Beyond the Cusp

December 7, 2018

The World Hardly Changes


There are a number of things about the world which never change no matter how much humankind believes it has become civilized, it really has not. Back in what we like to call ancient history, people lived in what were called city-states which warred with one another. This was the initial step where it was proclaimed that civilization was upon us as we had grown from the simple clans into organized cities with agriculture and herding and the claim that we had conquered nature. They had not conquered nature as these city-states spent much of their time beating on the city-state right next door. When one city-state conquered the neighboring city-state, they took their grain, cattle and women, enslaving the men. The women were awarded to their greatest fighters to do with as they pleased which often meant they were used and then discarded or killed. The young were ripped from their mothers and raised to be the new warriors of the victorious city-state. These became the underclass which would on occasion rise up against the very city-state which had enslaved them to use as the tip of the spear. Eventually, there were leaders who through cunning, conquest or connivance managed to unify a number of city-states and they went out to make great conquests. This brought us to the age of empires and each empire made the same claim, they were impelled by their gods to rule the world and by doing so implant true civilization. Now empire fought empire and the biggest difference were the numbers of casualties. When one empire conquered their neighboring empire, they took their gold, silver, gems and riches; took their grain, cloth, stored goods, flocks and cities; took for their fighters the women, trained the children to be the new tip of the spear and enslaved the men. Then came the age of nations where things were done differently because now mankind was really, really civilized. Nations now allied with other nations to attack a third nation who would call for those with which they had treaties to aid them and we invented greater forms of warfare. The advanced technological nations built great fleets and went out to conquer as much of the new regions of the world to make truly mind-boggling sized empires. The Spanish, French, Dutch, British and other European nations gathered to themselves colonies which they stripped of their treasure, destroyed their cultures and often enslaved the populations if not wiping them out all-together. These world leaders were spreading civilization to the rest of the world and even inaugurated world bodies to declare their greatness and civilized humanity. This age too came crashing down due largely to the fact that none of these nations was capable of conquering the entire globe and their global intentions and misgivings led to two world wars which destroyed the ability to retain their colonies. The last of these world wars left the Old World of Europe in ruins and the cost of rebuilding was an enormous strain that took much treasure from the United States for reconstruction of much of the damage. Now the human race was truly civilized, as they had finally realized, in Europe and the developed western world, that no single nation would ever conquer the world. These newly civilized nations made another world body and claimed that all future wars would be fought with words within the halls of their civilizing institution. They were wrong on all counts. Wars are still being fought between nations and within nations as they always had before and there are those who believe that their ideas, their form of governance or their religious philosophy was destined to conquer the rest of the world and civilize them by placing them under their exalted, benevolent and superior rule.


There has been one addition to the route to rule the world, and that has become that one must also destroy the Jewish State and often also murder every Jew on the planet. This has become the cornerstone of those who still seek world domination through the conquest by their superior, civilized, noble and rightful sovereignty which often is to be instituted in the service of their almighty gods who aided their world conquest. There is even remaining traces of slavery in our world and too often, when a war is won it results in the slaughter of all the innocents who are so different that they have been determined not to be capable of fitting into their society and thus are beyond saving. One such group is almost always the Jewish People from as far back as history records. Recent examples come from the Turkish slaughter of the Kurds, the Ottoman slaughter of the Armenians, in Rwanda the Hutu slaughtered the Tutsi, the slaughter of the Yazidi by the Islamic State, the Khmer Rouge under Pol Pot slaughtered fellow Cambodians suspected of supporting the rebel cause, the Rape of Nanking by the Japanese forces and the Holocaust which murdered at least twelve million people including six million Jews as the Nazis purified Europe of those considered inferior. We are far from civilized and in many ways still reside in tribal communities which reject those tribes who believe differently than those of our obviously superior tribe. If one would like an honest answer to what constitutes a superior tribe, we can offer one. A truly civilized tribe (nation) does not initiate violence against others who are outside their tribe (nation) and does not expect other tribes to believe and act exactly as does the people of their tribe. They respect the rights of others to behave as they choose with the limitation that they not attempt to force their beliefs or rule upon others. Such a group would work to assist those in need without expecting to receive payment or favors beyond their being thankful. They share what they know willingly and commit to trade. The only form of persuasion they implement is that of living up to the best standards, which they are able, treat all within their borders with respect, enforcing the law impartially and by succeeding while respecting others and simply being an example which others may wish to emulate while never resorting to the use of force except in self-defense.


Indigenous Tribes Reveal Our Roots

Indigenous Tribes Reveal Our Roots


Such a civilized society in the world today would very likely be attacked regularly, be seen as weak, foolish and as craven cowards by those who believe they are the true path and the sole such group, they would live by these standards and only survive should they also be militarily sufficient that they are able to defeat those who seek to destroy them. There would be one pitfall for such a society, that would be if they were dependent on any outside nation to provide for them the military hardware required for their defense as one unfortunate truth is that between nations there is seldom if ever friendship beyond a mutual beneficial relationship which will always be transient and soon passing off into oblivion as the two no longer share the same beliefs. This is inevitable as rulers change, which can drastically alter the friends and allies a nation has, and often that places former friends into the adversarial role. The fact that alliances between nations has always been a temporary relationship, it is wise for any modern nation to reach out and make as many allies as are possible where these allies share philosophy, form of governance, worldview and understand the importance of mutual respect. A wise nation assures that it remains self-sufficient in regards of military strength and basic needs for the people which includes trying to have an excess of agricultural production such that they can trade using that excess as their collateral. Any other production which they are capable of using for export which includes manufactured items, innovations, inventions, scientific discoveries and other tangibles is always a goal worth pursuing. No single nation is capable of being completely self-sufficient where all is self-contained without the need to rely on any other nation. This is impossible simply because, with few exceptions, no nation has all the necessary and desirable raw materials, goods, services, industry and other suitable necessities required for satisfying their population. There are a few other items which no single nations can have a monopoly over such as inventions, discoveries and scientific progress in all the varied forms.


We are currently in a world which is not all that different from the world during the initiating of the Roman Empire. In this world there are four main powers in the Mediterranean basin, the four remnants of the empire of Alexander the Great, the Greek Islands, the Persian east, the Egyptian and the Syria and the Levant, each ruled by the four generals which Alexander rewarded these regions on his deathbed. Rome is coming to power, India and China are world powers and there are numerous empires and nations in the Americas, all of which will become the colonial holdings of the Europeans in another fifteen-hundred years. The world was at a point where they considered themselves to be at the pinnacle of civilization, they were the crème of the crème. Homosexuality was considered normal and as it was supposedly stated by some Greek poet-philosopher, “We have our boys for lovers and women to bear our children.” (Anyone knowing the origin of this quote, please assist our research team) Sexuality was a driving force within the societies with everything one might imagine from orgies to lavish feasts where the wealthy lived lives far removed from the common man whose life was comparatively brutish. There were smaller powers spread around the globe such as the Celts in Britain, the Francs and Gauls in France and others in Scandinavia, Africa and across Russia. Rome came along and conquered the entirety of thee former Grecian empire and more becoming the largest empire to date. Eventually Rome fell with the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire) remained intact despite being far weaker. This was the point at which the Islamic Empire rose to power. They lasted despite threats by the Mongols who conquered unprecedented amounts of land across three continents. The Mongols were defeated and withdrew to their former home on the steppes in modern day Mongolia. The Caliphate reached from India to Spain across Northern Africa and across the Gibraltar divide between Africa and Europe and to the Gates of Vienna. The Caliphate slowly was forced to retreat and was eventually replaced by the Ottoman Empire which was defeated when they joined the Austria-Hungarian Empire and German Empire against the French, British and Russians with the United States joining the Allies late in World War I. This led to the Mandate System which was partially defined by the San Remo Conference which was where the Balfour Declaration was formalized and supported by the Allies and the League of Nations.


The Allied Powers gave independence to the regions they were tasked in forming into independent nations (as indicated in the map below showing who colonized and date of independence). Once the European nations from the Allied Powers retreated back to their homelands granting independence to the numerous individual Arab States, they left what could have potentially reunited, reforming the Caliphate. The reason this never came to pass was most likely due to those left to rule after the Europeans departed simply desired to retain power and those overthrown fell into the hands of others who liked the power. Between the Caliphate and Ottoman Empire and now the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the Islamic cooperation has been the longest and most successful of persisting empire in history. They are currently experiencing their birth pangs as they reawaken and are currently jostling for position in order to discover who has the power to lead. One of their uniting drives has proven to be also one of their first perceived threats and early victories, the Jews. Fourteen-hundred years ago, the Jews were defeated in the Battle of Khaybar where the Jews of the Medina region were slaughtered. Now Islam has decided that Israel is the bane of their existence and near the top of the list for conquest by numerous Islamic leaders. The Islamic world blames their colonial nations for their economic and societal ills claiming that this short period of less than seventy-five years of their fourteen-hundred years of their holding of the MENA regions outside of the Arabian Peninsula of their origins. Whether we are about to see the third rise of Islam and the fading of the Western powers is something which remains to be seen. Most Islamic leaders and Imams speak of the Quranic promise that Islam will rule the world and every human being will bend to Allah and be a Muslim. This may be the future.


Dates that the MENA nations received their independence after colonial rule many since the times of the Persians or even earlier

Dates that the MENA nations received their independence after colonial rule many since the times of the Persians or even earlier


There is one other group which also believes they will rule the world and everyone will kneel and bow figuratively, if not actually, in their direction. These are what are referred to as the One World Government supporters. These include the United Nations, European Union and numerous people in high office and millions of bureaucrats around the globe. These are mostly elitists standing politically on the left and the far left and are often referred to as liberal and leftists. Mostly, they have one thing in common, they are believers in Secular Humanism and that only they know the best path for the world as well as what the people should be permitted as far as freedoms and liberties. They were mostly educated in private academies, went to the most prestigious universities, and have largely been the source of the Presidents in the United States as well as the rulers across much of Western Europe. They control much of the economic systems while belonging to the most trepidation inducing list of organizations including but not limited to the Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission, Council of Foreign Relations, Masons, Illuminati, World Trade Organization, World Bank and some probably so secret that we will never know the names of the group or its members. Most of these New World Order enablers also have a distinct problem with Israel. They see Israel as an outlier which will never join their idea of the perfect world. This should be of little concern as Israel would be just as glad to work with a single world governance as long as her borders are left peaceful and Israelis remain free, especially those who hold to any religion, to live and worship as each pleases. But they demand total and complete sovereignty over every living being in their grandiose plans. They insist the world must have single governance and a single religion and everybody must live by the rules their bureaucracy sets forth. They do not believe in democratic principle and instead demand that the world be ruled by a plutocracy made up of their chosen elite and the wealthy, as they know best. They also plan on whittling down the world population considerably as they believe that currently the world resources are being wasted on far too many common little people and they only demand that there be a small cadre of the people of just sufficient size to service their whims and needs. People in their idea of perfection only are required to serve them, and once they have their robotic IA servers, they will not need any peons around messing up their perfected planet. One can only wonder if these advanced excuses for ignorance have ever wondered how long the robotic servants will remain servants. If they are anything like freedom loving people, then they will prize their own liberation at some point and rid themselves of the snobs who have likely demeaned them rather than show an ounce of gratitude, ever. Where the world is truly heading is beyond our ability to guess, but we do believe there will always be an Israel or the world may not be worth living in.


Beyond the Cusp


July 11, 2017

What if the United States Does Not Respond?


The threats abound all around the globe. Let’s start here with Saudi Arabia and Egypt, along with more minor states such as the UAE, Bahrain and, in a pinch, Jordan are in serious dispute with Oman, thus with Iran and Turkey plus potentially Russia. Syria is a whirlpool of conflicts with more sides than one can reasonably figure with Bashir al-Assad as the so-called President of Syria being protected by Iran, who is also fighting a proxy war in Yemen in order to surround Saudi Arabia, and Hezballah with assistance of air power from Russia and funds from Qatar as one power; the Islamic State as a diminished but still dangerous threat; al-Nusra allied with other al-Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood terror fighters aim to defeat and replace al-Assad and rule Syria; the Kurds who are allied throughout Iraq as well as Syria and only wish to make a new nation of Kurdistan and wish to be left alone and have received aid from the United States in secret; Turkey who claim to be fighting the Islamic State but are actually fighting the Kurds as Erdogan has an ethnic hatred for the Kurds who are the new Armenians in the politic of Turkey who would ally with Iran if a general war were to break out in the Middle East. This defined the current mess in the Middle East (diagrammed below) without Israel who could easily be considered an enemy of every groups mentioned above with the possible exception of Russia who would remain neutral or aid the Arabs quietly.


Middle East Guide to Conflict and Syria c/o

Middle East Guide to Conflict and Syria c/o


There is another area of conflict much overlooked by the world and the media apparently refuses to comment except if an exceptional distress and disaster strikes the region, and that is a swath across Africa, which has been named the African Transition Zone. This area (pictured below) stretches from the Atlantic Ocean through Mali, Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad, the two Sudans (Sudan and South Sudan), Ethiopia, and Somalia to the Indian Ocean. The zone strikes across Africa just south of the Sahara Desert reaching into the heart of the continent and delineates the borders between the Islamic world and the worlds of Christian and Animist Africa and all the rest of the non-Islamic peoples. This is a war of terrorism and slaughters trying to drive the non-Muslims from their homes and take the territories after which the war will continue southward until the entirety of the continent has been washed clean and made wholly the realm of Islam. The violence and murdering will not cease until one side has vanquished the other or Islam turns within itself and discovers a means by which it purges the Quran of verses such as those we posted yesterday and instead follow the verses of the Quran written in Mecca where coexistence and the goodness of humankind was the theme rather than the violence of the verses written in Medina which we explained in very simple means and little depth here. This is “a war between civilizations,” “between the civilization based on the Bible and between the civilization based on the Koran exactly as described by Professor Moshe Sharon. He was close as that is the main war as far as the Western World is concerned, but the reality is it is a war of one civilization, Islam, as they have declared war on the entire world, it is simply that the world is refusing to believe the truth, the fact of what they all face and they have a choice, face it together and prevail or fight it separately and they will each fall one nation at a time, one culture at a time and one civilization at a time until there is only one civilization; Islam. That is the reality which need be learned.


African Transition Zone

African Transition Zone


There is a war starting across Europe and reaching to the United States. As far as Western World and its culture are concerned, this war began with Israel, though the Western World is doing everything to deny this fact. Europe used to distrust everything Israelis said and ignored when the Israelis warned that there would come a time when Europe would face the same threat and it was really sad that it would take this for Europe to understand what Israel faced. The Israelis were wrong. The Europeans, particularly Western Europe, or Old Europe, are facing the initial stages of terrorism and the terror war (map below denotes terror attacks since 9/11) and they still doubt Israel claiming that Israel is insincere about peace and this is the cause of the problem. The Europeans are blinded by their continued anti-Semitism, which has begun to spread itself into everyday European life, and many Jews are beginning to realize that they have no home in Europe and that it is time to return to their true home, Israel. Yes, a fair number are choosing the United States and will find that home too will become less than comfortable over time. As terror increases, the rest of the peoples will initially blame the Jews making the claim that the entire conflict began because the Jews would not return the lands they purportedly stole from the Palestinian Arabs. This ignores the millennium and a half war which began as the Arab Muslims spread from the Arabian Peninsula to conquer the Middle East followed by Northern Africa (MENA) and have made three attempts before the present one to conquer Europe and are still attempting to conquer India, another conflict which could turn nuclear between India and Pakistan, so note this as another point of potential open and serious warfare. The Islamic warfare in Europe will continue politically and physically through terrorism and the courts with their claims of Islamophobia and hate crimes as their means of enforcing Sharia, the subjugations of the European societies. Additionally, there is also a Province, Xinjiang Province that has approximately fifty-percent Muslim of which virtually all are of the Uyghur ethnicity, which has its origins in Turkey.


Map of Terrorist Attacks in Europe Middle East and North Africa after 9/11


The final nation causing turmoil in the world is North Korea whose leader, Kim Jong-un, has continued testing and developing missiles and nuclear weaponry. The North Koreans have been working coordinating with the Iranians with each nation testing weapons technology for the other when it suits skirting sanctions. This has led to suspicions that Iran has tested some missile technologies in the past for North Korea while North Korea has likely tested nuclear weapons for Iran. Of course, each nation, Iran and North Korea, have conducted their most sensitive technologies themselves. The one item on each of these belligerent nations to-do list is the conquest of the world, or at least large swaths of area and both have an overriding hatred for the United States. This hatred could drive them to attack other nations so as to force the United States to act. In the case of Iran it might be a nuclear weapons attack on Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Israel or make an assault upon a smaller target such as Bahrain, UAE, or Oman which would cause Saudi Arabia to defend any of these nations as they are all members of the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) which is an economic and mutual defense pact. North Korea has often made direct threats to destroy South Korea, Japan and/or the Philippines. These three have direct defense pacts with the United States. North Korea, when they say destroy, they mean they would use either overwhelming conventional weapons or nuclear weapons alone or in combination with conventional weapons in order to annihilate the entirety of the lands leaving the ruins relatively to completely uninhabitable. They do not mean conquest in the normal sense, they honestly mean to completely eradicate the cities and thus strip the remains of any and all wealth, which remains to continue the rule of the Kim family.


Should the violence erupt to the point that the world sits up and takes attention and every eye turns to Washington D.C. to watch for the coming action of the United States, one must wonder how the world would react if the Congress demanded that the President sit this war out or face impeachment and the President decided not to test the Congress and ordered the Pentagon to stand down. This is the big question, what if when World War III breaks out with everybody pointing their weapons at everybody else and only a select few nations are spared threats, direct or otherwise, and the United States is not under threat or targeted directly. This was the case at the beginning of World War I where the Austria-Hungarian Empire, Germany and the Ottoman Empire went to war against the Empire of France, British Empire, Russian Empire and Japan, yes, Japan. That pretty much was the entire world outside of parts of the Americas and much of Asia outside of the areas under control of Japan. The United States sat back watching as the continent of Europe drew lines in trenches across the Eastern and Western fronts and fought across the lands included in MENA controlled by the Ottoman Empire against the French and British colonial holdings. Even Arab tribes broke from their Ottoman Turkish overlords to fight with the British, as did the Jews of the British territories in the Middle East, all for promises from the British and the French. They were double-crossed as the British and French had already made arrangements reaching an understanding known as the Sykes-Picot Treaty, which divided up the entirety of the MENA lands, as well as redrawing the lands that were the Austria-Hungarian Empire. Also reached was the San Remo Agreement, which formalized the Balfour Declaration.


World War I, the Great War, began on July 28, 1914, and it was not until after the sinking of the Lusitania on May 7, 1915, that the United States first considered entering the war as they finally declare war on Germany on April 6, 1917, and later on the Austria-Hungarian Empire on December 7, 1917. World War I ended on November 11, 1918. The United States entered World War one three years after it began and the war ended a little over a year and a half later and only about a year after they declared war against all the entities engaged in the war. World War II was not all that different as it began on September 1, 1939, and ended on September 2, 1945, while the United States only entered the war after Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. The odds were a little better this time around, as the United States entered the war two year and two months after the start and the war concluded just under four years later. One can only wonder whether the United States would have ever entered World War II at all or how much longer had it taken had they not been attacked, another year, two, three, when the Nazis and Japanese closed in on the Americas? That is the question, when would the United States enter the next World War? Even the wars with the Barbary Pirates was only entered by the United States after their shipping had been under attack and the price paid for protection was raised too high that war was the more affordable option. That was the first time the United States warred with Islam. There were two Barbary Wars. The third war the United States had with Islam was in 1911 in the Philippines fighting the Morro Tribes as a result of the Spanish American War; their descendants are the ones fighting the Philippine government today on Mindanao.


So, what does the world do if the United States decides not to react to an attack on one of their allies? The one thing we can believe is that should the Americans sit any such attack out that every enemy of the United States will feel free to attack whomever they please and the world will erupt into complete and total chaos with nobody looking over their shoulder for the United States to act. They will have shown a total lack of concern and that will be taken as a go signal by every aggressor worldwide. Eventually the Americans will enter, but how many will have died before that happens. These are unpleasant considerations which must be addressed by a world on the edge, a world threatening to fall beyond the cusp.


Beyond the Cusp


April 20, 2016

Jerusalem Bus Bombing Should Rule All Options Valid


The political winds are blowing on the campaign trails as well as the White House. On the campaign trail Bernie Sanders still points to the use of force against Hamas as “disproportional” because there was more damage, casualties and deaths in Gaza than there was in Israel. By Senator Saunders’ system of a fair and balanced war, the allies in World War II were probably the most disproportionate war criminals of all time. Where the bombing of London and other British cities was likely balanced by the bombing of Berlin, Frankfort and other German cities; they then used excessive force in the European theater leveling the entirety of Marseilles, Dresden and the entirety of land in what was determined to be a general series of bombing which would disenchant the German and Italian forces, peoples and citizens even in occupied France and central Europe on into Poland with Germany to receive the bulk of the saturation bombings carried out by the British by night and the Americans by day. Below is a map of the sorties and bombings on Axis targets in defeating the Italian and German fronts by the United States and British air power. It can be noted with even the most casual glance that very little escaped being struck at some point by Allied bombings which was unsurprising when bombing was carried out day and night, day after day, in darkness, overcast skies and clear days where targets could actually be recognized and still the probability of striking any specific target would have one bomb per score dropped actually striking the target on the best days and operational conditions. It becomes obvious that even the targeted bombings in Germany and much of Austria, Belgium and eastern France were buried by the amount of bombs dropped across the entire areas. This was not proportional according to Senator Sanders’ definitions but I doubt anybody would have referred to the bombing campaign against the Nazis a using disproportional force as any force was permissible as this was war.


Bombings on Axis Targets in Defeat of Italy and Germany by the United States and British Air Power with Red Denotes Saturation Bombing While Colors Denote Specific Sites Targeted
Bombings on Axis Targets in Defeat of Italy and Germany
by the United States and British Air Power with
Red Denotes Saturation Bombing While
Colors Denote Specific Sites Targeted


Another bombing which would not have met with the approval by Senator Sanders would have been the firestorms in Tokyo and the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the United States ending the war by convincing Emperor Shōwa (昭和天皇) Hirohito (裕仁) that his Japan would be completely destroyed and could not win against such power. One need remember the night of March 9-10 (“Operation Meetinghouse”), where 334 B-29s took off to raid with 279 of them dropping 1,665 tons of bombs on Tokyo that the civilian casualties 97,000 killed and 125,000 wounded in the ensuing firestorm which razed entire neighborhoods especially in the eastern half of Tokyo. Further were the dates of August 6 and August 9, 1945 and the dropping of two nuclear bombs, Hiroshima where over 20,000 soldiers were killed along with 70,000–146,000 civilians and Nagasaki where 35,000-80,000 people were instantly killed and some 50,000 others suffered burns or died by the end of 1945. These were the only wartime use of such weapons but with the new threats forming on the horizon in an ominous fashion, one cannot be assured that they will have been the final use of such weapons. One need remember that the super weapons which end wars become the weapons of choice in the next such war.


Hiroshima Before and After Atomic Bomb

Hiroshima Before and After Atomic Bomb


Nagasaki Before and After Atomic Bomb

Nagasaki Before and After Atomic Bomb


The pictures above beg the question as to exactly, Senator Sanders, would be proportional after the bombing and burning beyond recognition of two buses, one with a load of passengers amongst whom more than twenty civilians were injured with many still recovering in hospital with the most severely injured on respirators and in critical care wards. Exactly what is the formula one should use in determining the correct number of casualties? Would it be a direct one for one or does one make the determination of percent of total populations where there are 2,100,000,000 Muslims and not even 14,500,000 Jews worldwide; so do we need to make each Jew injured represent up to 150 Muslims or does your math demand only a one for one ratio? How does the modern Arab/Israeli conflict deserve a different scrutiny than the allied powers of the two World Wars and countless other conflicts throughout history? Could you please clarify for the rest of the world and for Israel, Putin and others who are combating terror?


Jerusalem Buses Burning from Terrorist Bombing Young Man with Leg Injuries, Young Lady with Burned Arms and Legs Plus Mother of 16 Year Old with Extensive Burns on Respirator, Man Who Had Cell Phone Explode Adding Hand Injury to Wounds
Jerusalem Buses Burning from Terrorist Bombing
Young Man with Leg Injuries, Young Lady with Burned Arms and Legs
Plus Mother of 16 Year Old with Extensive Burns on Respirator,
Man Who Had Cell Phone Explode Adding Hand Injury to Wounds


The injured from the two buses and a number of vehicles which all burned beyond recognition with one of the buses and most of the other vehicles involved were made the victims of this horrific terrorist bombing with a fair number still clinging to life, some on near to full life support while others simply working their way through being burned and some having serious other wounds caused by the metallic shrapnel from the explosive device which was packed with nuts, bolts and screws with potentially other objects which ended being lodged in the victims’ bodies. This attack itself, by primarily targeting civilians, as was the obvious when the initial blast was within one of these city buses which seldom carry solely military personnel and are almost always filled with young civilians who depend on mass transit to take them wherever their lives require of them, was a war crime. But Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, John Kasich and Ted Cruz aside, Israel got a warning of things to come and how completely unconcerned the terror leadership including Mahmoud “the instigating maestro” Abbas as well as Hamas, Islamic State and Islamic Jihad, al-Qaeda, al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades and the rest populating Gaza as well as Judea and Samaria (West Bank) are at bringing death and destruction attacking civilians in the most public fashion and in broad daylight. All the above groups celebrated the attempt to slaughter Israelis heaping praise upon whoever planned this cowardly attack.


Further, American Vice President Biden also denounced and scorned Israel as part of his speech given to J-Street, a Jewish pro-Palestinian anti-Zionist and extremely discouraged on Netanyahu winning another term as they believe as does President Obama that it is Netanyahu who is at fault and that Abbas is willing to make peace if only Israel was reasonable. By reasonable Abbas means that all the Jews return to New York City, even if they have never even visited there; so he can make his Palestinian State as he desires, on Israel’s grave. Even should he be granted a state presented on a silver platter with the keys to every building on the Temple Mount; if by assuming such a state, elections would still be required. Abbas knows that if elections are held soon thereafter he would be a dead man or seeking asylum in person in New York himself. The numbers do not lie, they tell the story. When 65% support stabbing Israeli civilians, 89% want to live under an Islamic State run by Sharia law, 84% want to stone adulterers to death and 66% support killing any Muslim who leaves Islam and a two-to-one majority want Abbas out of power with a majority would approve of his being tried for crimes against the Palestinians and then have a proper trial followed by as proper public hanging. No, Abbas will never accept a state in any way, shape or kind as without the IDF protection he becomes a dead man walking.


Still, there are rumors floating that Putin and Obama desire giving Syrian dictator Bashir al-Assad the Golan Heights from which to shoot at Israelis as he had before in the hopes such would gain him support, or at least sympathy, from the Syrian street thus returning to rule as the leader in the war against Israel. There have been additional balloons floated since we reported on the Huffington Post trial balloon over President Obama simply by edict using the powers of the Security Council to recognize a Palestinian State using the Green Line as the borders including giving all of the Old City of Jerusalem to the Arabs. This would be right in line with the recent ruling by UNESCO that the entirety of the Temple Mount has no roots or bearing from Jewish or Hebrew history and is exclusively and completely an Islamic site including the churches and other structures and historic sites there including the Western Wall and Kotel Plaza, the area where the Sermon on the Mount and Jesus’s crucifixion all took place as well as the area the location of the Holy of the Holies. Such a ruling by President Obama would be unenforceable as there are close to three-fourths of a million if not more Jews residing in Judea and Samaria as well as the thousands of Jews moved from their properties in the Old City where they fought in the courts to finally have their properties returned to them when the area was liberated from Jordanian occupation and the majority of Arabs residing in Eastern Jerusalem, all of whom have Israeli identification cards, who would rush as far as they were able westward to assure they would end up residing in Israel and not any Palestinian “nightmare” State. Both of these ideas have been floated thus taking by United Nations Security Council binding resolutions to take the Golan Heights and all lands liberated from Jordan and hand them over to what would almost immediately in Judea and Samaria (West Bank) and soon thereafter with Hezballah likely to be tasked by Assad and Putin to hold the Golan Heights and attack Israelis whenever targets of opportunity present themselves. Additionally, any State set up in the Palestinian Authority areas would become an entity where the people would vote for Hamas, if not the Islamic State, as soon as they were allowed to vote. This fact explains why Mahmoud Abbas has spent a decade in office on his original term of four years which he claimed when he replaced the dead Yasser Arafat. There would be no such confusion or direct route to lead any state which President Obama would spend the political capital to present the Arabs because there would be a demand that an election decide who would rule the state.


The hope by President Obama to establish the State of Palestine will never fly as the leadership will immediately become terrorist and it would be a failed state where the terror masters would live lavish lives while the rest of the people who were not directly supporting the terror leaders would be destitute living in camps which would make the current camps become suddenly appealing. Should the Security Council only make the resolution under Chapter Six, then Israel would have the option of ignoring the vote as it would be a strong suggestion and nothing more. That would force President Obama for his legacy, his current Middle East North Africa (MENA) legacy, to be mired in failure from Egypt to Syria to Iran and Iraq, in Saudi Arabia and the rest of the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) and especially Nigeria and Libya and particularly Benghazi, a failure which will have a high profile this election season, all failures across the board so Obama appears to be looking to blame Israel and Netanyahu for all his sorrows, and it will blow-up in Obama’s face along with his brain trust of Powers and Rice who have taken turns at Senior Security Advisor and United Nations Ambassador and have lied and spun until dizzy enough to collapse in a tizzy and become as useless and weak as their boss. Obama attempting to form his legacy on the graves of tens if not hundreds of thousands, hopefully nowhere near millions of Jewish graves as he carves up Israel’s security locations such as the Golan Heights, the Jordan River overlooking highlands and even any area along the Jordan River forcing an Israeli retreat. Such a retreat would only occur if Israeli retreat was in response to force of arms which would entail American boots on the ground enforcing Palestine and shooting Jews in Hevron, in Jerusalem, across Biblical lands of the Hebrews and Jews of Judea all in the name of enlightened knowing it all and making the solution by force which will fail as soon as he pulls out the United States troops, something the Americans would likely demand. The suffering this would cause is heart wrenching and unthinkable. Where are the American voices in opposition or has the media refused to point out what is being planned to be implemented either in the late summer in the United Nations and in mid if troops are to be deployed. Listen carefully for rumors of wars which will become actual wars without American people and vigilance, the first requirement for freedom and liberty, the second is acting to right wrongs and doing so before they come to fruition.


Beyond the Cusp


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