Beyond the Cusp

February 21, 2015

The Hate Israel Anti-Semites Boycott Israel Club

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We all have read about the supposed evils of Israel because the media lists them almost daily. We have the leader of the musicians recently gathering the signatures of numerous British artists all swearing they will never play a concert in Israel simply because Roger Waters says Israel is hateful. How Mr. Waters knows this is beyond any first hand evidence, he just woke up one morning and joined the well-financed and well-organized boycott Israel club. He never bothered to verify any of the charges against Israel, he simply bought the propaganda that Israel hates the Arabs and refuses to allow them to vote. He took the bait that the Arabs living under the semi-autonomous self-rule in areas of Judea, Samaria and Gaza are not permitted to vote in Israeli elections. That is absolutely true, as is the fact that Israelis are not permitted to vote in elections for the Palestinian Arab Authority. Oddly enough, Israeli Arabs are not permitted to vote in Palestinian Arab Authority elections so should Mr. Waters also protest the Palestinian Arab Authority, who refuses to allow Israeli Arabs from voting in their elections, making them just as guilty of Apartheid. Perhaps we need to find some example closer to home for Mr. Waters and see if perhaps he can become enlightened.


We can use the United Kingdom where there are various semi-autonomous nation states of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Each of these four nation states has their own governing boards and other functions which are elected from within their regions. A citizen of Northern Ireland cannot vote in Scotland and a citizen from Scotland cannot vote in Wales and so forth. Does this make each of the nations which make up the United Kingdom apartheid states because they have independent elections within each nation? We have all read that Scotland held a recent vote to remove themselves once again from under the British Crown and return to complete independence. They did not decide to do so in a close election which very well may have hinged on the threats coming from others within the United Kingdom and some of the scare tactics coming from London could have been interpreted as threats against the Scottish should they decide to return to being independent. Does this mean that the rest of the United Kingdom is using their vast influence and power to intimidate the Scottish from complete independence thus acting in a manner of racial hate towards the Scottish for their self-identity as a separate peoples? This could be twisted to show all kinds of reasons to boycott goods, academics and musicians from playing anywhere within the United Kingdom outside of Scotland with whom we the citizens of the world feel a need to unify behind in their quest to return to independence from under the colonial power of the United Kingdom and its British colonial oppressive tactics to continue their rule over what is left of their once mighty empire upon which they used to brag that the sun never set on all of the British Empire. The mighty may have fallen but they still rule with complete control and arrogance from London. After all, did the United Kingdom allow Mr. Waters to vote in the Scottish vote for independence, of course not?


A similar example could be made for the separate nations within the European Union who each elect their own governments which in turn make their own policies as long as they do not interfere with each other’s internal affairs. As part of the European Union each nation must accept the Euro coinage for payment of goods making travel between the several nations of the European Union much easier. This facilitates the freedom of movement within the European Union as there are no requirements for passport and visas to travel and the Euro is universally accepted. But then there are the British with their Pound Sterling which the Iron Lady former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher refused to give up and replace with the Euro. I believe her argument was that the British were better served to be in charge of their own monetary policies and their economic and other independent actions required Britain not to accept the Euro as the coin of the Realm. Could this British self-glorification, self-admiration and stubborn egoism not bring upon them the wrath of the rest of the European Union? Currently there are a few little budgetary and economic troubles within the European union of which this British elitism prevents the British Isles from being fully able and responsible to aid Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal and other struggling nations leaving the burden to be pressed almost entirely on Germany with some lesser assistance from France and others, but the British remain outside the ill effects of this on the Euro as the British refuse to surrender the coin of the Realm, probably one of the most egregious symbols of British colonialism and conquest which spread the world over, the Pound Sterling. Perhaps the rest of the European Union should demand that the British give up their separate and unequal currency and accept the Euro completely and without any further reservations thus truly incorporating themselves within the European Union, after all that English Channel no longer separated you from the rest of Europe, there is the Chunnel connecting you directly to France and the Continent. If the British would just use the Euro it would better enable the European Union in assisting those members in need of a hand up which the Euro is supposed to supply.


Needless to point out, but the Lady Thatcher was dead on correct to not place Britain into the European cauldron of troubles by acceding to use the Euro and instead to remain in direct control of the coinage of the Realm and to be economically self-dependent and self-reliant using the Pound Sterling. Yes, I realize it is actually referred to a simply the Pound or ₤. The entire disaster which is the Euro derives from exactly the argument that Lady Thatcher made in her argument to retain the Pound and simply accept the Euro at its rate against the Pound at the time of the transaction. The threats that by retaining the Pound the British would be forever forced to check the going exchange rates of the Euro against the Pound or the € against the ₤. She flat stated, and was pilloried for it, that the Euro was untenable as long as each nation retained their ability to set their own economic policies, their own productivity targets and just about anything linked to their economy, work force policies, guaranteed employee benefits or anything else which would affect their use of the Euro. The sole manner that would make the Euro truly the coinage of the European Union would be a central planner who was responsible for setting all rules of the entirety of the European Union pertaining to the economy in any fashion, form or obligations. Every country would need to require their employees to have identical work weeks, vacation and sick leave, salary structure and economic targets. This would require the European Union to merge virtually every government function into the central authority of the European Union and it was this eventuality which the Lady Thatcher wished most to avoid.


So, do we now boycott all of the European Union who are insisting that the government of Greece accept to having their economic and other policies dictated to them from Brussels or possible Berlin as these are the origins of the Euros being loaned to Greece to keep the nation solvent and from economic collapse as their economic engines do not achieve a similar RPMs (Real Productivity per Man-hour) to the German and other economic engines within the European Union. Thus, because the Greeks use the Euro their government is being persuaded to adopt austerity measures which the people are so reluctant to implement after experiencing such restriction that they elected a government which will return them to their former economic policies and should the European Union object or demand further austerity measures, they promise a return to the Drachma, the ₯, the original Greek coinage which is one of the oldest coins in all of Europe and the world. Sitting on the cusp and watching as Greece is the first to actually fall beyond the cusp and become insolvent solely due to using the Euro and thus not being allowed to set their own monetary value which would better represent the economic productivity of Greece instead of accepting the Euro whose unified monetary policy in nonexistent and instead attempts to straddle an all inclusive area, an area which Greece did not quite attain, nor did Spain, Italy, Portugal and others potentially even France. So, Roger Waters, tell me, who do we protest by boycott now, Greece or Germany and Britain? Somebody is forcing the Greek governance how to write their economic policy and how to set their pension plans and everything else and the Greek people are refusing to elect any government which will bow to the central planners in Brussels. Who are the bad guys so I know whether to purchase a German vehicle, a French vehicle, an Italian vehicle (my first choice), or a Greek vehicle?


I figure who else should I ask other than Roger Waters who claims to be such an authority on who is acceptable amongst the nations of the world, so where do I spend my money, who do you approve as I would hate to get any bad social media attention because I did not do my civic duty and check to see if my purchases pass Roger Waters’s approved list of nations which qualify as politically acceptable. I mean, after all, with all the tours with Pink Floyd he must have full and first-hand knowledge which nations are kosher, if I can use that term or is it also too Israeli or too Jewish, please let me know on that one too while we are at it. What other words might be too supportive of the only nation thus far worldwide you have decided deserves our ire, which is correct Mr. Waters, just Israel deserves out boycott. Just to make sure, Russia is fine or the Ukraine, which one is righteous among the nations as judged by Roger Waters? Then do we not purchase anything made in China until they end their occupation of Tibet where they have also forced many Tibetans to be relocated in other far removed provinces and have replaced these native Tibetans with Chinese people who were mostly homeless and extremely poor and were bussed into Tibet and given the homes of the Tibetans who had been forced to leave. So, what about China and their subjugation of Tibet, a nation which never in recent history attacked or even bothered anybody but China just swallowed up Tibet. So, boycott China as well or just Israel Mr. Waters? What about the United States which swallowed up all of the Native American nations, do we demand that the United States return all the lands they did not legally purchase to their original Native American nations or just boycott Israel? What about Iran which sponsors the most terrorist actions and groups worldwide or Saudi Arabia which denies women of equality before the law or in society, or Australia which still has not returned the lands to the Aborigines from whom they stole it by force, or just Israel, which Mr. Waters?


Perhaps you should visit Israel and look around. You would be amazed as you would find a nation that is as free of racial afflictions as any I have ever witnessed. Israel, who went to rescue the Jews in Ethiopia who were being herded into a camp, you know what a camp means when you herd the Jews there, right Mr. Waters? They have arranged to bring the Bnei Menashe from India home as they are also of the house of Jacob. Many of the tribes who were scattered throughout the globe are being brought home to Eretz Yisroel. Not all were oppressed at this time but all have faced desperate periods where they were set upon by the other native populations, expelled from their homes and businesses, murdered outright, pogroms, made to pay an additional tax because they were Jews, and worst of, mass slaughter. Mr. Waters, the Jewish People are perhaps the most persecuted race of all time. When Israel was formed she received numerous Jews from Europe, as you are aware. Did you realize that they were prevented from simply coming to live in Israel by the British because the British had signed an agreement with the Arabs to never allow the Jews to become of a sufficient number as to be capable of forming a nation. Once Israel was barely recognized by a very tight vote in the United Nations, the Arab nations evicted approximately 850,000 Jews often with just one suitcase per family member and some with even less. Many Jews around the Arab world and across Europe were dispossessed of their homes and often Jews who survived the Nazi camps returned to their former homes only to find another family residing there, and their former neighbors joining together to force them out of their hamlet or village and then when they attempted to make their way to Israel they were prevented and placed in camps. Some Jews were taken from one Nazi concentration camp and when there was little room in the camps on Cyprus, they were shipped to Germany and placed back into one of the Nazi concentration camps. Read the story about the ship the St. Louis Mr. Waters and tell me who were persecuted. There were many Jews, millions of them, who had an even bigger problem than British making their return to Zion near impossible, these Jews found themselves behind the Iron Curtain, as Winston Churchill referred to Soviet domination. Many face years in the gulags simply for wanting to go to Israel, some just because they were a Jew and their loving neighbors complained to the authorities that they were unpatriotic and not a real member of the society and needed special treatment. Do you understand special treatment Mr. Waters?


On another note, did you know that Arabs serve in the Israeli Knesset Mr. Waters? Did you know that Arab Israelis do vote in Israel as do Druze and Bedouins as well as Christians, Buddhists, and every other religion which an Israeli may practice? There has been an Arab who sat and I believe one currently sitting on the bench of the Supreme Court of Israel. Arab doctors and nurses work side-by-side with Jews as both are Israeli citizens and fully incorporated in Israeli society and we would not have it any different way. Look around the Muslim controlled world and tell me how many of these nations allow Jews equal rights? Are there more than four or five out of the fifty-seven Muslim nations Mr. Waters? Why do people seeking a job and a better way of life who leave places such as Somalia, South Sudan, Eretria and others walk through numerous nations and cross Egypt which might simply shoot them on the spot if they were caught and across the Sinai Peninsula which is fraught with danger from terrorist gangs and still the increased possibility to be seen and shot by Egyptian border guards and finally make it to Israel. These are not political refugees but people seeking employment who are in Israel illegally and will end up returned to their homelands as soon as it is possible, but why would they come to Israel if it were such a horrid place as you claim it is? You probably know nothing about Israel. You probably believe the security fence which is over three-quarters fence and the rest wall usually within urban areas, and you call it an Apartheid Wall. Before that fencing was put in place it was impossible to prevent terrorists from entering Israel and thousands of Israelis were blown up simply living their lives, riding buses, eating in a pizzeria, shopping in a mall or just about anything else you could imagine. One such incident was the Passover Bombing of the Park Hotel Seder where a Hamas assassination bomber exploded its bomb murdering thirty mostly elderly Jews who had no family with whom to share their Passover Seder so they joined each other for this potentially joyous occasion turned tragedy. There were an additional almost 150 severely injured and amongst the victims were numerous Holocaust (Shoah) survivors. This was the sort of action the fence was erected to prevent and it was a total success as it decreased bombings and other terrorist acts significantly within the Green Line, the false armistice line which you mistakenly claim is the end of the lands granted Israel and the Jews by international law. Regarding that, simply read the notes from the San Remo Conference for the truth. As to the original claim to the lands of Israel, allow me to direct you to a book you know about but likely believe it is just a bunch of fairy tales, the book is called the Old Testament, and to make it simple so as not to tax you too much, just read Genesis and Exodus and if you still have questions, read Deuteronomy. Within you might see a few promises made and as was the way of the times, yes, we took the land by force, much like Egypt, Greece, Rome, Persia, Babylonia, the Mongols and the Arabs have done since. And just so you do not get confused, the Canaanites were not the Arabs who are claiming their ancestral origins to have been, their ancestral origins were from Saudi Arabia and Yemen of today, not anywhere near the Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea. Then, Mr. Waters, visit Israel and even go to Ramallah and witness that there is an Arab Palestinian Authority government there, the government the Arabs do vote for, providing Mahmoud Abbas ever allows elections, elections which he has postponed since 2006 for his position and for the Parliament he has, they were not all elected, some were appointed and others reside in Gaza which is mostly controlled by Hamas and Abbas is pretty much unwelcomed there. These feuds have nothing at all to do with Israel other than the fact that both Fatah and Hamas as well as Islamic Jihad and the rest of the alphabet terror entities desire all of Israel destroyed and every Jew dead, which is where they claim separate ideas, Fatah just wants the Israeli Jews dead for now, Hamas and friends want every Jew dead worldwide. There is your truth Mr. Waters.


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