Beyond the Cusp

March 12, 2016

All the Leftist Choices Once Around the Globe


There is this leftist slant to the elections in the United States that cannot be ignored. Of course there are only leftists running for the Democrats. Like the left the world over, their main cry is listen to the dreams we weave and forget the realities of things. In Hillary’s case she believes that we should all ignore her criminal negligence with State Department and other secret documents which we are learning were easily read in Moscow and Beijing as well as anywhere else which had half a mind to read them. Then there was Benghazi and the deceitful ruse used to get Obama elected while telling the people and the next of kin whatever was required because truth does not matter, only power and self-aggrandizement matters. It is all about Me, Me, Me, with the Clintons. Then there is Bernie Sanders who is a self-proclaimed socialist which explains why the youth who have not paid attention to the taxes they pay and have no idea that when he says the rich will pay their fair share he means anybody who works for a living and that the only viable way to survive in his system is to become a ward of the government and live as they instruct you in high crime and run down tenements, but that will not happen for at least four years as he would need reelection before dropping the boom. Bernie wants us to ignore that his tether to sanity and reality is as thin as spider silk and as strong as cooked spaghetti. One slight breeze and he becomes a full blown communist, but the young never know of the problems with Russia or China and will need to live it to learn that lesson. Unfortunately, they may take all of America with them. That is the Democrat choices, a criminal who is running to remain out of Federal prison and a loonie-tune.


Democrat Front Runners Hillary Clinton Bernie Sanders

Democrat Front Runners
Hillary Clinton
Bernie Sanders


Like the Republican side is any better. At one end you have a HUGE fake moderate conservative who is just a bit too cuddly with the Clintons and has been a Democrat supporter, except when running for President as a Republican which he had sampled the water a number of elections back and found them cold. This time the water appears to be just right and he is screaming and waving his arms and hands, especially his little hands, all in an attempt to sound like a winner. Trump will never really be the President as should that realty come to fruition and he be elected and actually act on his half-baked ideas, the nation would implode soon thereafter. The good news is if he gets elected he will make gloriously loud arm waving speeches which will excite the excitable amongst the populace and allow the people he appoints and the Senate ratifies to run the nation, and that may be the sole sane and viable alternative when the rest are weighed.


Also running for the Republican candidacy, though you may not have ever heard of them, are John Kasich and Marco Rubio. These gentlemen may not even win in their home state, a usual given for any candidate (except Al Gore). They are calm, collected and sane, or at least until desperation set in and they knew they had to get media coverage or wilt away. Then there is the one who may be rightfully claiming to be the sole Trump alternative, Ted Cruz. He can be found at the far right end of that spider silk spaghetti strand which has Bernie at the left end. The reality is the average American likely has no candidate who will make it to the November election for President.


The Donald Donald Trump That is

The Donald
Donald Trump That is


The truth is Hillary will be the Democrat candidate if the party establishment gets their wish; otherwise, whoever wins the Republican nomination will be President by default or the United States will complete their fall into irrelevance in the world and the world will enter another age of Islamic expansion, something which may already be unavoidable. More about that distressful thought in our concluding summations. The Republican “establishment” which is also referred to as the Republican elite, an oxymoron if ever we heard one, are desperately seeking anybody with sufficient name recognition, personality, and had not already lost a bid for the Presidency to represent sanity before the loud mouth or the Texan are the only choices remaining. Their BIG money candidate, Jeb, we really need another shrub in the White House, Bush bombed in an unbelievable fashion. Their calm brain surgeon found out that running for President is not for the polite or faint at heart and may be more rocket science than brain surgery. There was no astronaut or rocket scientist volunteering, likely too smart or already been as high as they desired to go unless you’re looking for volunteers to go live on Mars for the duration, something there may be millions of more applicants after the November elections and the people realize who their choices were and allowed the crazies to finish what they started. This might be the first election in American history where everybody stayed home allowing only the most deranged who actually thought their guy was actually a sane choice to vote. We might just get the answer to what if they gave an election and nobody cared?


But the United States is far from alone in allowing the leftists to run the show. The next main candidates are the Europeans where there is a glimmer of hope, something that has been missing for quite some time. Even the presumed conservatives are actually leftist in favor of European suicide. For those at a loss, suicide for the Europeans is known as the European Union (EU). Those who have “drank the kool-aid” believe that the EU is what allows everybody to play well and not shoot at each other as had been the practice since forever. With modern warfare if fought as the Europeans had always engaged, all-out with everything they have, then Europe would not survive its next war, and that is what ended European wars, not the EU or any other organization. The EU is actually not a representative governing body in any sense of the term. It is a pure bureaucracy which the European governments send their best manipulative schemers to try and make sure the EU either hurts them as little as possible or grants then the only lifeline that can exist as nobody would fund their lack of productivity if left to their own devices. Only an overbearing and overriding bureaucracy would be capable of demanding that France, Britain, Germany and anybody else with an operative economy would continuously bail out the other nations who apparently are incapable of self-governance or managing an economic model other than holding a hand out and demanding to be saved time after time. There is a potentially saving grace should the British, who wisely retained their currency, actually exercise self-government and vote to leave the EU as that could actually result in the other members of the EU who have an operative governance leaving it as well. The alternative is for them to constantly sacrifice the wellbeing of their own populations in order to service the wellbeing of other nations’ all too needy populations. Of course all of this is predicated on Europe surviving the influx of immigrants who plan on altering the basic nature of the culture into a foreign model which failed completely which is why they are fleeing under the rouse of being refugees from Syria. Europe’s salvation is in the hands of the people; and if they do not care if their children can have a future which is at least as free and libertarian as theirs even with the high levels of socialist governance, then their children will live to witness an all-encompassing tyrannical theocracy descend as a smothering blanket eclipsing every standard of free-choice previous generations enjoyed.


Israel also has been within the clutches of leftist belief that freedom can be won through appeasement and surrender to those that wish to obliterate their existence. Those powers which wish to bring about the end of the Jewish State go far and wide beyond simply the Arab Palestinians or even the Arab or Muslim powers in the world. It has been a hushed up truth that Europe has regretted ever permitting Israel to come into existence and had worked behind the scenes, more often than blatantly out in the open, to the detriment of Israeli interests. It began before 1948 with supporting the formation of Jordan on the vast majority of the British mandate and then the United Nations (UN) plan to divide the remainder into an Arab and a Jewish state and even after the Arabs refused that solution, except for the few exceptions, sought to allow the Arab states to eclipse Israel at her birth. There has been a concerted effort to support Arab terrorist demands upon Israel with the constant support for Arab Palestinian demands and the constant threats to end trade with Israel or differentiate on Israeli goods, condemnations of Israeli building in Area C which under the Oslo Accords was Israeli controlled area. But why allow actual agreements get in the way of denouncing Israel. Additionally, the Israeli government actually had the audacity to try and have any NGO (non-governmental organization) which are highly political and can amplify public positions, report their funding, especially if they receive supportive measures from other countries. That support is supposed to be through media or speeches given by their political leaders from abroad. Ah, but there’s the rub that grates against the better and proper judgement, the place where undue influence corrupts the scene.


Every nation in the world, whether free or dictatorial, agree on one item, the health of the state demands that any foreign elements or influences, political or otherwise, organization or agency, must identify itself as such, disclose who they actually represent and must reveal their foreign funding, especially and doubly so if they come from another government or foreign NGO or super organization such as the United Nations, European Union, Gulf Cooperation Council, United Workers Union or whatever for the government to recognize and classify them as foreign agents with one glaring exception, Israel. This begs the question of why, plain and simple, why? The reason is even more revealing and devious than are the duplicitous actions of the very governments paying for these interests and their caterwauling and screaming foul simply because Israel wishes to have the exact same truthfulness action made into law that each of these other corruptions have on their own country. Imagine the hue and cry should Israel operate an NGO in France under the name of Francophobes Unite? What many point to as evidence that Israel has just such an organization operating in the United States in AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), which does not receive either direction or funding from the Israeli government, and which reports every donation they receive openly to the IRS as an nonprofit political action group is required to do under United States laws, and whose funding would likely be available under FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) regulations, is a wholly privately funded by United States citizens’ contributions and not an operative of any foreign government, especially Israel. There is an alphabet soup mix of foreign funded, extreme leftist, anti-Zionist, pro-Arab Palestinian, Arabist, anti-Israel, faux-peace, surrender, appease and easily said to be outright anti-Israeli independent NGOs financed virtually completely by foreign interests and governments including many financed by the EU and European governments operating within Israel. They are further backed within Israel by a leftist media and a vocal extreme minority which cannot get their way through the ballot box so have resorted to allying with these foreign benefactors to lobby and bully the government and people of Israel attempting to bludgeon all opposition into submission and using Lawfare and a leftist stranglehold on the courts and legal system. When Israel attempted to make such organizations report their funding, the proof of this overt interference in Israeli self-government was made obvious by the explosive media frenzy and governmental uproar from across the width and breadth of Europe as well as the boisterous explosion largely around Tel Aviv and outside the Knesset in Jerusalem. Then came the threats to take the government to the courts challenging the law should it pass and European governments threatened their own forms of intimidation including taking the matter to international courts or to adjudication under their own courts claims to have international jurisdiction, especially for all things Israel such as to arrest any Israeli government or military official if they step foot outside of Israel. One knows this had gotten to the extreme when the British government had to grant special protective measures to prevent the arrest as ordered by a British court in response to anti-Israeli Lawfare for Tzipi Livni to enter the country and remain free while answering an invitation from the British government. What other democratic nation has such legal warrants sworn out against any public figure, government member, military commander and even individual soldiers whenever they step outside their national borders. Such lunacy is beyond belief but a reality for Israelis. These actions are manifestations of leftists out of control as well as a little something else. Oh, and we in Israel are informed that any belief that such steps are a sign of anti-Semitism is just our being too sensitive. Oh really!?!


Beyond the Cusp


January 31, 2016

It Starts Once Again by Turtle Bay


It starts initially by Turtle Bay but in never stays there. Turtle Bay is where the launch gets announced but sometimes it is so hard to tell as the other instigations pop up blooming like tulips in the spring except these tulips have a deceptive scent that masks the first lies wrapped up in its soft petals, and lies is what is peddled. They sprout around Big Ben where Piccadilly Circus goes round and round. They tower with the Eiffel at the end of the Champs Elysées. They adorn an Arch of Titus beneath the great Colosseum. Eventually they explode onto the stage of the European Union Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium from where they fill the news world-wide gaining echoes about the presumed perfidy and deceits that Israel has used to avoid making a reasonable peace through honest negotiations. This year’s marketed Israeli unforgivable sin being paraded around the world is the misnamed “settlements” Israel had built presumably against International Law. When Israel ceased any and all building for ten months at the behest of President Obama early in his first year in the White House, it took Mahmoud Abbas nearly none of those ten months to do anything more than appear for eight minutes, forty five and two thirds seconds, give or take ten minutes, until arriving to negotiate the way only the Palestinian Authority can negotiate, namely demanding that Israel continue the building freeze indefinitely until the Palestinians accepted a peace with Israel, something they have yet to define outside of their propaganda dispensed constantly to their own people and the Israeli Arabs who tune into Palestinian Authority media including television and radio as well as Internet and social media where they promise the only peace they will accept is the liberation of all of Palestine from the river to the sea, meaning replacing Israel and pushing the Jews into the sea. You see, the Palestinian Authority, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Iran along with Hezballah and even Islamic State do not honestly desire the State of Palestine even if it has its Capital City in East Jerusalem and complete control over the Temple Mount; all of this has been offered and refused because what they actually want and will accept no less is the complete destruction of the Jewish State of Israel and its Jews and Christians slaughtered in a genocidal outpouring of blood in the streets coloring them red.



Palestinian Lies Sprouting From Turtle Bay to Rome, London, Paris and European Union Headquarters Seeking Allies to Force Israeli Concessions in the Name of Peace Negotiations They Have no Intention of Honoring Themselves

Palestinian Lies Sprouting From Turtle Bay to Rome, London, Paris
and European Union Headquarters Seeking Allies to Force
Israeli Concessions in the Name of Peace Negotiations
They Have no Intention of Honoring Themselves



There will be a world with the European Union in the lead and the leftist governments of Europe and beyond, both new and old, France, Germany, Italy, Canada and the rest, all coordinated and amplified through numerous European NGOs, especially the NGOs paid for in part or wholly by European governments but licensed in Israel for maximum effect appearing to represent Israelis against their elected government all quoted to maximum effect by all the usual suspects both in print and on the Internet followed by debates in the General Assembly and a condemnation of Israel for violating the rights of the Arab Palestinians for some presumed international criminal neglect such as their not having elections since before 2005 as they could never have been cancelled by Mahmoud Abbas and the Fatah leadership in order to avoid losing their positions to Hamas challengers as was the actual reason, but why blame Abbas when Israel can be tainted. The new French leftist government has already threatened to recognize a Palestinian Arab state if talks are not resumed. This will work wonderfully as now all Abbas has to do is continue to refuse to resume the talks until the French recognize Palestine and soon to be followed by the new leftist government in Canada as they could never allow France to surpass them followed by Germany’s Angela Merkel seeking a distraction from immigrant purgatory. The eventual target of this entire orchestrated use Israel for a Piñata party is a Chapter VII Enforceable Resolution from the Security Council timed for effect for the opening ceremonies of the General Assembly later this year where the drumroll will likely be set up in early summer with additional hearings about the “settlements” and resolutions passed condemning Israel and restating the falsehood that these Israeli communities are illegal. Then during the opening ceremonies of the General Assembly will follow an address by Mahmoud Abbas pleading for the United Nations to remove the Jewish infestation which is encroaching on the Palestinian holy and historic lands and the Jewish desecrations of the al-Aqsa Mosque and their denial of Palestinians rights to freely practice their religion and pray at their holiest of religious sites on the Temple Mount. There will be General Assembly Resolutions passed which have absolutely no enforcement value but will be used for the maximum political value while the most damning being moved to the Security Council with urgent demanding pleadings that Israel must be curbed and forced to bend to the will and desires of the Palestinians so they may establish their state as they envision their ideal state which has been denied them since the beginning of time, before recorded history, predating the Bible, predating the Pyramids, the Sphynx, Stonehenge or even the onset of human existence.


This has been the operating metric for the past decade and it has almost always ended the same, with the world screaming for blood if Israel does not make some concrete concessions to permit greater Arab Palestinian freedoms and surrender even more lands. This has been how the expectations have altered to the point that the careful wording put in place by the Security Council after the June, 1967 Six Day War took six months of serious debate worded Resolution 242 with great care and intentionally made it a Chapter VI nonbinding resolution which only required Israel to surrender land, not the lands, not all lands, simply land which they had met by returning the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt when they made a peace agreement. Later, when the peace agreement was made with Jordan, the Jordanians relinquished their claims to the lands they had occupied, the real occupied lands were when Jordan held much of Judea and Samaria along with half of Jerusalem, returning the lands west of the Jordan River which were meant for the Jewish State since the San Remo Conference, the Treaty of Sèvres, the British Mandate and Article 80 of the United Nations Charter, but why allow International Law to interfere with attempts to destroy the only Jewish State simply to harm Jews and make them once again one of the few peoples denied a homeland. For what happens to peoples who have no homeland one need look no further than the current near impossible situation the Kurds are currently facing as they have their population broken spread amongst four nations, Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria and assisting one another is near impossible as they often need the permission from hostile government in order to assist one another. One can look at the history of the Armenians and their relations with the Ottoman Empire or simply look at the history of the Jews throughout the last two millennia which culminated through the Inquisition on through the Holocaust; something some Islamic forces wish to emulate a second time which is why Israel is so vital for the continued existence of the Jewish People.


While the Palestinian spokespeople, supporters, NGOs, leaders of nations, European Union elites and President Obama who is completely unfettered to unleash his worst and greatest damage over and above what he has already accomplished in his first seven years. The initial signs are that Israel may have lost their usual protector as it appears President Obama has already decided that when his next turn arrives to give the Palestinian Authority everything in their wildest imagination and maximalist demands but perhaps before the world sides with those whose intents are the destruction of Israel and the annihilation of every Jew on the planet, perhaps forcing the Palestinian leadership to define what exactly they are willing to accept and end all terrorism, incitement and at long last accept a peace with Israel and start the next period in the history of the two people living with respect, peace and mutual advantage and then perhaps progress could begin to heal the problems of the past decades. Perhaps that might be the secret to unraveling the reasons behind the lack of any ability over the past twenty plus years to reach even a semblance of progress since the initial signing of the Oslo Accords. The problem may not be on the Israel side as there have been offerings of peace numerous times during those years where Israel proposed and the Palestinian Authority leadership simply broke off negotiations without even a reply or a counter proposal, just turned their backs and walked out of negotiations. Israel gave up all of the Gaza Strip and the end result was a Hamas takeover and a raining of rockets onto Israeli civilians leading to a number of costly wars and difficult situation imposed upon the Arabs residing in Gaza as Hamas uses tactics which maximizes their hardships. The claim that Gaza is overcrowded to the point of leaving them no other choice runs in direct conflict with their claim that the Gaza farmers have difficulty in selling their wares in Europe and Jordan without any seaport. How a seaport would assist selling their wares in Jordan escapes us as Jordan has no port except the one they share with Eilat in southern Israel which is more readily reached by land. The Gaza disaster leaves Israel leery of any treaty which would also permit Hamas to take power in any lands granted to the Palestinian Authority just as occurred in Gaza. Still, it is well past time that the Palestinians give names to their demands relating exactly what Israel would need sacrifice for real and lasting peace. Any deal must leave the refugees to be settled throughout the lands where they currently are housed in reports which would only require the removal of the barbed wire fences and allow them to have rights or have them resettled in the Arab lands which will make up the Palestinian state. There must also be a guarantee which is observable and enforceable end to all terror attacks, instigation, the teaching that Israel must be destroyed in order for there to be peace and that the Jews are the decedents of apes and pigs. We are aware that such demands are too much to ask in any deal. But unless the Palestinians at long last state their idea of a settlement which is more descriptive than their past contributions which can be described with a single word which had been the closest they have come often given immediately before walking out, that word is “No” as has been their sole contribution thus far. Concessions should be withheld until the Palestinian Leadership defines exactly what they expect and we hope it is not the same answer the alien gave in the movie Independence Day when it was asked what they wanted from the peoples of planet Earth and the reply was, “Die.”





Beyond the Cusp


March 9, 2015

Election Madness


Never in my short little life have I seen, read about or otherwise been knowledgeable of an election which has gathered so many influences from outside its borders as the current election in Israel. The entire brouhaha over Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech before the United States Congress was simply over the top and over exactly what President Obama claimed it was about, the Israeli elections. There is not now nor ever was any such rule of not meeting or allowing a head of state to address Congress and/or meet with representatives of the White House even the day before an election in their home nation, let alone weeks ahead of the election. The polls are biased towards the “Zionist Camp” so as to provide them cover to claim election fraud if they do not perform at near to or better than the nationalist camps. Even allowing Livni and Hertzog to refer to their alliance as the Zionist Camp would be akin to a Likud-Jewish Home alliance as the Christian Coalition. There could not be more misdirection and untruths allowed in an election as has occurred here and the level of lies and misrepresentations promises to hit even higher levels in the remaining week and a half.


There is another side to the international interference in the Israeli elections and that is money. There has been set-up a nongovernmental campaign fund which is circumventing Israeli election laws and is being permitted to do so as it supports the politically correct side, the leftist internationalists, or in other worlds, the “Zionist Camp” of Livni and Hertzog (Hatnua and Labor). The theme is loosely corralled around a familiar theme, “Change” and it comes without any real Hope. The unspoken name of the group is “anybody but Bibi” Netanyahu but is about so much more. The foreign money and electioneering assistance is being provided all but directly from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C. The leader of this advisory effort is the grass roots organizer from the reelection campaign in the form of Jeremy Bird and the V15 group. Newsmax specified the group is made up of five Democrats, under the leadership of Bird. And the Washington Free Beacon, meanwhile, reported that the V15 group was actually working with the U.S. based OneVoice, an activist organization which was funded to the tune of $200,000 from the United States State Department. The relationship between V15, originally called V2015, and OneVoice is solid enough for the V15 community organizing campaign to write IOUs and have them accepted with the full knowledge that a day or two before the election the connection will be announced and the cash will be transferred and all bills thus paid in full, and if not, well, it was all for a good cause, the promotion of the “righteous” people in power in Israel such that President Obama can finally get his peace plan enacted.


That last sentence might cause some to query what peace plan. The problem has been with Mahmoud Abbas, not Prime Minister Netanyahu. Prime Minister Netanyahu has refused to force every Jewish resident in the contested territories, living beyond the Green Line in Area C which the original Oslo Accord plans delineated as becoming part of Israel when peace was finalized and only due to a long propaganda campaign from the Arabs and supported by extreme leftist anti-Semites has those lines and concepts been replaced and finalized by President Obama where Israel will surrender all contested land in its entirety. With that as the White House demands there need not be any agreement from Mahmoud Abbas, Israel can be forced to remove all Jews, IDF forces, checkpoints and anything else vacating the areas thus gifting Mahmoud Abbas the entirety of what he has demanded while refusing to agree to make peace once received thus blocking any peace proposals. President Obama has a new plan which requires somebody nice and weak and pliable as Prime Minister of Israel, somebody who believes as he does that the problem making peace impossible is the intransigence of Israel and that if only Israel would vacate all of Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem would peace come on gilded wings. Such thinking in not only excessively dangerous and potentially ruinous for Israel but will do nothing more than signal the buildup to the next Arab-Israeli War which except for the grace of G0d A1mighty would signal the death of Israel or at the very least horrific loss of civilian life on the Israeli side of such a war as about the only border which would not be backed by Arab armies would be the border with the Sinai Peninsula where instead of Egyptian forces there would be ISIS, al-Qaeda, Hamas and potentially IRGC forces bringing the final surrounding border under attack.


One might be pressed to ask why any sane individual would desire to put Israel in such peril? The answer is as strange as it is borderline demonic. The reason would be to gain an additional argument to convince the Iranians that they do not need a nuclear weapon in order to destroy Israel. Such inevitability would be set up for conventional forces being used to such an end. One might then point out that Iran also desires the destruction of the United States, of the Great Satan and the destruction of the Little Satan would simply whet their lips for the bringing on of the other. That is the problem with sacrificing Israel on the Iranian altar to Baal, it would just convince Iran that they are that much of an irresistible force in the world that they might then move on to the big target, the Great Satan. Of course there is also the possibility that despite the horrific loss of civilian life from tens of thousands , if not hundreds of thousands of rockets raining down on Israel from within Lebanon, Syria, Judea and Samaria (West Bank) Gaza, Sinai Peninsula and even potentially Jordan who would join the fight if for no other reason than self-preservation as Jordan would come under threat from ISIS or either permit them to pass through into Judea and Samaria and aid the Palestinians or face conquest by ISIS and Jordan might see such as an opportunity to sufficiently weaken ISIS by allowing them to fight against the IDF. All of this scenario would be a possible outcome of forcing Israel back to within the 1949 Armistice Lines which are also known as the Green Line or the 67 Lines which President Obama demanded Israel use as the basis for a border with the Arab forces with land swaps which were to be laid to the Arab leaders such as Mahmoud Abbas to approve otherwise the Green Line would become the border. Does anybody honestly believe that Abbas and company would allow any land swaps when instead they could set Israel into one really messy bind having to resettle hundreds of thousands or even more than a million civilians forced from their homes and potentially their jobs as Abbas would receive all this treasures without having to make peace or even the slightest gesture gifted via fiat by President Obama and an overtly compliant Israeli Prime Minister, either Tzipi Livni or Yitzhak Hertzog. One need look no further than their campaigning to see their intentions to restore relations with President Obama and doing what is necessary to obtain a just peace which President Obama need only have them in power in order to fashion a lasting peace.

Equally frightening is that President Reuven Rivlin has just stated that if neither side gains a sizeable or clear majority, then he would call in the two main parties and demand a unity government with some version of power sharing. He further iterated that he would call Likud head Binyamin Netanyahu and Labor leader Yitzhak Herzog to a joint meeting and spell out his plans for finding a solution through changing the election system. President Reuven Rivlin’s feelings are that there need be a wholesale overhaul of the elections system to prevent Israel from suffering the fate of other divided nations where elections result every year to year and a half because the coalitions are so fragmented that a stable governance is next to impossible. The last Knesset took the initial steps towards such a solution by upping the threshold a party must attain to be included in the next Knesset. This may have been circumvented this election by the partnering of even opposing parties simply to gain eligibility of their combined lists after which they plan on splitting again into the smaller groups which one, the other or both would not have attained the mandates to be included in the government. The solution need not be a complete overhaul of the government but simply a new manner for choosing the Prime Minister might be in order. Even such a change would be difficult as how would one decide which party leaders would be permitted to attempt to run for the office or Prime Minister? Such criteria would need addressing before any such deal might be even discussed and satisfy all of the main parties. Any set system would need to have sufficient flexibility to permit changes in representation to permit a candidate for attempting to be elected Prime Minister should they feel they had the support over the two otherwise favored party leaders. A new plan should not simply keep Labor and Likud as determined to be the only candidates.


First we must get to the fateful Election Day when everything may prove to be unnecessary and a coalition be obvious and easily assembled though such never seems to be the case. May it be that President Reuven Rivlin will have an easy choice before him and there not be any threats or arm twisting to force a unity government when such is not necessary. May President Reuven Rivlin have the clear and true sight in choosing the Party around which a lasting coalition can be formed. One would probably be right to fear that President Reuven Rivlin may look at the election and even if one camp would easily be able to form a coalition, choose to attempt his unity government in order to enact whatever is his plan to make elections capable of forming stable governance in the future. If Israel was to change the means of voting for a government and its leadership, may it be performed in such a manner as to also derive an actual Constitution which could use the current Basic Laws as its base and add in the rest around that core. Such may also alter how we choose the Knesset and may even form a second representative body and further decide on some manner of stepped electioneering where there are a series of votes where those missing the required percentage they do not move to the next level until one receives a majority. Such a system could do with no more than three elections to get to such an end. Perhaps it will prove best to have such performed by the Knesset itself. First Israel needs to get past the outside influences and choose their next Knesset and choose, as they are told, between Livni and Hertzog or Netanyahu. It may be important to know that between Hertzog and Livni that they have agreed upon allowing Livni be Prime Minister first. More on the election as we approach that fateful day of choice, Election Day.


Beyond the Cusp


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