Beyond the Cusp

October 13, 2016

Coming of Obama’s Parting Shot @ Israel


President Obama, contrary to many leftist American Jews’ commentaries and letters to editors, has a quite high animosity towards Israel which has been evident from his Cairo speech onward. We will grant that we have been experiencing a calmed and quieted President Obama concerning Israel over the summer. That changed this week on the slightest of provocations. Israel announced their intention to continue with a previously announced building of homes in the Jewish community of Shiloh. These homes are being built in order to provide the families whose homes in a nearby community are to be destroyed in response to President Obama and the State Department efforts. Apparently President Obama and the State department desired these Jews be forced from beyond the 1949 Armistice line, the Green Line, and within the indefensible pre June 1967 borders. By the way, the belief that the pre June 1967 borders, the Green Line, being indefensible is not just the Israeli government’s belief but has been the position of numerous American Presidents, Secretary of States, Defense Secretaries and members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Pentagon and other Generals. Should Israel ever be forced back within those previous borders the midsection of the country in and around Tel Aviv will be a mere nine miles. Yes, Israel would be pushed into a border with her midsection only nine miles wide which, just for reference, is less than half the width of Washington, D.C. Yet there are rumors that President Obama is planning a last ditch ambush against Israel to punish Netanyahu and Israel for not making his Nobel Peace Prize valid and of having been awarded with valid foresight. The editorials and other commentaries criticizing the Nobel Committee for getting carried away over the election of the first President of the United States of color in their rush to award President Obama with the Nobel Peace Prize had even some within the Nobel Central Committee suggesting that the award be negated in the view of the actual record of President Obama’s Administration. Perhaps this might be President Obama’s effort to validate his being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on the backs of the safety and possible future of Israel and her people.


Obama Kerry believe greatest threat to world peace war criminal worst human rights record United States enemy responsible for all wars in Middle East and North Africa is Netanyahu


Some have questioned what might be the real harm behind such a United Nations passing of such a resolution. There have been almost countless United Nations General Assembly Resolution and official denunciations from the Human Rights Council against Israel and Israel has survived them all quite nicely even to include the 1975 Zionism as racism General Assembly Resolution which was finally repealed some sixteen years later. Would another meaningless and unenforceable United Nations General Assembly generated piece of paper actually have any deleterious effects on Israel and the day to day life of the average Israeli? Well, that depends on whether what President Obama is intending to pursue is simply a harmless General Assembly Resolution or whether he is intent on something with more weight and potentially even some teeth to the motion. Granted, much of what might be accomplished at the United Nations, especially in the General Assembly where anything anti-Israel has a sort of built in guarantee of passage, would not be all that threatening but that is not what we expect from what we have been capable of gathering and assume from our efforts.


President Obama has had the vision of himself as the man who ultimately ended the Israeli-Palestinian Arab conflict and he has been determined since his very first day in the White House when he made his very first official phone call from the Oval Office to Mahmoud Abbas even before calling any actual head of state. There have been unconfirmed rumors about the content of that phone call which White House official commentary has passed off as being cordial but nothing of substance nor should any importance be placed in the call without proof that there were any guarantees or promises of intent communicated. Such a disclaimer reeks of something worth concealing being the reality and we have suspected that President Obama, filled with the grand visions of himself as some great communicator and a special individual with privilege and promise greater than his predecessors did in fact give guarantees to Mahmoud Abbas that he would press forward and bring about the Palestinian State which the President himself believed in his heart was the right and proper thing that was on the right side of history, and we all know President Obama’s sense of importance on things he perceives to be on the right side of history, whether that be the real side or not being unimportant. President Obama has criticized Vladimir Putin for being on the wrong side of history expecting that such a criticism would force President Putin to alter his plans and prevent him from such dangerous actions which would fall on the wrong side of history such as invading the Ukraine or interfering in President Obama’s plans in Syria. This right side of history theme plays a large part in President Obama’s views of the world and he also appears to believe that he has this special ability to judge what is and is not on the right side of history, and a Palestinian State is on his perceived right side of history as has been the Iran Nuclear Deal while Prime Minister Netanyahu is on the wrong side of History.


It is our conjecture that President Obama is not planning on a General Assembly Resolution calling for the formation of a Palestinian State with the Green Line as its borders and that all Israeli towns and other structures and settlements are merely unhelpful and undesired as they are preventing the settlement of the conflict. This is mere restating of what he and others have claimed in ever increasing volume and irascibility. President Obama has not given up on settling the conflict in what he views as the correct and properly fair manner which is, of course, the right side of history. As he sees history, Israel was illegally formed and has stolen Palestinian Arab lands as the Jews are a people of ill will; evil, dark hearts who have aggressively strode to steal ever more Arab Palestinian homeland and probably never should have been given the land for their state in 1948 or ever and do not deserve a nation of their own as they are to be punished to roam the world living at the kindness of others whom they repay with spite and poisoning their host’s lands and are accursed by Heaven and are the spawn of Satan. Simply stated, he agreed with every sermon condemning the Jews he ever heard in the Reverend Wright’s Mosque disguised as a church and was a friend and believer with Edward Said, Louis Farrakhan and Rashid Ismail Khalidi. These men were among the fomenters of President Obama’s feud with Israel and desire to destroy Israel through whatever means he was able and he sees that opportunity slipping from his grasp and will take whatever measures he feels will be effective in setting in motion the eventual destruction of Israel and by doing so rid the world of the Jew.


So what is it we fear that President Obama will be pursuing and at what point in his remaining weeks should his actions be expected. President Obama cannot act before the election and will remain mute while he will have others deny, deny, deny and deny any accusations no matter what evidence may be presented and will call on some of his “Jewish” friends to defend him such as the leaders of J-Street and friends from academia who share his distaste for Israel. Once the election has passed and the Christmas “Winter” break approaches and congress is ready to run for the hills, or from the Hill, he will arrange for a quiet, low key and unpublicized meeting of the Security Council where only those nations desired will be formally invited with the rest receiving the information of the meeting the night before. President Obama will then have presented a Resolution recognizing the State of Palestine with the Green Line as its borders and East Jerusalem as its Capital City. Where we believe he will actually go so far as to make the proposal a Chapter Seven Resolution which is enforceable by the use of military intervention if any side does not comply appropriately and within a reasonable period of time, he may still be persuaded to simply settle for a Chapter Six Resolution which is a strong and insistent demand which will be accepted by the vast majority of nations, does not allow for the use of military force to enforce the resolution, just economic and other methods including removing embassies and ambassadors, economic sanctions, diplomatic pressures and anything else as long as it remains short of military intervention. The reason he might not call for a Chapter Seven is should Donald Trump have won the election he knows that there would be little if any chance that his resolution no matter its wording would be enforced by the United States which pretty much means it would not be enforced. But should Hillary have won the election, President Obama would be free to go for all the marbles knowing that at worst a President Hillary Clinton would do little if anything to prevent military enforcement and would pretend her hands were tied and implement heavy political and economic pressures including an end to all aid to Israel and perhaps arming Arab forces and provide them with protective air support in forcing Israel to comply with President Obama’s final efforts. This could be done even against the will of Congress providing the efforts did not go beyond the Presidential prerogative for use of force. Going further could bring on charges of impeachment but should there be sufficient Democrat membership in congress, President Hillary Clinton could even ignore all limitations knowing she was safe from being fully impeached by both houses such that even if she were charged she would not be convicted.


As far as what could prevent President Obama from taking such actions, the answer is unfortunately, “Nothing.” Should he decide that such would establish for him his rightful place in history, on the right side of history as he sees it, then he will likely do as he sees fit. The minimum would be a simple General Assembly Resolution which would be next to meaningless but still fulfill his promises to see to the recognition of statehood for the Palestinians even despite such an action having no teeth. Such an effort would take little extra action as such a proposed Resolution, as stated before, would breeze through the General Assembly and could be accomplished even if he waited until after the New Year as he has the first three weeks before the inauguration to do as he feels proper and Congress does not return until the week of the inauguration and does not convene until after the inauguration. Anything done in January would be performed without any interference from Congress or ratification from Congress, of course. Congress is unlikely to approve of whatever moves President Obama chooses but that would have little effect on the General Assembly as they have often thumbed their noses at the United States Congress and also the President when it suited their mood of the moment. Any Security Council Resolution would eventually require the confirmation as if a treaty by Congress which would present problems for the United States supporting the action of the American President, even if a ‘lame duck’ in his final moments. Should the Resolution be a Chapter Seven Security Council Resolution then it would most definitively require Congressional ratification just as if it were a treaty, something the Senate would be unlikely to approve. As for what effect that would have on the United Nations Security Council actions is a wholly different kettle of fish. Finally, there is also the possibility that the Security Council Resolution could be introduced by a nation other than the United States and in order to avoid any fallout President Obama could simply have the United States abstain and not work against the resolution knowing that by doing such he would be granting the effort a tacit approval which would influence the other permanent members of the Security Council to at worst also abstain thus allowing it to very probably pass as some of the other members would still support such a measure. There is one other possibility, that of one of the other permanent members using their veto thus ending the resolution and if it were a Chapter Seven Resolution we are willing to bet that is exactly what would be the case. The nations most likely to use their veto might surprise many but we would expect either China or Russia to be the veto wielding savior. So, imagine an American President attempting to use the Security Council of the United Nations to have the world force Israel to surrender all lands gained in the 1967 Six Day War and retreat behind the Green Line and the Russians or the Chinese vetoing the Resolution foiling the efforts of the President of the United States. That would be the ultimate embarrassment and there could be no more fitting manner in which to provide President Obama with the award of being consistently on the wrong side of history in his entire eight years as President.


As far as counting on anything to counter any actions intended by President Obama as he got on average three-quarters of the Jewish vote in his two elections if not higher. About the only Jews who can be definitively counted upon to raise the roof are the ZOA (Zionist Organization of America) who will be left talking while the phone has been secured under a cushion and the aide has left the room. There is nothing that the American Jews would even be willing to do as there will be at least as high a percentage voting for Hillary Clinton as voted for President Obama and most of the rest are represented by the ZOA or are Orthodox Jews likely residing in the New York greater metropolitan area and thus their votes even ifnot for Hillary will make little if any difference unless the all but unthinkable happens and New York State becomes a close race and Trump actually has even the slightest of hopes. That is unlikely but we can hope.


So what can be done and is it possible? What can be done is risk it all and have Prime Minister Netanyahu call the American Amabassador to his office, have the Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations call the American Ambassador to his office, have the Israeli Ambaddador to the United States call the Secretary of State for an urgent meeting, and if refused, then leave a letter at the White House addressed to the President and hand delivered all with a single message. Should President Obama use the Security Council for any resolution establishing a Palestinian State or declaring the 1949 Armistice Lines as a recognized border, Israel will take action. These lines are also called the Green Line, the one President Obama misnames as the 1967 lines, as they were not established in 1967 but were corrected in 1967. The action Israel would take should the United States seek official recognition of such as a border by the Security Council, would be to establish the Jordan River as the border as it is legally under all international laws including at least one treaty ratified by the United States when stating and signing on to agreements that the San Remo Conference was a valid document and the Treaty of Sèvres and all others based on San Remo are valid in signifying the borders for the Jewish State.


This establishment of the proper and legal borders will not permit a single Palestinian to become a citizen immediately and will establish the officers, leaders and security force officers and all of the special forces as personna non grata in Israel and provide them with two weeks to find new living arrangements. All of the Palestinian Security Forces will have forty eight hours to turn in their weapons and each will be reviewed and may potentially be hired for the new police force under Israeli police command. Some may even be granted their former rank and even placed in command positions if they check to have no connections to terrorist entities past or present. Finally, the citizens of the Palestinian Authority will be permitted to remain and will continue to have their businesses, their homes, their jobs if they work for an Israeli owned company, and some employees if requested by companies which relocated within Israel due to the BDS boycotts may be granted work entry permits to return to their former positions should the company so request. After a year there will be decision made as to whether and the procedure that interested Arabs formerly under the Palestinian Authority government will be permitted to start the procedures for Israeli citizenship. Within six months of that date there will be free and open election in the former areas of the Palestinian Authority under Israeli supervision. Former Palestinian Authority citizens will be granted local voting rights in their areas but should they move they will be required to seek Israeli citizenship once a procedure is established before being granted the vote. As the Palestinian Authority citizens will initially be considered alien residents, they will not have rights to vote in Israeli general elections as that will remain reserved for Israeli citizens, including any of the Palestinian Authority Arabs who gain such citizenship. Israel will immediately take over the police and security functions and all radio and television and cable networked shows and start a review to see if they meet with Israeli broadcast regulations and laws before being permitted back on the air. Other problems will be handled as they present themselves and any terrorist activity will be punished by immediate repatriation to their country of origin or any nation they might choose who will accept them even to include the United States.


An example might be the Palestinian Authority Registrar for the National Palestinian Committee for Education, Culture and Science who was not only not from the Israeli area but his name tells his nationality as he is from Sudan as the rest of Murad Al-Sudani clan originated. He is the Secretary General as listed on their official site here about half way down the page. He is far from the only officer or person of importance as most of the higher ranking persons, Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas amongst them, are of foreign origins, another of the dirty little secrets which are constantly denied and all proof ignored by the rest of the world as their desired future lies with an Arab extinguishing of Israel. That alone should have been enough reason for the PLO, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and their gangs be removed and law and order replace the kleptocrats stealing the people blind and sent packing giving peace and real opportunity returned to the decent people of the West Bank and Gaza, and there are a number of decent people who are mostly scared to death and must watch their every utterrance. They deserve better and a fair opportunity for a productive life.


Beyond the Cusp


July 27, 2015

A Zionist Approach to a Palestinian Solution

Filed under: 1949 Armistice Line,1967 Borders,1967 War,24/7 News Reporting,Administration,Amalekites,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab Authority,Arab League,Arab World,Arabs,Benyamin Netanyahu,Bill Clinton,Binding Resolution,Blood Libel,Borders,Cabinet,Camp David Peace Accords,Civilization,Condemning Israel,Conflict Avoidnce,Defend Israel,Domestic NGOs,East Jerusalem,Ehud Barak,Executive Order,Forced Solution,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,Gaza,General Assembly,Green Line,Hamas,Hamas Charter,Hate,History,Hudna,International Politics,Intifada,Intifada,Islam,Islamic Pressure,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Jerusalem,Jewish Heritage,Jewish Leadership,Jewish State,Jihad,Judea,Judean Hills,Kotel,Land for Peace,Leftist Pressures,Madeline Albright,Mahmoud Abbas,Mainstream Media,Meaning of Peace,Media,Menachem Begin,Middle East,Murder Israelis,Muslim World,Muslims,Old City,One State Solution,Oslo Accords,Palestinian,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Liberation Organization,Palestinian Pressures,Partition Plan,Peace Process,PLO,PLO Charter,Pogroms,Politicized Findings,Politics,President,President Obama,Prime Minister,Promised Land,Quran,Recognize Israel,Response to Terrorism,Right of Return,Samaria,San Remo Conference,Secretary of State,Security Council,Six Day War,Soviet Union,Statehood,Suicide Bomber,Support Israel,Taqiyya,Tel Aviv,Temple Mount,Terror,Three No's,Two State Solution,UNHCR,United Nations,United Nations Presures,United States,United States Pressure,West Bank,Western Wall,World Opinion,World Pressures,Yasser Arafat,Yom Kippur War,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 2:19 AM
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There are so many rumors and misconceptions that one normally has no idea where to start. Perhaps taking a broader look and see what are some of the realities which even many of Israel’s detractors know are valid but are want to ever admit as to admit anything which shows Israel in an acceptable light, let alone a good light, is simply untenable as if we start to recognize those things Israel has attempted to do and offers made to try and reach a fair deal which meets almost every last demand made of her, where would such admissions end? Israel must be demonized and all unfair treatments must originate because of Israel existing at all. The reality is the pro-Arab Palestinian supporters refuse to admit, believe or allow any facts which might place Israel as having made any concessions ever to meet Arab demands because Israel must be drawn in the most unfavorable light and in hateful pictures and framed as pure evil on the brink of committing genocide at any moment. The Six Day War and its second attempt six years and a few odd months later known as the Yom Kippur War where Israel was attacked on the most solemn of days in the Jewish calendar, our Day of Atonement where virtually every Jew is in Synagogue and that particular time even two-thirds of the IDF soldiers and officers were on leave and Israel took precious hours before she was capable of repelling the assaults which from Syria were well on their way to Tel Aviv rolling across the Galilee while the Egyptians were dashing across the Sinai Peninsula and had surrounded and captured a whole division at the Suez Canal guarding the border from the Six Day War at half strength at best and completely under manned and easily overpowered. Israel turned the tide and was half way to Damascus from the Golan Heights, the previous armistice line and across the Suez Canal and advancing on Alexandria and Cairo when the world finally decided to protest the fighting. While Israel was being slaughtered and destroyed the world sat silent but once Israel had obviously turned the tides and within a few hours became the side advancing and approaching the aggressors’ capitals and major cities the world could stand the fighting no more. Despite the fact that had the tide not been turned nobody would have sparked the slightest objection but the world including the Soviet Union, Britain, France, the United States, the rest of the Security Council as well as the General Assembly, the Arab League, NATO, and a plethora of other groups, nations and associations as well as every human rights and anti-war group finally had to end this atrocious situation which could not be stomached; Israel must be prevented from spreading more violence and destruction, their advance is an affront.


Israel heeded the demands and even retreated back to the armistice lines from 1967 despite now holding both sides of the Suez Canal. She surrendered control of that vital waterway and once back where the Suez Canal was the border Israel did not press that she should share in its management as the forces of the world demanded that Egypt must control the Waterway even if one side was Israeli held. The entirety of nations sided with Egyptian control denying Israeli use of the Suez Canal as that was to be the normal and accepted fact of things. Israel was not to be permitted free access to the Suez Canal even if the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) occupied one side of the waterway. That is the world’s idea of fair and balanced. When time came to make peace with Egypt Israel offered Egypt every inch of land they had controlled but Egypt admitted that she had been occupying Gaza and that Gaza actually belonged to Israel and Egypt returned Gaza to Israeli control. Is Israel credited with returning the Sinai Peninsula to Egyptian control as part of their peace agreement? It does not appear as Israel is still denigrated as being an aggressor whose desires are to steal Arab lands at every corner, well, I guess if it has to be mentioned, except that one when Israel returned the Sinai but that was only done because Israel knew they could not defend those longer borders, yes, that is what we will tell ourselves, Israel had no other choice tactically. Never mind when Egypt had the advantage of the greatest surprise attack possible they still were routed by Israel who knew she could not defend that border? That does not appear to match the historic picture. But Israel must never be credited with doing anything noble or decent, Israel must be denigrated and trodden into the mire and never allowed to clean herself. Israel must be vilified at every opportunity thus Israel returned the Sinai because she was weak and unable to defend it must be the reality we sell the world, Israel was not being magnanimous after all, what could the Sinai provide Israel? The Sinai only has all of Egyptian oil wells and would present Israel with several multiples of size and depth and would allow Israel to defend her waterway to the Red Sea and on to the Indian Ocean and Asia and the Pacific coast of the Americas. What would Israel want with all of that? Those who are Israel detractors cannot admit the obvious as to do so would allow for that first crack in their arguments which are made of the most fragile of structures that are crafter out of lies, deceit and pure hatred, anti-Semitism, anti-Israelism, anti-Zionism and nothing more.


Camp David Talks on a Break as President Bill Clinton, Yasser Arafat and Prime Minister Ehud Barak Stroll the Grounds of the Complex Located Ten Miles North of Frederick, Maryland

Camp David Talks on a Break as President Bill Clinton, Yasser Arafat and Prime Minister Ehud Barak Stroll the Grounds of the Complex Located Ten Miles North of Frederick, Maryland



Then there were the offers during the final weeks of the administration under President Bill Clinton where Yasser Arafat walked out of the talks in Paris in disgust, that we can admit, but why disgust. Yasser Arafat felt betrayed and trapped so he fled. He knew that the end of his objections had been breached so he had his car and driver running and waiting in the front of the hotel to make good his escape. The reality hit him and he felt the walls closing in as President Clinton demanded an early morning meeting for the signing of the agreement, the very agreement Arafat had demanded just the night before that had to be why President Clinton was so excited that he called an early morning meeting with both sides to be in attendance. The trap had been set and was about to be sprung, the trap set in motion by Arafat’s own demands and words, that the worst of traps when one’s own words made the trap. The late afternoon President Clinton had met privately with Yasser Arafat and demanded politely as was his way of disarming even the arch terror master who invented aircraft hijacking, suicide murdering bombers and a plethora means of death and destruction was now asked the question no Arab Palestinian ever cares or is willing to answer, namely, what would you accept to make peace. Yasser Arafat was trapped by that wily master, President Clinton had done the unthinkable, the unprecedented, he had demanded to know what would seal the deal of Arafat and he would have to give an answer. What could he demand that the Israeli Prime Minister could never accept, what would guarantee rejection. Yasser Arafat knew he had to sell a lie because President Clinton would never in a million years accept his demand that Israel be destroyed, its Jews turned into slaves to serve the Arabs, which would never be accepted by President Clinton. What would President Clinton accept and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barack would have to refuse. Yasser Arafat took a gamble and demanded all of the West Bank and whatever part of Jerusalem or land swaps, things we can only guess but he gave his word, his worthless word to President Clinton who probably walked him back from the extreme demands but not so far that Arafat feared the worst, Israeli agreement. But the breakfast meeting gave away the worst possible situation, President Clinton had also pressed Barak to meet those demands Arafat had agreed were acceptable, what to do, run, that must have made Arafat feel like a trapped rat and all he could do was flee with Madeline Albright, the United States Secretary of State, waddling and shuffling as fast as he little body permitted calling after Arafat to come back and fulfill his promise, but the car was running, the door open and the driver behind the wheel, the getaway went off as required by the dire situation, peace with Israel the alternative.


Madeline Albright and Ehud Barak Press Conference in Israel Discussing Peace Process and Camp David Talks During Meetings Before Start of Talks Between Prime Minister Barak and Yasser Arafat

Madeline Albright and Ehud Barak Press Conference in Israel Discussing Peace Process and Camp David Talks During Meetings Before Start of Talks Between Prime Minister Barak and Yasser Arafat



Perhaps President Obama who claimed he wanted to have his Presidency reflect the best of the former Presidents, the Presidencies of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, and perhaps in the back of his mind also James Madison, Teddy Roosevelt, and William Jefferson Clinton and even once I believe even Ronald Reagan might have snuck in there in a moment of weakness, weakness from President Obama, what am I thinking. Actually, should President Obama desire to make the world remember him for making the impossible possible and actually reach an agreement between Israel and the Arab Palestinians led by Mahmoud Abbas then there is a suggestion I would love to place in his ear that might just make such a deal achievable. President Clinton had the right idea, don’t press Israel, just sit down with Mahmoud Abbas, mano-a-mano, one-on-one, in a place where two men can ignore the bothersome world of political gamesmanship and discuss real problems and find real solutions and work with Mahmoud Abbas, President Obama by himself with Mahmoud Abbas by his self and allow that gifted oratory which was supposed to swoon the rest of the world and give it all President Obama can with lilt and tenor voice with whispers and exclamations of dire demands and hammer out an agreement which President Obama honestly believes that Prime Minister Netanyahu might be persuaded to accept and get the one item President Clinton miscalculated on, get Abbas to sign the offer such that if Netanyahu signs the document as well then there is peace. Let the Arab Palestinians finally once again tell the world in writing what it will take for peace to be achieved. If Abbas is honest he will hand President Obama a map without any Israel on it and everything between the Jordan and the Sea as Palestine and President Obama will have his answer, this is a war to the last soul and nothing less. But if Abbas signs an acceptable agreement which has even the most remote possibility that Netanyahu will accept, then President Obama will not only have earned that Nobel Peace Prize but made himself eligible to be the only man in history to win the Nobel Peace Prize twice and he will deserve such. What about it President Obama? Great risks is what makes great men, risk not gain not, risk it all and maybe gain the accolades you know you deserve but have been denied, take this chance, take the offensive and ask Abbas what he will agree to for peace and what he is willing to give up. Unfortunately, I honestly suspect that Mahmoud Abbas heard from Yasser Arafat about the Clinton entrapment and has been warned against being even remotely reasonable and Abbas will demand everything right down to that last piece of sand on any Tel Aviv beach and the furthest tip of a pier in Eilat and the furthest heights of Mount Hermon and all seven hills of Yerushalayim, nothing less. Then President Obama, himself, should be obliged to tell the world of the intransigence of Mahmoud Abbas and how when faced with the opportunity to make reasonable requests and have the State he claims to desire, refused to accept any State of Israel. As that is the truth, then the world needs to hear it and the truth will set all the world free from this folly which simply continues to take lives needlessly. We know Hamas’s answer, every Jew on the planet dead, that is their idea for peace. Let us see if Abbas is any less the lunatic and desires a state or simply desires the slaughter of the Jews as many suspect. Prove one side or the other and then be honest before the world. Is that too much to ask, because if it is, then we need to find some world leader willing to go that extra mile and find that path which President Clinton found and once again risk taking that otherwise untrod path one more time and seek a real answer, a real truth and a real peace.


Beyond the Cusp


May 22, 2015

Obsessed Appeasement Expropriators Descend

Filed under: 1949 Armistice Line,1967 War,24/7 News Reporting,Absolutism,Administration,AFP,Amalekites,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Anwar Sadat,AP,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Appointment,Arab Appeasement,Arab Authority,Arab League,Arab World,Arabs,Battle of Khaybar,BBC,Benyamin Netanyahu,Blood Libel,Cabinet,Camp David Peace Accords,Catholic,Catholic Churh,Catholic Institutions,Celebrate Terrorism,Civilization,CNN,Condemning Israel,Conflict Avoidnce,Coverup,Dhimmi,Disengagement,Divided Jerusalem,Domestic NGOs,Egypt,Ehud Barak,Europe,European Council,European Governments,European Media,European Pressure,European Union,European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs,Executive Order,Fatwa,Federica Mogherini,Forced Solution,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,Fox,Gaza,Government,Green Line,Haaretz,Hate,History,Internal Pressures,International Politics,Intifada,Intifada,Islam,Islam,Islamic Pressure,Islamist,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Israeli Media,Jerusalem,Jewish Heritage,Jewish Leadership,Jewish State,Jews,Jihad,Jordan River,Judea,Judean Hills,Khartoum Conference,Land for Peace,Leftist Pressures,Madeline Albright,Mahmoud Abbas,Mainstream Media,Meaning of Peace,Media,Mediterranean Sea,Menachem Begin,Middle East,Mubarak,Muslim World,Muslims,Naqba,Nationalist Pressures,Non Binding Resolution,Old City,One State Solution,Oslo Accords,Palestinian,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Legislative Committee,Palestinian Pressures,Peace Process,PLO,Politicized Findings,Politics,Pope,Pressure by Egyptian People,Prime Minister,Promised Land,Ramallah,Resolution,Rome,Saeb Erekat,Secular Interests,Security,Sharia,Six Day War,Statehood,Taqiyya,Taqiyya,Temple Mount,Terror,Third Intifada,Three No's,Two State Solution,United Nations,United Nations Presures,United States,United States Pressure,War of Independence,West Bank,World Opinion,World Pressures,Yasser Arafat,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 2:12 AM
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The circus which accompanies the establishing of a new Israeli government finally formed after any elections cycle, planned or unexpected, comes this time in force beyond imagination. Usually there is coordination resulting in a single team arriving all carrying briefcases brimming with demands for new sacrifices Israel will be expected to make simply to allow these experts to meet with Mahmoud Abbas and his minions and receive another list of demands that Israel submit in order to attain a humbled attitude considered suitable for a meeting an Arab Palestinian delegations whose diplomacy is more insults and degradations than hospitable intercourse which usually accompanies normative mediations. This time the demands will be presented in surround sound as teams from the United States, the anticipatory fomenters, the United Nations, the European Union who come salivating for Israel’s destruction, and an outside agitator granting audience and treaties recognizing Mahmoud Abbas as the maker and seeker of peace granting him every comfort and recognition of his nightmarish nation without setting borders permitting Abbas to define as he desires. All these messengers bleat tired and tortured phrases which have been repeated for over twenty years to a point where they no longer have any real meaning. The most basic of these entreaties is the demand that Israel make some great offer which might ingratiate Israelis in the eyes of the leaders of the Arab Palestinians who already have proven their desire for peace as they have repeatedly asked for any and all these parties to intervene and plead their case in order that they might finally be granted the peace they so desperately desire. The problem is nobody has ever bothered to research and inquire of the Arab Palestinians exactly what their concept of an acceptable peace would require and what the Israelis might be required to sacrifice and perform in order for this peace to finally be attainable. Perhaps that might someday be the first step for these angels for peace who will be descending upon Israel to once again bless Israeli sacrifices even to the point of suicidal dispensations as a first step towards appeasement of the Arab unarticulated demands for peace.


As Israel has already offered the Arabs as much as 95% of Judea and Samaria, detached from their Jewish history by Jordan renaming the area to West Bank, all of Gaza, which is already in Arab hands since the disengagement in 2005, and all of East Jerusalem back in 2000 and again in 2002, both times with exchange of properties and lands to equate the final 5% of land and both times the Arab leadership simply walked out of the negotiations without even making a counter offer, demands for adjustment or any commentary, just refusing in the most impolite and insulting manner possible, silent dismissal as if such an offer were an insult. Perhaps the United States, United Nations, and European Union could, as long as the whole representation of the Western World and beyond are represented, take a different initial step and instead of starting with Israel take a stroll to Ramallah and simply inquire as to exactly what the Arab Palestinian leaders would demand of Israel in order to establish a fair and mutually acceptable and equally beneficial entertaining equal sacrifices and accommodations and once the great leaders who claim they are only in the Middle East to facilitate peace can finally establish the desired demands for a final settlement from Abbas and company and then perhaps there can be some fair and egalitarian resolution with both sides finally reaching a meeting of their minds. Somehow we here at Beyond the Cusp suspect that such a meeting would be revealing as the Arab leadership would either refuse to speak in specifics and decline to even approach a map, let alone speak of borders or perhaps they might surprise the world and actually state their actual demand, all of Israel with the Jews removed by any means necessary including another holocaust. Should the delegations from the United Nations, European Union and United States actually manage to gain a potentially acceptable offer from Mahmoud Abbas and the rest of the leadership which might be in any way presentable to the Israelis, then finally the crux of the real problem might finally be brought into the light. The reason that all the demands are always placed on Israel and never on the Arabs is because of a basic truth, the Israelis have proven their desire for peace while the Arabs have only proven their desire to destroy Israel by any means possible. History has shown this truth to the point that it is beyond the ability of any fair and honest observer to avoid, but these presumed messengers for peace are anything but fair or honest, they are coconspirators in the Arab conspiracy to destroy Israel and, if possible, the entirety of the Jewish People. The one thing which has become obvious is that should Israel fail and its population destroyed, then the potential future of the Jewish faith would be relegated to a near oblivion with small cores of religious Jews holding on to what would otherwise be a dead faith.


This was an integral and clearly stated goal by the Arab League and in the Khartoum Resolution of September 1, 1967 where the three no’s became the resolute avenue in the pursuit of the destruction of the Jewish State. The actual resolution which can be read here set forth what became known as the three no’s which stated that the Arab states would observe no formal peace treaty and no direct negotiations and no recognition of Israel. This agreement was broken only once when President Anwar Sadat of Egypt negotiated and reached a peace accord with Israel’s President Menachem Begin in what was the Camp David Accords ending the state of war between Egypt and Israel as of September 17, 1978. For breaking the three no’s Anwar Sadat paid with his life as he was assassinated on October 6, 1981, just over three years after reaching a peace with Israel when during the annual victory celebration he was shot along with a vast number of people in the formal reviewing stands including eleven others killed outright or suffered fatal wounds, including the Cuban ambassador to Egypt, an Omani general, and a Coptic Orthodox bishop and twenty-eight were wounded, including Vice President Hosni Mubarak, Irish Defense Minister James Tully, and four US military liaison officers. These three no’s have been observed via a specific series of accommodations and variations allowing for skirting the letter while accommodating the spirit of the Khartoum Resolution. The compliance to the three no’s of the Khartoum Resolution and the rest of its stipulations is behind the complete refusal of the Arabs to reach a peace despite the Israelis having at least twice meeting or exceeding the demands relayed by Yasser Arafat to President William Jefferson Clinton during the negotiations in Paris where Israeli President Ehud Barak which upon being told that the Israeli President had agreed to meet the conditions for peace even to splitting Jerusalem right along the Green Line boundary from before the 1967 Six Day War where Israel had liberated Jerusalem along with Judea and Samaria from Jordanian occupation he simply walked out refusing to even make a responding additional demand straight to his awaiting car which he had arranged to make ready just in the case that the Israelis might actually make the sacrifices he had thought beyond acceptable. Arafat showed no surprise likely because he realized that President Clinton might actually convince Israeli President Barak that this was the best chance for peace and the Israelis would make the necessary sacrifice for peace and so he knew he would need to beat a hasty prearranged retreat so as not to be caught in a compromised position and have to actually sign an agreement. It was the awaiting vehicle with the motor running and the driver at the wheel allowing Yasser Arafat to make his get-away before Secretary of State Madeline Albright could catch up with him and corner him demanding an explanation. Arafat was on his jet back to Jordan within an hour avoiding any potential interception by President Clinton and never did Arafat ever make an explanation to the American President. So, let these angels of peace alight on their gentle wings and draw from Mahmoud Abbas a specific description of what he would demand in order to make peace. When he refuses to make the same potentially problematic misstep made by Yasser Arafat and actually deceive these merchants of peace and give a response which he is assured in his mind the Israelis would never make such sacrifice for peace because he learned from the Arafat embarrassment of turning down the exact stipulations laid out for peace because the Israeli desire for peace actually made them stretch to their breaking-point in order to have peace, so Abbas will never present what he demands for peace because to do so would reveal that the Arabs do not want peace, they desire Israel’s extermination and nothing less.


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