Beyond the Cusp

March 29, 2015

Israel and an Out of Control President

Filed under: 1949 Armistice Line,1967 Borders,24/7 News Reporting,Act of War,Administration,AFP,Agency France Press,Amalekites,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Appointment,Arab Appeasement,Arab Authority,Arab World,Arabs,Armed Services,Ayatollah Khomenei,Benyamin Netanyahu,Binding Resolution,Bnei Menashe,Breakout Point,Britain,Cabinet,Calaphate,China,Civilization,Commander in Cheif,Conflict Avoidnce,Congress,Consequences,Coverup,Disengagement,Ditherer in Chief,Divided Jerusalem,Domestic NGOs,East Jerusalem,Elections,Europe,European Council,European Governments,European Pressure,European Union,Executive Order,Forced Solution,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,France,Gaza,Government,Green Line,Hamas,Hamas Charter,Hate,Herzog,History,House of Representatives,ICC,ICJ,IDF,International Court of Justice,International Criminal Court,International Politics,Iran,Iranian Pressure,Islam,Islam,Islamic Jihad,Islamic Pressure,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Jerusalem,Jewish Heritage,Jewish Home,Jewish Leadership,Jewish State,Jews,Jihad,John Boehner,John Kerry,Jordanian Pressure,Leftist Pressures,Mahmoud Abbas,Mainstream Media,Media,Middle East,Ministers,Muslim World,Muslims,Nahariya,Netanyahu,Non Binding Resolution,Nuclear Program,Nuclear Scientist,Nuclear Sites,Omission,One State Solution,Oslo Accords,P5+1,Palestinian,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Pressures,Parliament,Parliamentary Government,Peace Process,Plutonium Production,Politicized Findings,Politics,President Obama,Prime Minister,Promised Land,Refugees,Russia,Secretary of State,Secular Interests,Senate,Senate Minority Leader,Settlements,Speaker of the House,State Department,Support Israel,Terror,Threat of War,United Nations,United Nations Presures,United States,United States Pressure,Uranium Enrichment,US Air Force,US Army,US Marines,US Navy,Voting,War,War of Independence,World Opinion,World Pressures,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 2:37 AM
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The initial volley of the final confrontation escalated when Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu accepted United States Speaker of the House Boehner’s invitation to address a joint session of Congress pertaining to the situation with Iran and their nuclear weapons program along with updating the Congress on the situation as best as could be described of the state of the P5+1 negotiations with Iran presumably to prevent their attaining nuclear weapons. The necessity for this address to Congress and the over the top reaction from the White House was due to the simple fact that the President and his Administration refused to brief the respective members of the Congress on the state and intents of the President in the negotiations with Iran. This pressed the Congress to find an alternative means to gain this information. It probably was in the mind, even if just subliminally, of Speaker Boehner when he chose to make the invitation with minimal lead time in informing the White House, a lead time which though denied by the Administration did exist as was leaked but ignored by much of the mainstream media with their failure to mention the thirty minutes before initiating the invitation the White House had been informed. As far as waiting for Presidential approval before extending the invitation, the simple fact that a previous communication of an invitation for Prime Minister Netanyahu to address Congress waited numerous weeks before the President responded and the Israeli leader gave this address on May 24, 2011, but the wait time would have been unacceptable as that would have pushed the address off beyond the end of the Iran negotiations making it no longer relevant. If one remembers, the White House’s demand which was ignored, strongly suggested the speech be put off until the end of March or even April, either date making the speech being put off until the negotiations were either completed or to be finalized within a few days as the negotiations had a March 24 deadline for a framework to be completed and the final agreement to be completed by March 31.


The assault from President Obama and the members of his administration started out well beyond cordial as they demanded that the White House had not been contacted about the speech, which was quickly denied and this altered the attack to claiming the President had not been informed as required by protocols and that the President’s approval was normally necessary before such an invitation was acted upon. Truth of the matter which never received coverage in the media is that there is no requirement for gaining the President’s approval as the Congress is presumably a coequal branch of the government and has as much right to invite people to address the Congress or brief them in private without observing any imagined protocols. The advising of the White House is merely an unnecessary but polite gesture and is not required before the invitation has been issued but solely upon its confirmation and then simply so the President may assign somebody or attend the address himself. Having somebody address a joint session of Congress requiring the President’s approval is as absurd a concept as the White House required to gain approval from the Congress to address the nation on national television or for the Supreme Court to require approval from either remaining branch of the government to invite the testimony of an expert in their deliberations and information gathering for a case before the Supreme Court. So, this presumed break with some imagined protocol was the initial assault and that the President had been insulted and took great feelings of disrespect and that the invitation was a slap in the face of the President was all over the top grandstanding. Truth of the matter is that the Congress has no requirement to inform the President of any actions they plan to take and the only requirement of interacting with the Presidency is to send on to the President passed legislation for his signature or veto as required in the Constitution, anything beyond such is out of courtesy and polite discourse, something which has not exactly been granted the Congress by the President since the Republicans took control of the House of Representatives as the President worked with the Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to block any and everything the President disapproved of legislation wise by preventing it being considered by the Senate allowing for the charge of a Republican do nothing Congress. Respect and consideration of polite interaction is a two way street and had been completely absent in the direction of the President with the Republican Speaker of the House since he took the position from Nancy Pelosi at the beginning of the term following the 2010 elections.


The first volley after the speech which was of consequence was the determination by the Administration an order pertaining to the 1987 assessment of the nuclear situation of all known and suspected nuclear capable nations. The summary and full report on the assessed state of the Israeli nuclear weapons program was declassified with the Pentagon ordering the release of the declassification results, but the Pentagon retained the classification of information about nuclear research in Italy, France, Britain and other NATO countries releasing solely the Israeli report. This was done out of pure spite and was the shot across the bow informing Israel that any independent actions or any diverging from the exact demands and directives issued from the White House are to be obeyed to the letter or else Israel will be further compromised. This action was taken for a number of reasons other than a warning to Israel and at the same time a punishment of Israel for not putting off the Prime Minister Addressing Congress until the White House had a completed or near completed agreement with the Iranians making the address superfluous and the information in the address worthless. It needs to be said that the declassification of the United States Pentagon assessment of the state of the Israeli nuclear program was declassified before Benyamin Netanyahu had won reelection as the next, or continuing, Prime Minister of Israel. Any retribution for Netanyahu having the audacity of winning an election where the White House with assistance financially from the State Department actively campaigned and gathered funding from across Europe and from individual donors in an effort which had as its slogan, “Anyone but Bibi,” which was officially defined as efforts for a new governance so as to further conceal the real intent, the election of the Labor Party Leader Yitzhak Hertzog and Hatnua Party founder Tzipi Livni who were running on a joint ticket under the name of “The Zionist Union.” The initial reaction from the White House for this insult of actually campaigning and taking the steps necessary to win the election which included the honest and correct warning made in the afternoon of the election day as a means of spurring those who had yet to vote to make an extra effort to do so as the V2015 effort, in conjunction and financially backed by the OneVoice NGO which received funding from the State Department of $350,000 for the time period leading to and during the elections in Israel, headed by President Obama’s campaign director from his reelection campaign of 2012 Jeremy Bird and four other high campaign organizers. The final and most incredible tie to the Obama campaign is the rallying call for the anti-Netanyahu campaign of, “Change,” just change without the Hope part, maybe this was the reason they were unsuccessful. We had an article with some additional information including a directive from Senator Ted Cruz and Representative Lee Zeldin to Secretary of State John Kerry demanding information on the depth and breadth of the United States efforts through OneVoice, V2015 (aka V15), and the State Department in the Israeli elections titled Obama’s Deceits Over Israeli Elections.


The direction taken by the White House has been direct, overt and as obvious in its targeting as described by the White House and also personally by the President that they have been forced to reassess the relationship and support that the United States has granted Israel and whether the United States is served by providing continued protection for Israel at the United Nations and other international institutions. We gather the obvious definition for the somewhat vague other international institutions is actually any of the various international courts, in this case the ICC, International Criminal Court, should the Palestinian Authority bring charges against individual Israeli military or political individuals or Israel itself for presumed war crimes or crimes against humanity as has been regularly threatened by Mahmoud Abbas for over a decade. The most grievous of these efforts which the United States has presumed to offer protection is when the United Nations Security Council is petitioned by either the Palestinian Authority or any actual nation pertaining to the recognition and granting of statehood officially often including that said state should be formed around the 1967 lines which is a reference to the 1949 Armistice Lines which are also referred to as the Green Line and was at its forming written into the armistice itself that these lines were to never be intended or used as a border officially denoting statehood.


This clause was added by the Arab League and the Arab states involved in the 1948-9 War, also called the Israeli War for Independence or more accurately as the efforts at the founding of the state of Israel to, with genocidal intent, eradicate the nascent Jewish state by the seven Arab armies which included Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon and additionally the Arab Brigades under the command of the Mufti of Jerusalem (it must be noted this was the Mufti of Jerusalem Amin al-Husseini who spent most of World War II with his close friend Adolph Hitler and the rest of the Nazi Hierarchy), and command support provided by British and German officers who had impressive military command experience as well as some European pilots who volunteered their services and actually flew combat missions. In one instance in January 1949 in which IAF pilot Ezer Weizman managed to shoot down one attacking British piloted Spitfire aircraft killing its British pilot which brought condemnations and accusations from the British government, revealing they were aware of the participation of their officers and pilots aiding the Arab efforts.


Back to the present after a short interlude into past events and the implications from the very beginning of the saga of this fourth rendition of the Jewish State on the Promised Lands gifted to Abraham and established after the Exodus from Egypt and opposed by virtually every single government but the friend of the many who have received care after disasters or other emergencies where the Israeli relief teams arrive in force often being the initial caregivers and often to places off the maps and beyond the beaten paths, the smaller places overlooked by the main efforts which are almost always placed at the capital city or other major metropolises. These smaller Israeli teams may not be physically attached to the main effort or central field hospital, but do receive support and supplies and attention similar in scope and often building schools and a medical clinic complete with supplies and equipment and also training for indigenous local personnel and when these teams depart, always a tears flowing moment, with hugs and nary a dry eye on either side, the equipment and supplies in the clinic remaining behind and the school is complete with desks and chairs, paper and pencils, office supplies and equipment, a complete school ready for students, and even a remaining Israeli to teach and assist with training teachers. This is the truth, those who receive Israeli aid learn of the real Israel, her people whose love for mankind is beyond measure. Israel has won the hearts of people, strangers who received loving and caring as if they were longtime friends or family as this is the manner the teams who Israel deploys are among the most caring combined with proficiency and true empathy and love for those they assist as if they were angels. Still, President Obama knows not the kind and caring heart of the Israeli people, he knows little of the struggles Israel has endured, he knows nothing of the hundreds of thousands Jews from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) who arrived without a shekel’s worth of money and a few suitcases hurriedly packed and often all that was allowed, true refugees who had also lost their homes, businesses, farms, herds, lost everything and came seeking shelter who instead of being thrown into camps and scorned were treated as the brothers and sisters they were and taken into Israeli society; he knows not of the influx of Russians when finally the Jews were allowed to return home and who have been taken into the society to the point that in some places such as Nahariya there are places where the language spoken is as often Russian as it is Hebrew; he knows nothing of the take of the Ethiopian Jews, the Indian Menashe Jews or the numbers of other Jews found scattered in every corner of the earth and all greeted and arranged for their return to their ancestral lands and the efforts to include them into their homeland.


President Obama does not recognize the rockets out of Gaza as much as he notices the Israeli response which according to him and the leadership of many across the globe, particularly in Europe and the nations making up MENA, that Israel must show restraint after all nobody was killed and the rockets only struck around their town or hits a school or home causing trauma as well as property damage, something considered necessary to note when any Gazan home is struck. He knows of the disparity in the death toll but refuses to actually include that Israel spends millions upon millions to protect their citizens from rockets while Hamas and Islamic Jihad use the people of Gaza to protect their rockets and that Israel not only takes care to protect its people as best they are able, but takes greater care to avoid killing Gazan civilians as best as they are able while Hamas and Islamic Jihad use the Gazan civilians as protection devices for their ammunition stores, their rocket launches, their command posts which the central one is located underneath the largest hospital in Gaza, and basically place the Gazan civilians in direct line of fire attempting to have as many killed by those actions as they possibly can; yet even by the United Nations and European examinations of the casualty lists, they all found that there was virtually a one to one ration between combatants killed and civilians killed, an unprecedentedly low number for civilian casualties for urban combat. By comparison the United States drone strikes ordered solely during President Obama’s period as Commander in Chief and the person who gave the final order for each strike has a ratio of 19-to-1 and approaching 20-to-1, a far cry from the Israeli numbers. Still, the one thing President Obama takes as proof that Israel is the main hindrance from the Arab Palestinians being granted statehood largely because Mahmoud Abbas told him this and it was backed by the Europeans from almost every front and because he believes that the Jewish state has to be at fault because that is what he has heard from virtually every mentor and teacher he has ever believed to be credible and an anchor for his viewpoint throughout his life. We need look no further than his pastor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright or his childhood mentor in Hawaii, Frank Marshall Davis, his more contemporary relations with William Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Rashid Khalidi, Carl Davidson and the Reverend Louis Farrakhan. These are the roots from which the tree grew and was watered with their ideals and politics which include beyond the Marxist and his indoctrination as a follower of Saul Alinsky and his political principles for political warfare and implementation of socialist views which he purported. These are simply the cause for the further irritation over the election victory despite all efforts by the White House to deny Netanyahu another term. President Obama has taken this defeat personally as if it was he who was in place of Yitzhak Hertzog and that Netanyahu had bested President Obama himself when he won the election. This is just a further look inside the megalomaniacal, narcissistic, vainglorious and overtly arrogant neurotic individualist who is the current President and Disaster in Chief who has decided to ramp the war against Israel to the top of his to do list and colored it in red, underlined in purple, and circled in cyan just to assure he will not miss it every time he references his to do list.


There had been hopes that as long as President Obama had apparently decided that while he was more than likely not going to lift a finger to protect Israel before the United Nations, all its individual agencies and the collection of international courts, he was at least not ready to propose any charges or motions against Israel, only permit such motions and charges to flow unimpeded by the United States on to their conclusion. This leaves one last concern, how far is President Obama willing to go on this path. Perhaps we will conclude with this concern in a little while. Apparently President Obama may not have requested the announced plans to begin talks at the United Nations on a new Security Council resolution to revive Israeli-Palestinian peace process as was announced Friday by the French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius. This proposal is similar in nature to the Arab proposal this past December which was defeated by there not being sufficient support to produce the necessary nine votes in favor so there was no need for a veto by any of the five permanent members of the Security Council, France, Britain, Russia, China, and of course the United States. Fabius stated before Agency France Press (AFP), “I hope the partners that were reluctant will be less reluctant. It is necessary to move forward to have a solution to this problem,” In earlier comments to AFP Fabius stated, “Only the creation of viable sovereign Palestinian state… will ensure peace and prosperity in the Middle East.” He wished for negotiations to resume to achieve “a comprehensive and lasting peace accord,” which needs to be based on the principle of the “two-state solution.” It is already well known and documented that President Obama supports the two-state solution and goes further demanding they be formed along the Green Line, the 1967 lines, with agreed upon swaps which is the same as saying that all the Jewish residences beyond the Green Line and in East Jerusalem are to be abandoned and will likely be destroyed within days of the Jews being removed. The current make-up of the Security Council has changed since the last time in December when a similar proposal was rejected. We covered these changes and what they meant in our article If Only! If Only!!! These changes make the likelihood somewhat more promising that it will pass unless one of the permanent Security Council members uses their overriding veto, the very veto President Obama has been threatening to withhold. This makes the wording of the French proposed resolution extremely important and even more important is whether it will be granted Chapter Seven making it a binding resolution backable by military force if so decided or a Chapter Six which makes it a strong recommendation but a whole slew of Chapter Six resolution as well as General Assembly resolutions which are also simply recommendations which become void at whatever point any participating member decides that they no longer support the resolution. Such rejection may come at the very beginning or any time after, it makes no difference.


The final question is what will be the result and exactly how far will President Obama decide he is willing to go. Will he fully commit to a Chapter Seven resolution and all that it entails? This may be the upcoming test which will determine whether or not President Obama has gone around the bend and entered an area previously unthinkable. The French proposal likely will just entail another round of negotiations with a time limit for the two sides to reach an agreement and then if no agreement is reached then the Security Council might be requested to resume deliberations and decide what comes next if anything. On the other hand the French proposition might not only include a deadline for reaching an agreement but might have the worst possible of measures where it calls for the formation of an Arab state using the Green Line as the border including East Jerusalem as the new State’s capital city and for all the Jewish residents to be removed by a set date after which the Arab State named Palestine (assumed) will have become a reality at long last. With such a clause in a Chapter Seven Resolution could at that point, should Israel refused to comply, require military force used to enforce the Security Council Resolution and then would President Obama actually order troops from the United States military to join the United Nations efforts to force compliance and the removal of every Israeli Jew residing past the Green Line? It is all but guaranteed if there exists such a clause calling for the enforcement of an Arab state with the Green Line as its borders, there is absolutely no way in the universe, let alone the earth, that Abbas will make any other arrangement or permit any land swaps as he would receive everything he presumably demands and have it granted by the European and American military might. That would be his idea of perfection as once the foreign troops had presumably successfully forced the complicity to the resolution, he could then request the United Nations remain to protect the Arab state from the Israeli threat. This would place the United Nations forces in place of the IDF in protecting Mahmoud Abbas and his government from a Hamas takeover which would otherwise take place. This would also have these United Nations troops preventing any Israeli attempts to interdict to prevent terrorism, enter the Arab state to make arrests as Israel cannot depend on Abbas and his courts to incarcerate terrorists, they name streets after them, and the terrorists would have free reign as far as crossing into Israel as the United Nations troops are only there to prevent Israeli ability to enforce laws against crimes perpetrated on her, not stop terrorists from entering Israel or returning to the safety of the new Arab state with its permanent military, the United Nations protective force manned by-in-large by the United States military forces. Would President Obama actually send troops against Israel? I pray that offer never becomes available to him in such a manner as supporting a United Nations resolution as I fear he would not even need to think about it, he would do so willingly and send more than requested, but possibly less than required. Such a situation would probably be sufficient for Israel to retreat rather than fight against United States or European troops as that would bring too much hardship on both sides and the Israelis are not at war with the United States or European people and never would take such a position unless such was forced upon them. Let us hope that things are not ramping up towards crazyland, we will not enjoy crazyland.


Beyond the Cusp


March 9, 2015

Election Madness


Never in my short little life have I seen, read about or otherwise been knowledgeable of an election which has gathered so many influences from outside its borders as the current election in Israel. The entire brouhaha over Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech before the United States Congress was simply over the top and over exactly what President Obama claimed it was about, the Israeli elections. There is not now nor ever was any such rule of not meeting or allowing a head of state to address Congress and/or meet with representatives of the White House even the day before an election in their home nation, let alone weeks ahead of the election. The polls are biased towards the “Zionist Camp” so as to provide them cover to claim election fraud if they do not perform at near to or better than the nationalist camps. Even allowing Livni and Hertzog to refer to their alliance as the Zionist Camp would be akin to a Likud-Jewish Home alliance as the Christian Coalition. There could not be more misdirection and untruths allowed in an election as has occurred here and the level of lies and misrepresentations promises to hit even higher levels in the remaining week and a half.


There is another side to the international interference in the Israeli elections and that is money. There has been set-up a nongovernmental campaign fund which is circumventing Israeli election laws and is being permitted to do so as it supports the politically correct side, the leftist internationalists, or in other worlds, the “Zionist Camp” of Livni and Hertzog (Hatnua and Labor). The theme is loosely corralled around a familiar theme, “Change” and it comes without any real Hope. The unspoken name of the group is “anybody but Bibi” Netanyahu but is about so much more. The foreign money and electioneering assistance is being provided all but directly from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C. The leader of this advisory effort is the grass roots organizer from the reelection campaign in the form of Jeremy Bird and the V15 group. Newsmax specified the group is made up of five Democrats, under the leadership of Bird. And the Washington Free Beacon, meanwhile, reported that the V15 group was actually working with the U.S. based OneVoice, an activist organization which was funded to the tune of $200,000 from the United States State Department. The relationship between V15, originally called V2015, and OneVoice is solid enough for the V15 community organizing campaign to write IOUs and have them accepted with the full knowledge that a day or two before the election the connection will be announced and the cash will be transferred and all bills thus paid in full, and if not, well, it was all for a good cause, the promotion of the “righteous” people in power in Israel such that President Obama can finally get his peace plan enacted.


That last sentence might cause some to query what peace plan. The problem has been with Mahmoud Abbas, not Prime Minister Netanyahu. Prime Minister Netanyahu has refused to force every Jewish resident in the contested territories, living beyond the Green Line in Area C which the original Oslo Accord plans delineated as becoming part of Israel when peace was finalized and only due to a long propaganda campaign from the Arabs and supported by extreme leftist anti-Semites has those lines and concepts been replaced and finalized by President Obama where Israel will surrender all contested land in its entirety. With that as the White House demands there need not be any agreement from Mahmoud Abbas, Israel can be forced to remove all Jews, IDF forces, checkpoints and anything else vacating the areas thus gifting Mahmoud Abbas the entirety of what he has demanded while refusing to agree to make peace once received thus blocking any peace proposals. President Obama has a new plan which requires somebody nice and weak and pliable as Prime Minister of Israel, somebody who believes as he does that the problem making peace impossible is the intransigence of Israel and that if only Israel would vacate all of Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem would peace come on gilded wings. Such thinking in not only excessively dangerous and potentially ruinous for Israel but will do nothing more than signal the buildup to the next Arab-Israeli War which except for the grace of G0d A1mighty would signal the death of Israel or at the very least horrific loss of civilian life on the Israeli side of such a war as about the only border which would not be backed by Arab armies would be the border with the Sinai Peninsula where instead of Egyptian forces there would be ISIS, al-Qaeda, Hamas and potentially IRGC forces bringing the final surrounding border under attack.


One might be pressed to ask why any sane individual would desire to put Israel in such peril? The answer is as strange as it is borderline demonic. The reason would be to gain an additional argument to convince the Iranians that they do not need a nuclear weapon in order to destroy Israel. Such inevitability would be set up for conventional forces being used to such an end. One might then point out that Iran also desires the destruction of the United States, of the Great Satan and the destruction of the Little Satan would simply whet their lips for the bringing on of the other. That is the problem with sacrificing Israel on the Iranian altar to Baal, it would just convince Iran that they are that much of an irresistible force in the world that they might then move on to the big target, the Great Satan. Of course there is also the possibility that despite the horrific loss of civilian life from tens of thousands , if not hundreds of thousands of rockets raining down on Israel from within Lebanon, Syria, Judea and Samaria (West Bank) Gaza, Sinai Peninsula and even potentially Jordan who would join the fight if for no other reason than self-preservation as Jordan would come under threat from ISIS or either permit them to pass through into Judea and Samaria and aid the Palestinians or face conquest by ISIS and Jordan might see such as an opportunity to sufficiently weaken ISIS by allowing them to fight against the IDF. All of this scenario would be a possible outcome of forcing Israel back to within the 1949 Armistice Lines which are also known as the Green Line or the 67 Lines which President Obama demanded Israel use as the basis for a border with the Arab forces with land swaps which were to be laid to the Arab leaders such as Mahmoud Abbas to approve otherwise the Green Line would become the border. Does anybody honestly believe that Abbas and company would allow any land swaps when instead they could set Israel into one really messy bind having to resettle hundreds of thousands or even more than a million civilians forced from their homes and potentially their jobs as Abbas would receive all this treasures without having to make peace or even the slightest gesture gifted via fiat by President Obama and an overtly compliant Israeli Prime Minister, either Tzipi Livni or Yitzhak Hertzog. One need look no further than their campaigning to see their intentions to restore relations with President Obama and doing what is necessary to obtain a just peace which President Obama need only have them in power in order to fashion a lasting peace.

Equally frightening is that President Reuven Rivlin has just stated that if neither side gains a sizeable or clear majority, then he would call in the two main parties and demand a unity government with some version of power sharing. He further iterated that he would call Likud head Binyamin Netanyahu and Labor leader Yitzhak Herzog to a joint meeting and spell out his plans for finding a solution through changing the election system. President Reuven Rivlin’s feelings are that there need be a wholesale overhaul of the elections system to prevent Israel from suffering the fate of other divided nations where elections result every year to year and a half because the coalitions are so fragmented that a stable governance is next to impossible. The last Knesset took the initial steps towards such a solution by upping the threshold a party must attain to be included in the next Knesset. This may have been circumvented this election by the partnering of even opposing parties simply to gain eligibility of their combined lists after which they plan on splitting again into the smaller groups which one, the other or both would not have attained the mandates to be included in the government. The solution need not be a complete overhaul of the government but simply a new manner for choosing the Prime Minister might be in order. Even such a change would be difficult as how would one decide which party leaders would be permitted to attempt to run for the office or Prime Minister? Such criteria would need addressing before any such deal might be even discussed and satisfy all of the main parties. Any set system would need to have sufficient flexibility to permit changes in representation to permit a candidate for attempting to be elected Prime Minister should they feel they had the support over the two otherwise favored party leaders. A new plan should not simply keep Labor and Likud as determined to be the only candidates.


First we must get to the fateful Election Day when everything may prove to be unnecessary and a coalition be obvious and easily assembled though such never seems to be the case. May it be that President Reuven Rivlin will have an easy choice before him and there not be any threats or arm twisting to force a unity government when such is not necessary. May President Reuven Rivlin have the clear and true sight in choosing the Party around which a lasting coalition can be formed. One would probably be right to fear that President Reuven Rivlin may look at the election and even if one camp would easily be able to form a coalition, choose to attempt his unity government in order to enact whatever is his plan to make elections capable of forming stable governance in the future. If Israel was to change the means of voting for a government and its leadership, may it be performed in such a manner as to also derive an actual Constitution which could use the current Basic Laws as its base and add in the rest around that core. Such may also alter how we choose the Knesset and may even form a second representative body and further decide on some manner of stepped electioneering where there are a series of votes where those missing the required percentage they do not move to the next level until one receives a majority. Such a system could do with no more than three elections to get to such an end. Perhaps it will prove best to have such performed by the Knesset itself. First Israel needs to get past the outside influences and choose their next Knesset and choose, as they are told, between Livni and Hertzog or Netanyahu. It may be important to know that between Hertzog and Livni that they have agreed upon allowing Livni be Prime Minister first. More on the election as we approach that fateful day of choice, Election Day.


Beyond the Cusp


February 11, 2015

Israeli Electorate Versus the World

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Exactly who is supposed to choose the next Prime Minister and Knesset, the Israeli voting public or the antagonistic worldwide media and governments? We have an American President who has decided that it is worth lying to the world’s peoples and medias claiming falsely that the Prime Minister of Israel and the Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives conspired to covertly bring Prime Minister Netanyahu and secret him into a combined meeting of Congress to talk and answer questions concerning Israeli intelligence which he might be permitted to share about the actual state and threat potentials of the Iranian nuclear weapons program all behind the Administrations back and without the knowledge of the Democrats in Congress. Even forgetting the fact that an Administration official has stated that Speaker Boehner had filed a report informing the White House and that Prime Minister Netanyahu did not accept the invitation until well after the invitation had been shared with the White House, but why should facts get in the way of a good public lynching.


The extreme leftist assimilated Jewish lobby J-Street, a George Soros production and an NGO completely sold out for anything President Obama supports and extremely anti-Zionist and anti-Netanyahu has come out so very publically claiming that Netanyahu approached the Speaker of the House with the whole idea for his appearance as a ploy to garner votes in Israel. This has also been a plot being sold by some leftist extremist post-Zionists in Israel and, needless to point out, also has been a mainstay talking point for Yitzhak Hertzog and Tzipi Livni when attacking Prime Minister Netanyahu claiming he is using the speech before Congress in order to pretend to importance and boost his presumably sagging image which is fading before their shining the light of their honest campaign which the people are simply flocking to despite the fact that the polls have barely changed since the beginning of the campaigns with understandable slight fluctuations for such events such as primaries or the announcement of presenting the party official lists before the public. Despite this the liberal and leftist media have talked up the centrist and leftist candidates and attacked the Zionist, nationalist and rightist party leaders and their candidates. But such is expected and what is surprisingly refreshing is a majority of Israelis in a recent poll revealed that they view the media in Israel to be slanted to the left either somewhat or very noticeably with a lesser number believing they are neutral and almost none suspecting them of being slanted to the right. Perhaps not everybody is asleep in Israel and that might be sufficient to allow an informed and fair election.


That brings us to the silent threat which has enjoyed sufficient media coverage that the fact it is still being referred to as a silent threat which may be revealed immediately after the elections in Israel. This silent threat has been not-so-silently repeated by the European Union and numerous leaders of numerous European nations. Sweden has been so silent about the threats that the new government wasted absolutely no time whatsoever in recognizing a Palestinian Arab state with Mahmoud Abbas as its leader. This was followed up this past weekend with the insistence by the Swedish leadership that Israel must respond to pressures and renew the peace talks with the Palestinian Authority towards establishing the very nation they already recognized. Immediately the start of the week you would never guess who arrived in Sweden with an entire entourage of media in tow. You guessed Mahmoud Abbas? How did you know, yes, Mahmoud Abbas arrived completely unannounced and apparently unexpected and without any formal invitation simply arrived and apparently he will be meeting with government officials and possibly holding a press meeting with Swedish government officials. Such a coincidence is just simply astounding.


The biggest insanity is the threat, the unspoken threat by the European union that if there is not a change in the Israeli government’s attitude towards having honest negotiations towards establishing a Palestinian state and ending the occupation and removing the illegal settlements from the West Bank, from beyond the Green Line then the European Union and all the member nations will embargo any Israeli business which does business with the settlements beyond the Green Line. There may even be a necessity for a complete embargo of all Israeli businesses. Could the European Union make their choice of who they demand be elected to lead Israel any clearer or make such threats on the Israeli public before they choose their new government just a month from now? What would happen if Israel had threatened Sweden before their recent election to cut off trade if they elected the leftist party? We all know exactly what would happen, the world’s media and leadership would come completely unglued. There would be a race to appear before the media cameras to denounce such a vile threat. The media would not stop denouncing such an uncouth and overly pretentious demand aiming to interfere with another democracy’s internal elections which must not be permitted or ever allowed to pass as such a threat is unacceptable in a free world where the people are to be free to choose their own governance. But if the interference is in the Israeli elections it is simply expected as otherwise the Israeli public might make a horrendous choice as they have proven to be easily fooled since they elected a right leaning nationalist government when left to their own decisions last elections. The world cannot allow such to be repeated in this election and the Israeli people have to be warned of the dire consequences of choosing those unacceptable Zionist and nationalist people to form the next government. The European Union is holding a democracy to ransom that unless they vote the way the European Union desires and then enter negotiations and surrender as the European Union expects they do in order to establish a terror state on the Judean hills and the rest of Judea and Samaria and surrender half of the Jewish Capital City of Jerusalem along with all the historic holy sites thus once again losing access to these sites and an assurance that they will once again be desecrated, vandalized and destroyed just as the Jordanians had done after the end of the 1949 armistice was put in effect making the Green Line the divide between Jordan and Israel until a peace agreement could be signed and a final border determined.


My disbelief is that it is almost understandable that there are people and powers in the world who desire to influence the politics of other nations. There have been politicians and parties who have received or elicited funding from foreign nations even against their national election laws. Israel is a lightning rod for controversies and foreign governments and people from outside of Israel to try and influence politics inside Israel. But no matter how far things may have gone before, and they have gone beyond what would be acceptable in other nations and would be an international scandal had Israelis ever attempted such interference in elections beyond Israeli borders. The closest Israeli politicians have come to the best of our knowledge was Prime Minister Netanyahu being accused of supporting Mitt Romney despite his refusal to voice any preference and when asked who he preferred to win the 2012 United States Presidential election he stated definitively every single time that he did not have a preference and was prepared to work with whoever the next President would be. When accused of actually supporting Romney after stating his neutrality he would vehemently deny any preference repeating his statement again just in case the media personality attempting to force a preference from him had not heard him the initial time. But the extent which the Western democratic world has gone to attempt to influence the Israeli election and their complete contempt for the Israeli electorate is profoundly disgusting. When one adds that the reason they desire to affect the coming Israeli elections is so that the United States Administration and the European Union and all too many of its member states overriding desire to dictate the complete surrender of the Israeli government to the demands of the Palestinian Arab forces such that the continued existence of the state of Israel as a Jewish homeland will be destroyed and the Jews living in Israel will either flee for their lives or be murdered, all roughly six million of them. Does that number ring a bell? Is it the plan to have a second Holocaust because the first one has slipped from the collective conscience of the world? Whatever the reason, the entire affair with its threats, lies, and completely nefarious, uncouth and uncomely actions across much of the western governments, media, NGOs and people in high standings interfering in the internal affairs of an election in another democracy is beyond belief and unacceptable. What makes it even worse is nobody in the commission of these crimes believes they are doing anything unacceptable because it is Israel so therefore they have some right to interfere because the Israelis do not know what they are doing when electing their leadership and like immature children they must be guided by better and more prudent minds. The efforts have been the greatest display of anti-Semitism we have ever witnessed and it is beyond disgusting, beyond revolting and beyond description by mere mortals. The media, foreign leftists, Israeli leftists, international secular humanist and extreme leftists working together from the far corners of the globe to the power at any cost leftists like Tzipi Livni, who in a short time went from Likud Party Knesset Minister to running on joint ticket with Labor Party just because it allowed her a path to power and her self-proclaimed destiny to be Prime Minister so she could repair Israel, all working for the singular goal to destroy Likud, Jewish Home and the right wing nationalist Zionists sacrificing them on the altar of Political Correctness even if this would result in the destruction of Israel from a nuclear armed Iran.


Beyond the Cusp


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