Beyond the Cusp

March 18, 2015

Long Night Births Hard Questions on Israeli Election Results

Filed under: Administration,Ahmed Tibi,Amalekites,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appeasement,Appointment,Arab Appeasement,Arab Authority,Arab World,Aryeh Deri,Assimilation,Avigdor Lieberman,Bayit Yehudi Party,Benyamin Netanyahu,Building Freeze,Calaphate,Civil Unions,Civilization,Class Warfare,Commander in Cheif,Condemning Israel,Conflict Avoidnce,Count Ballots,Defend Israel,Defense Minister,Dhimmi,Direct Elections,Ditherer in Chief,Divided Jerusalem,Domestic NGOs,East Jerusalem,Elections,Eli Yishai,Equal Responsibility,Equal Rights,Equal Treatment,Equality,Europe,European Governments,European Pressure,European Union,Executive Order,Finance Minister,Forced Solution,Foreign Funding,Foreign Minister,Foreign Minister,Foreign NGOs,Gender Issues Lobby,Government,Hanin Zoabi,Hatnua,Herzog,History,Holy Sites,Housing Minister,Internal Pressures,International Politics,Iran,Islam,Islamic Pressure,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Jerusalem,Jewish Heritage,Jewish Home,Jewish Leadership,Jewish State,Jews,Jihad,Jobs,Judea,Justice Minister,Knesset,Labor Party,Leftist Pressures,Likud,Mainstream Media,Media,Meretz,Middle East,Minimum Wage,Ministers,Muslim World,Nationalist,Netanyahu,Obama,Old City,One State Solution,Oslo Accords,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Pressures,Parliamentary Government,Peace Process,Politicized Findings,Politics,Post-Zionist,President Obama,Prime Minister,Promised Land,Recognize Israel,Record Vote,Samaria,Same Sex Marriage,Secular Interests,Security Prisoners,Settlements,Shas,Shooting,Support Israel,Taxes,Tel Aviv,Temple Mount,Temple Mount,Tribe,Unemployment,Union Interests,United Nations,United States,United States Pressure,Validate Elections,Victims,Voting,War of Independence,World Opinion,World Pressures,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 3:15 AM
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With virtually all the votes counted we have the preliminary picture but the lines are fuzzy and the results produce more questions than answers. Likud is leading the pact with 29 seats with the “Zionist Camp” of Labor and Hatnua following with 24 and the Joint Arab List has 14 seats, followed by Yesh Atid with 11, Kulanu with 10, Jewish Home has 8, the Haredi parties Shas and United Torah Judaism tied at 7, Yisrael Beytenu has 6 and Meretz closes out the list with 4 seats and unfortunately Yachad party will be left out. The raw numbers would indicate a huge win for Netanyahu and loss for the “Zionist Camp” falling well behind due to Likud exceeding its lower polling and Labor-Hatnua equaling expectations. A closer look reveals where the Likud came by its higher numbers and it appears that Likud gains came at the expense of largely Jewish Home and potentially prevented Yachad from making threshold. The other obvious change has been that instead of preventing the fragmentation and reducing the number of minor parties the raising of the threshold only served to drive the smaller leftist, anti-Zionist Communist and Post=Modernist parties into a single block under the name of Arab Block and given them two to three additional mandates making Zoabi and Tibi appear all the stronger. These raw results are meaningless until the different parties, unions and blocks make their desires and support clear to President Rivlin producing a clearer picture who should be given first shot at forming a coalition.


The raw data would make Likud out to be the victor and to the victor go the spoils, but what spoils? The name of the game is coalition making and hopefully doing so with in kind minds and supporters of your positions. This means that any seats gained by Likud at the expense of Jewish Home makes the resultant total possessed by the two presumed to be allied parties no different and all the Likud gains from Jewish Home losses as simply rearranging the chairs on either a cruise ship or the Titanic. The truth is that Netanyahu does not really want the religious, Zionist, nationalist allied parties to be the base of his support when forming his coalition. Netanyahu wants to have as much political leeway allowing him to go in whatever direction provides him with the easiest path in the new government. By Netanyahu weakening the standing of Jewish Home, when forming any coalition now would make Yesh Atid’s Yair Lapid and Moshe Kahlon’s Kulanu parties more important and carrying a greater influence than Jewish Home and making Naftali Bennett’s voice virtually powerless and squelched while Yair Lapid and Moshe Kahlon will be the roaring lions in the government and also place them ahead of Jewish Home in choosing the Ministerial position of power in the cabinet. This will give Netanyahu the leftward freedom to ignore the demands of the Religious Zionists as he desired. Netanyahu’s ploy of assailing Jewish Home voters laying any loss he might face to Hertzog and Livni at their feet just as he had done previously except this time he did so with no apparent loss in voter totals that he faced in 2013.


So now we wait and see who will be chosen to form a coalition first and then suffer through six weeks of excruciatingly boring power plays which we already see Jewish Home and the Zionist and nationalists being mostly sidelined while the personal aggrandizing Yesh Atid and Kulanu parties empowering Yair Lapid and Moshe Kahlon loudly impressing their demands and thus control over the most critical areas in the next government. Lapid may demand Treasury Minister for himself and two other high position Ministerial position for his main people with Kahlon likely to demand Foreign Minister or Defense Minister and two other major Ministerial positions for his list leaving Jewish Home with second pickings of the scraps for the supporting members and a middle level leftover for Naftali Bennett. The one certainty is that the governing coalition will not be the nationalist, Zionist government that Netanyahu once again ran on but will once again claim he is prevented from pursuing due to the lack of support from, you guessed it, a weakened and ineffectual Jewish Home. As long as the religious Zionists fall for the Netanyahu cry after running a weak campaign making the certainty of his returning to the Prime Ministership a definitive possibility from the polls and then turning to the supporters of Jewish Home and the other ardent Zionist parties to vote Likud to stave off the leftist challenge then Jewish Home will be forever the bridesmaid and never the bride. Eventually the leader, be it Bennett or be it his successor or beyond down the road, assuming there is a down the road, decides to challenge and present Jewish Home as the new leadership for Israel, Netanyahu will continue to utilize this ploy of siphoning off the votes of those more Zionist than Netanyahu desires to govern with and neutering those Zionist parties from where Netanyahu glides to victory with the stolen support, then the real Zionist political power will remain neutered and voiceless in the future Likud Party led governments. For now we must wait and see what develops but be warned that the expectations of the ardent Zionists have once again been sacrificed to the Bibi and thus lower expectations are their feed in the coming government. The other reality is that it appears that Netanyahu will require Yair Lapid and his treasonous backstabbing to permit a coalition to be cobbled together, so expect new elections again in two or so years when Lapid again sees a wounded Netanyahu for his actions such as the silent building freeze or whatever other sacrifices made presumably in response to a powerful United States President Obama in order to salvage continued friendship from the White House. Anybody else notice that it is only Israel who needs to obey and bow to the will of Obama? Can bowing to golden calves or worse be far behind?


Beyond the Cusp


March 16, 2015

Israel Elections are Upon Us Tomorrow

Filed under: 1949 Armistice Line,1967 Borders,1967 War,Absolutism,Administration,Amalekites,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Apology,Appeasement,Appointment,Arab Appeasement,Arab Authority,Arab World,Arabs,Assimilation,Austerity Measures,Ayatollah Khamenei,Balanced Budget,Bashir al-Assad,Ben Gurion,Benyamin Netanyahu,Breakout Point,Budget,Building Freeze,Cabinet,Cairo Speech,Calaphate,Capitalism,Civil Unions,Civilization,Class Warfare,Coalition,Congress,Consequences,Cost of Living,Debt,Defend Country,Defend Israel,Disengagement,Ditherer in Chief,Domestic NGOs,East Jerusalem,Ecology,Economic Fascism,Economic Growth,Economic Independence,Economy,Education,Elections,Elections,Employment,Equal Opportunity,Equal Outcome,Equal Responsibility,Equal Rights,Equal Treatment,Equality,Europe,European Governments,European Media,European Pressure,European Union,Executive Order,Finance Minister,Financial Crisis,Forced Solution,Foreign Funding,Foreign Minister,Foreign NGOs,Funding,Gay Rights,Gaza,Gender Issues Lobby,Golan Heights,Government,Government Control,Government Waste,Government Worker,Green Businesses,Green Economy,Green Line,Haaretz,Hamas,Hamas Charter,Hassan Rowhani,Hatnua,Health Care,Herzog,Higher Prices,History,Holy Sites,Homosexuals,Housing Shortage,Humanist,Hyper-Inflation,Income,Inflated Spending,Inflation,Internal Pressures,International Politics,International Socialism,Internationalist,Intifada,Investment in the Future,Iran,Iranian Pressure,Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps,IRGC,Iron Dome,ISIS in Gaza,ISIS in Judea and Samaria,Islam,Islam,Islamic Jihad,Islamic Pressure,Islamic State,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Israeli Media,Jerusalem,Jewish Heritage,Jewish Home,Jewish Leadership,Jewish State,Jews,Jihad,Jobs,Jordan,Jordan River,Jordan Valley,Joseph’s Tomb,Judea,Judean Hills,Justice Minister,Keynesian Economics,Kidnapped Israeli,Knesset,Kotel,Labor Party,Land for Peace,Leftist Pressures,Likud,Livable Wage,Mahmoud Abbas,Mainstream Media,Media,Media Bias,Mediterranean Sea,Meretz,Middle East,Minimum Wage,Ministers,Misreporting,Mount of Olives Cemetary,Multiculturalism,Murder Israelis,Muslim Brotherhood,Muslim World,Muslims,Naftali Bennett,Nationalists,Netanyahu,Nuclear Option,Nuclear Program,Nuclear Sites,Nuclear Weapons,Obama,Old City,One State Solution,Oslo Accords,P5+1,Palestinian,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Liberation Organization,Palestinian Pressures,Panic Policies,Parliament,Parliamentary Government,Peace Partner,Peace Process,PLO,Plutonium Production,Politicized Findings,Politics,Post Modernist,Post-Zionist,Poverty,Pre-Conditions,President Obama,Prime Minister,Prime Minister,Prisoner Release,Progressives,Promised Land,Proportional Representation,Protect Citizenry,Protective Edge,Quds Force,Rachel's Tomb,Rebel Forces,Recognize Israel,Refugee Camp,Refugees,Right of Return,Robert Malley,Samantha Power,Samaria,Same Sex Marriage,San Remo Conference,San Remo Conference,Sanctions (BDS),Secular Humanist,Secular Interests,Security,Settlements,Six Day War,Socialism,Spending Cuts,Statehood,Support Israel,Supreme Leader,Susan Rice,Syria,Taqiyya,Taqiyya,Taxes,Tel Aviv,Television News,Temple Mount,Terror,Third Intifada,Twelvers,Two State Solution,Tzipi Livni,Under Employment,Unemployment,Union Interests,United Nations Presures,United States,United States Pressure,Uranium Enrichment,Victims,Voting,Waqf,War on Religion,Wealth,West Bank,Western Wall,Window for Peace,World Media,World Opinion,World Pressures,World Without Zionism or America,Yair Lapid,Yesh Atid Party,Yisrael Beiteinu,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 3:59 AM
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Now it is weeks, though it seems like years, since the government was dissolved and it is March 16, 2015, the day before elections. When these elections were called by then Prime Minister Netanyahu and the right wing Likud and Jewish Home voting with the opposition to dissolve the Knesset, the going media commentary reported the coming floodgates being opened and the guarantee that Likud and a coalition of purely right wing parties would win well over the necessary sixty-one mandates and not need to include what had proved to be the troublesome egoistic parties of Tzipi Livni’s Hatnua (The Party) or Yair Lapid’s Yesh Atid (There is a Future) in the coalition. This was presumed to permit the formed right wing, nationalist and Zionist coalition free of the attempts to form a coalition cutting out Likud, Jewish Home and including Labor and other parties finding a coalition to assume power without any elections, an unprecedented virtual coup by Lapid and possibly Livni. The tenor of the campaigns has revealed the designs on power and the Prime Minister’s seat by Livni and Lapid have been thoroughly revealed beyond any doubt. Tzipi Livni forged a coalition with Labor in order to guarantee her Hatnua Party inclusion in the next government despite it polling beneath threshold and has even finagled to share the Prime Ministership with Yitzhak Hertzog despite not having the backing from the public warranting her attaining such an importance while Lapid made some commentary that should he garner the support he dreams his Yesh Atid Party will garner then he had already figured how he could form a coalition as well placing him in the Prime Minister’s chair. The biggest change since the new elections were called has been the media’s slanted coverage and misrepresenting positions and using questionable polling have potentially drawn the results of the election into question and currently the leftist media have placed the Labor Hatnua misnamed “Zionist Camp” as having a comfortable lead and claiming that Likud and Netanyahu are sinking and soon to be thrown from power. The truth be told, the future of Israel will rest on the next government coalition’s ability to hold the line and resist the growing pressures and demands from United States President Obama and his administration’s attempts to require Israel to return to the pre-Six Day War lines leaving half of Jerusalem and all of Gaza, Judea and Samaria presumably under the rule of the unity Fatah-Hamas-Islamic Jihad governance. Such would place virtually all Jewish holy sites beyond Israeli borders and thus not only beyond the reach of any Jew to visit but also likely to be just as destroyed and razed as if these holy sites were surrendered to ISIS. But the real question is what exactly are the Israeli elections being held tomorrow actually addressing beyond who becomes Prime Minister and who would make the best Prime Minister from those who actually might have sufficient mandates to form a coalition, Tzipi Livni/Yitzhak Hertzog power sharing of two years each, Benyamin Netanyahu, Yair Lapid, the leaders of what is referred to as the Arab Block or Naftali Bennett?


Before anything can be considered, we need to define the greatest challenge which the new incoming Prime Minister will face once a coalition has been formed. Oddly enough the greatest challenges the next Prime Minister will face will not come out of Europe, from the Unity Government of Fatah/Hamas/Islamic Jihad, from the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) movement, nor from the United Nations. The challenge will come from what many, including many who desire to be the next Prime Minister, believe to be the closest of Israeli allies, the United States. The good news is that the threat coming from the United States does not have universal acceptance as the Congress remains strongly allied and friendly and supportive of Israel though a few too many actually still believe in the two state solution and the Oslo Accords, nor does the threat come from the majority of Americans where Israel still received support by over a ratio of two to one and still approaching three to one. The menacing threats against Israel are formidable and very adept at arousing support from thousands who will be available to man the parapets and be bussed all the way across the country when called upon. These forces came out from coast to coast and north to south to protest presumably racist police presumably having targeted and murdered a gentle giant in Ferguson, Missouri and then in another confrontation in New York City and these demonstrations have been sustained for months even despite the murder of two police sitting in their cruiser in New York and the shooting and severely injured two police standing in front of the Ferguson police station monitoring the protest taking place across the street. The grand juries in both cases found the police not to be at fault and to have acted within the guidelines of their departments and not to have committed any criminal acts. So, we have already witnessed the ability of President Obama and the assistance by Attorney General Holder generating protests despite the innocence of the police even after the evidence being combed through with a very fine toothed comb and still not establishing any culpability of the police. The only accusation they were able to uncover was what was referred to as “Disparate Impact” of arrests and traffic stops, a statistical fact which would very probably be true in virtually every police department with more than twelve officers. Read the article on >a href= target=blank>“Disparate Impact” by Thomas Sowell>/a> for some depth and truths as only he is able to explain and so far better than my modest attempts.


The ability of the Community Organizer in Chief and his Attorney Instigator along with such supporting advisors such as Samantha Power, Susan Rice, new Middle East National Security Council appointment, Robert Malley, are all known for their antipathy towards Israel and have other fellow travelers with some of them even being Jews who are more close with their progressive politics than they are to supporting Israel will present a formidable assault team just waiting for the new Israeli government before they launch their broadsides. The appointment of new Middle East National Security Council Advisor Robert Malley was the final straw which removed all doubt of where President Obama was intending to head concerning all things Israel. Looking back all the way to 2008 and Senator Obama’s initial run for the Presidency and we find his appointing Robert Malley to his foreign advisory team and then firing him shortly thereafter due to protestations from numerous Jewish organizations. When Robert Malley was appointed subsequently to head the foreign relations with Iraq and Iran President Obama made assurances to numerous progressive but still pro-Israel organizations and groups that Malley would be restrained from and never deal with anything concerning Israel. Now that the Jewish vote cannot affect President Obama as all elections are gone and he is in the home stretch so is free to do as he pleases and no longer care whose toes he treads or even stomps on while he finally can act to take out those he wishes to destroy but was unable before to act too overtly. Israel is at the head of that list and is also partially behind the leniency being shown the Iranian nuclear program as President Obama has been supportive the leader of the Shiite world and plans on crowning Iran as the new hegemonic power in the Middle East supplanting both Egypt and Saudi Arabia as well as allowing Iran to be the nuclear balance against Israel. This is behind his plans to make any agreement with Iran as an executive agreement which will be considered a guideline which will be considered to be advisory and not binding thus not a treaty as much as an understanding such that President Obama will claim he can bypass Senate ratification as this is not a treaty or any other binding agreement covered by the Constitution of the United States. This was the advisory out of Iran in response to Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton’s open letter to Iran’s leaders signed by forty-six Senate Republicans where they basically echoed exactly the points made by President Obama about why the Congress, even the Senate or especially the Senate, will have absolutely no say in what is agreed upon in the P5+1 and Iran talks. President Obama has now not only gone to the extreme in his desire to remove Congress from any actions he desires to take but has dived into the deep end in challenging the Constitutional restraints presumably limiting President Obama in his final two years. This bodes poorly for Israel as no matter whom Israel elects and President Reuven Rivlin chooses to form a coalition and succeeds in doing so.


President Obama announced his intentions almost as soon as he took office when he stated that the solution of the Arab-Israeli conflict would be the forming of an Arab State using the Green Line, the 1949 Armistice line, as the border. President Obama then forced a building freeze on Prime Minister Netanyahu which officially lasted for ten months but has unofficially continued ever since with announcements for tenders to build but somehow the required documents or authorizations always manage to get hung-up and the structures never get built. There has been little if any delay in the destruction of Jewish buildings ordered by the Supreme Court though Arab buildings with similar orders seldom have the demolitions carried out. During the war in Gaza against Hamas and Islamic Jihad, which was brought on by the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli youths followed soon thereafter by daily increased rocket and mortar attacks on the Israeli southern towns and kibbutzim closest to Gaza with the range of attacks growing daily as well until they struck Tel Aviv, then began the war as such attacks had to be halted, President Obama decided that a single ground-to-ground rocket which landed approximately half a mile south of Ben Gurion International Airport was sufficient a threat to cancel all flights by United States carriers from entering Israeli airspace thus closing the airport. A number of European nations also forbid their airlines from using Ben Gurion International Airport. These shuttering of Israeli airspace was despite the knowledge that there was an Iron Dome placed south of the airport plus two other Iron Dome units in the proximity guarding Tel Aviv and Jerusalem which made it next to impossible for anything launched from Gaza of threatening any airliners. There was also the additional requirement inserted between the United States and Israeli militaries which under war conditions are by treaty allowed to resupply Israeli needs straight military to military without need of further validation then being required to receive State Department approval which prevented any resupply of Israel during the conflict in Gaza. This was a breach of treaty and an illegal act which President Obama simply ignored the law of the land as treaties take on once ratified. This exhibits that President Obama has no regard for treaties, agreements, requirements of the United States Constitution or the need to include Congress in any action where such is required by that same Constitution and thus is ruling as if he were Emperor Imperialist of the United States and placing himself above the law. These acts by President Obama are setting precedents should he be permitted such and allowed to trample the Constitution and its limitations on Presidential power that will in the future allow for the destruction of the rule of law and replace it with an imperial presidency which will further take the United States into being under the rule of man, a very dangerous place. This is exactly how President Obama plans on acting, with complete contempt for Congress and with impunity when it comes to empowering Iran and destroying Israel in every way possible and simply daring the Congress to stop his actions.


President Obama will also make it known to Arab leadership that should they desire to take Israel before the Security Council that the United States is prepared to abstain from and vote and will withhold its veto whenever able and that they may count on such being the default position of the United States for the remainder of his term in office. This leads Israel to a very dangerous place where if those who have made it their campaign promise and predicated their every statement to promising to repair any supposed damage which Prime Minister Netanyahu may have caused between the Israeli government and the administration of President Barack Obama and by working with President Obama in establishing the two state solution by whatever means are required. These statements have been issued by many who are referred to most often as centrists or center left but not any referred to as far right wing or nationalist backers of the settlements causing an impediment of peace. One must wonder as to what those supporting the two state solution plan on doing should Mahmoud Abbas refuse to make peace unless a complete return to the Green Line with no swaps and a total right of return as well, will they grant the whole set of demands when President Obama advises that they accept these terms as it will be worth doing so as it will finally bring peace. There have been a few statements from Yitzhak Hertzog where he parroted the answers given by Benyamin Netanyahu when they appeared to a debate between them just this weekend, but I have doubts that Hertzog would really stick to such a position if President Obama demanded he surrender all of East Jerusalem as well as Judea and Samaria while accepting five or more million refugees from all the refugee camps and probably beyond as any Syrian refugee who might find an opening to claim refugee status not from Syria but from the Palestinian refugee centers which were in Syria before the civil war. Such an opening if permitted could add near countless refugees being foist upon Israel drowning Israel with Arab refugees who would vote Israel out of being a Jewish state at the very next elections. Probably the best Prime Minister Israel might elect would be a brick wall or whoever comes closest to resembling a brick wall when it comes to surrender to the whims and wiles of President Obama. The unfortunate truth is that the President of the United States would allow Israel’s complete and utter destruction as to it being the homeland of the Jews, and as such, a Jewish State. As to who might be such a person, well, that will be left to the Israeli voters tomorrow and the one promise is that, whoever is chosen to form a coalition will be forming the fate of Israel and the Jewish people in their hands, may they be capable hands guided by G0d and may they be girded with the truth, that by International Law and treaty the lands from the west bank of the Jordan River to the beaches on the Mediterranean Sea, every square millimeter of lands belong to Israel and though all other rights are granted to the inhabitants, the Israeli government is empowered to decide who is granted political power and thus may vote in Israeli elections. This was decided by the fifty-two nations unanimously, the entirety of the League of Nations, in 1921 with the ratification of the San Remo Conference which was further validated by the United Nations Charter Article 80 which recognized the Mandates and all other standing treaties and conferences from the League of Nations remained valid and fully applicable and backed by the United Nations as if enacted by that body as well. Perhaps whoever becomes the next Prime Minister of Israel when standing before the United Nations General Assembly next fall, assuming the next government makes it that far, can read to the assembled the contents of the San Remo Conference and remind them of Article 80 of the United Nations Charter and thus put an end to this futile debate which is invalid simply due to International Law which so many claim to desire. Perhaps it is time to give them the truths about International Law and how it may not be the friend they think it be.


Beyond the Cusp


March 14, 2015

Terror War to Resume by End of Week, Will We be Ready?

Filed under: Absolutism,Administration,Ahmed Tibi,Amalekites,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appeasement,Appointment,Arab Authority,Arabs,Bayit Yehudi Party,Benyamin Netanyahu,Blood Libel,Building Freeze,Campaign Contributions,Civilization,Condemning Israel,Defend Israel,Disengagement,Ditherer in Chief,Divestment,Elections,Eli Yishai,Europe,European Council,European Governments,European Union,Executive Order,Forced Solution,Gay Rights,Gaza,Government,Hamas,Hamas Charter,Hanin Zoabi,Hate,Herzog,History,IDF,Intifada,Islamic Pressure,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Jerusalem,Jewish Heritage,Jewish Home,Jewish Leadership,Jewish State,Jews,Jordan,Jordan River,Judaism,Judea,Judean Hills,Kotel,Labor Party,Land for Peace,Leftist Pressures,Likud,Mahmoud Abbas,Mavi Marmara,Mediterranean Sea,Meretz,Middle East,Ministers,Murder Israelis,Muslim Brotherhood,Muslims,Naftali Bennett,Netanyahu,Old City,One State Solution,Oslo Accords,Palestinian,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Liberation Organization,Palestinian Pressures,Parliament,Parliamentary Government,Peace Process,PLO,Politics,Post-Zionist,President Obama,Prime Minister,Promised Land,Protect Citizenry,Recognize Israel,Refugees,Religion,Religious Jews,Response to Terrorism,Samaria,Same Sex Marriage,San Remo Conference,Sanctions (BDS),Secular Interests,Security,Settlements,Six Day War,Statehood,Support Israel,Tel Aviv,Temple Mount,Terror,Third Intifada,Torah,Two State Solution,Tzipi Livni,United States,United States Pressure,United Torah Judaism,Western Wall,World Opinion,World Pressures,Yair Lapid,Yesh Atid Party,Yisrael Beiteinu,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 3:57 AM
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News of terror attacks on Israelis have been curiously missing from the news since elections were announced after the vote in the Knesset to dissolve the last government largely due to acts against the government by two Ministers leading two of the parties in the coalition. This set up a situation where Mahmoud Abbas, Mohammed Deifs, Marwan Barghouti, Ismail Haniyeh and Khaled Mashal as the leaders of Hamas, Fatah and the PLO have called for a ceasefire of sorts where terrorism is silenced until the Israeli elections. This is done so as to give Israelis a false sense of security and has occurred in the run-up to elections like clock-work. If it wasn’t for the political ads on the television, radio and in our mailboxes we would probably call for elections one week after each government took power thus having waged a successful war against terrorism. This would have a secondary effect of also making the government so dysfunctional that there would also be very few if any new laws and regulations and perhaps taxes might get reduced at some point. But the sad thing is that whoever gains the position of Prime Minister will attempt to hold power at all costs and that is where the problems lie.


There are a group of dangerous leaders of parties in the mix and some people running under parties which have merged to form what is being titled as the Arab block which includes a number of candidates who actually work to destroy Israel and support terrorism such as Haneen Zoabi and Ahmad Tibi, one actively supports Hamas and sailed on the Mavi Marmara and despite knowing of the plans to ambush and murder any IDF forces who would be required by the actions to prevent the ship from successfully running the blockade and the other had served as a top advisor to Yasser Arafat yet are permanent figures who have had the courts protect their rights to sit in the Israeli parliament of the Knesset. This alone should remove any and all claims of discrimination in Israel against Arabs but is ignored by the leftist who have decided the derision of Israel is their raison d’être. Also included in this Knesset list are communists, a party standing for the rights of alternate life styles and other small parties who will be able to be represented solely due to joining this group of assorted misfits of the political system. Then there are Tzipi Livni who heads a party whose name, Hatnua, translates to mean Party which means when the news refers to her party as Tzipi Livni’s Hatnua Party they are actually saying the Tzipi Livni Party Party which accurately defines the party as it was founded so Tzipi Livni could chase after her defined self-fated role as Israel’s Prime Minister. Another Party is Yesh Atid headed by Yair Lapid, a former television news anchor and another who entertains delusions of glory and a new future if only the Israelis would see things as he does which would include his sitting as the Prime Minister of Israel for life. The translation of Lapid’s party name of Yesh Atid is “There is a Future” which translates better as being there is a Lapid defined future which I would rather avoid.


The final piece of the election puzzle is this merger calling itself the “Zionist Camp” of the combination of the Labor Party and Livni’s Hatnua Party. What makes this an interesting scenario is that both Tzipi Livni and Yitzhak Hertzog would be best described politically as being Post-Zionists who like Post-Modernists exist more for what they oppose than what they stand for. The Post Zionists no longer hold that Israel is the state of the Jews as much as it is a multi-ethnic multi-cultural democracy which is defined by its combinations of peoples and not so much by being the Jewish State. They do not believe that the Torah defines a Mitzvah to settle all of the land and are still enamored with the idea of “Land for Peace” in which if Israel would only give Mahmoud Abbas and his Arab Authority what they claim they want currently which consists of Judea and Samaria along with half of Jerusalem including every ancient Jewish holy site which would then be beyond the ability for any Jews to visit and mostly to be destroyed once again after being reclaimed and restored after the Six Day War when these lands came under Israeli control being liberated from Jordanian occupation after Jordan joined the war in the hopes of sharing the riches of a destroyed Israel. They do not believe Abbas when he speaks to Arab audiences in Ramallah and other Arab controlled and semiautonomous regions within Judea and Samaria where he calls for the liberation of all of his imagined Arab State from the “river to the sea” which translates to from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea and includes all of Israel being conquered and made Judenrein, Jew free; a condition he also addresses when he speaks of the cleansing of this Arab entity and purifying its lands with blood flowing until the river run red. Such speeches can be found by searching the MEMRI data base or choosing items at random from their collection of Arab and Muslim speeches, news, television shows and more from the other side of the Arab and Muslim world which is mostly uncovered and unrevealed to the Western world as doing so would destroy the façade of a reasonable Arab and Muslim world ready to live at peace with the West. The Zionist Camp is calling for cooperation with the desires and demands from the White House and placing Israel’s future on the whims and fancy of President Obama and mending the rift caused by Prime Minister Netanyahu. This would entail an almost complete surrender without gaining even the slightest hint of peace or an end to the terror war.


So, who do we believe would make a better alternative than the Zionist Camp and Tzipi Livni and Yitzhak Hertzog, Netanyahu? The answer is not Netanyahu nor is it Tzipi Livni and Yitzhak Hertzog, remember that the last two come in a single package and as things stand they would take their turn as Prime Minister in that order. That in and of itself gives a great indicator of the lack of character strength of Hertzog if as the leader of the dominant party in their coalition he still allowed Tzipi to be the dominant one taking the lead even if her presence is mostly ignored by the campaign they are running. So, where could Israel seek a leader who might prevent a disaster and is not Benyamin Netanyahu? Eli Yishai would make an exceedingly good choice though he is too obscure to ever be considered and his party had merged with another and their combined parties will only barely make it into the next Knesset. So we have had to rule out the most desirable candidate, then who might be chosen by President Reuven Rivlin initially to form a coalition? The entire package which might be made which would be difficult unless every religious or leaning religious Zionist voted for their first preference instead of voting Likud out of fear of Hertzog and especially Livni getting their hands on the seat of power, then Israel might honestly have a possibility to find a leader who is dynamic and capable of standing up for Israel on the international scene and against the coming storm from the White House. This is also the person and party, Jewish Home “הַבַּיִת הַיְהוּדִי, HaBayit HaYehudi” leader Naftali Bennett, we have chosen to support though we also fully understand and agree with those who choose to vote for Eli Yishai and applaud their choice as well. We are also tired and truly fed up with Netanyahu all too often playing at being the true diplomat and polite in persona in dealing with United States President Obama and the leadership of the European Union as well as the independent governments of Europe and the entirety of the anti-Israel world, they will never be appeased as long as Israel exists. The unofficial but still deadly building freeze which Netanyahu has enforced is very much to blame for the rising price of housing and needs to be terminated. Hertzog/Livni will do worse, they will encourage and support demolition of Jewish communities beyond the Green Line to genuflect before and appease the White House. Naftali Bennett should be granted a chance to put his “No more apologizing” slogan into use as Prime Minister. He would hopefully stand as proud in the seat of power as he has on the campaign and be just as unyielding as he has portrayed himself and the members of his party. Perhaps Jewish Home really is our home and the home of all Zionists.


Some will point to the fact that Naftali Bennett himself has said he is not yet ready to be Prime Minister. Who is? Naftali Bennett has the drive and the willingness to directly address the problems Israel faces and has already addressed the biggest of them all, the overbearing drive for Israeli leaders to be constantly apologizing for Israel existing and that must stop. That will not happen with Netanyahu or the other choice of Hertzog/Livni that the media and power brokers have told us are the only choices. Hey, guess what? We can vote anybody into the top position simply by voting bravely for our true hope for the future, the religious Zionists who have the bravery of those who believe they have a real answer for the challenges Israel faces. Naftali Bennett if actually listened to and if one actually researched the voting pattern of his Jewish Home members in the Knesset one would see they represent responsible positions on economic challenges as well as on defending Israel and her right to exist as an equal amongst the nations of this world. The one challenge is Bennett claiming he is not ready to be Prime Minister. That statement was made as deference to Netanyahu more likely than any other reason. Truth be told, in many ways Bennett represents potentially the Israeli Churchill. People may not realize that Winston Churchill did not feel comfortable with becoming Prime Minister of England, especially as they were headed into a war, a very costly and difficult war. Israel has been in two wars, one with the Arabs who wish to destroy us and the other with the Western powers who believe by sacrificing Israel they will have satiated the Arab and Muslim appetites as all they desire is Israel and as the Europeans and President Obama see it, rightfully so do they desire Israel. Many in the West see the establishment of Israel to be a bad response to the sins of World War II and they are mostly ignorant of the San Remo Conference and all the rest of the history behind the formation of the Jewish State dating back to 1920 or even earlier to include the Balfour Declaration. Most of the history behind Modern Israel traces back to just after World War I and have nothing to do with World War II or the camps or the Nazis, it has to do with a debt by the nations of the world to allow the Jews to return to their brethren who remained in Israel surviving the desecrations and dissolution of the Jewish People by scattering them to the far reaches of the Roman Empire. Bennett may not feel ready but he will never be ready as being the Prime Minister is a huge step for anybody and Naftali is no different. What Naftali has proven is he speaks English well and gives an accomplished presentation of the truths about Israel and her history which included three-thousand-plus year history of residing right here between the Jordan River and the Sea with two tribes residing on the east bank of the Jordan River where they grazed their herds. Naftali Bennett may require having the mantle of leadership of our nation of Israel thrust upon him and then we can watch him either shrink, quite unlikely, or more likely, blossom into a great and historic figure placing him on a near par of the pinnacle the founders of Israel are placed. The best argument to vote Jewish Home and thrust Naftali Bennett into the Prime Minister’s seat is because other than Eli Yishai, Naftali is as close to Ze’ev Jabotinsky as we are likely to see in our times. So, if you deep in your heart would want Naftali as the next leader of Israel and were thinking of voting Likud because Naftali has no chance to win the Prime Minister’s chair, that will be true if you are too afraid to vote with your heart and love of Israel, take the chance, all of those who actually desire another choice than Hertzog/Livni or Netanyahu, then vote הַבַּיִת הַיְהוּדִי, HaBayit HaYehudi and then we will see a new leader and a capable leader if my gut feelings are correct. I see Prime Minister Bennett as the beginning of a whole new period in the life of Israel and the Jewish People. We owe it to the history and the future of Israel to vote exactly what our hearts and minds tell us but many refuse to accept, that we need to break from the rut of Labor or Likud, we need a fresh and new start. That fresh and new start is with הַבַּיִת הַיְהוּדִי, HaBayit HaYehudi and Naftali Bennett.


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