Beyond the Cusp

October 1, 2016

Khamenei Frightening Regret of Nazi Defeat


Iranian Supreme Leader and Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei in a speech on September 18, 2016, while denouncing President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani calling for more investment in the economy rather than increasing military spending also made commentary which was far more disturbing. Khamenei lamented the results of World War II and insisted that military spending continue to be the highest priority even if the people are made to suffer economic hardships as Iran must not suffer the same fate which was the fate of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. What makes this all the more threatening is for Iran to suffer such a fate would require their placing themselves in a similar situation threatening other nations to the point where warfare is thrust upon much of the world in a determined effort to resist the threat of world conquest be a single minded nation led by people determined to commit genocidal cleansing of the world of all who are not subservient to them and their philosophy, or in the case of Iran, surrendered to Islam, and that would be Shia Islam. Khamenei was disturbed by the forcing of Germany and Japan into submission and forced to be disarmed which was, according to the Supreme Leader, a humiliation which Iran must never be made to suffer. Khamenei lauded the IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) as the key to the success and completion of the Islamic revolution which was started in Iran in 1979 and is expected to enforce the Quranic call to conquer the world for Allah. This was the cause which Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ruhollah Mūsavi Khomeini set as the purpose of all efforts and dedications of the Iranian people onto perpetuity. Khamenei has reinvested Iran in the dreams and goals set forth by Khomeini thus making more than their names sounding so similar as so is their dedication to the supremacy of Iran and Shia Islam.


Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ruhollah Mūsavi Khomeini

Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei
Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ruhollah Mūsavi Khomeini


For most nations to be led by a dictatorial leader with dreams of world conquest there would not be any serious concern as it is unlikely that they could build sufficient military to potentially pose such a risk. Muammar Gaddafi often made speeches telling his people that their suffering would be alleviated once they defeated the nations oppressing them and denying them their rightful place as leaders ruling over much or all the Earth depending on his feelings of bravado on any given day. After pushing his terrorist sponsoring too far he faced a severe kick in the ego from the United States when President Reagan struck Libya responding to a Libyan terrorist strike on the “La Belle” nightclub in West Berlin which killed three people including one American Serviceman. The American and allies response came on April 15, 1986, in the early morning hours striking numerous targets throughout Libya including the Bab al-Azizia barracks, Murat Sidi Bilal camp, Tripoli military airfield, Benina military airfield, the air defense networks in Benghazi and Tripoli and Muammar Gaddafi’s house in an attempt to kill the dictator himself. Muammar Gaddafi, with his family, rushed out of their residence in the Bab al-Azizia compound just before the bombs dropped. The warning phone call came from Italian Prime Minister Bettino Craxi. Among the estimated sixty killed was one infant girl who was used as an attempt to vilify the American raid. Her name was Hannah and she was displayed before Western reporters with the claim she was the recently adopted daughter of Muammar Gaddafi. All things considered, this raid ended any claims from Muammar Gaddafi of Libya being a world leader and destined to lead the entirety of the world. Libya was never actually a threat to attempt world conquest and that claim was made to excuse a retrograde economy and the suffering of the population from the failed economic state. Iran has sufficient oil which as long as the price per barrel remains above approximately $50 to $75 Iran makes a profit from a percentage to all of their wells as their oil is thick and of poor quality thus costing more to draw from the ground. This is part, if not most of the reason for Saudi Arabia pumping out close to full capacity oil production to force the price per barrel below that $50 price. This has the additional effect of starving Russia from large oil profits and makes American fracking no longer cost effective thus having a deleterious effect on every oil producing nation with whom the Saudi Arabian Royals are having difficulties.


Still, Iran is currently cash flush thanks to the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action), better known as the Iran P5+1 Nuclear Deal, plus other additional payments made by the Obama Administration with a reported four-hundred-million dollar payment for presumably a broken arms deal with the Shah and definitely not a ransom for the released four American hostages. But wait, there is rumored to be more as that four-hundred-million dollar payment for the arms deal has been rumored to have been followed by another payment more than three times that size; a staggering one-point-three-billion dollars claimed to be interest of the original payment. As this payment was delivered in a secret aircraft delivery in actual American cash, thousands of hundred or even thousand dollar bills, hard currency, something unimaginable but somehow true. One can only wonder whether President Obama is going to further finance the military build-up before leaving office, and if so, how much more will he send? Additionally, even by the assessment of President Obama himself, the Iran nuclear deal will allow Iran to be within a few months of attaining nuclear weapons status after the ten year deal expires and there will be nothing to prevent Iran from building a nuclear stockpile challenging that of the United States within a year or soon thereafter once the deal has expired. But don’t worry, Iran will have calmed in that time and will no longer be set on world conquest in a decade or so. Just because Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei just declared the need for Iran to be so militarily powerful that should they set out to conquer the world they will not end as did Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan and be humbled in failure a full thirty-seven years since the 1979 revolution when the military path was first set upon. Sure, of course Iran will be a happy and cooperative nation in a decade or two, sure they will, right? Well, time will tell.


Still, one has to understand that Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei is seventy-seven years of age and in unknown health as such is a very secretive piece of information. Besides that, in a decade he will be eighty-seven (higher math skills paying off) and even with good health that is an advanced age. There is a possibility that he will have stepped down and a new Supreme Leader and Grand Ayatollah have been selected by the Assembly of Experts (aka Council of Experts) and now setting the direction of Iran. There could be a turn around and the next Grand Ayatollah and Supreme Leader will decide that the economy and the lives of the people are far more important than the destruction of the Great Satan (United States), the Little Satan (Israel) and/or the Wahabbist menace of Saudi Arabia. You doubt this? But President Obama has set the hopes of the free world on Iran becoming another nation happy to be a member of the community of nations and live in harmony with the rest of the world including those mentioned above. Come to think about it, you are probably right and things will probably get dicey. How dicey will depend on what the rest of the world does and the outcome of the Islamic infusion into the Western World and whether they assimilate or set on conquest, and the reaction to whichever path is chosen. The leadership in the Western World and beyond over the next decade or two will be very important and revealing on the importance for the continued freedoms of the developed Western World. Why am I so seriously concerned over this outlook?


Beyond the Cusp


March 22, 2015

Perhaps a Trial Separation is in Order

Filed under: 1949 Armistice Line,1967 Borders,Act of War,Administration,Amalekites,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab Authority,Arab League,Arab Spring,Arab Winter,Arab World,Arabs,Article 80,Bashir al-Assad,Benyamin Netanyahu,Blood Libel,Cairo Speech,Civil Disobedience,Civil War,Civilization,Condemning Israel,Conflict Avoidnce,Coverup,Defend Israel,Ditherer in Chief,Domestic NGOs,Europe,European Governments,European Pressure,European Union,Executive Order,Family Farm,Farming,Fatah,Fatah Charter,Foreign Aid,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,Government,Green Line,Hamas,Hamas Charter,Hate,IDF,Internal Pressures,International Politics,Iranian Pressure,Islam,Islamic Jihad,Islamic Pressure,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Jerusalem,Jewish Heritage,Jewish Home,Jewish Leadership,Jewish State,Jewish Temple,Jihad,Jordan,Jordan River,Jordanian Pressure,Judaism,Judea,Judean Hills,Land for Peace,Leftist Pressures,Libya,Mahmoud Abbas,Mainstream Media,Meaning of Peace,Media,Media Bias,Muammar Gaddafi,Muslim World,Muslims,Netanyahu,Old City,One State Solution,Oslo Accords,Palestinian,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Pressures,Peace Partner,Peace Process,Peacekeepers,Politicized Findings,Politics,President Obama,Prime Minister,Promised Land,Protests,Recognize Israel,Refugee Camp,Refugees,Response,Right of Return,Rocket Attacks,San Remo Conference,Saudi Arabian Pressure,Secular Interests,Security,Settlements,Statehood,Syria,Tel Aviv,Temple Mount,Terror,Third Intifada,Threat of War,Threat of War,Torah,Two State Solution,Tzipi Livni,United Nations Charter,United Nations Presures,United States,United States Pressure,US Army,Victims,War,World Opinion,World Pressures,Yasser Arafat,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 3:31 AM
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Many people believe falsely that Israel had been aided by the United States through thick and thin from her first perceptions by the World Zionist Congress right on up until the recent elections where Benyamin Netanyahu won against all odds and the extreme efforts by American organized, financed and manned opposition which many believe was ordered directly from the White House and financed directly from the United States State Department to the tune of somewhere between $200,000 to as much as $400,000. The groups were known as V15 and V2015 which was a fully financed subsidiary of OneVoice which is where the funding was funneled from the State Department to OneVoice and then passed through to V15 to cover their efforts. One of their main efforts was to find out early on Election Day who the people were living in predominantly Arab areas that had regularly not voted in elections. Then they went and provided these people with transportation to the voting places in order to facilitate there voting in this election. They also performed this service in other areas where the vast majority of the people were polled not to be supporting Bibi or any of the right wing, religious or Zionist parties. As Election Day was winding its way through the afternoon and into the evening hours these efforts were ramped up and all those in the targeted neighborhoods and cities who had yet to vote were driven en-masse to their respective polling locations. These efforts were what Prime Minister Netanyahu was referring to when he made the comment, “The right-wing government is in danger. Arab voters are going en-masse to the polls. Left-wing NGOs are bringing them on buses.” There was no animus, hatred or racial slur in Netanyahu’s statement, merely a representation of actual votes intended to fire some enthusiasm for those voters who had yet to vote and were not among those being aided, one might even say coerced or even forced, to vote knowing almost for certain that their votes would not favor another Netanyahu coalition government in Israel if their efforts were sufficient and thus succeeded.


That is the reality of the electioneering and acts to influence the Israeli election which has all the signs of originating from the White House. Why would we believe that? First, there is the hostility shown by President Obama and the fact that he had taken efforts from his very first day in office to force a solution on Israel as he had initially attempted any number of changes in the world situations, both within the United States and around the world. There was his speech in Cairo which initiated the acts which were named the Arab Spring as hope springs eternal and these changes could only produce positive results, after all, he was the one who had also claimed, “We are the people we have been waiting for. We are the change that we seek,” during his Super Tuesday speech in Chicago as he took the lead and was now the obvious Democrat candidate for President with everything done but the crowning at the Democrat Convention in Colorado. That the Arab Spring could have been traced to President Obama’s Cairo speech or to Tarek al-Tayeb Mohamed Bouazizi (محمد البوعزيزي‎), a vegetable vendor in Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia, who in protest of the official and her aids from the local government’s harassment and humiliation suffered as his wares and means of support were confiscated leaving him without any options or hope, self-immolated on December 17, 2010 spanning the Tunisian uprising which forced out the dictatorial government, can be debated but what was important to President Obama was that he was credited as the source in many news stories as the uprisings spread beyond Tunisia. The initial hopes for massive change and the lifting of oppressive governance replacing it with democratic principles and the human rights which accompany such governance continued apace with the overthrow, assisted by President Obama, of President Mubarak in Egypt. The Arab Spring and its accompanying hopes were quickly dashed as Syrian protests were violently opposed by Syrian dictator Bashir al-Assad and Libya fell into tribal warfare with the central government not ruling beyond the Capital or even beyond the central government buildings and having to hold its positions through use of force making it even less a real governing body than the terrorist ruling in Benghazi or anywhere else in Libya. These two violent failures, which were commented in our article The Only Real Difference Between Libya and Syria, A Look Back, were the death of the Arab Spring and the birth of an Arab Winter, birthing a seemingly unending conflagration in both Syria and Libya. Of course President Obama only remembers those positive results of his active interferences with other nations, which of course are repeated and reinforced by his staff and closest advisors. This echo-chamber reinforcement set the stage for the interference in the Israeli elections which would also necessarily produce the best of results.


This was the point where the Israeli voters had their own definition of what would be the best of results, then believing them unattainable as other party leaders were never thought to be capable of replacing Benyamin Netanyahu, so they went forth to their polling stations, cast their votes and returned Netanyahu to power with numbers leaving absolutely nothing in doubt. Now that the efforts by President Obama to influence and change the Israeli government are apparently thought to have failed by White House standards, the next obvious step is to ridicule the Israeli elected leader and assign some form of scornful actions to Netanyahu which can be displayed as a disqualifying rap against him. There was this factual comment made by Netanyahu which in Israel was considered a revealing of the truth but in the White House it was surprise, surprise, racist. Imagine that, the White House uncovered racism in the Israeli voters and their Prime Minister. The fact that Yitzhak Hertzog and Tzipi Livni were not elected by a groundswell of support from the voters even after the numbers of Arab and other targeted groups were driven to the polls in an effort to have full representation of the Israeli electorate was all the proof necessary. Their transporting people to vote based this altruistic and honorable act as being performed in order to assure that the highest percentage of Arab voters voted in the elections. The effort and the forces from the White House would have extended this service to the voters in the rest of Israel and even the “settlements” (neighborhoods the world believe is occupied by Israel) but they ran out of time and there is only so much one can do with the mere hundreds of thousands of Dollars and Euros donated from the White House through Europe and even to some Arab nations. So the Israelis foolishly chose to elect Bibi and now the President of the United States is furious with their choice.


The question now is how much damage President Obama will inflict upon Israel and her people before his unseemly rage passes and he returns to his more normal state of white hot displeasure and raw anger with Israel. The initial threat which has appeared consists of forcing a solution on Israel and birthing into existence an Arab state carved out of Israel’s body shrinking Israel back to the Green Line which are considered by all as indefensible. Forcing Israel to concede to the Euro-Arab defined solution which grants the to be established Arab entity, at best it would be a dysfunctional state and at worst a terrorist haven with no accountable government, would place Ben Gurion Airport within shoulder launched MANPADS anti-aircraft missiles and also place the Tel Aviv coastal shores a mere nine miles away, laid out on a plane literally choking with targets including the central towers which makeup the heart of Tel Aviv, easily within the range of even the most primitive of the Hamas, Islamic Jihad and potentially also Fatah and all in Judea and Samaria (West Bank), the Grad and Katyusha rockets which have sufficient range to strike all of Tel Aviv. As the rockets could be fired from the higher grounds of the Judean ridge, the Judean hills, the rockets can be watched by the team launching them seeing exactly where it strikes and adjusting their aiming accordingly. Within a few shots the rockets could be effectively aimed producing a fire for effect scenario where the rockets are simply fired from their launchers as rapidly as is possible. A well-trained crew could easily fire four rockets each minute placing all of the projectiles exploding within close proximity causing multiple strikes on the largest of targets, the central Tel Aviv towers. Should five or six or potentially more than a dozen of the tallest structures in Tel Aviv at the height of a business day be struck down into a burning heap of twisted steel, shattered glass, shredded sheetrock and hundreds or thousands of bodies with many burned beyond recognition, what would Israeli response look like? Does anybody in their right mind believe that Israel would settle for a brokered ceasefire from the terrorist entities or the governing body and stand down accepting the losses because Europe, the United States and the United Nations demanded such? There would be no question what the Israeli response to such an assault would be; it would be an all-out war and potentially a genocidal war ending any dreams of an Arab state cut from the Biblical heart of Israel.


The prelude to the inevitable troubles and potential horrors would be the Palestinian state receiving hundreds of thousands if not millions of refugees as the neighboring Arab nations emptied their refugee camps and simply marched them en-masse across their borders and into the new entity carved from Israel upon its being founded. Any conflagration which may be placed into motion by the terrorist bombardment of Tel Aviv causing untold destruction, inestimable fatalities and serious grievance by the Israeli people and the IDF which would result in a systematic driving of the Palestinians across the Jordan River as they would be left only one other alternative, death. This is a reality that Israelis hope with all their might and souls will never come to be. Contrary to the belief that the Israelis refuse to allow their leaders to make the sacrifices necessary for peace, the Arabs have refused every offer always demanding one additional concession, that Israel accept into their borders and awarded citizenship on arrival the close to or over five million refugees from the refugee camps which have been holding Muslim Arabs since the initial Arab Israeli War in 1948 and have also condemned their children and their children in some instances to the fourth or fifth generation all so they can be returned into Israel making Israel a predominantly Arab and Muslim state, denying them any rights such as to own land, to hold any but the most degrading or manual work, absolutely no citizenship, limited education other than UNRWA provided education, and other demeaning limitations plus being kept in the camps in perpetuity as if they were lepers or criminals. These victims suffering a near hopeless state would be forced into even worse conditions as they would be forced into the nascent Palestinian state where the one comfort they had, a roof over their heads and meals for them to eat sending them to a state of victimization as there would be almost no manner or way for accepting such an influx of people. Even should every Palestinian family take a refugee family into their homes, even that would but give some form of normalcy for less than half, way less than half. Forcing such a solution would have numerous other problems such as the hundreds of thousands of settlers who would need assistance as they would also be forced from their homes.


The difference being that the Israelis have taken in refugees of a sort before when the people in the extremities, the definition of the areas outside of Tel Aviv metropolis, came under sustained rocker fire be it from Gaza and Hamas and others in the south or from Hezballah in the north and the people were taken in largely by these very same settlers, it would be ironically tragic. Any manner of looking at the long range results of forcing such a solution will result in an even more dire emergency situation of even greater magnitude and less options. Allowing the Arabs to form their state by threat of force and without a formal treaty would be taken as support for their further actions against Israel. One must remember that Abbas is just as much an insatiable terrorist bent on the destruction of the Jewish state by any means possible. That is why the aerial assault on Tel Aviv is as predictable as is the sun rising in the east. It is simply what many of the Arabs living under Abbas, and formerly Arafat, are, terrorists and nothing else in their entire life. As children they were taught to throw rocks at IDF soldiers whenever they saw them. Rocks became Molotov firebombs as they grew and eventually became rockets and bullets. What many do not realize, largely because they could not care less, is that being a terrorist pays quite well once you reach a certain level. At the very top it makes billionaires and lower down it still pays better than farming and is a far easier a job, and that is what terrorism has become, an industry. Until the Western world wakes to the reality that the Arab Palestinians are in reality simply a terrorist training camp, nothing more, and the more area and funding provided, the more terrorism will be produced. Perhaps the time has come to end this farcical cavalcade of terror.


Beyond the Cusp


October 8, 2014

The ISIS Cancer is Metastasizing Throughout MENA Within Planet Earth

Filed under: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,Air Support,Al Nusra Front,al-Qaeda,Algeria,Amalekites,Anti Missile System,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Armed Services,Ayman al-Zawahiri,Blood Libel,Boko Haram,Breakout Point,Britain,Calaphate,Civilization,Clan,Commander in Cheif,Dhimmi,Europe,European Governments,Forced Solution,France,Hamas,Hate,History,Hostages,IDF,Inteligence Report,International Politics,Iran,Iron Dome,ISIS,Islam,Islam,Islamic Jihad,Islamic Pressure,Islamic State,Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham,Islamist,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Jabhat al Nusra,Jerusalem,Jewish Home,Jews,Jihad,Kidnap Children,Kidnap Soldier,Kurdish Militias,Kurds,Libya,Meaning of Peace,Mediterranean Sea,Military Aid,Military Option,Missile Research,Muammar Gaddafi,Murder Americans,Muslim Brotherhood,Muslim World,Nigeria,Nuclear Program,Nuclear Research,Nuclear Scientist,Nuclear Weapons,Nuclear Weapons,Nuclear Weapons Test,Oppression,Osama Bin Laden,Palestinian,Palestinian Authority,Peace Process,Peshmerga Militias,Plutonium Production,Politics,President Obama,Promised Land,Quran,Rebel Forces,Refugees,Scientific Research,Security,Sharia,Sharia Law,Shiite,Submission,Sunni,Syria,Taqiyya,Tel Aviv,Terror,Theocracy,Threat of War,Tribe,Tunisia,United Nations Presures,United States,United States Pressure,Uranium Enrichment,War Threat,Warhead Development,WMD,World Government,World Opinion,World Pressures,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 3:13 AM
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News reports have attested to the fact that throughout the areas referred to as MENA (Middle East North Africa), the former al-Qaeda groups which had originally pledged their support to Osama bin Laden, which they later transferred them to Ayman al-Zawahiri as al-Qaeda leadership changed with bin Laden’s death, are changing their allegiances one-by-one to ISIS (aka ISIL, IS, Caliphate, but we prefer ISIS and pronounce it {iziz}) and to the self-anointed Caliph, Abu al-Baghdadi, perceiving him as the current strong horse. The latest which occurred this past week were in Nigeria, Libya and on the Libya Tunisia mountainous border area.

The Ansar al-Sharia terror group punctuated their changing their loyalties to ISIS with a parade of vehicles through Darna, Libya. Ansar al-Sharia also has a grip on Benghazi and has been attempting to consolidate and draft more members and then they might see themselves taking the fight to Tripoli and claim the right to lead the nation and attempt to solidify such position by seeking to have as many other terrorist groups, clans and tribal fighters to join with them rather than continue the hopeless fighting which has been tearing Libya apart since Gadhafi was deposed and assassinated.

Boko Haram in Nigeria mostly with some reach into neighboring countries on occasion has declared themselves aligned with Caliph Abu al-Baghdadi and ISIS as well as declaring the areas under their control is an independent nation declaring their independence from the Nigerian government. Their claim is being ignored by the Western powers much as the original ISIS was as it declared itself a state while spreading rapidly across northern and central Iraq meeting its only initial serious opposition when they attempted to move on the Kurdish regions where the Peshmerga Militias put up stiff resistance and even managed to retake areas with presumably air support provided by the United States and those allied with them against ISIS.

The Uqba ben Nafi Brigades have sporadically ambushed Tunisian motorized patrols destroying the vehicles and often most of the soldiers within before melting back into the mountainous impassable region on the Tunisian border with Libya. They have recently claimed to be supporters of ISIS changing from original allegiance with al-Qaeda. Where the Uqba ben Nafi Brigade are not particularly large threat as supremacist and radical Islamic terrorists, the current poor economic state of the Tunisian economy and the fragility of the government which is made up of opposing groups from pure secularists to ardent religious Muslims on to even fanatical Islamist parties presents a particularly susceptible situation for overthrow by any concerted effort by any sizeable terrorist group seeking a nation from which to operate. This means that if ISIS were to decide that the Uqba ben Nafi Brigades were a worthy addition providing a realistic and strong potential that with a relatively small investment of forces could claim all of Tunisia adding it to the areas they claim as part of their Caliphate.

Philippine Islamist militant group Abu Sayyaf has threatened Germany by claiming they plan on beheading one of their two German hostages unless Germany pays a large ransom of two-hundred-fifty million pesos ($5.6 million) and pulls their support for the United States efforts against ISIS in Iraq and Syria to gain the release of both hostages. Communicating in their native Tagalog language they gave a fifteen day deadline. I guess the fact that they only support ISIS and are not declaring their allegiance to ISIS as they have spread enough already and will likely continue their spread across MENA nations.

In Algeria a group claiming alliances with ISIS has threatened to behead a French hostage as they singled out, “the spiteful and filthy French” for severe and serious punishments. They released a video which shows armed men claiming allegiance to Jund al-Khilafa (Soldiers of the Caliphate), an Islamist militant group in Algeria. They pledge allegiance to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

There is another ISIS affiliate which has reared its head during the recent Israel conflict with Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza. One of the many supporting terrorist entities which stood out was the claim that an ISIS deployed group was supporting the Hamas and Islamic Jihad efforts providing training, expertise and fighters as well as munitions. There was no overt proof beyond their announcements but how would anyone see any difference between a rocket from Hamas from a rocket fired by Islamic Jihad or determine which three rockets were the ones Fatah fighters claimed to fire and finally how would an ISIS launched rocket? Even if ISIS had more accurate rockets and did fire them, with the accuracy and efficiency of Iron Dome backed by the hand of G0d as was witnessed near Tel Aviv, even if ISIS had papered their entire rocket with their logo, how would one know or even ever see it before the Iron Dome destroyed it mid-flight. And for the instance where the Iron Dome proved inaccurate so that the IDF soldiers manning the anti-missile battery would witness the Hand of G0d direct the rocket seconds away from striking central Tel Aviv harmlessly shoved out into the empty Mediterranean Sea, the story is towards the end of the article titled How to Fight Terrorist Fanatics Unless You’re Israel with the quotes in bolded italics; please read of this absolute miracle and thank you. I still get a chill reading about the diverting of a rocket on a path to kill hundreds if not thousands depending on where it struck being blown out to sea by a strong wind which was local to overhead of the Iron Dome which had become suddenly inaccurate and unable to hit its target.

The final locations in which one might find small groups aligned with ISIS are across Europe and North America with a slightly higher concentration in Europe followed by the United States. These would be a loosely coordinated rings where no one person would know all of the others in country. This is the usual manner in which infiltrations and subversive groups which will eventually be activated to carry out terror attacks, sabotage and other subversions but otherwise will attempt to blend into the society and not draw attention to themselves. These loosely organized rings may prove the most destructive elements of ISIS by the time all is said and done. The Western nations had best hope that ISIS can be contained sufficiently until strong and determined leadership takes the seats of power in Washington DC, particularly at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Until then the problem the world will face is IS.

Beyond the Cusp

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