza and Area A with some minor additions in which to make their state. It makes no difference whether the map offered is unacceptable as Mahmoud Abbas and the rest of the Palestinian leadership have given ample proof that nothing short of replacing Israel would be acceptable. Once this offer has been rejected, as have been all offers previously attempted, Israel should annex the entirety of Judea, Samaria, Benyamin, the Jordan Valley, and Jerusalem also making sure to stress this annexation includes Hebron, Shechem, Kever Yosef, Kever Rachael, the Cave of the Patriarchs and every single place which has any biblical mention or records. Then the Israeli leadership will need to prepare for the onslaught of indignant and shocked world leaders. Israel’s answer to the ruckus that is sure to follow this declaration should simply state that the Palestinians negated the Oslo Accord Treaty when they went to the United Nations seeking recognition of statehood and thus Israel has taken the resulting steps in accordance with their treaty with Jordan which ended hostilities between the two states.




There will most certainly be those within Israel who will be at least, if not more, incensed by such a move as any anywhere around the world. Let them say what they will and if necessary allow for new elections so the people of Israel can have their vote on this position. It is my belief that Israel would never have and never will see a stronger electoral victory affirming the people’s support for the complete annexation of what in reality are rightfully ours. Such a move would require the repatriation of those Palestinians in the refugee camps on foreign soils as well as the deportation of those who are in the leadership of Fatah, the PLO, Hamas, the Palestinian Authority, Islamic Jihad, members of any terrorist group, and others who are known to be opposed to the existence of the state of Israel as the Jewish state. The general
Palestinian population who have not already been granted Israeli citizenship should be allowed to petition for such status and a method of evaluation leading to citizenship once completed will need to be made into law. It should also be made clear that should any member of a family be convicted of terrorism their entire family will be deported if the family is found to have had knowledge of the plans and not reporting such in a timely and effective manner. Such will definitely be viewed as a draconian approach but the scope of the potential terrorism problem Israel faces makes such an approach necessary. The route required for those wishing citizenship should take a number of years not to exceed ten but of a minimum of five years so as to allow a full vetting of the candidates. Should any Palestinians wish to remain in their homes, farms, lands or other abodes, they should be permitted to remain as legal alien residents and be subject to the same laws as any other resident alien. Palestinians who choose to relocate outside of Israel should be granted generous compensation for any lands or properties they would necessarily need to relinquish their ownership. All of the many details can be addressed as they present themselves with the eventuality of a unified Israeli state kept in mind as the end reality.




There will be almost immeasurable blowback from all corners of the Earth. Israel very likely will be ejected from the United Nations which may be a favor more than a punishment. Some will argue that such a move would cause the world to despise Israel. Truth is that much of the world already does despise Israel. Sure Israel would not gain friends from such a move but it would establish most definitively who are Israel’s true friends, assuming there are such. The only true difference between the world’s attitude before the annexation and the world’s attitude after the annexation would be the amount of honesty being represented. Annexing those lands that at a minimum should have been annexed on June 13, 1967, will only serve to clarify and focus Israeli friends from that point forward. Any friends Israel might lose due to acting honestly on Israeli interests were never a trustworthy friend to begin with. An easy measuring stick for determining Israel’s true friends and honest critics would be to compare their view on Israeli annexation of those lands which were the biblical heartland of ancient Israel and lands liberated in a defensive war brought against Israel and their view and comfort level with the Chinese occupation and annexation of Tibet since their conquest of the Tibet in 1951. If they have no problems with the rape of Tibet and they are throwing fits over Israel, simply pay them their due attention, none.




Beyond the Cusp


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