Beyond the Cusp

November 8, 2014

The Palestinians are the Poison in the Well

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The latest conviction from the Western world which has blamed Israel lack of peace with the Palestinians as the cause of the ever increasing threat of Islamic extremism and its latest manifestation, ISIS, has identified the symptom but misdiagnosed the disease. Even were Israel permitted a free hand to address the now rabid hatred planted by the Oslo Accords and nurtured on European and other Western money and endless facilitating, it would take at least sixty years of completely controlling the media, schools and other facets of Palestinian society to undo all of the damage wrought in just the past twenty years. One part of the problem is the enrichment of the top leaders who found that simply by fomenting anti-Israel and anti-Semitic hatred and violence they would be rewarded with such largess of Western funding that they were made into millionaires, and then billionaires, and now who knows the limit as Europe, despite facing a financial meltdown, still manages to reward Palestinian terror with now trillions of dollars in reward for their last war on Israel in the name of rebuilding Gaza. The lovefest which took place in Cairo under the name of rebuilding Gaza from the damage brought down on it by the Hamas war against Israel and the facilitation of the damage by Hamas using the dense cities from which to fire their rockets and place their fortifications while leaving tracts of farmland completely vacant and free from the ravages of the conflict was just the latest symptom of a world gone mad feeding the monster they have nurtured in order to destroy Israel. This combined with the sins of departing their responsibilities to bring forth a viable society into the areas which were left behind during the industrial revolution as they simply departed the colonies from which that revolution had been fed and maliciously configured the remains of the Ottoman Empire after World War I so as to impede any possibility for natural growth and peace by placing warring parties within the same type of false borders as the colonialist boundaries had sewn across much of Africa. This was the poison which forced each of these unnatural new nations to fall into the hands of strong dictators who were virtually forced to choose one tribe and strengthen that tribe into their police state enforcers which simply built the desire for revenge until that rage has finally broken loose and now leaves large areas of the world looking for a leader to lead their revenge against a world they see as having cheated them of their futures. Their enemy is the Western colonizers but in a brazen move to funnel the hatreds they so engendered made the claim that the reason behind their treachery was Israel placing the title of chief colonizer upon Israel despite Israel also having been formed from the same Western reconfiguring of the Ottoman Empire that brought much of the Middle East and North African nations (MENA) into being.

The initial poisoning was manifest with the nurturing of Arab Jewish hatreds by the manipulation designed by the British with the support of the rest of the Western world and was designed to prevent the necessity of fulfilling their promise which was made after World War I as set out initially in the Balfour Declaration and then adopted by the victorious powers from World War I with the San Remo Conference to restore a Jewish State in their ancestral homelands. The formation of Israel in 1948 initially saw a large influx of European Jews, the remnants of the Holocaust though that was not the initial impetus for the founding of Israel, simply the conflagration which provided a large influx of Jews who had nowhere else to go after they had been removed from their homes and many of those very same towns no longer desired their return as it meant also living with those they had so mercilessly betrayed often turning them over to the Nazi murder machine willingly and enthusiastically. This was soon followed over the first dozen years of Israeli existence of an equally large influx of Jews who were driven from their homes across the Arab and Muslim world from Iran to Morocco. This led to modern day Israel which is on the cusp of erasing the difference between the two main sectors of her population, the European Ashkenazy Jews and the MENA Sephardic Jews, as well as welcoming home the Aliyah of other fragments of tribes of Jews from the two main and other diaspora refugees. These include the Ethiopian Jews, the Menashe Jews of India and other tribes either from the Babylonian exile or the Roman dispersal or from other periods where tribes of Jews ended up separated from the main body of Judaism. The canard that Israel is a purely European nation is false as her populations comes from the far corners of the globe and have reemerged to forge a nation where all have been incorporated and now make up a single nation of people where such differences are being erased from the society. Nothing depicts this merging more obviously than the intent to merge the current Chief Rabbinates from its two separate positions into a single position marking the end of the final vestige of their previous separate roots. Unfortunately, as this unification is taking place the same did not occur across the rest of the Middle East and this led to the inevitable explosions witnessed since the beginning of the so-called Arab Spring which has become a tense Arab Winter with warfare now spreading further across from the endless carnage in Syria into Iraq and threatening to enflame the rest of the nations across the width and breadth of MENA.

One of the main manifestations of this roiling trouble is ISIS which has taken on a life of its own and presents a unique dimension of the problems plaguing the Islamic world. The initial threat of ISIS is not Europe, Israel or the United States but the Muslim people and societies it threatens with its own kind of remaking of the lives of those who are falling unwilling victims of their barbarity. ISIS was formed from the most radical elements of the Syrian Civil War which has made refugees of millions of Syrians and caused the death of approaching, if not surpassing, two-hundred-thousand Arabs of Muslim, Christian and other origins. The nation of Syria will not be capable of normalcy nor will it function as a normal nation for the foreseeable future even were the violence there to be resolved immediately, and that in and of itself is an impossibility. The poverty and inequities manifest throughout MENA with the small cadres of rulers living lavishly while their people are barely able to make sufficient living to survive, let alone thrive. These people see a Western world which they have been told in the propaganda by their leaders is the source of their poverty and misery so as to direct the wrath of a people cheated of a decent way of life at a foreign source thus taking the bullseye off of their backs. This, in turn, has been redirected by many in the Western world onto Israel who they point to as those in their immediate neighborhood who have a successful nation presumably built on the poverty of their Arab and Muslim neighbors, even to the distant nations of Iran at one end to Morocco at the other end. This hatred has been enthusiastically used by those who are currently impoverishing their societies as all that matters is that there is some ‘other’ who is to blame for the people’s misery and their leaders who are actually stealing from their people continue to take the wealth of their nation leaving the people suffering and being fed the tropes of traditional anti-Semitism such as the infamous forgery “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” and other writings from both the Nazi and Soviet propaganda as well as even older propaganda from the Catholic Church, the Protestant Reformation, the Spanish Inquisition and even older vestiges from the Crusades all of which persecuted the Jews. These explanations are fed to a people hungry and demanding to know why they suffer such misery and poverty while they are witness to such apparent signs of great wealth throughout the world beyond their area and apparently enjoyed by some unexplained miracle by the leadership of their country. The excuses finally wore thin and the resultant explosions are evidenced across MENA and may spread even further southward into the body of Africa.

The efforts to deflect all responsibility for the situations in MENA and the main body of Africa away from the colonizers and onto one of the successful colonies that managed to build a prosperous nation after finally receiving their independence from the same Europeans as did their neighboring nations but who fortunately though having a similar problem of two very disparate tribes within their borders, the European and MENA Jewish refugees, they managed to mostly work to erase any vestiges of those differences and work past stigmas and other root differences and merge to form a complete whole and one nation rather than two warring tribes within a single border. Would some of the other Middle Eastern nations have had the advantage of only two disparate people, a solution or reaching a balance might have been possible. A perfect example is Iraq which has three major groups; the Sunni, the Shiite and the Kurdish, as well as other minor groups which mostly must seek refuge with one of these three main bodies. The current conflict in Iraq has exemplified this division of the nation with the Sunni and Shiite at war with each other and the Kurdish attempting to defend their semiautonomous region from their Sunni neighbors to the south currently being coopted by ISIS and from the Shiite government in Baghdad.

How all this is traceable back to the Palestinians and their conflict with Israel and why this is not actually caused by the Israeli inability to reach a peace with their Palestinian neighbors is actually simple on the surface but gets very confusing at ground level. The broader truth is that the Europeans needed to place the blame for the backwardness and poverty in the Middle East somewhere other than on themselves. As they had already fomented a hatred and burning conflict in the British Mandate areas pitting the Arabs against their Jewish neighbors and having fed that conflict with an aim to prevent there ever being a Jewish state founded and surviving, it was the easiest place to rekindle old hatreds, the same hatreds they bred half a century earlier across the 1920s and 1930s. They had some active support, though not actually cooperating as far as could be seen, from the Soviets who had their own problem of a Jewish minority which desired to leave the Soviet Union, who didn’t, and make Aliyah and return home to Israel, the phrase Jews worldwide have sworn for two millennia and stated at the end of every Seder at Passover every year with the phrase, “Next Year in Jerusalem.” When threats started to emanate from the rest of the Middle East the Europeans again pointed the finger of blame at Israel.

When the World Trade Center terror attack struck the United States and the United States attacked Afghanistan and then Iraq, then the blame really aimed at the Western nations, particularly those who allied with the United States in Iraq and eventually also in Afghanistan. This led to the target being replanted once again on Europe except this time the target was placed primarily on the United States and then Britain and Europe. The Europeans initially ducked under the protection of the United States and from that seemingly safe perch blamed their old nemesis, Israel. They used the exact same canards that had worked so well decades earlier. When the United States then withdrew from the Middle East that left Europe somewhat exposed so they increased their funding of the Palestinian terrorist culture and stoked the hatreds within the Palestinian society with an emphasis on the youth. The Europeans paid handsomely for textbooks which painted the Jews and Israel with the old canard that they stole their wealth from the less well-off neighbors, in this case the Palestinians.

Earlier in the Middle Ages it was the serfs and peasants who were vassals of a lord who also was in need of an easy target to blame for his vassals’ poverty stricken situation. The Jews made for a ready target as they were forbidden from owning or even working the land so had set up as tradesmen and merchants in the towns and cities. This initially made them the other for the peasants working the lands of their feudal lord. Later, when the feudal system began to disintegrate and many peasants and serfs sought their wealth in the cities they ran into the situation where the Jews owned the businesses and were more adept at running businesses as they had been doing so for the last two or more centuries and the Christians were just learning trades and being merchants. Again, the wealthy landowners had invested and were also part owners of many of the exclusive places in the towns as these towns and cities originated on their lands. Again the Jews made the perfect target for deflecting the hatreds by the gentry and aristocracy. This use of Jews as a target for the people’s hatred often went all the way to the top and was utilized by Kings and Queens when the economy hit bad times. This led to the Jews being chased from one place to the next always being the outsider, the other. Now Europe is using Israel, the Jew among nations, as the outsider, the other, the ones who are to blame and who have stolen the wealth of their neighbors. The difference this time is the Jews have nowhere to run to and have their own military with which to defend themselves, something that the Europeans have potentially tragically decided was no longer a necessity as they could depend on the United States to protect them. Now even their protector, the United States, has joined in the hatefest and are attempting to lay the blame for the problems in the Middle East and beyond on Israel.

With the monies being invested in terrorism against Israel to such an extent that the lesson the Arab and Muslim world has taken from this duplicitous game played by Europe and the Western world is that terrorism pays and it pays well. They have further figured that the terrorist leaders can blame the Israelis and, by inference, the Jews as well as targeting the United States while threatening the Europeans. The oil rich oligarchs are now spending their treasure to feed those who are blaming the Europeans and the United States while washing their hands of any ties and going through the motions of supporting the war on the very terrorism they are financing. The monsters they created have taken a turn and are also coming for the oligarchs claiming that they are not practicing a sufficiently pure form of Islam and thus have brought all the woe and troubles onto the people. ISIS is the current head of the terror snake demanding a return to the purest form of Islam they understand, namely the Islam supposedly followed by Muhammad and which propelled the Islamic conquest of the first centuries when Islam enjoyed its golden age. Their aim is to return to that time and their route will be the same as were the first leaders of Islam, across the Middle East then across North Africa and then into Europe except this time they believe Europe to be conquerable due to what they regard as decadence and weakness. The initial push into Europe will likely be taken attempting to crush the modern form of the battle of Khaybar as depicted in their protest in Europe and the United States as well as elsewhere that they chant, “Khaybar Khaybar ya Yahud, Jaysh Muhammad sawfa Ya’ud” (Khaybar, Khaybar, O Jews, the army of Muhammad will return).”

Where this escalating conflagration and clash of civilizations, Western extravagance against Islamic extremism, will end is anybody’s’ guess. Those who claim that the current conflicts are the precursors which will inevitably lead to the next world war may be correct though such a result is neither unavoidable nor the most likely result. All could change and change drastically should two things occur, the first of which appears to be a done deal. Should Iran become a nuclear armed nation and then also manage to merge the Sunni terror elements with the Shiite terrorists controlled by Iran such as Hezballah, then there is a definite probability for a universal clash of civilizations. The result of such a nearly worldwide conflict would most likely see Russia and China sitting on the sidelines simply waiting for the end and then picking up the pieces. The most probable winner of a war between a united Islamic army and the Western nations will be those nations which manage to avoid being entangled in the all-encompassing warfare which will likely destroy all who are included. The difficulty will be the managing to unify Sunni and Shiite branches of Islam which have been at war with each other over the centuries almost as long as the Muslims have had disagreements and wars with the Jewish People. This time around there is a distinct probability that Israel will manage to remain outside of the field of battle should the two cultures collide until the very end battle which will take place over the same prize that the last great series of conflicts between the Christian world and the Islamic world fought, Jerusalem. This likelihood has fed a great number of people to claim that this final battle will occur in the Valley of Megiddo. I am not that drawn up into such symbolism but who knows, there just might be some validity to their claim though the chance it would signal the final battle between good and evil, not likely as both sides will be populated with sinners and saints.

The larger likelihood is that the terrorist period will culminate in a series of larger conflicts, none of which anywhere near the level of a world at war but more like civil wars or a war between two or three nations. Much of the current strife being caused by ISIS could be broken down into its basic components which depict tribal differences with Sunni, Shiite and Kurdish fighting for control over lands where these tribes border each other. The chances of ISIS growing to the point they could engage almost any European power are negligible. ISIS would never get past Turkey in order to reach Europe. ISIS is most probably going to be beaten into submission attempting to win the multi-front war they are already engaging with, let alone finding their way to uniting the Islamic world and taking on the European Union with or without United States direct backing. All of this would end within a couple of years if only the nations feeding the individual terror groups, including the Western investments in the Palestinian terror machines, would simply turn off the spigot. Thus far these nations have seen no individual gain calling for their disavowing themselves of the terrorists they are supporting despite the little problem that they are bankrupting themselves for little if any gain. Perhaps economic necessity will bring about the end of the financing of terror, especially Palestinian terror financed by Europe, the rest of the West and the rest of the World if we are to be accurate. And yes, in some very direct ways even Israel had financed Palestinian terrorist activities by providing them with free electricity, water, and other vital necessities and all free of charge, how weird is that?

Beyond the Cusp

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