Beyond the Cusp

October 13, 2015

Terror War Escalated with Calls for More Stabbings


Step one in the ramping up of attacks to the point where every few hours we hear of new stabbing attacks being prevented or too often the dreaded successful attack with some victims barely holding to life and very seriously injured but stabilized and expected to survive and those fortunate enough to need a short treatment in a hospital or even just an outpatient treatment. The news will quite possibly concentrate exclusively on those assaults taking place near the Temple Mount or the Old City of Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and those ‘occupied’ (actually disputed) territories. This will permit summarizing that the reason for these assaults is because of the Palestinians not being granted their state. This does not explain the stabbing attacks within Green Line Israel including a serious attack in Tel Aviv amongst others. Then there is the call that has gone out to all Arabs, Palestinian, Israeli or any who can commit an attack on Israelis. Below is a picture of a Rafah cleric calling upon Arab Palestinians to stab Jews murdering them wherever they find them and seek them and stab them repeatedly followed by the MEMRI video of a cleric’s sermon from which the picture was taken.



Knife Wielding Rafah cleric calls upon Arab Palestinians to stab Jews murdering them wherever they find them and seek them and stab them repeatedly

Knife Wielding Rafah cleric calls upon Arab Palestinians to stab Jews murdering them wherever they find them and seek them and stab them repeatedly





These stabbings all have escalated since the shooting deaths of Eitam and Naama Henkin who were slaughtered after their vehicle had been struck with rocks and cinderblocks with all of this taking place in front of their four young children. The murderers were eventually caught and were found to have been members of Hamas and still were also officers in the Palestinian Security Forces which is provided arms by Israel as part of some horrific agreement which simply twists fate beyond all reason. It is highly likely that these murders were carried out using their service weapons which is more than enough reason to disarm the Palestinian Security Forces. Of course this possibility is one question not being pursued and one which the government will never reveal as to do so would start an upheaval which would be beyond the government’s ability to quell without acting on this possibility. At the least a full and independent investigation is definitely in order with the result made public at the same time as it is released to the government so as to remove any possibility of a cover-up. The next video is serious and quite disturbing as an Arab youth turns on the Israeli Border Police Officer attacking the officer as he is checking identifications along with two other officers. When the youth pulls his knife and attacks the two officers closest to him, we see the insanity with which these attacks are carried out as it immediately becomes obvious that this is a checkpoint and there are quite a number of other Border Police stationed carrying out the identity checks, something not that out of the ordinary when considering the level of violence in and around the Temple Mount this past week. The scene develops ramping up immediately with the dozen Border Police brandishing their sidearms and after a few seconds we also see an IDF soldier who must have been in the area also appear with his weapon. The assailant is quickly dispatched and rendered to no longer pose any threat. Such an attack on an officer in close proximity to the amount of backup received almost immediately shows the intensity and hatred driving these attacks that when having a dozen armed officers carrying out an identification check, something with which I and every Israeli is familiar.





Identification checkpoints are located everywhere and can be run into almost to the point of ridiculous as there are identification checks to ride the trains, a major form of transport for a majority of Israelis, when entering any shopping mall, any government building, almost every upscale retail store, before entering an entire area of any city where a parade is being held or any other such gathering point such as for marathons where the entire route is closed with identification check required to enter as well as any other event or locations such as stadiums, lecture halls, expositions etc. When we hear about the checkpoints being a cause of disruption and an inconvenience for the Arab Palestinians it plays poorly as checkpoints are a fact of life in all of Israel. On a single trip to a doctor’s office one could run into any number of checkpoints and is guaranteed to have one at the hospital entrance if the doctor’s office is in one of the hospital clinics, so checkpoints are not unusual for Israelis anywhere and not simply only inconveniencing Arab Palestinian in the disputed areas.


There are likely fewer checkpoints in these areas with the majority of them placed where trouble may be expected through intelligence information gathered or points where larger numbers of Arab Palestinian enter across the Green Line into Israel. The world demands that Israel place as few or no checkpoints within the disputed area and then complains that there are checkpoints wherever the Arab Palestinian enters into the main areas of Israel. If the Arab Palestinian areas are to be treated as another country, one which has proved to encourage murderous attacks on Israeli citizens, then these are border checkpoints and reducing their numbers increases the potential threats I and other Israelis would face in our day to day lives. These checkpoints were put in place after suffering at the least one suicide terrorist bombing ever week to ten days and often more when they began blowing up the first bomb and then when police and others were at the scene treating the wounded, removing the fatalities while checking their identifications and other cleaning and investigating when a second bomb would be detonated to murder as many police and others who would have gathered at the scene of the initial bombing attack. Since the increased surveillance and checkpoints there have been far fewer bombings to the point that today the main attacks consist of stabbings, rocks hurling at vehicles which have proven fatal, shootings and ramming crowds or checkpoints with a vehicle which has also produced numbers of fatalities. As long as the stabbings, rock throwing, cinderblock thrown attacks, use of Mosque as assault point armory on Temple Mount, mob attacks in Jerusalem and other aggressions continue at such a fevered pace then there will be more checkpoints, more random identification checks which includes Israelis being checked and other necessities to decrease the danger to the public. The Border Police and other law enforcement know that should they catch a terrorist at the checkpoint that before their identification check is completed they usually assault the officers and this is preferred by the security personnel as such an attack means fewer civilians facing that particular threat as they will now prevent a future attack. That is the reason for the checkpoints to begin with, making Israel and the disputed territories safe for everyone. Some of these attacks have made victims out of Israeli Arabs and even Arab Palestinians and checkpoints protect everyone and the removal of checkpoints simply feeds the terror cycle as every successful terror attack breeds more attacks simply because violence fuels and inflames the desires to also become famous and be lauded by Arab Palestinian society, and murdering Israelis is the fastest path to such praise.


Many times when there has been attacks intercepted by Israeli security forces the news even within Israel follow the same blueprint, the Israeli security personnel are shown forcing the crowds back and their continued clashing with the assailants who are often barricading themselves in the al-Aqsa Mosque which serves as an attack platform and armory where rocks, pyrotechnics, Molotov cocktails and other objects both for ranged attacks and hand to hand combat. These attacks are choreographed and often planned to implement bait and ambush security officers as well as mass attacks in an attempt to interfere with people who are not Muslims from touring the Temple Mount, this includes Christians as well as Jews and others who are not Muslims. Last year produced an assault near the Temple Mount at the Mount Olives Cemetery, where Jewish luminaries from throughout Jewish history stretching back over two thousand year are interred there and often have had their graves destroyed and defaced, there was a rock attack on visiting United States elected politicians who were visiting the graves of some of the illustrious persons buried there. Representatives Eliot Engel and Jerrold Nadler, both New York Democrats, were pelted with rocks from the Arab Palestinian schoolyard which overlooks the cemetery and has been the source of such attacks before. Below is a picture of one of the rocks, presumably the one that struck Representative Nadler, shown holding said rock, and below that the video of Representatives Eliot Engel and Jerrold Nadler voicing their reactions to the life-threatening situation which they experienced and assume is not as unusual an event as often depicted in reporting by the media.



Representatives Eliot Engel and Jerrold Nadler displaying one of the rocks hurled down upon them from Palestinian schoolyard overlooking Mount Olives Cemetery

Representatives Eliot Engel and Jerrold Nadler displaying one of the rocks hurled down upon them from Palestinian schoolyard overlooking Mount Olives Cemetery





There is another video from just over a week ago in the midst of reports of violence escalating on the Temple Mount and in Jerusalem and across Israel and the contested territories where the chairman of Fatah Party and self-proclaimed President of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas made a statement released to the media where he denied that there was any Arab Palestinian violence and if there were any such violence, then it was righteous and necessitated by attacks upon the Islamic holy sites. We can only assume that Chairman Abbas believes the piles of rocks and boxes of pyrotechnics and rows of Molotov cocktails were all hurled by the Israeli Border Police and Temple Mount Police into the al-Aqsa Mosques and landed arranged for easy access should anybody within the Mosque care to hurl them back at the Police. These objects which have consistently been the ammunition used by the Arab Palestinian terrorists when assaulting the police, an activity which they appear to have nothing better to do than start these confrontations. Abbas claiming that the police are instigating these confrontations because they mass outside the al-Aqsa Mosque without cause after chasing and assaulting the young, innocent, ice-cream-would-not-melt-in-their-mouths young adults and teens into the Mosque and the projectile and balls of fire emanating from the Mosque are actually being thrown into the Mosque by the Police and something only explainable by complex physics including probability theories and quantum entanglement of objects at a molecular level is the reason all the projectiles appear to be coming from within the Mosque despite the fact that these young adults and teens are not confronting and rioting as has been reported.





The next video depicts that exact scene as it played out in mid-September, a good two to three weeks before Chairman Abbas claimed with a straight face that the Arab Palestinians have not been rioting and there had been no Islamic instigated violence of any kind, well except for the rock throwing, Molotov cocktail hurling and physical assaults on police.





There are also brutal vicious shooting deaths of Eitam and Naama Henkin in the front seat of their vehicle with their four children in the back seat on October 13, 2015, almost a week before Chairman Abbas made his statement. So, this was a defensive act to prevent what exactly, prevent two parents from returning home, cause rioting on the most sacred ground in Judaism and presumably, as we have been told endlessly, the third holiest site in all of Islam with a stated goal of preventing the Jews from soiling it with their “filthy feet” just to quote Abbas as shown in the next video. How could Abbas have forgotten this video which precedes his we have committed no violence pleading to the Europeans and others to use as proof that the Israeli reports and the news clips are all imaginary or played out on a sound stage?





This violence has been instigated, choreographed, tactically executed and trained for by Fatah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and near countless others. These attacks are not unique to just Israel. What do these terrorist groups all have in common? They all received training from Iran either in Iran, Syria or Lebanon while also receiving assistance such as explosives and other provisions for the production of rockets and mortars to be used against Israel. But these problems have spread now across Europe with Germany being a particular hot spot and Hungary coming in a close second. These disturbances will continue their march westwards eventually rising up with riots and attacks on police and other targets in France and finally Britain. Below are a pair of videos, the first depicting the violence and police attempt to control a group of ‘Syrian refugees’ as they fight between themselves and also attempt to break out of the camp. The second depicts the trail of riots, violence and mayhem as it winds its route through Europe. It has numerous scenes from numerous locations in Europe, confrontations with authorities and scenes which are becoming commonplace throughout Europe and spreading from the major cities now to the towns as the influx has easily topped one million if not two million or more refugees and the train has just begun. On average each refugee has between four to dozens of family they will desire to have joining them once they are settled. This will play out over the next three to five years until at some point Europe will be forced to accept Islamic rule. Coming tomorrow will be an article on how some Christian Churches and organizations are already preparing for Islam to conquer the western world.







Beyond the Cusp


October 12, 2015

Israel Only Able To Prevent Suicide by Withdrawal from World Bodies


The rumor mill has once again sounded the warning that France will be presenting a motion to the Security Council condemning Israel as an occupier of the lands which were liberated from Jordanian occupation in the Six Day War in June of 1967. The formation of the homeland for the Jewish people came in three easy to understand steps. The first step was the proposal for the lands to be divided into one state for the Jews and a second Arab Palestinian state complimenting the already existing Arab Palestinian state cut from the British Mandate lands called Jordan, originally Transjordan. The San Remo Conference put forth that the lands turned over to British control under the title of British Mandate Lands was for the formation of the Jewish state. This meant that all of the Mandate lands under British control were to form the Jewish state. While the British were doing all within their power to guarantee that there would never be sufficient Jews allowing for their state to be founded they ‘requested’ with likely some degree of ominous foreboding that the Zionist Congress allow for the using of the Mandate lands east of the Jordan River, that is seventy-eight percent of the lands, be given for forming an Arab Palestinian State which would be ruled by the Hashemite Royal Family and in return the British Crown and nation would guarantee that the remaining twenty-two percent of the Mandate lands west of the Jordan River would remain inviolately usable for the Jewish homelands. That was the first dividing of the lands presumably reserved for the homeland for the Jewish People for which we have nobody to blame but ourselves for agreeing and that die has been cast.



British Mandate as prescribed division between Arab State of Jordan and Jewish State of Israel

British Mandate as prescribed division between Arab State of Jordan and Jewish State of Israel



The British, true to their word, to the Arab leaders, restricted the number of Jews permitted to enter the British Mandate lands, even throughout World War II when having a place to emigrate to would have saved millions of Jewish lives, and had refused an offer by the Germans before they invaded Poland for the British to allow Germany to deport their Jewish population to the British Mandate lands thus sealing the fate of German and European Jewry and setting the final segments in place for the Holocaust. Even after World War II and the gruesome realities of the Holocaust became known where figures estimate that over six million Jews and millions of Roma, Serbians, Poles, Homosexuals, mentally unstable and other disabled persons were all liquidated as there was no room in the Reich for inferior humans such as those persecuted minorities, the British were still holding out against the formation of Israel and continued to refuse to allow the remainder of European Jews to emigrate to the British controlled areas even going as far as to take some of the Jews who were caught attempting to land in Haifa, Tel Aviv and other ports and place them right back into the concentration camps under British control in Germany. This was the fate of the real ship Exodus which was portrayed in the movie by the same name except the real Exodus was intercepted by the British, boarded and the Jews taken around Europe and up the Rhine and the Jews were incarcerated in ‘Displaced Persons Camps’ which for the survivors of the Concentration Camps this was a particularly trying and distressing imposition. They had believed and hoped with all the fiber left in them that they were going to be in Eretz Yisroel and instead the British had taken them back to Germany and basically incarcerated them in a holding camp for displaced persons. History is full of ironies and events which defy logic or explanation as to why and how people could be so heartless or unthinking as to incarcerate Jews in camps after their having survived the concentration camps but then again they might have been spared the concentration camps had Britain or any other nation agreed to take them in or allow them refuge in one of their colonial possessions of the period but none were offered. The Exodus was simply one ship out of many which had sailed for Israel only to be intercepted and placed in camps only to finally release them allowing their immigration to Israel after the recognition on May 15, 1948.



Haganah Ship Exodus after the British Boarded her Blocking Jews Entrance to British Mandate Taking Jews to be Held in Camps in Germany

Haganah Ship Exodus after the British Boarded her Blocking Jews Entrance to British Mandate Taking Jews to be Held in Camps in Germany



Finally the United Nations on November 29, 1947 held their vote in the General Assembly on whether or not to offer a partition plan which would establish another Arab Palestinian State additional to Jordan and Israel for the Jews and even proposed a set of boarders which would have maximized the two sides to be constantly at each other’s throats with constant complaints of border transgressions. As this was a General Assembly Resolution it had absolutely no binding powers and held only the power of suggesting one possible solution and could have led to negotiations or other method of settling any disputes or claims from either party. The one thing it could not do was survive either side refusing to accept the offer of two states for two peoples living side by side in peace and security or in any form what-so-ever. Thus was General Assembly Resolution 181 born with the map below depicting the borders proposed by the United Nations which was sent to the Zionist Congress and the Arab League for their respective approvals. Should both parties have accepted the proposal there would have been two states formed in the lands between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. The Zionist Congress and all Jewish Agencies agreed to the proposal almost immediately. The Arab League held a vote where it was almost unanimously refused claiming that no size Arab state was acceptable if it did not include all of the land and that no Jewish state was acceptable in any form, size or other consideration and that the Jews must not be permitted a state on what was pure Arab lands. The refusal by the Arab League meant that General Assembly Resolution 181 offer for two states died at that moment and the United Nations decided with the agreement of the British, as the British desired to be rid of the entire tangled mess and all the problems their remaining would entail, so Israel was born with the borders being the entirety of the British Mandate lands from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. The rejection by the Arab League left all the land in the map below to become Israel, the entirety including both the orange and green plus the white area depicting Jerusalem as the Arabs gave up their claims and that made void the divisions proffered in Resolution 181 so when the British still insisted they were leaving as of sundown May 14, 1948, then at that point the Jewish state of Israel came into being which was the next day as in Judaism sundown is the start of the next day which is why though the British surrendered their control at sundown on May 14 that Israel declared their independence day to correspond with May 15, 1948 which was 5th of Iyyar, 5708 on the Hebrew calendar.



UN Palestine Partition Versions of 1947 and included within UN General Assembly Resolution 181 which was rejected by the Arab League negating the UN Resolution as if either side rejects such a UN Resolution which is non-binding, it invalidates the entire agreement rendering it mute from that point forward. Jerusalem was to be managed by a corpus separatum (Latin: “separate entity”) set up consisting of an international groups most likely to be rotated. This offer was accepted by the Zionist Congress but having any General Assembly Resolution accepted by one side and rejected by the other is simply one hand clapping, useless.

UN Palestine Partition Versions of 1947 and included within UN General Assembly Resolution 181 which was rejected by the Arab League negating the UN Resolution as if either side rejects such a UN Resolution which is non-binding, it invalidates the entire agreement rendering it mute from that point forward. Jerusalem was to be managed by a corpus separatum (Latin: “separate entity”) set up consisting of an international groups most likely to be rotated. This offer was accepted by the Zionist Congress but having any General Assembly Resolution accepted by one side and rejected by the other is simply one hand clapping, useless.



That morning seven national armies crossed into the nascent state of Israel in an invasion having the full intent of murdering every last Jew; every man, woman and child. This war continued off and on for over a year and became known as the Israeli War of Independence. The problem with that name is it is a misrepresentation of what occurred. Israel did not win this war; they just did not completely lose this war. Israel survived a war intent on their annihilation but lost lands to Jordan, Syria and Egypt. Israel did fight a war for independence which ended on November 29, 1947 when the date was set for Israeli independence and the departure of the British Mandate forces. From that date on Israel was fighting a war with the Arab population led by the Mufti of Jerusalem Amin al-Husseini and these guerilla forces were joined by armies from Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Arab Liberation Army (Arabic جيش الإنقاذ العربي‎) commanded by Fawzi al-Qawuqji, Army of the Holy War (Arabic جيش الجهاد المقدس) commanded by Abd al-Qadir al-Husayni and Hasan Salama, and volunteers from Muslim Brotherhood, Yemen, Pakistan and Sudan. Additionally both Britain and the United States had official policy of an arms embargo on all sides though there was some British help provided the Arab forces as the British turned over much of their arms and equipment to the Arab forces as they departed in the weeks leading up to May 14, 1948. Israel very well might not have persevered if not for one nation which understood being the victim of British ignobly when they were sacrificed to Germany and Hitler in order to avoid any potential conflict over such a trivial matter such as was Czechoslovakia to the powers such as Britain in the period immediately before the invasion of Poland began World War II officially. Czechoslovakia bravely ignored the major powers embargo and basically all but dared them to say something, anything about what they had chosen to do. Israel owes them a debt of gratitude and more to the Czech Republic and to Slovakia so as to return the favor of life which they provided Israel in their time of greatest need and challenge.


By the end of the war the Egyptians held the Gaza Strip which they gained from Israel, the Syrians had gained control over the whole of the Golan Heights which previously were divided at their highest point and Jordan had gained much of Judea, Benyamin, Samaria and half of Jerusalem which included the entirety of the Old City as well as the Temple Mount and many of the oldest and most historic and important cities and towns from ancient Israeli and Jewish history. These lands gained by these aggressors were the true occupied lands and were presumably part of Israel and were lost when Israel managed to survive the war of Jewish annihilation by over a dozen Arab armies but still Israel lost lands and the world has done everything possible to enforce that loss despite Israel liberating these lands when forced into war by another attempt at annihilation when Gamal Abdel Nasser commanding the Syrian and Egyptian armies declared they would “drive the Jews into the Sea.” Jordan did not join in this war in early June of 1967 and Israeli leaders begged Jordan not to join the war and not to believe the broadcasts on Syrian and Egyptian news telling of their advances and imminent capture of Tel Aviv, but Jordan wanted their slice of the corpse of the Jewish State and the Jews trying to tell them that they were actually winning was just a ploy by the Jews who had to be lying so Jordan jumped in on the second day of the Six Day War and lost the occupied lands as Israel liberated Judea, Samaria, Benyamin and most of all the Old City and Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The world has never forgiven Israel for winning these wars and surviving because they cannot accept the Jews as being confident, armed and proficient at defending themselves. But just because Israel has not lost the fight does not mean they have to win the peace. The aim is to force Israel back to the presumably undefendable borders of pre Six Day War 1967 so that the Arab armies can have another go at Israel and maybe this time they will succeed and Israel will be destroyed and the Jews will be back to begging from every nation to please permit us our little corner and we will promise not to make any trouble and will live at your kindnesses.


Now the French are next up to introduce another Security Council Resolution declaring that Israel has no rights to “occupy” Arab Palestinian lands in the West Bank, the name which Jordan gave to Judea, Samaria, Benyamin and eastern Jerusalem including the entire old city and the Temple Mount. The reason given for this emergency resolution is the dangerous rioting in Old City Jerusalem and particularly the Temple Mount for which these lands must be immediately rewarded to the Arab Palestinians so that the rioting will end as the Israelis are the reason for the rioting and the terrorism. If only the Arab Palestinians are granted their historic lands, historic lands for a terminology used first by Yasser Arafat with the assistance of his Soviet KGB masters who invented Palestinians to mean the Arabs who are no different than the people in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt and the other Arab nations in the Middle East. What is being glossed over is that the rioters are the Arabs and if the solution to Arab rioting is to give them the lands then what is to be done with the Arab violence in Tel Aviv, Ashdod, Ashkelon and the future Arab violence which will break out in almost every corner of what is today Israel? I think I can guess at the European solution and that would be to give all of Israel to the Arabs and let them do as they wish with the Jews just as long as they do not send them to Europe. The question is are these miscreant youths who you really wish to reward encouraging their behavior, especially when there are thousands of potentially like-minded youths residing in and currently entering Europe? Think about this carefully, really carefully.




Perhaps the Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations should place a sister resolution to the Security Council which will reward the Arabs rioting across Europe by giving them the cities and nations where the Arabs are rioting to the Arab rioters as if it is the right solution to Arab rioting them; it must work the same wherever there exists Arab rioting. I have a suggestion for the French; take care of the Islamic violence in your own nation such as the horrific murders at Charlie Hebdo and the Hyper Cacher kosher market, the terrorist murders of three young children and a rabbi at the Ozar Hatorah School in the north-east part of Toulouse before throwing barbs at Israel. There are sufficient problems in every nation at some level which others could throw the stones of indignance at, but throwing such stones from your own glass house at somebody else’s glass house results in two very smashed glass houses with no benefit to either house owner. If for one moment the world would read the San Remo Conference results and they would know almost instantaneously that the lands from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea all belongs to Israel and technically so does all of Jordan, but the Zionist Congress made a sacrifice to please the native Arab population and allowed the British to make good on their promises and this is the repayment, the attempt to take the remaining twenty-two percent of the lands promised the Jews and reward those who would destroy everything the Jews have built and murder every Jew given half the chance. Let us all hope that the French will prepare for their own problems because if the reward for Arabs rioting is to give them the lands, we can expect a world full of Arab rioting and demands they be rewarded the lands in which they rioted just as the precedent the European and United Nations demanded from Israel as why should Europe be any different than Israel? Time will tell but be careful on the precedents set as they have a nasty habit of growing bolder and more voracious with their appetite only growing after they swallow another morsel surrendered under duress, a lot more appetite.


Beyond the Cusp


October 11, 2015

In Israel America is Still That Gleaming Land of Greatness


The statements in this article are formed from the Israelis I have met and is hopefully something which continues to hold truthful as my experiences broaden. The vast majority of Israelis, particularly young Israelis, have an idealized view of the United States. They believe that in the United States opportunities exist like nowhere else on Earth. They see the United States as being capable of achieving just about anything they decide to put the efforts towards. This is not to say that they approve of everything the United States does or does not do that concerns the Israelis. Despite their love affair with the United States, that love affair sours rather rapidly when one takes stock in how Israeli feel about the United States governance. There many Israelis have more difficulty understanding as they see the United States as capable of doing unbelievable good if only the government would allow the people to take care of things themselves. You see, where one’s initial observation would be that the average Israeli has a view of the United States which is unrealistic, as you delve deeper you realize that they are not seeing the United States as perfect or they believe that things in the United States are perfect. What one sees is that the average Israeli loves Americans and their forms of governance and have just as jaundiced a view of the government as the most conservative Tea Party individual. Rumor says that this belief does not extend to much of one large city where their views match closer to Boston, New York, Los Angeles or most other large cities in the United States. Thus far I have avoided visiting this one city as I like the idealized view of the United States, well, more so the views of the average American citizen.


This view of America, as that is the real love, is that ideal America that went to the moon in less than a decade after deciding they were to meet that challenge. They love the concepts of full equality of opportunity and the spirit which made America great and is still there as a creative spark which is inside every human being but stifled more everywhere else outside America. The America most Israelis have experienced has been through the eyes of those who have visited the United States and seen the great potential which exists in the United States and these people have not stayed in the United States sufficiently long enough for the bad shortcomings to become just as easily witnessed thus bringing even the most devoted Israeli to see that there are places where the United States falls well short of the mark. Ask the average Israeli what they think of the United States and you get the feeling they believe that America can do no wrong. Dig a little deeper and you see a people whose idealized view is of the average American and their can do attitude becomes more of a could have been attitude which is more in line with reality.


One looks a little deeper and one begins to understand where the average Israeli gets their views on the United States and things begin to make sense. The average Israeli forms their views of the United States on the relatively small number of Americans they meet. Here in Israel most of the people get a small sample size and have only met Americans who have afforded not only trips to Israel but many have also an apartment that they own and plan on retiring and living in said apartment, so obviously the Americans they have met are the more wealthy and additionally their sampling consists solely of American Jews who are also Zionist and tend to be more conservative. Many of these Americans have completed college and are by and large physicians with many also being surgeons. So, their sample size is rather small and more indicative of the wealthier Americans and often include other than those in the medical fields, Americans who have some form of engineering or other scientific degrees and again often post graduate work with many having gotten their doctoral degree. So, again their sampling is skewed to successful Zionists which mean that they have again met mostly conservative people who have often also formed their own companies and many also hold a MBA degree to go along with their doctoral degree. To point out these are highly motivated people who would have succeeded in almost every nation in the Western world would be an understatement. If one speaks with the Americans who reside now in Israel after holding a successful career in the United States, many also fulfilled their required service in Israel as well. The sample size keeps being refined down to a very motivated and brilliant people who are driven and who meet very high criteria in education and accomplishments to their credit. These people tend to be conservative but still often voted as a good social liberal though they often had a very simple and basic filter which was dependent on one issue. Would their preferred candidate support Israel with almost a blind zeal bordering on fanaticism.


If one would make a list answering the question, ‘What is right about America?’ you would probably get a definition of the attitude of many of the Americans one meets in Israel. Giving even more validity to the assessment of the average American Jew who at some point after quite an impressive career decided to live in Israel and sufficient numbers of these people also gave half of their career time to working in Israel, there is an overwhelming number of the American Jews residing or regularly visiting Israel that have a less than admirable view of the current holder of the White House. As many of these people have what is called dual citizenship and are eligible to vote in the State they last resided in and do cast absentee ballots, their choices are easily researched and the story is quite telling; where in the United States President Obama won over seventy percent of the Jewish vote in both of his election victories, the Israeli Americans voted in the opposite direction with the 2008 votes exceeded three-quarters voting against President Obama and in 2012 an even higher percentage voted against his return to the White House. The consensus amongst the Americans here was obviously that President Obama was bad for Israel and the overt actions during the last Gaza war on Hamas and Islamic Jihad. They viewed President Obama directly for the closing off of Ben Gurion International Airport due to the terror threat which could have resulted in downed aircraft, something the United States had not done in Syria during the five year war continuing to rage nor have done in Lebanon, Libya or any of the nations struck by violence as a result of the Arab Spring turned into an Arab Winter despite some of the most vicious threats to flights in or out of their countries. In some of these cases the airlines themselves refused to provide service to these nations. Then there was the channeling the resupply of arms which the United States was obliged to automatically approve with the military itself charged with authorizing and supplying replacements keeping Israel provided with the means for her defense through the State Department with their withholding approval until Israel had presumably buckled to the demand to cease their hostilities in Gaza and returned control of Gaza to its ‘duly elected government’ which is the same as saying Hamas as it is their people who rule in Gaza. The White House was fully aware of this situation and the obligation of the United States which they modified so as to make their obligation into a wanted dead or dead poster on Israel, and that is not a Freudian slip, dead or dead was exactly what the White House was aiming to produce by withholding the resupply which was an agreement included in a defense treaty making it the law to make such resupply in a timely manner.



Stronger Together Enforcing Similar Ethos

Israel and America Stronger Together Enforcing Similar Ethos



This treaty was entered into for the Nixon Administration doing exactly the same withholding of the resupply to force Israel to comply with their demands that they simply cease fighting in defense against the invading forces of Syria and Egypt during the Yom Kippur War which caught Israel at her most vulnerable time with three-quarters of her military personnel in synagogues across Israel and not carrying any electronics and thus forcing the IDF to send personnel to as many Synagogues as possible and to send vehicles announcing the emergency call-up using loudspeakers and driving through one city after another. This withholding of resupply was advised by then Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, a Jew but apparently only by birth. The reasoning Secretary Kissinger gave for refusing to meet the Israeli request for resupply was that by refusing to send the arms Israel would be more vulnerable and thus far more easily forced to meet the demands which the State Department was pushing for President Nixon to demand of the Israelis. Fortunately the resupply was held a dangerous two to three days and Israel had begun to run low on some vital armaments which would have threatened their ability to defend their country had resupply not reached them in time. This was the reason a treaty was signed by the Nixon Administration after the Senate overwhelmingly approved the agreement. If one has seen a potential viewpoint against all things Israel coming from the State Department, please allow us to also point out that the State Department very strenuously objected to the decision by President Truman to recognize Israel as a new nation in May of 1948, May 15th to be exact. The State Department has been more stridently anti-Israel and anti-Zionist from their objection to the aims of forming the British Mandate in order to form a homeland for the Jews after World War I as part of the San Remo Conference which set up the French and British Mandates.


Fortunately most young Israelis know very little about the dastardly designs of the State Department which by their actions have proven to desire the death of the Jewish State by any and all means available. Fortunate for Israel that this is beyond the ability for the State Department to pull-off but they will apparently continue to try. The love affair which Israelis appear to have with the United States is actually more with America and the American People and independent of the government of the United States. What makes this all the more rewarding a relationship is the fact that large majorities of Americans love the Israelis as well, as has been proven in poll after poll. This is likely due to a love of freedom and a shared morality in many ways. The Israeli government often appears to take their cues from the Constitution of the United States or at least the Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments required by a number of the signatory states as a condition for their signing onto the Constitution. That is most likely the glue holding these two peoples in mutual support and admiration and it would be wonderful if their relationship continues and those values prove to be the perfect glue which both societies use as their moral guide throughout their histories. It would be quite sad should they not remain as the constant rock mooring both ships of state.


Beyond the Cusp


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