Beyond the Cusp

November 20, 2016

Promise Israel Should Tell Obama

Filed under: 2012 Elections,2016 Elections,Act of War,Administration,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab Authority,Arabs,Article 80,Binding Resolution,Chapter Seven Security Council Resolution,Coverup,Demolitions,East Jerusalem,European Pressure,European Union,European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs,Executive Order,Federica Mogherini,General Assembly,Hamas,Hamas Charter,International Politics,Islamic Pressure,Islamic State,Islamists,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israelite Artifacts,Jerusalem,Jewish State,Jews,Judea,Judean Hills,Main Stream Media,New World Order,Old City,Oslo Accords,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Pressures,Palestinian Security Force,Permanenet Members,Politicized Findings,Politics,President Obama,Promised Land,Recognize Israel,Samaria,San Remo Conference,Secular Interests,Security Council,Settlements,Six Day War,Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process,Statehood,Taqiyya,Tel Aviv,Temple Mount,Terminal War,Threat to Israel,Three No's,UN Human Rights Council,UNHCR,United Nations,United Nations Charter,United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181,United Nations Presures,United Nations Relief and Works Agency,United States,United States State Department,UNRWA,UNSC Res 242,Veto Power,West Bank,World Opinion,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 3:05 AM
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There has been much projecting on what President Obama might do to release his vengeance on Prime Minister Netanyahu and to hurt Israel permanently under International Relations. Israel should be wise and quietly relate to Administration officials that any drastic alteration from the agreed settlement reached through direct negotiations will be met with determination and resolve. Further information on what is meant by determination and resolve should be met that the degree to which such responses might take would be situationally dependent and would take actions measurable to any provocation or attack on the status-quo which the Administration was always so concerned about over the last eight years. Israel fully expects that said status-quo will continue and there will be no surprises or alterations placed on the balanced situation. This situational reactive desire will include any changes at the United Nations, The Hague or in any other international forum and not solely actions by the United States including lack of action allowing changes to occur. Should Israel find all things remain within the broader definition of the status-quo, then there would be no appreciable moves by Israel. Just believe that Israel is prepared to counter any move aimed at compromising Israel and the guarantees in place from before the election and including all expectations from promises and previous apparent intentions.


For the record, the rest of this editorial is purely the desired reactions BTC would hope have been communicated at least as strongly as above and potentially including some of what follows. One item which the world need understand is Israel will never allow any rescinding of our having annexed all of Jerusalem including the Old City, the Kotel and Plaza and the Temple Mount. These are all vital historic lands upon which there can be no debate, end of story. It is the intent of Israel to retail all of Area C which has been the intent from the very beginning of negotiations and Israel is adamant on this point. Area A will be permitted as Palestinian lands and agreements need be found to divide the lands in Area B such that each state has contiguous borders in the division in Judea and Samaria. All of these agreements depend on the Palestinians and the Arab nations recognize Israel as the home of the Jewish People and all reach a peace and agree that all hostilities will end. The situation is and has always been the Arab/Israeli conflict and not limited to just the Palestinians but the Arab and Muslim worlds. Any final agreement which falls short of this level of acceptance is a formula for eventual warfare and as such is unacceptable to Israel who desires peaceful and even beneficial relations with the other nations in the MENA nations (Middle East and North Africa – see map below). Israel will also retain the Golan Heights, particularly since there is no true Syrian government and the Islamic State, which is being enriched with Saudi Arabian funds and arms, could easily take these heights long enough to launch a severe attack upon Israelis residing in the Galilee. These same heights were previously used by Syrian snipers to practice their craft murdering farmers who were simply tending their fields and animals. That is another reason Israel must retain these high lands. Finally, the Jordan valley and overlooking heights will remain defended by the IDF as this is the first line for the defense of Israel. These minimal states need to be communicated through whatever channels used for official warnings and staunch positions. These are Israeli stances which have been presumably eroded but are being reestablished and former promises from San Remo through Article 80 of the United Nations Charter and the original mandate system. These promises need be realized and any compromise within the lands between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea will be permitted by the good graces of Israel and not through any external pressures or threats.


(MENA) Middle East and North Africa Including Turkey and Iran With North Central Africa

Middle East and North Africa
Including Turkey and Iran
With North Central Africa


Israel must take whatever defensive measures and precautions necessary to assure that should there be a parting vengeance shot from the White House in a manner which would be difficult or impossible for the Trump Administration to counter and return everything to the equilibrium which existed before any action by a parting President Obama, then Israel will have procedures and actions which would assure Israel’s rights and safety for the future. These are warnings and military planning with troops drilled and practiced for carrying out whatever is necessary to execute each of the responses to any of a complete series and span of potential attacks at the status-quo. Israel should be prepared to limit the Palestinian Authority (PA) to Area A and limited parts of Area B but none of Area C and if the Security Council were to pass an enforceable resolution, then Israel need act even if it causes a potential for a confrontation and be prepared to hold their ground and should world powers then demand Israel relent and it becomes apparent that an actual confrontation is in the making, then Israel will have little choice but to slowly pull from lands as necessary and also terminate all water, power and other services which the PA is behind on their payments. The world might be capable of forcing a settlement on Israel giving the PA everything that President Obama has continuously threatened to recognize, namely the pre Six Day War borders on Israel, there is absolutely no reason for Israel to power, water, feed and totally support such an open and immediate threat to her safety. There is no means other than invading an independent nation, Israel, and take control of the power grid, water systems and other utilities and even broadcast frequencies so as to provide free everything for the PA and force Israel to provide such support through invading a sovereign state, an act of war. That begs the question as to which nations would attempt an invasion just to enact such a spiteful assault by Barack Hussein Obama as he leaves office. One would hope none of the main powers would enforce such but Israel should be prepared for even the most unlikely of situations, the world backing a temper tantrum. Israel actually could annex all of Judea and Samaria followed by deportation of every officer from the PA and all of the security personnel, particularly the ones with terror ties which include the majority of the police and security personnel. This must be one possible solution which should be reserved only should President Obama attempt to give all of Judea and Samaria to the PA as a gift and claim the United States recognizes their invented nation. Such cannot be permitted to stand as within days either Hamas or Islamic State would take possession of the lands which then would allow them to pose a direct threat to Tel Aviv, Ben Gurion International Airport and the majority of infrastructure, business and residential neighborhoods, a completely untenable situation. This is the threat and potential situation facing Israel and why the leadership must make any action by President Obama have consequences which are spelled out in advance such that there can be no surprise or claim that the reaction was not anticipated. The real aim is to preserve the status-quo such that the system can continue for as long as the world demands that terrorists of the PA must be coddled as if they actually cared for the people residing under their corrupt rule. The day will come, possibly soon, when the people living under the PA will demand real leadership and an end to their impoverished state directly due to the thieving of their leadership. On that day the Israelis will know that the Palestinian people are ready to have peace and a future for their children and themselves.


Beyond the Cusp


May 27, 2016

What is Really Behind Hamas Executions and UN Complaint


Here is the story which you will hear. Nickolay Mladenov, the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, has gone before the United Nations Security Council to report on Hamas and to formally file a complaint against the intent by Hamas, a terrorist entity recognized by the United Nations and much of the world, to publically execute numerous criminals. This is unacceptable and illegal and Nickolay Mladenov is hopping mad and demands Hamas reconsider this drastic and dire intent. Further you will hear how these executions are being carried out without the approval of Mahmoud Abbas as required under the Palestinian Authority charter which requires that Abbas approve any execution, thus these executions are doubly illegal and ill-advised. You will be informed that Hamas has gone rogue and is intentionally ignoring Abbas who is recognized responsibile for Gaza under United Nations authority. Then there will be the commentary on how Abbas, in whose mouth butter would not melt, is just so civil and calm and level headed and would never resort to such extremes as Hamas. It will be stressed how Hamas and the Palestinian Authority do not cooperate or get along or have absolutely anything in common. There may or may not be included in any report, depending on the length they desire to go and whether this information will make Abbas look more sympathetic or pathetic in the eyes and minds of the readers of this news, that Abbas lost Gaza after being granted self-rule in Gaza by a cruel and merciless coup and by force of arms Hamas took over all of Gaza. This makes Abbas look weak but also engenders sympathy for him as well. Further, it may reopen the Israeli claim that should Abbas be granted full authority in Judea and Samaria it would result in Hamas taking these areas as well in much the same manner without the IDF keeping order and preventing such a coup.


Where will these complaints lead and what good are they. This is where it gets interesting and the area between what they will say and reality gets further blurred. The very first thing they will claim you must understand is that there is absolutely animus and no cooperation between the Arab Palestinian Authority (PA) and Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas. Hamas and the PA are polar opposites and Hamas killed dozens of PA security soldiers in the coup where Hamas illegally took control of Gaza. Hamas has been provoking Israel which might renew the warfare between the two so Hamas is on notice. And then comes the big lie, Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister who just brought in Avigdor Lieberman and his Yisrael Beytenu Party into the coalition, is making the government more right leaning. Further is that Lieberman was given the Defense Minister position replacing the outgoing Moshe Ya’alon who was a force for moderation and a real moderate force in the government and would even take risks for peace. Lieberman could be characterized as the Israeli version of Donald Trump. It is always great if you can malign two people with a piece of superfluous information which has little if any validity or grounding in reality. Further, it will be intimated that Netanyahu had best make overtures and sacrifices for peace with Abbas for a number of reasons. First is that he would not want Hamas to come to power in Judea and Samaria (West Bank is the term they will use as the other actual names are too Jewish, especially Judea). This threat ignored the fact that making sacrifices for peace and granting Abbas rule over Gaza and removing the IDF completely from Gaza is exactly how Hamas came to power in Gaza. The reports will also omit that Hamas won the last elections for Arab Palestinian election for their Parliament and Abbas cancelled all further elections knowing that his position would also go to Hamas in any fair election or at best would remain with his Fatah Party but would elect Marwan Barghouti in his stead despite, or because of, Barghouti being imprisoned in Israel serving five life terms for his part in the murder by terror attack of five Jews out of the numerous murdered in his planned and carried out bombing and other terror strikes and not to mention the scores upon scores injured, many scarred and disabled for life.


Then, once Hamas has actually publically executed a small number of those whose executions are planned and while Hamas holds the remainder still subject for public execution, there will be European and United States State Department and President Obama all in coordination with the French initiative which will come from a French planned extravaganza presumably for restarting the “Peace Process” which have remained shattered from the last futile attempt. There will be no mention of the recognition and unity attempts between Hamas, Fatah, Abbas and the PA which forced the termination of the last initiatives. There will be no mention of all the offers for an Arab state that have been turned down since the Arab refusal to accept half the lands and share them with Israel from back in 1948 where instead Arab nations banded together to crush the newly formed Jewish State before they could assemble and arm a military force. The Arabs gained some territories, namely Gaza and Judea and Samaria, but failed to crush Israel who miraculously not only survived but also managed to keep parts of Jerusalem. This was made all the more miraculous when one realizes that the British left almost every fortified position of theirs fully armed and operational throughout much of what was to become Israel in Arab hands weighting the situation so far out of balance favoring the Arabs that it truly was a miracle that Israel managed to survive at all. Further, in their final few months the British attempted to find every “illegal” arms cache the Jews had been hiding using rifles and small arms they had manufactured and after confiscating these weapons and munitions such as bullets they were given to the Arab militias to use in the coming war against the Jews. In some ways this is more of the same reaching for any straw to destroy Israel.


The demands will come from Paris and be echoed at the United Nations headquarters in New York City and their Human Rights Council from Geneva as well as from numerous European governments and the European Union for Israel to immediately pull their IDF forces and all the “settlers” from beyond the Green Line and from East Jerusalem, an area where Israel had annexed into their capital city and granted a path to full citizenship to the Arabs residing within these areas, allowing for the formation of Palestine which is about to be formally recognized by the French, the European Union, the United Nations, a dozen or two European governments, Russia, China, almost every Arab and Muslim nation and almost every nation of the world with few exceptions making Israeli refusal tantamount to Israel declaring war on the world at large. This ultimatum is not only the world impinging on Israeli right to govern itself but also the world is reneging on every promise made at Oslo and numerous other peace efforts as the Israeli position was eroded on the international stage inch by infernal inch as the world continuously demanded concession after concession from Israel never demanding even a minimal compromise from Abbas all the while claiming it was Israel who would not sacrifice for peace despite the only side which ever sacrificed was Israel. There will be no mention that the BDS Movement (boycott, divestment, and sanction Israel) was invented and is run and financed out of Ramallah and the PA governance along with Fatah and the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization, another terror entity which is very similar in tactics and desires but is secular rather than religious based) with additional financial support from numerous Arab governments but disguised as a western grassroots pro-peace movement attempting to persuade Israel to return to the negotiating table and surrender totally to Abbas and the PA. They will claim that even if the Arabs were granted their right of return and took over Israel in an election due to sheer numbers that since Israel is now a multi-ethnic free nation with free speech, freedom of religion, free political actions, free and fair elections, freedom of the media and in every way an open society that the Jews would have nothing to fear should the Islamists take power as they would be restrained by Israeli law. Any bets on how fast Israeli law would become Sharia and every Jew rounded up and murdered where they stood? Still, there will be demands made for Israel to make a deal with Abbas before Hamas manages to replace him like Hamas could not replace him once Israel gives him rule over Judea and Samaria and pulls out completely just as was done in Gaza in August of 2005.


Then there will be the demands and counter points that Abbas is the only sane person and thus Israel must deal with him. Israel need choose immediately between Abbas and the PA or Hamas and it will be stressed how the two entities are at odds and would never cooperate even to kill every Israeli likely to include a large segment of the Arab population as they are viewed as apostates for remaining in, living in, voting in, working in, enjoying citizenship in, and enjoying every freedom in Israel and having more rights than any Arab has in any Arab nation while a full citizen of Israel. Another recent event that will also not be making these news reports is the story where “Israel intercepts weapons transfer from Judea to Gaza Strip”< the very day that Nickolay Mladenov, the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, has gone before the United Nations Security Council to report on the planned Hamas public executions setting in motion the next pressure Israel to surrender just a little more campaign to follow.


Rockets and Mortars Hidden Within Building Supplies Being Shipped from PA Controlled Hevron in Judea To Hamas in the Gaza Intended for Future Attacks on Israel

Rockets and Mortars Hidden Within Building Supplies
Being Shipped from PA Controlled Hevron in Judea
To Hamas in the Gaza Intended for Future Attacks on Israel


The reality is that Abbas and Hamas are playing good terrorist-bad terrorist against Israel with a full supporting cast of thousands if not millions. There has been an entire industry built up around forcing Israel to ever continuously surrender piece by piece to the Arabs. These nations could not care one whit about the conditions and freedoms for the Arabs because if they cared one shred there would have been no prolonged war destroying Syria. If anybody honestly cared about Arabs there would have been troops safeguarding Sunni from Shia and Shia from Sunni and the Kurds and Druze from the rest of Islam and lastly protections for the Sufi Muslims. The truth is that the only reason that there are any being concerned with the Palestinians is because they are the bludgeon with which the world will erase what they see as their largest of all errors, allowing the Jews, the Hebrews, returning and reclaiming their ancestral lands and from which to set up a nation which will lead the world in acts of moral fortitude and live as an example and a light unto the nations of the world. No, no, no, no, no, the world does not want to have any return of Israel as she has always been and will always be, the people who brought morality and freedom and the vital worth of the human being into the world starting with Abraham not sacrificing his son Isaac and being told that human sacrifice was immoral and unacceptable before Hashem. From that beginning began the greatest moral play the world had ever known and through the Hebrews and their relations with the Almighty, Hashem gave the world the Ten Commandments and a moral code upon which much of human civilization rests. The world has realized they have brought to fruition another of the prophetic promises that the Children of Israel would return home after near two thousand years of living at the whim and fancy of every world leader throughout human history. They became no longer Hebrews with a land to tend and preserve according to their covenant with Hashem, a covenant they disregarded with the most dire and severely tortuous punishments which would have destroyed a normal people. The Hebrews now cast to the winds by the Roman Empire and spread across the globe were rejected by nearly every nation in which they resided and were often hunted down, burned at the stake as heretics against the chosen religion of the lands in which they would reside, forced to convert or die practicing their religion in quiet solitude secretively, were imprisoned for learning Hebrew with which to read their holy Torah. The Jews became a people who were no longer bound by a land as all others remained a nation but instead were a nation bound by their law, Torah, and a longing that it would be next year in Jerusalem. The Jews are returning to their lands but still the world tries to renege on the promise of inviolable lands from the Jordan River all the lands to the Mediterranean Sea, a mere 22% of the promised Mandate exchanging the other 78% for the right to remain in that 22% which was placed as a guarantee by the British Crown, the League of Nations and by the United Nations in their Article 80 of the United Nations Charter.


Varied and Different Branches and Sects of Islam

Varied and Different Branches and Sects of Islam


The world is currently using Hamas to force Israeli hands into making further acts of contrition and sacrifices for a peace which Abbas cannot provide even had he so desired as he has built his right to office on the total destruction of Israel and the founding of Palestine only on the graves of the Jews and others in Israel. There is little which separates Abbas from Hamas. While Hamas is Islamist religious fanaticism, Fatah and thus the PA are nationalist Islamic fanaticism. They are as different as International Socialism and National Socialism and despite the European cleaving to the supposed vast difference between Fascism and Communism, they are in fact simply two forms of the same socialism with the sole difference being one portends to be the classless society ruled by the world at large while the other believes in a classless society sworn in its allegiance to the state with the power to transcend to ruling the world instead of their little corner which they were unfairly restricted. Either way you end up with a classless world society and the sole difference is who gets to be in the government and thus steal everything not nailed down from the classless people beneath their feet. The same is true of the two forces, Hamas in Gaza and Abbas in Judea and Samaria. The reality is that as soon as the PA can have the world force Israel to surrender all the lands east of the Green Line including East Jerusalem, Hamas will forcibly take over all of Judea and Samaria from Abbas who will immediately fortify himself in East Jerusalem, the reason here is why he insists that East Jerusalem be his capital city, and demand IDF protection before Hamas takes over East Jerusalem as well. Then, with East Jerusalem secured by the IDF from Hamas and with the entirety of former PA lands in Hamas’s hold, the terror war of rockets throughout Israel will soon begin. In the meantime, Abbas will begin agitating that it is completely unfair that he was cheated from representing the Arab Palestinians who are now languishing under Hamas rule. Well we will have to give him that one as that is true not that life under the PA is that much better. Now Abbas will start to claim that he is the rightful leader of the Arab population inside of Israel and will start demanding a state with guaranteed exchanges of Arab populations through Israel as if they do not have the right to travel from one Arab village to the next currently. There will be the next BDS and demands Israel forfeit lands to this new Arab entity which has been suppressed. The Europeans will immediately hold emergency sessions to recognize Abbas and his claim to be the true leader of Israeli Arabs. There will be demands that Israel allow parallel governing giving Abbas equal power to the Israeli Prime Minister and that can only end one way, a final war for the right to all the lands between the River and the Sea. That will be a horrific day in the history of Arab and Jew alike and neither will be the winner as both will lose and lose badly. The end result will depend on whether the Arab world is in any shape to come and join in the struggle to destroy the Jewish State. With sufficient support and all these places where troops can be positioned throughout Israel herself, there will be slaughters upon slaughters until the IDF takes control of the lands within the Green Line with the possible loss of Jerusalem initially. If the IDF does succeed in gaining their foothold on the heart and coast of Israel, then expect Israel to ignore the admonitions and condemnations which will assuredly be leveled against her and simply take that which is rightfully belonging to the Jewish State, the Jordan River to the Sea Israel will finally be free. Should the Arab world jump to support Hamas, as the PA will have ceased as an entity and their relations as the front group for Hamas will finally be revealed and the lies will finally be out in the open. That is where this latest good terrorist-bad terrorist is heading and Hamas are bad and Abbas is good, or is it Abbas is bad and Hamas is, no, that…


Beyond the Cusp


June 21, 2015

They Speak as if Somebody Will Care

Filed under: Act of War,Amalekites,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab Authority,Arab League,Arab World,Arabs,Army Chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi,Ban Ki-Moon,Bible,Children of G0d,Civilization,Commandments,Condolences,Conflict Avoidnce,Covenant,Coverup,Danny Danon,Defend Israel,Domestic NGOs,Druze,European Pressure,Fatah,Foreign Aid,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,General Assembly,International Politics,Intifada,Islam,Islamic Pressure,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Jerusalem,Jewish Heritage,Jewish Home,Jewish State,Jews,Jihad,Judea,King David,King Solomon,Leftist Pressures,Likud,Middle East,Murder Israelis,Muslim Brotherhood,Muslim World,Muslims,NGOs,Nonjudicial Assassination,Old Testament,One State Solution,Oslo Accords,Palestinian,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Pressures,Peace Process,Politicized Findings,Politics,President Sisi,Protect Citizenry,Response to Terrorism,Ron Prosser,Samaria,Saudi Arabian Pressure,Saudi Military,Second Temple,Secretary General,Secular Interests,Security,Settlements,Shooting,Somalia,South Sudan,Soviet Union,Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process,Sunni,Support Israel,Terror,Threat of War,Threat of War,Torah,Tradition,United Nations,United Nations Presures,United States,Victims,War of Independence,West Bank,World Opinion,World Pressures,World Without Zionism or America,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 2:08 AM
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This particular terrorist attack took the life of an Israeli, in this case twenty-five year old Danny Gonen, pictured below, while his friend who was accompanying him on their day trip was also shot at close range and is being treated at Tel Hashomer Hospital with gunshot wounds to his limbs and is expected to survive. As stated by Ambassador Prosor before the United Nations, which we will discuss more deeply below, the two young Israelis had just completed a trip to a nearby spring and were just leaving when an Arab flagged them down requesting assistance. It was as they stopped and were approached by an Arab asking them for water and as they were distracted reaching for their water that they were shot, Danny at point blank range mortally wounding the young Israeli. The attacker fled to a nearby Arab village and will likely be shielded by the occupants as the IDF begins an investigation seeking to locate the terrorist. We wish and pray for a quick recovery from his wounds for Mr. Gonen’s friend and for Hashem to comfort the family and friends of the diseased, Danny Gonen.


Danny Gonen was murdered in terror attack crafted by Arab Palestinian who flagged them down asking for a drink and then shooting both at close range resulting in Danny Gonen's death while his friend was also shot putting him into the hospital for treatment and recovery

Danny Gonen age 25 shot at point blank range murdered during Arab Palestinian who flagged him and a friend down asking for a drink. Danny Gonen’s friend remains hospitalized and will likely recover while Danny Gonen will be buried.



Responding to this horrific and meaningless shooting of two young Israelis, murdering one and hospitalizing the other, Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Ron Prosor gave a pointed speech in the General Assembly Main Hall of the United Nations to an indifferent audience, at least those who even bothered to attend and not simply walk out as many Ambassadors have been known to do when any Israeli Ambassador is allowed to speak; especially if the address comes the day after or close to another Arab Palestinian committed terrorist attack. Ambassador Prosor plainly stated Israel’s case, “on the eve of Shabbat, a Palestinian man shot two 25-year-old Israeli civilians at close range, killing one of them. The terrorist attracted the attention of his victims by asking for their assistance. When they approached to help him, the terrorist pulled a gun out of his bag and shot the two in cold blood. This terrorist took advantage of the compassion of these young men to commit this heinous crime.” Additionally, Ambassador Prosor pointed out the fact that this act of vicious, violent, horrific, premeditated cold terrorism was not any form of “cycle of violence,” as so many from around the world; from government leaders, spokespersons, NGOs, United Nations Agency representatives and Islamic institutions claim; but was as Ron Prosor called the situation responsible for, “These violent acts are ignited by the constant incitement by the Palestinian leadership. Instead of leading their people towards peace, these leaders are leading the whole area into instability.” Further, Ambassador Ron Prosor fired off a scalding letter to the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon, and the UN Security Council, urging that the UN abandon its “so-called balanced response that is calling on both sides to show restraint.” Ambassador Prosor pressed further that, “During this period of Ramadan, Israel has taken steps to reduce tensions, removing restrictions in order to allow Palestinians to celebrate, and enjoy maximum freedom of movement for the holiday prayers.” He pointedly exclaimed that the international community had a special obligation to “insist that the Palestinians prevent violence, and refrain from inciting emotions during this sensitive period.”


In Israel we are expecting absolutely no positive actions or other responses from any corner of the globe as past history has taught us unfortunate lesson that only Palestinian lives matter to much of the world. We realize things that Ambassador Prosor must refrain from ever stating as should he actually speak the truth too forcefully, too explicitly, too poignantly, then he would face aggravated, heated and personally hurtful accusations and denouncements while excuses would be presented glorifying the murder of one Israeli and complain that the other ‘oppressor’ was surviving the military operation, as much of the world believes that any Palestinian murdering an Israeli is justified and to be honored and protected from Israeli oppressive enforcement of what Israel denotes as acts of terror and too many across the globe believe are honorable acts towards the liberation of the land from the occupying colonizers. What is the sole thing which does upset Zionist and nationalist Israelis are the Israeli Jewish run and named NGOs who join with those from the uncouth in the world who denounce Israel for producing the situation which presumably drove this Arab Palestinian to the point where in his desperation he committed this action, an action the extreme leftist accept as the result of the ‘settlements’ and other Israeli improprieties and often instigate Arab Palestinian protests often turning them into riots and other violence targeting Israeli IDF or other security positions in efforts to provoke a reaction from the soldier that they catch on camera where they edit out the violence of the riot and replace it with films showing a peaceful protest tying the two together in a damning presentation. What is irresponsible is the infinitesimal amount of verifying performed on these propaganda films which are almost unilaterally taken at face value and considered to be accurate to the finest detail. It is the readiness around the world to accept any damning evidence or even rumor which is immediately considered the gospel truth as the people accept everything as a confirmation of their thoughts of the Jews as evil by their nature and only capable of acts of random and unprovoked violence at any moment. It is this belief which allows the world to accept any act of terrorist violence as deserved.


We can once again witness the celebrations of this brutal and craven act throughout many of the Arab towns and cities in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. There may even be some of the Arab enclaves within the Israeli Green Line, the demarcation of the ending positions of Israel’s first war of annihilation started by seven nation’s armies the morning of her declaration of statehood, an act which so many desired making temporary, that is until the Arab forces believe they have finally gained the upper hand and once again launch their assault from the same borders as in 1967. What is amazing is setting this Green Line as the Israeli borders is supported by Israeli friends and foes alike and even to such who have earned the title of fiend such as Mahmoud Abbas, Khaled Meshaal, Ismael Haniyeh, Saeb Erekat and some others who are responsible for so much of the torturous relations and the refusal to make any peace which would leave even a single building in Tel Aviv as Jewish. Some, like Hamas, would not be satisfied to force every last Israeli Jew to be wading out into the Mediterranean Sea towards many waiting boats where they would tour the world being refused entry by every nation, with some sending their remnants of what had been a thriving Jewish community ejected to board those very same boats in a permanent limbo until every Jew was forced from what had been their family homelands for as much as two thousand years with some being even longer. Such treatment should be expected as the story has been the same for longer than most people’s histories are traceable; the Jewish people’s history is traceable as the Hebrew Bible and numerous other writings spanning both good times and bad relating the history of the Jews going back three-thousand-plus years to the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt. Placing longevity aside, the Jewish history starts a mere thousand years before Christianity was born during the Roman Occupation and based on the preaching and life of Jesus and the writings collected in the New Testament and seventeen-hundred years before the founding of Islam based on the life and visions of Mohammad which were collected and make up the Koranic verses. The Roman Occupation was a seminal point in Jewish history as they were responsible for the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, the dispersal of the Jews across the face of the Roman Empire in an attempt to destroy the Jewish People and for the name Syria Palaestina in an attempt to erase any Jewish ties to the Holy Lands just as Palestine, term derived from the Roman distinction, is attempting to accomplish today and which is why the nation of Israel rid itself of ties to that name which was a reminder of the evils of the Roman rule.


The founding of Israel and its survival through the near two years of war resisting, even, if unable to fully repulse, the assault by the combined forces of seven Arab national armies aided by numerous militias including one made up of Arabs who had been the Jews’ neighbors, some of whom waited for the troops to pass their seemingly peaceful villages only to then follow and make a rear assault to coincide with the Jewish engagement with Arab forces from the front thus forcing the Israelis to fight many battles from two fronts, one was their engaging of actual armies with all the resources one might expect from an established army and the other a well-armed militia closing in from the rear. This was the practice which led to the Jewish and other forces supporting the survival of the formation of Israel to force those Arab towns and sectors of cities which could not be vouched for as friendly to be either sent to a camp for the duration. There had already been a mass exodus of Arabs who fled their farms, towns, cities, enclaves and neighborhoods taking positions behind the Arab armies engaging the Jews and their allied fighters for their lives and very survival because a loss would have meant another annihilation, this time on the soil of our native soil, a risk many Jews gladly made. The aim of that assault on May 15, 1948 was an assault with the intent to drive the Jews into the sea or to murder every last Jew found after Arab victory was secured. That was thwarted as the Jewish forces fought the Arab armies to a standstill initially and then began pushing them from the Jewish lands which made up Israel west of the Jordan River. Once the Jewish forces had started to make gains and appeared to be defeating the opposing forces the United Nations at the request of the British, Americans and the Arab League to impose an end to the fighting, thus bringing an end to the war which for all intents and purposes had been being fought since the imposition of the British Mandate and the idea of forming a Jewish State between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea was an anathema to the Arabs as they firmly believed that all the lands which had formerly been a part of the Ottoman Empire were supposed to be sacredly kept in Arab Muslim hands and guaranteed by Allah. To allow a Jewish State in the heart of the Middle East was beyond acceptable and must be erased even before it starts. This is part of the reason for the riots by the Arabs against the Jews starting in the early 1920s and continuing right up to the official founding of the Jewish State of Israel. From that point the fight was joined by the armies from over a half dozen Arab Nations with the blessings of the Arab League and were supposed to slaughter every last Jew casting their lifeless bodies into the Sea. As the Jews and their few Arab allies as well as some of the other tribal units including many of the Druze halted the advancement and began to back the Arab armies back across the Jordan River, into Lebanon, onto the Golan Heights, back into the Sinai Peninsula and Egyptian lands and out of Jerusalem, a major task left unfinished as time ran out approximately one year three months and so many days into 1949 and which had officially been declared as intent by the combined forces of the Arab League starting for them on November 30, 1947. The Arab countries signed armistice agreements with Israel in 1949, starting with Egypt (Feb. 24), followed by Lebanon (March 23), Jordan (April 3) and Syria (July 20). Iraq was the only country that did not sign an agreement with Israel, choosing instead to withdraw its troops and hand over its sector to Jordan. The rapid placing of a deadline soon after Israel was gaining the upper-hand was something which was to be repeated throughout Israeli history and up to and including the present. The intent of every move made even by those considered as the closest of friends to Israel almost as if aiding those seen as Israel’s enemies who are pushing the return to the 1967 Lines, just as President George W. Bush based and pushed with the Roadmap to Peace and as President Barack Obama has adamantly held as sacrosanct from day one and was a centerpiece of his infamous Cairo speech which was seen to also empower the Muslim Brotherhood and being chiefly responsible for their rise to power in Egypt only to be overthrown by the people and the military and the election of General Sisi as Egyptian President forcing him to surrender his military career and once again placing a military leader at the helm of Egypt.


These facts are important because within hours there will be those, even including some foreign funded Israeli NGOs such as Adalah, Itijah, and the Israeli Committee against House Demolitions and others including the New Israel Fund (NIF) which is utilized by numerous nations and is a darling getting billions of dollars from leftist Jews in the United States, many of whom voted for President Obama twice and agree that Jerusalem should be shared with any Palestinian State which is formed and claim that if Israel would just sacrifice and offer the Palestinian a deal that they would perceive as just and fair then peace would break out and flowers bloom ending wars in every corner of the world and proving the leftist blame Israel firsters to have been right all along. What they refuse to realize, let alone believe, is that in reality the only deal Mahmoud Abbas, like Yasser Arafat before him, would accept is the turnover of the entirety of the state of Israel and while most of the Jews would be permitted to seek refuge wherever they were offered sanctuary, there would be those seen as the most adamant Zionists and members of the IDF, present and past and largely commanders, be turned over to the Palestinians to be tried for war crimes and then promptly executed as a message to all Jews to never return to Eretz Yisroel as it is now and will forever be part of Dar al-Islam. The real question would be where would those Jews who were amongst the nearly one million Jews rejected from their homes across the Arab and Muslim worlds and their descendants go to take refuge? There is absolutely no possibility their former home nations while they were in the Diaspora would ever accept them. Further, where would those Jews who either escaped or were allowed to emigrate from the Soviet Union and from Russia after the fall be permitted to reside. Finally, there is Europe where there would be massive violent protests and quite possibly pogroms forcing the remaining Jews from their homes and sending them to live with their kind on this floating nation, and that is quite likely what the ships would eventually come, the world’s first floating city (assuming Atlantis was an Island and not a floating city which got tired of humanity and simply pulled up the earthly anchor chains and fled to greener, or maybe not so much greener but some other color, say golden color like wheat pastures.


As has been noted here before, there will be only one solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict, the eradication of one group from the lands west of the Jordan River, south and west of the Golan Heights, potentially including the Druze enclaves north of Mount Hermon, very possibly, depending on the actions from Hezballah and whether their efforts continue against Israel and thus require a definitive and defendable border which rivers provide, south of the Litani River in Lebanon and including all the Christians and Druze who cared to become Israeli citizens, an offer that should be given a set date after which it will be too late, and along the Gaza and Sinai Desert borders with the Negev Desert including the retention of Eilat and all of Jerusalem with liberal allowances for Arabs and all others to visit the Temple Mount for prayer or simply to visit the Holy Sites. Israel has proven over the years to offer and protect religious freedoms and has many such minorities as members of the Israeli Knesset, the parliamentary body which is chosen to rule over Israel. Gaza can remain as it is providing that there are no, zero, rockets fired into Israel and further there be no infiltrations through tunnels and other entry devices or deceptions. Any Judean or Samarian Palestinians desiring to remain under Palestinian rule can be relocated to Gaza as the concentrations of people which provide pictures to back up the Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others’ claims are the only places so overcrowded. Much of Gaza is farmland which is why the Hamas and Islamic Jihad demand open borders for the farmers to sell their goods and pay confiscatory taxes to finance terrorism and the lifestyles of their rich and infamous leadership. A map showing the population densities across all of the Gaza Strip is below. The reality is that nowhere in the world can the over six-million and rising Jews be quartered as Europe would simply turn them away and the United States would do the same as each governor would refuse to allow such an influx as such would be interpreted as a complete change in the state’s economy as almost anything the Israelis, known as start-up nation around the world, would produce would be additive to the Alaskan economy, but even that positive note would likely cause a drastic alteration in the Alaskan demographics and then there would be the problem of retaining them in Alaska as many speak fluent English and actually came from the United States and retain their United States Passport (it comes in handy if one desires to see the pyramids). So, even the United States would likely have cold feet when facing this dire situation and putting such a question to the people would likely put on display the ugly realities of anti-Semitism, giving it a venue to be on display for the world to see, and if Jews who had been deposed and deprived of their homelands were to need to find refuge the world would very quickly become a very dangerous place to be Jewish. The masks would be removed and any residual or other ugliness and would rear its grotesque head for all to see and the mobs of what had been normal citizens the day before would turn on the American Jews likely expunging them from within the society carrying out the first American purification pogrom expelling the Jews from their midst and adding another five and a half million plus Jews onto the boats to join their dispossessed brethren. It would not be a pretty site nor would anybody desire to step forth and offer a solution with approaching twelve million Jews into its hinterlands where they could guard and protect these lands and all the inhabitants therein, especially the those threatened beasts, such as all are given a chance to thrive. The other potential ending is that should Iran become a nuclear power, they would most likely provide Hamas and/or Hezballah with a device knowing full well it would be deployed in Israel. These are dangerous and perilous times made all the more so as there exists no force countering the evils being perpetrated while America sleeps. Be worried, very worried, should she wake to view the evils and wayward actors strewn from pillar to post attempting to impose their will all in the hope that America continues to be transfixed only on her bottom line. The economy is about to change and the job market with it as robotic units can be made more lifelike and replace workers, especially at repetitive tasks. This high unemployment future is just around the corner and it will have a great impact on life in every corner of the job market. As Bob Dylan sang, “The World she is a-changin’.”


Gaza population density map also available @;_ylt=AwrB8pInghRUV1oAFCSJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTIya2NmM2t0BHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZANiNTAzMDZhY2ViNWM3ODE3ZTYzZjNjMDIwOGRjNWI1YgRncG9zAzQEaXQDYmluZw--?

Display shows large open areas with little population where Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other combatants could operate without threat to the population.


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