Beyond the Cusp

September 13, 2016

The Blindness of the Western Public and Society


The good news is there have been some recent indications that a remote few are waking up and the screaming core of those sounding the alarm has finally begun to gain some traction. The bad news is the other side has a near twenty year head start in getting their inroads into our societies and they have made great strides in controlling central institutions which will shape our future. They have implanted their operatives in libraries and specialized in approving and purchasing new books and magazines. They have infiltrated positions approving school books for social sciences, social studies and government studies classes. In all these cases they have blocked any books whose maps do not include Palestine and if possible they choose those who replace Israel with Palestine erasing the Jewish State entirely. They choose books which favorably speak of Islam as a modern and progressive religion which is understanding, open and pluralistic and has established communities where freedom of religion is practiced and women are protected and live lives with privilege and rights to control their own bodies.


They have also infiltrated politics at some surprising levels and places including a close aide and trusted advisor to one of the candidates for President of the United States who could become the leader of the free world in January of 2017 should they win in the November balloting. The infiltration of the influences of Islam is not restricted to a single party though it has taken a stronger foothold in one as theirs is a much more attractive medium for influence to grab hold if it is presented with the promise of greater control over the public leading eventually to totalitarian hold by the party most connected to this influence. This is what Islam has promised to all political parties in the West but for reasons which to many who understand Islam appears counter intuitive. The most leftist parties have been the ones adopting and inviting Islamic influences seeking the promise of future greatness and expansive power base leading to permanent controlling election results placing them firmly in control of every lever of power. This is the identical chimera which was the attraction of the socialist, may we even say communist, accepted levels of influence some might claim compromised their standing as representing a true American political view for the future. Trading your core principles to the highest bidder who promises a future of complete and unopposable political control for the foreseeable future is un-American in its own right. Any compromise of the Constitutional guarantees, especially the Bill of Rights, is an unacceptable position for any political entity which portends to represent the American public. As it has been established firmly by numerous academic studies, Sharia is absolutely incompatible with any democratic system of governance including a constitutional democratic republic which is the basis for the governance of the United States under the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights (first Ten Amendments to the Constitution which the states demanded before they agreed to ratification). Any political party compromising such rights and the basic underpinnings of the founding spirit of the United States should be rejected by the public immediately when such becomes evident. Unfortunately such a response from the public is completely dependent on the media reporting honestly, forthrightly, and giving in depth inspection and bordering interrogation of all involved routing out any and all suspicions of errant political influences, especially any foreign influences. This is also not happening for reasons not yet discernable other than much of the mainstream media having political views paralleling those of the afflicted party.


The growing influence of Islam is due to their intelligent and determined use of the freedoms of the United States and the cluelessness of much of the media. They report every insistence by the plethora of civic Islamic institutions complaints of Islamophobia and verbal insults of Islam almost weekly if not daily. These reports never follow up that there was no validity or guilt found when the complaints are investigated, though the media is ever ready to report the next cry of Islamophobia. Reporting these cries has become the new favorite cry of racism against the average American and the public at large and many in the media love nothing more than to sink their teeth into how uncouth and uneducated the average American can be shown to exhibit by which the media can then prance using their written lines to sound erudite and thus prove their superior understanding and higher reasoning and educations making them worldly and knowing and nothing brings this to the fore more than the racist label being thrown around. Islamophobia is just such a cry which portrays Americans as rabidly xenophobic, uneducated, narrow-minded and overly patriotically nationalistic. Such an opportunity for pontificating the overly judgmentalism and rejection of a strange and relatively new religion in the United States and to quote President Obama, “it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.” This parallel was simply too juicy to be rejected by the holier than the society as a whole media. With such an echo chamber, is it any wonder that every askance glance or sideways look is immediately blown into a report of extreme insult to Islam and another extreme case of Islamophobia. Make no mistake, these screams are a well thought out plan to get preferential treatment and allow Islam to be considered a complete “hands-off” with respect to any suspicions or accusations allowing for all such occurrences to be ignored allowing Islam to have a dominant position against all other religions and interests, including those of preserving freedoms in America including freedom of speech and freedom of religion and mark our words, those are the first targets of Islam in order to make Islam the only religion, Allah the only god and Muhammad his messenger and perfect male role model.


Europe has had a somewhat more violence prone result from their allowing “refugees” from Syria to resettle in their nations. They soon find that these “Syrian refugees” are actually from Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Iraq, Yemen, Libya and other Islamic nations from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). These “refugees” are mostly unaccompanied males between the ages of fifteen and forty or fifty, fighting age single men without wives, children or any family as far as can be determined. Yes there are some groups where women and children are included and these rarities somehow manage to be the sole figures that many media photographers are able to find and often are treated as the standard representatives of the refugees allowing media to report a pretty picture of family struggles to survive the horrors of the different warring factions. Many of the presumed refugees claim their real reason for coming to Europe was to collect the generous government benefits and spread Islam conquering Europe, but do not wait for many of these interviews to be reported in your nightly news. Germany had an eruption of sexual harassment and attacks on New Year’s Eve 2015-6 at any number of main train stations in city centers. These attacks angered many Germans and not just as reported simply right-wing xenophobic fascist nationalist extremists but many from the general public as was evident from the size and appearance of the crowds protesting (see picture below).


German Citizens Protesting Immigrant Criminal Attacks Largely Sexual Molestations of Women at Numerous Train Stations on New Year’s Eve 2015-2016
German Citizens Protesting Immigrant Criminal Attacks Largely Sexual Molestations of Women at Numerous Train Stations on New Year’s Eve 2015-2016

German Citizens Protesting Immigrant Criminal Attacks Largely Sexual Molestations of Women at Numerous Train Stations on New Year’s Eve 2015-2016

German Citizens Protesting Immigrant Criminal Attacks
Largely Sexual Molestations of Women at Numerous
Train Stations on New Year’s Eve 2015-2016


Germany has not been the only place facing violence as France has had a number of terrorist strikes including a deadly well-planned and executed military assault on Paris striking a number of public venues including a night club, a soccer stadium and other spots across the city. Later in the year there was an attack on a small parish church in the Normandy where they murdered Father Jacques Hamel cutting his throat in front of parishioners during the mass service. We covered this in our article on this heinous act in the article How Many Innocents Must Die? There have been numerous other incidents of terror attacks throughout Europe as well as all the turmoil and wars stretching across the MENA nations. Where this will end is anybody’s guess and how it will end will depend on how the Western National Public reacts and whether they will believe their freedoms and rights are worthy of being defended or whether they will simply allow Islam to trample their freedoms, history and colonize them as Islam has already done in their conquest of the entirety of MENA and beyond with this simply what some have identified as Islam’s third offensive against Europe and Western values. The first two were stopped and pushed back, whether this assault will also be repulsed remains to be seen. With many politicians already capitulating if not joining the wrong side and much of the media not reporting these attacks and the claims of Islamophobia are all part of the same assault upon Western society, nothing less. Will the Western nations reaffirm their Judeo-Christian history and realize its centrality to their modern lives and freedoms and how without the continued Judeo-Christian identity and a return to their religious identities and renew their faith the probability is they will fall and Islam will triumph bringing their dream of world domination one huge step closer. Will the Western World renew their belief in Hashem or fall before Allah. The two are not equal or the same, they are not different names for the same Deity. Hashem, the Judeo-Christian Deity, is the G0d of Abraham, Isaak, and Jacob while Allah is the deity of Abraham, Ishmael and Muhammad. Very different even if that might appear a minor difference, it is not. Is the history of the Western World about to end and be subsumed by Islam where all previous history before the conquest by Islam will be voided and soon cease to exist being supplanted by a new Islamic history.


Beyond the Cusp


September 19, 2015

The Walking Peril Facing Europe


Yesterday we inundated readers with videos of the different rioters, the Arab youths, the anti-immigrant demonstrators and the old battle of Turks and Kurds now transgressing into Europe. We were depicting the violence from all sides being perpetrated in these collisions of calamities and diametrically opposing factions from Syrians seeking life away from the horrors of a nation collapsing in violence, nationalists demanding these invaders be repulsed, and factions from the Middle East still bearing their grudges hundreds of miles from their natural and contested battle-grounds. We will save you from the videos and leave that up to you. If one desires, you can search the web at your own leisure. Instead let us discuss exactly what these events could bring about in Europe and what would need to happen to make Syria even remotely safe for the refugees to return to their homes and participate in rebuilding a nation torn asunder. Then there is the one question which none of us can truly answer, what would have to transpire to entice these refugees to return to their homes and begin rebuilding their nation? That last question will be the turning point in this continuing disaster. In all of the articles I have read the one item which leaps forth is the lack of any scenario where the Syrian refugees would return to Syria and take part in the rebuilding. The other item which has thrown a wrench into the idea that ending the violence in Syria and Iraq would also end the refugee flood into Europe are the numbers of refugees found to be coming from places such as Afghanistan, Pakistan and other places from the Middle East. Other items are that these throngs from the Middle East are just the refugees from one direction while there is in existence another entire stream of refugees coming from North Africa and beyond such as from Libya, Algeria, Sudan, South Sudan, Nigeria, Somalia and other places from the horn of Africa to central Africa and all points north making their way across the Mediterranean Sea in attempts to land in Italy, Greece, France, Sicily or any other of the nations with beaches on the Mediterranean Sea. The one thing which is for certain is that there is no singular solution to all of these separate and diverse origins of these refugees and their disparate routes into Europe and their preferred destinations.


What is quickly obvious is that there is no singular origin of the refugees streaming into Europe. With threats, or promises, by al-Qaeda, Islamic State, Hezballah and even Iranian undercover terror proxies who also train, establish and coordinate terror forces worldwide of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) to insert their own agents in order to foment terror and other subversive actions; a large part of their plans are to organizing cells for terror purposes and the organizing of Islamic forces across Europe with the intention of changing local laws and setting up Islamic governance throughout the areas the refugees are settling. It is as many of the rioting refugees have been screaming at security personnel, military forces and police that they are there to have the Quran to swallow the Bible. Where many Europeans may not find such a threat as anything which will change their lifestyles and interfere with their secular, religion free lives as they believe that their secularist freedom from religion will be sufficient to prevent any religious intentions from the Islamists. The one item which is threatened is how the world map might look should Islam, especially extreme Islamists take root and control of Europe making one hemisphere look like the map below.



Arab and Muslim World After the Islamization of Europe except for Switzerland and Israel in Red Both Standing Against any Islamic Assault or Tide



This refugee flood into Europe needs to be treated not as accommodating people stripped of their normal lives by a civil war and simply seeking a better place to restart their lives but as what this is, an invasion in force. Many of us are familiar with the Hamas practice of surrounding their fighters with women and children to protect them or their militarily strategic sites with human shields against Israel and how they will place their civilians in the direct line of fire simply to get as many murdered as a consequence of their launching of hostilities as they can then parlay the photos, even if they must invent such horrors, to the media and make Israel appear heartless and as simply murderers of small children, older women or targeting schools or homes. Hamas has been proven to have their own rockets misfire and strike a hospital and then claim it was Israeli artillery and have the mainstream media immediately demand an explanation from Israel for their atrocity of striking a hospital. This will result in the accusation of Israel targeting a hospital to circulate world-wide before the truth is produced which demands but a correction buried deep inside the paper leaving the headlines as believable. The same is about to be used in a slightly different manner against European nations as the refugees including the terror plants stream across Europe and are eventually placed in receiving camps and guarded. Once the invasion hits a snag such as the use of stadiums or camps which still exist from World War II to house the streaming refugees, it will provide their media savvy cameras to take pictures of their suffering and the horrific side of their apparent captivity.


Europe is about to meet what in Israel is called Pallywood and is where the Arabs make fake pictures which are sold to the media networks as fact despite the entire scene being manufactured just as the one below was manufactured. The below video about the “Martyrs’ Junction” as covered by 60 Minutes amongst others but the reality is something entirely different than the mainstream media reported. The reason is the Pallywood Production fits the Israel and settlers are evil murderous despicable monsters murdering innocent Arab children while they aided the brave resistance fighters against the massive might of the Israeli war machine. The truth is a bit different and so is what is going down across Europe as the invasion by human wave flooding their cities will eventually employ these tactics if they have not already began filming and giving the world media the unchecked facts they are seeking and desire so completely. Here again we will include this one example but a search for videos using simply “Pallywood” as your search term will supply one with almost uncountable examples taken from across a wide area from before Jenin to the present.





There will be some interesting reactions now that the Europeans will very possibly be facing the same tactics which have plagued Israel for the past thirty to forty years replete with faked videos, sobbing testimonies of injurious infractions, accusations of mistreatment, and eventually the elation as freedom fighters self-detonate in pizza shops, fast food restaurants, train stations, soccer matches, discothèques, bus stations and wherever throngs of Europeans can be targeted. Then there will be the media ever ready to suggest that the Europeans had simply drawn such attacked upon themselves and if only they had worked longer and harder on preparing these refugees to fit seamlessly into European society and respect for the Judeo-Christian ethics, which other than being the launching point for numerous wars in Europe, has been the cornerstone of the European society and eventual superiority and gaining the European colonial powers with the tools to spread their influence over much of the world. The presumed colonial possession of the nations of Middle East and North Africa (MENA) has been alleged to be over what had to be centuries upon centuries robbing these nations of their free will and oppressing their religious lives and all else which the Europeans were not suitably set to understand, let alone rule any Islamic lands. Of course the European colonial period over the nations which make up the MENA block were under Ottoman Empire rule until the end of World War I on November 11, 1918 to the mid-1940s up to around nineteen-sixty-nine which means that at the most the nations of MENA spent under half a century under European rule. Before the Ottoman Empire there was the original Caliphate with the Byzantine before them and Rome proceeded by Greece and Persia on back into the deep past. The entire timeline and explanation can be found on out article Who were the colonizers of MENA Pre-World War I?


Perhaps this influx of refugees may change the European love for everything and anything from the BDS movement incriminating against Israel as they have in the past. Sometimes having the shoe on the other foot, namely your own foot, brings an entirely different perspective and appreciation for things that were once so cut and dry. Now that the eerily creepy and sickening pictures can now be placed on the newspaper front pages, the opening story on the nightly news and the main subject on countless political talk show where this one picture from yesterday could send a very different perspective as those pictured in the foreground are the victims of violence perpetrated presumably by European police or Border Patrol Military Special Forces. This image is simply something which could just as easily have been used against Israel displaying it as the result of Israeli Security Forces overreacting on this unfortunate man except it occurred from a standoff in the streets of central Europe.



Border Jumping Refugees Security Police and Bleeding Father with Child Holding Tight



These sorts of images will begin to be common should the Europeans not find solutions which even the most strident Islamist finds acceptable. The problem with such a solution is that it will require a complete surrender from the nations occupied by the refugees. Their first and most important influence is to get themselves qualified and able to vote in elections as that is the initial striking point, electing from their own ranks. Once they can place their people in strategic jobs such as school boards, land management and zoning, as well as the Parliament, be it national or city-wide or any other susceptible; eventually, once the Arab Muslims reach a certain level of power, they will take complete control over an area. This is an invasion which has as its central theme to take the heartlands of Europe by population bombs placed carefully throughout Europe. This war by attrition has an excellent chance for success simply by sending human wave after human wave and conquering Europe without ever firing a single shot. This is exactly what the “Right of Return” for the Arab Palestinians is all about, drowning Israel under a flood of refugees presumably who are the offspring of the Arabs who fled or were driven out due to their attempts to assist by forming a fifth column to attack the Israeli Defense Forces from behind when they were engaged by the Arab armies in May of 1948. Many Arab Palestinians were ready to answer the call to drive the Jews into the Sea as the Mufti of Jerusalem has claimed would be their complete annihilation. In all too many ways what is beginning to happen in Europe will surpass similar attempts used against Israel and only time will tell what the final verdict will be when it is rendered. Currently things look rather bleak for Europe, the once proud and central power that colonized much of the world for a brief period.


Beyond the Cusp



August 7, 2015

Obama May Have His Deal but Who Will Inherit His War

Filed under: 24/7 News Reporting,Act of War,Administration,Agency France Press,al-Qaeda,Alawite,Amalekites,Ansar Bayt al Maqdis,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Ayatollah Khamenei,Ayatollahs,Bab-el-Mandeb,Bashir al-Assad,Benyamin Netanyahu,Binding Resolution,Blood Libel,Breakout Point,Calaphate,Caliphate,Caliphate,Chemical Weapons,China,Chinese Pressure,Chlorine Gas,Civilization,Condemning Israel,Conflict Avoidnce,Congress,Consequences,Covert Actions,Coverup,Czech Republic,Defend Israel,Dhimmi,Druze,Ease Sanctions,Economic Sanctions,Economy,Egypt,EMP Device,Equal Treatment,Equality,Eritria,Europe,European Governments,European Media,European Pressure,European Union,Executive Order,Financial Crisis,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,Foreign Trade,France,Gaza,Germany,Golden Age of Islam,Government,Government Controlled Media,Great Britain,Greece,Hamas,Hassan Rowhani,Hate,Hezballah,Hezballah,History,Holy Cities,ICBM,Immortals,Inteligence Report,Internal Pressures,International Politics,Iran,Iranian Military,Iranian Pressure,Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps,Iraq,Iraqi Military,IRGC,ISIS,Islam,Islam,Islamic Jihad,Islamic Pressure,Islamic State,Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham,Israel,Israeli Interests,Jerusalem,Jewish Leadership,Jewish State,Jews,Jihad,Kurdish Militias,Kurdistan,Kurds,Kuwait,Lebanese Army,Lebanon,Leftist Pressures,Mainstream Media,Mecca,Media,Media Bias,Medina,Middle East,Military Intervention,Military Option,Mohammad-Rezā Pahlavi,Munich Accord of 1938,Murder Americans,Murder Israelis,Muslim Brotherhood,Muslim World,Muslims,Myth,Nazi,Neville Chamberlain,Nuclear Program,Nuclear Sites,Nuclear Weapons,Nuclear Weapons,P5+1,Pentagon,Persia,Persians,Peshmerga Militias,Plutonium Production,Politicized Findings,Politics,President for Life,President Obama,Prime Minister,Promised Land,Quds Force,Quran,Remove Sanctions,Roman Empire,Russia,Russian Pressure,Saddam Hussein,Sanctions,Saudi Military,Secular Interests,Shah,Sharia,Shiite,Smiling Cheshire Man,Somalia,Strong Sanctions,Sudan,Suez Canal,Sunni,Supreme Leader,Syria,Syrian Military,Taqiyya,Terminal War,Terror,The Twelfth Imam,Threat of War,Threat of War,Turkey,Twelvers,United Nations,United Nations Presures,United States,United States Pressure,Uranium Enrichment,Wahabbists,War,Weapons of Mass Destruction,Western World,Winston Churchill,WMD,World Media,World Opinion,World Pressures,World War I,World War II,World War III,World Without Zionism or America,Yemen,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 2:22 AM
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Thanks to the economic and other sanctions which have hobbled the Iranian economy to the point, about eighteen months ago, it resembled a dying man crawling on his belly in tattered pants and the shreds of his shirt, shoes scuffed to the point that their original color was indistinguishable and two vultures already discussing which would get which of the choicest remains, had Iran at the brink of civil revolt. That was when President Obama held back door negotiations where he released some of the most effective of the sanctions which brought the distant oasis to the parched lips of the Iranian economy saving them to make the better deal. It is that deal President Obama, the hero of the Iranians government, is claiming is the best deal and the only option outside of war. But is this claim of peace in our time really just peace for a while in our time? The comparisons between the Munich Accords of 1938 and now President Obama is desperately seeking the same adulation for this close relative to another situation of a nation spreading its tentacles and preparing for war and barely even concealing their arming and their aspirations which have been laid out in writing. The desires for world conquest and the elimination of the Jewish People was laid out step for step by Adolph Hitler in Mein Kampf and the Iranian Shiites (and also the Sunnis just to be fair and even; after all we would not want to take sides now, would we?) in the Quran and the Hadiths where the world is divided between ‘Dar al-Islam’ (Arabic: دار الإسلام‎) which translates to House of Islam and ‘Dar al-Harb’ (Arabic: دار الحرب) which translates to House of War. The followers of Islam are instructed to continue their struggle to spread their religion until it becomes the only religion practiced anywhere in the world. There are many Muslims residing in Western nations who refute any charges that Islam is to be spread ‘by the sword’ should more passive means prove unproductive and there remain some who adamantly refuse to accept Islam which is simply intolerable.


Then there is the Islamic State which has denuded entire cities and swaths of lands in which they have taken control of those who practiced any religion other than not only Islam but their very narrowly defined version of Sunni Islam. The marauders of the Islamic State may have been the Junior Varsity in the eyes of United States President Obama but are anything but the Junior Varsity when it comes to torture and coming up with ever more imaginative ways to ever more slowly murder their victims making sure that they suffered the most mental anguish, even if not the maximum pain, as they progressed from beheadings to burning alive to slowly being lowered in a steel cage into water to drown victims and other horrors and then posted their murderous ways using them as some form of sick recruiting tool. What is even more disturbing are the numbers of those who have rushed from across Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and the rest of the Western World to join the Islamic State. The only productive news concerning Iran is they oppose the Islamic State and desire to eliminate this horror from the world. But then one must ask themselves, is replacing the Islamic State horrors with Iranian, Syrian and Hezballah horrors really a step in the right direction or simply replacing one murderous and fearsome army turned government with another murderous government using its army.


These are the leaders of a nation of approximately seventy-eight-million-five-hundred-thousand largely Shia Muslims of which the vast majority are what are referred to as “Twelvers” with the remainder of the population being also largely Muslims following Sunni Islam. The remaining under one-percent of Iranians follows the following religions in order from largest to least; Bahá’í, Gnostic, Christian, Yarsanism, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, and least but with a very nice Synagogue, the Yusef Abad synagogue in Tehran pictured below, Judaism. Interestingly, there are more Jews of Iranian heritage residing in the United States than remain in Iran which according to the 2011 Iranian census stated this threatened populations of Jews at eight-thousand-seven-hundred-fifty-six souls the majority spread between merely ten families, six of them related by marriage. There are those who inflate the numbers of Jews remaining in Iran to over one-hundred-thousand largely in an attempt to portray Iran as an accepting nation granting equal rights to non-Muslims despite the fact that the minorities walk quietly and taking care to be aware of their surroundings at all times and making sure to keep their heads bowed and their gaze fixates on the ground before them and to never under any circumstance stare any Shiite Muslim in the eyes and to always speak in hushed tones speaking in slow and respectful manners and subservient language never to sound challenging or to ever, ever appear as an equal lest one be reported to the police for such an affront and pay the price for challenging their superiors. There is a very good and solid description of life in Iran since the 1979 Islamic Revolution for Jews and other minorities given by Karmel Melamed, an award-winning, internationally published journalist and attorney based in Southern California who writes the Iranian American Jews blog. This article titled ”The Iranian-Jewish Tragedy in Iran” which gives the chilling view which the Western World needs to understand before they permit the fascist, supremacist dictatorial leadership to once again, in the brief history from 1900 to the present, to allow a cancer which believes they have a right to destroy the world in order to save the world. The history of Iran in that same time period just might give people some pause to realize the direction Iran has taken since 1900 and the path is chilling.



Yusef Abad Synagogue (Persian: Kenise e Yusef Ábád کنیسه یوسف آباد‎, Hebrew: בית הכנסת יוסף-אבד‎) in Tehran as originally appeared during the 1950s before its restoration. The person who had just completed returning a Torah to the ark will stand as a reference to the size of the main hall. The main hall of the Synagogue was built and completed in the early 1950s. She was a very ornate and majestic house of worship which will soon fall silent after enjoying hearing prayers recited for almost seventy years.

Yusef Abad Synagogue (Persian: Kenise e Yusef Ábád کنیسه یوسف آباد‎, Hebrew: בית הכנסת יוסף-אבד‎) in Tehran as originally appeared during the 1950s before its restoration. The person who had just completed returning a Torah to the ark will stand as a reference to the size of the main hall. The main hall of the Synagogue was built and completed in the early 1950s. She was a very ornate and majestic house of worship which will soon fall silent after enjoying hearing prayers recited for almost seventy years.



Yusef Abad Synagogue (Persian: Kenise e Yusef Ábád کنیسه یوسف آباد‎, Hebrew: בית הכנסת יוסף-אבד‎) in Tehran as it appeared after its restoration work. It was with the help of local community leaders headed by Avraham Yusian, the construction of the new facade was completed in October 1965. She was a very ornate and majestic house of worship which will soon fall silent after enjoying hearing prayers recited for almost seventy years. The brightened tiles and golden hue will unfortunately turn a pale shadow of itself as there will be no prayers to give her the joys she had exalted in over her years.

Yusef Abad Synagogue (Persian: Kenise e Yusef Ábád کنیسه یوسف آباد‎, Hebrew: בית הכנסת יוסף-אבד‎) in Tehran as it appeared after its restoration work. It was with the help of local community leaders headed by Avraham Yusian, the construction of the new facade was completed in October 1965. She was a very ornate and majestic house of worship which will soon fall silent after enjoying hearing prayers recited for almost seventy years. The brightened tiles and golden hue will unfortunately turn a pale shadow of itself as there will be no prayers to give her the joys she had exalted in over her years.



Iran did not exist in the year 1900 as all the way back then it had a name that most will recognize and for the Jews had a varied history where it went from savior to creeping to the edge of committing genocide against the Jewish People except for the bravery of one Jewess, Queen Esther. All the way back as recently as March 20, 1935 the nation was known as Persia. This name of Persia could be traced back to Cyrus the Great, the leader of Persia who conquered Babylonia and granted the Jews the right to return to their homelands and rebuild their holy Temple which many Jews chose to do while some of their brethren remained in Persia. Years later when Persia was ruled by King Ahasuerus (Xerxes I) the Grand Vizier, Haman the Agagite persuaded King Ahasuerus that the Jews were plotting against his rule and needed to be dealt with. This seems to be a repeating theme and almost always leads to someone coming up with the idea that murdering the Jews will make their nation greater, and the order was issued. The problem was that after the King created a vacancy after executing his wife for refusing his orders and generally insulting his authority for which he held a beauty contest, hopefully a contest which took into consideration more than beauty as that had worked so well with Vashti. Well, he chose Esther who the night before the order was to be carried out bravely entered the King’s court without having been invited, punishable by death, begged the King’s attention and broke the news that if his Grand Vizier Haman’s order was to be carried out they could start with her as she was also a Jew. Haman and his sons were executed on the very gallows they would have murdered the Jews of Persia. Haman, Hamas, I wonder, could there be a connection?


On March 21, 1935 Reza Shah Pahlavi officially renamed Persia changing the name to Iran. There are two very different theories for the change. One refers to numerous ancient references varying from the Sassanid, the Zoroastrianism, the Romans and other historical references mostly to deal with language. A more modern take takes the date and the rise of the Nazis to power in Germany and the theory of a master race, the Aryans, or the Persian word for the racial designation, Iran. The actual reason is likely was only honestly known to Reza Shah Pahlavi and he will not be giving us any hints. Another item while we are comparing modern day Iran and the Aryans from World War II as a potential enemy; the only war which Iran had fought directly was, to their credit, something which will seldom be found in these editorials in any source, was as a result of Iraqi initiated assaults as Saddam Hussein attempted to grab the Iranian oil fields. That war lasted near to a decade where some of the most horrific and destructive tactics were utilized by both sides. Despite the Iraqi military’s reputation as one of the largest and best trained and equipped in the Middle East outside Israel, Iran held them at bay and often made gains but eventually the war resembled a World War I trench warfare than world war highly mobile and technical war. The most remarked attack in this horrific war came when the Iranians needed to clear minefields and needed to do so with some degree of speed so a fairly brutish and head-on system was necessitated. The Iranians initially attempted to stampede mules and donkeys across the minefields but once the first animal struck a mine the others would scatter and run back the direction they had come from. This led to one of the most disturbing tactics where children were volunteered and upon their death their parents were financially compensated for their patriotic donation to the war efforts. The children were given plastic keys which they were told would unlock the door to heaven for them. In response to the condition of the returned remains led to the wrapping of the children in wet blankets so as to retain their parts when they hit a mine. Such fanaticism and willingness to sacrifice for the religious leadership was horrific and also showed a commitment almost beyond rational belief and which shows the length the Iranians might resort to against an enemy.


The question remains as to whether President Obama is saving the world from a war with Iran with his deal or allowing Iran to build up their military and potentially arm themselves with an arsenal of nuclear weapons, potentially thermonuclear warheads and the ICBMs with which to deliver them anywhere on the globe. They may even develop ICBM missiles capable of irregular flight characteristics making anti-missile systems near useless in preventing their striking their targets. Additionally, the Iranians could readily develop cruise missiles and master the ability to launch them from freighter container ships as they have done with some of their fifteen-hundred to two-thousand mile largely unguided rockets, or possibly a poorly guided missile. Of course, if the rocket has a nuclear warhead, exactly how accurate does one need to be? I mean, as long as you strike within a few miles from the intended region and, just as with hand grenades and horseshoes, close counts. What is most worrying is how the situation came to this juncture with the sanctions being weakened by President Obama allowing Iran to continue to limp along while the President and the State Department Team, which included a number of the same people who were responsible for the agreement with North Korea which led directly to their becoming nuclear armed nation, and Secretary of State Kerry appeared to trip over each other seeing who could surrender point after point and succumb to Iranian demands the fastest. The sign that Iran is about to use a fair amount of funds which will represent but a drop in the bucket of the one-hundred-fifty-billion-dollars being unfrozen and gifted to the Mullahs and the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei as they have already made arrangement to purchase Russian S-300 anti-aircraft-and-missile systems, one-hundred-fifty Chinese Chengdu J-10 sophisticated jet fighters with Israeli avionics and finally, two-hundred-fifty highly-advanced Russian Sukhoi-Su-30MK1 heavy-fighter-bombers as well as one-hundred IL78 MKI tanker aircraft; or simply put, Iran is purchasing an entire air force and air defense systems taking them from almost no air power worth mentioning to air superiority by comparison and potentially air superiority over the Kurds, Islamic State, and almost every nation in Northern Africa and many European nations as well. As the nations which Iran is most likely to face if they decide to expand their borders and acquire the airfields and staging areas of southern Iraq, as it appears that President Obama is fully supporting the IRGC forces and eventually other Iranian military forces to operate from within Iraq and Syria against the Islamic State with the United States providing air strikes and air support operations one has to wonder how President Obama might react should Iran decide to turn their forces southward and strike across the Kuwaiti and Saudi Arabian oil fields in response to what they could claim was mistreatment of Shiite Muslims by the two nations after incidents were instigated.


The other front we can expect to come from Iran is for their expanding the influence of Shia Islam across formerly Sunni strongholds spreading their control over Madrassas potentially replacing Wahhabi Madrassas after they have swarmed across the oil fields, complete their control through the Houthis of Yemen and then using a pincher attack from the north and the south in order to capture Mecca and Medina and thus controlling the heart of Islam. This would also complete Iranian control of the Red Sea and the Bab El-Mandab Strait. From that jumping off point it would not be difficult for Iran to then establish a beachhead from which to operate starting in Somalia and spreading from there through Eretria and Djibouti in order to spread through the Sudan and from Iraq and Saudi Arabia into the Sinai thus being on Egypt’s southern and eastern borders. Should Iran also desire to place a substantial force injected into Syria to assist Bashir al-Assad retaking the lands he has lost and using Hezballah to cement their control over Lebanon then Iran could have a northern and southern fronts on Israel and even more troubling should they also gain access to Gaza supplanting Hamas and Islamic Jihad in controlling the area. We can also expect that Iran will fortify their ground forces with purchases of armor most likely light armor to facilitate fast swarm style attacks overwhelming any defense an opponent would be likely to have at any front relying on lighter resistance and by overwhelming the initial positions and driving deeper into any nation they intended to strike thus appearing unstoppable and gaining a perceived position of strength which would also give the Islamic State considerable challenge especially when one considers that Iran will have a very well-armed air force, something completely missing in the Islamic State’s arsenal of abilities. The likelihood that President Obama would take any position opposing any Iranian moves in the entirety of the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) as such would be viewed as Iran simply doing exactly what President Obama desired, Iran stabilizing the entirety of the Islamic world, and what better way of being the hegemonic power than to also control all of the valuable lands and suppressing every potential adversary.


It would not be a complete surprise if should Iran manage to take control in Egypt that the Muslim Brotherhood might ‘see the writing on the wall,’ so to speak, and decide they had been in error about the lineage and correct successors of Muhammad and turn to back a Shia Islam. The truth is that there will either be a war with Iran or Iran will bring the war to each and every corner of the world one site at a time. The only question is at what point will their expansions be one bite too many and at what disadvantage will the world be in when facing the Iranian threat. History will point to the past decade and a half as the period when Iran could have been collared with minor losses and as being an opportunity squandered placing the world at risk. Once again, it appears the greatest threat building in the world is being left to Israel to stop. Let’s hope that Israel gets the necessary support of those others facing the same dangers or be willing to take on the task themselves. This is one time we can know that the United States has nobody’s back or if they do, then it is the worst of all possible scenarios placing Washington solidly behind Iran as President Obama had tilted his entire time in office, even with his efforts to place the Muslim Brotherhood ruling Egypt or turning a blind eye to Erdogan suppressing Turkey turning it into a Sharia state and potentially joining with Iran. At the very least, a combining of the regions and its people into an alliance of Israel, the Kurds, the Druze and the various Christian strongholds be brought together and aided to eliminate the Islamic State, thus putting Iran on notice that they should carefully consider their next moves as they will make all the difference in the world. As a result of removing the Islamic State, regions of Syria and northern Iraq will now be known as a state for the Kurds in the area originally promised the Kurds for Kurdistan at the end of World War I but not fulfilled due to the Mosul oil fields and politics as usual. The Druze will likely be granted some degree of autonomy within those areas in Syria where they reside and the refugees should attempt to put their lives and country back together and learn to live with a multi-ethnic nation. Further, as Hezballah has shown so much concern for Syria perhaps they can live there and maybe the Bekaa Valley but the rest of Lebanon is to be a Christian refuge free and resolute to act with favor on the Christians of the entire area and make a nation from the ruins left by Hezballah. Such a solution would be so nice and clean which is why it is unlikely to come into fruition. As Winston Churchill told the British Parliament “You were given the choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor, and you will have war.” and additionally from his writings from “The Gathering Storm,” “If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds are against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves.” May some heed the warnings that many in the leadership positions in Israel be joined by those in Europe, in France, in Germany, in Great Britain, the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania and even Greece raise their voices and call for those who cherish the G0d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob not succumb to the forces of those of Abraham, Ishmael and Mohammad, Amen.


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