Beyond the Cusp

August 16, 2015

They Threaten Israel and Speak Falsely and Iran Just Smiles


Hezballah Leader Hassan Nasrallah continues to make empty boasts and threats he knows would bring devastation on Lebanon and specifically Hezballah if he were to act upon his words. The claim he makes is similarly made by Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Fatah and all of Israel’s enemies. Their claim is, as Hassan Nasrallah boasted, that should Israel make an assault on Lebanon that Hezballah in response, in his words, “We will destroy your tanks, kill your soldiers and defeat your army.” Hassan Nasrallah can make this threat for one simple reason, he knows that without a provocation or imminent threat from Hezballah that Israel will not attack them in Lebanon or even in Syria where most of Hezballah is engaged in a futile cause against less threatening forces than the IDF could bring to a war with Hezballah. Of course threatening Israel is one thing every foreign power can do with impunity knowing that the possibility of an Israeli strike on their forces are as remote as it would be to have fish fall upon the Hezballah training facilities in the Bekaa Valley out of the sky on an otherwise perfectly sunny day along the Lebanon-Syrian border. We hear these boasts mostly from Hamas, Islamic Jihad and twice a year from Hezballah. Their boastings are made for the morale of their supporters and their fighters such that Israel not taking the bait and attacking to prove the IDFs prowess and make a liar out of Hassan Nasrallah in turn makes his boasts taken to be true and thus Israel is viewed as being weak. Of course Hassan Nasrallah means nothing by these protestations and would be terrified if Israel were to take such boasting to heart and thus be led to make an assault to prove his boasting to be dead wrong. This boast was timed to coincide with the two year commemoration of the second Lebanon War, not exactly the most stellar performance by the IDF but was sufficient for Hassan Nasrallah to state in an interview something along the gist of had he realized the scope of the Israeli response to the kidnapping of two IDF soldiers, he would never have approved the raid. One of his statements can only be valid and I am more prepared to believe his gut reaction immediately after invoking Israeli retribution for an attack than his boasts made knowing that Israel will never attack solely over words and as no rockets are flying over the border, no IDF or Israeli civilians have been kidnapped, his boast is as safe as any statement alone could be.



Hassan Nasrallah Gesturing during remote feed video onto large screen during Hezballah semi-annual pretense of readiness to defeat any Israeli assault as he remain in hiding presumably beyond the reach of Israeli drones and commandos. This enhances his appearance of constantly under threat by Israeli forces seeking to assassinate him. The likely truth is that Israel had no reason, desire or even bothered to draw up plans to do so. As far as whether Israel could find Hassan Nasrallah’s various secreted locations, probably already have them pinpointed on some map just in case it becomes advantageous to remove Nasrallah from his position as the figurehead of Hezballah.

Hassan Nasrallah Gesturing during remote feed video onto large screen during Hezballah semi-annual pretense of readiness to defeat any Israeli assault as he remain in hiding presumably beyond the reach of Israeli drones and commandos. This enhances his appearance of constantly under threat by Israeli forces seeking to assassinate him. The likely truth is that Israel had no reason, desire or even bothered to draw up plans to do so. As far as whether Israel could find Hassan Nasrallah’s various secreted locations, probably already have them pinpointed on some map just in case it becomes advantageous to remove Nasrallah from his position as the figurehead of Hezballah.



On the other side, why would Hassan Nasrallah make such a provocative remark when his forces are locked into a losing battle against al-Qaeda and the Islamic State and the line that Hezballah must protect gets longer mile by mile as Bashir al-Assad and whatever remnants of the Syrian army that was not Druze, who had retreated to their own home areas to protect their own families, leaving the Alawites and Bashir al-Assad to defend themselves. Perhaps it is a rallying cry screamed into a deep void which is ever widening leaving Hezballah, and by fact of locations, the Bekaa Valley and anywhere else that ISIS or al-Qaeda might seek to finish what Hassan Nasrallah started when he first engaged the forces in Syria fighting to dethrone Bashir al-Assad, to make this struggle a true Sunni vs. Shiite affair. Now that the Alawites are being squeezed into an ever collapsing area along the coast slowly inching their retreat towards the point which will require Russian Naval forces to intervene, this will make the town of Latakia, where the Russian Mediterranean Fleet docks, secure and providing a last bastion for the Alawites and al-Assad. If I were an Alawite I might be tempted at this point to make a deal where al-Assad and his leading cohorts be turned over half to each al-Qaeda and ISIS forces with the winner of a coin toss to get Bashir himself in exchange for being left the strip of land they currently hold. Of course they would also have to make the port facilities available to the governing bodies replacing al-Assad once the rest of the fighting ends, if it ever does.


That brings us into the entire debacle unfolding in Syria and the different scenarios which are potentially about to develop. The current Turkish bombing campaign, presumably to prevent any further spread by the Islamic State forces, has had a strange set of targets as they all appear to be areas where the Kurdish fighters have been holding off Islamic State or ISIS, whichever name anybody prefers in this theater. These areas are not under Islamic State control nor Shiite or al-Qaeda but Kurdish Controlled who has been one of the most stalwart allies of the United States anti-ISIS efforts. The Kurds are viewed by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan as his most hated foes and considered as much an ally as the PKK and Turkey’s Kurdish Party who currently are blocking Erdogan and his party from all but turning Turkey into an Islamic state. Erdogan hopes to inaugurate himself as its once elected permanent leader and finishing the complete eradication of the vision of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk who ruled Turkey after the defeat of the Ottoman Empire during World War I.



Photograph of a night time flight takeoff on reconnaissance mission from Incirlik Air Base inside Turkey. United States and Turkey are soon to start joint bombing and ground support missions against Islamic State forces to prevent their further advances in Syria. Thus far many of the Turkish sorties appeared to strike Kurdish positions rather than ISIS or al-Qaeda positions according to reports. Some believe this to be a move by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to paint Kurds as enemies of Turkey as he plans on holding new elections declaring previous elections unable to form ruling coalition.

Photograph of a night time flight takeoff on reconnaissance mission from Incirlik Air Base inside Turkey. United States and Turkey are soon to start joint bombing and ground support missions against Islamic State forces to prevent their further advances in Syria. Thus far many of the Turkish sorties appeared to strike Kurdish positions rather than ISIS or al-Qaeda positions according to reports. Some believe this to be a move by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to paint Kurds as enemies of Turkey as he plans on holding new elections declaring previous elections unable to form ruling coalition.



Meanwhile, the United States cannot be faulted for attempting to enlist the aid of Turkey against ISIS and by doing so allow the United States to finally fly strikes out from the Incirlik Air Base in the coming days making striking at ISIS forces and Islamic State secured regions that much more feasible and less taxing on American assets with the addition of the air base. There have already been a few reconnaissance announced to have been flown from the NATO Incirlik Air Base in central Turkey and talks are continuing to set guidelines for the use of the base. Actual sorties should start over the weekend or early next week while the reconnaissance flights will obviously continue as well from Incirlik Air Base in Turkey. These attacks may work to the advantage for Hezballah and Bashir al-Assad by forcing their opponent to recede allowing al-Assad room to reconstitute his forces. As long as al-Assad and Hezballah can hold on to the International Airport in Damascus for another five weeks then Iran will likely have a large inflow of funds allowing for availing al-Assad with fresh supplies and potentially additional IRGC (Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps) units sufficient to alter the balance of powers. Allowing for al-Assad to reestablish his hold on the eastern areas in Syria and then hold those lands and allow the airstrikes by the United States and Turkey to do their damage and weaken their opponents could inadvertently make the retaking of Syria easier for by Bashir al-Assad. Further, by assisting in defeat of Islamic State with United States air support providing whatever support the Iranian military might require, Iran could finally reestablish their puppet states in Iraq and Syria thus retaining the Shiite Crescent across the Middle East as revealed in the map below.


This will be the starting point which will be gifted to Iran by the United States along with the P5+1 placing Iran as the hegemonic power and new nuclear power potentially breaking out unannounced and finally leaving the NPT (Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons) and after six months announcing their building of nuclear warheads and having developed ICBMs capable of striking anywhere throughout the world. The question soon after President Obama leaves office will be what can be done now that it may be too late to reel in Iran as with the unification of the Crescent under their singular rule with puppet governments in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, the question becomes where does the world place the line which must not be crossed. Will that line be Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Israel, Turkey, Greece, Romania, where? The threat right now appears to be the Islamic State as their atrocities have grabbed the attention of many and will eventually lead to the turning to the one country currently perched to best threaten and destroy the Islamic State, Iran. The question that will likely never be asked is whether we are making an even worse and more dangerous problem reinforcing Iran and giving them such a huge swath of land as depicted below, and that is a conservative estimate as by the time the next United States President is sworn in Iran might already have swallowed Jordan and joined forces with the Arab Palestinians currently in Judea and Samaria as well as having crossed into the Arabian Peninsula and grabbed all of Kuwait and the Saudi Arabian oil fields all in the name of liberating oppressed Shiites which will be encouraged to riot and cause disturbances such that Iran can come to their rescue, all with the blessing of the United States and Europe in the hopes that they will be eaten last. Perhaps by then there will be no place at which the line can be drawn as the dye will have been cast and the doom of nuclear war facing the world dead in the face, then what?


This is the desired and long sought Iranian Shiite Crescent across the Middle East reaching from the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea after Islamic State Defeat and Iran Surge Retaking Syria for Bashir al-Assad with Hezballah retaining their iron-fist control over Lebanon and the Iraqi Shiites retaining their hold on the southern half of Iraq. This could very well be the starting positions for a final World War resulting in exchanges of nuclear weapons before the end is reached. This map also depicts the areas bordering the Iranian influence which could become the future red lines and the trip wire for a horrific conflagration, exactly what the Twelvers desire to bring back the Twelfth Imam and the Islamic Messiah who will lead them to finally realize their destiny of world conquest. Despite what many in the West view as an outdated and dead idea, the Iranian leadership dreams of world conquest and desire to that end.

This is the desired and long sought Iranian Shiite Crescent across the Middle East reaching from the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea after Islamic State Defeat and Iran Surge Retaking Syria for Bashir al-Assad with Hezballah retaining their iron-fist control over Lebanon and the Iraqi Shiites retaining their hold on the southern half of Iraq. This could very well be the starting positions for a final World War resulting in exchanges of nuclear weapons before the end is reached. This map also depicts the areas bordering the Iranian influence which could become the future red lines and the trip wire for a horrific conflagration, exactly what the Twelvers desire to bring back the Twelfth Imam and the Islamic Messiah who will lead them to finally realize their destiny of world conquest. Despite what many in the West view as an outdated and dead idea, the Iranian leadership dreams of world conquest and desire to that end.



Once the Iranians can establish their desired and long sought Iranian Shiite Crescent across the Middle East reaching from the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea after Islamic State Defeat and Iran Surge Retaking Syria for Bashir al-Assad with Hezballah retaining their iron-fist control over Lebanon with the Iraqi Shiites retaining their hold on the southern half of Iraq, this really is a case of then what. This could very well be the starting positions for a final World War resulting in exchanges of nuclear weapons before the end is reached. This map also depicts the areas bordering the Iranian influence which could become the future red lines and the trip wire for a horrific conflagration, exactly what the Twelvers desire to bring back the Twelfth Imam and the Islamic Messiah who will lead them to finally realize their destiny of world conquest. Despite what many in the West view as an outdated and dead idea, the Iranian leadership dreams of world conquest and desire to that end. Would the tripping point be Israel or perhaps Turkey who could demand NATO support under Chapter Five of the NATO Charter. Maybe Iran would take Kuwait and the oil fields of Saudi Arabia and that would trip the wire for Western intervention in response to the Saudi Royals. Perhaps a sweep from Yemen, we cannot forget the Iranian southern front, into Eretria, Somalia, Djibouti and then across the Sudan and into Egypt which could be yet another call for Western assists against Iran. The only thing we can be assured, the Crescent is the beginning, not the end of Iranian expansion.


Beyond the Cusp


June 22, 2015

Some Misperceptions of the Arab Israeli Conflict

Filed under: 2012 Elections,24/7 News Reporting,Absolutism,Administration,Alexander the Great,Amalekites,Anwar Sadat,Apocalypse,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab League,Arab World,Arabs,Babylon,Blood Libel,Britain,Cabinet,Calaphate,Canada,Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper,Civilization,Communism,Conflict Avoidnce,Court Order,Coverup,Crusades,Czarist Russia,David Cameron,Democrat,Domestic NGOs,Dutch Parliament,Egypt,Europe,European Council,European Governments,European Pressure,European Union,Executive Order,Foreign Aid,Foreign Funding,Foreign Minister,Foreign Minister Baird,Foreign NGOs,Gamal Abdel Nasser,Gaza,Geert Wilders,Government,Hamas,Hamas Charter,Hate,Hezballah,History,Hitler,House of Representatives,Inquisition,Internal Pressures,International Politics,Intifada,Islam,Islam,Islamic Pressure,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Jerusalem,Jewish Heritage,Jewish State,Jews,Jihad,Jim Bridenstine,John Bolton,Jordan River,Judea,Leftist Pressures,Mainstream Media,Media,Media Bias,Mediterranean Sea,Middle East,Muslim Expansionism,Muslim World,Muslims,Myth,Nasrallah,Nazi,Nazi,NGO,Non Binding Resolution,Oklahoma,Ottoman Empire,Palestinian,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Pressures,Peace Process,Persians,Pogroms,Politicized Findings,Politics,President Obama,Prime Minister,Promised Land,Response to Muslim Takeover,Roman Empire,Samaria,Saudi Arabian Pressure,Secular Interests,Sinai Peninsula,State Department,United Nations,United Nations Presures,United States,United States Pressure,Victims,War of Independence,World Pressures,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 2:33 AM
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Back in the earlier and more innocent days of the State of Israel the world had little trouble discerning the main problem the Arab nations and the vast majority of their peoples have with Israel, the fact that it existed. This was made all the more obvious by their near constant threats to destroy Israel and drive the Jews into the sea. This was easy for most people, especially those in the western world, to figure out as numerous Arab spokespeople went out of their way to stress this point at every opportunity, and none more so than Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser and PLO leader Yasser Arafat. It was common perception until 1967 at the earliest and by the end of 1973 at the latest for many to realize that the Jews were not going to be overrun by any combination of Arab nations. The near outright victory in the Six Day War in June of 1967 in what many have thought would be the war that destroyed tiny little Israel as the numbers favored the Arab militaries by at least fifty-to-one and many thought even higher odds may have begun the perception of Israeli superiority. After the initial surprise attack having been launched in the Yom Kippur War it was again commonly thought that Israel was being overrun, that too led many to even begin mourning the death of Israel, even if a bit prematurely. Israel again turned the tide of battle once again. These two conflicts changed the perception of Israel as that small little country precariously clinging to life at the eastern edge of the Mediterranean Sea located in the midst of the core of the Arab world and the midst of those who most wished to destroy Israel and her citizens and seemingly had the military might to do so. That misconception was dispelled and was replaced with an equally erroneous expectation of Israel as the hegemonic power of the Middle East.


This perception was further enhanced by Israeli actions which themselves purported an enormous amount of pride and self-confidence. And why not walk proud and sound loud when one had vanquished their main and most immediate foes even after a surprise attack which many saw as the final Arab victory when initially the Arab forces had broken the Israeli defensive lines and were advancing towards Israel herself. Had it not been for the distance provided Israel by still holding the Sinai Peninsula having yet to return them upon making peace with Egypt, Israel would have easily been overrun and her Jews likely slaughtered. With the Sinai Peninsula Israel was afforded the time to gather her reserves and turn the tide which then led to immediate demands that the fighting be halted as Israel was now advancing on Cairo, Damascus and Alexandria and to completely routing her Arab foes in Egypt and Syria. During this period the Egyptian armies were under the command from Gamal Abdel Nasser’s successor, Anwar Sadat. It was the eventual routing of the Egyptian military which cinched the mind of Anwar Sadat to seek a peace with Israel as there appeared no other route, especially militarily, to regain the lost lands of the Sinai Peninsula which Israel hung out in total as an enticement for peace. This peace came about being signed in 1979 and taking effect in January of 1980. This was the reason given for the eventual assassination by a member of the Muslim Brotherhood of Anwar Sadat.


There are some, especially military historians, who believed at that time that this was an Israeli blunder as she could have retained at least half of the Sinai Peninsula retaining her mountainous midsection and the mountain passes allowing for greater tactical depth. Such a retention would also have set a precedent for Israel retaining lands gained in 1967 and defended in 1973, something considered normal and actually expected by most of the world. Israel, on the other hand, felt that little sacrifice was to be too excessive to make for peace. Still, it was this sacrifice which has long been used as the main argument that Israel realized that her conquest of the lands from her 1967 Six Day War to be illegal and thus imperative for them to be forfeit. Jordan proved to be the one who insisted Israel retain the lands that she retained after the war of 1948-9 knowing full well that those lands of Judea and Samaria and that Jordan had renamed West Bank to remove the obvious claim which Israel possessed over the lands. Jordanian annexation was refused by the entire world even to include the Arab League and its members with only Britain and Pakistan recognizing the annexation.


There has been a long period of time since the hot warfare erupted almost as if on a time schedule between the Arab world and Israel. This has permitted a sea of changes in the perceptions of the conflict and by that in the expectations for making peace. Forgotten is the peace with Egypt where the entirety of the Sinai Peninsula was returned to Egypt but that Egypt surrendered the lands she occupied and proved so by never annexing or incorporating them into Egypt, namely the Gaza Strip. After making peace with Egypt the Gaza Strip was returned unto Israeli rule as had been the default condition at the beginning of the war for Jewish genocide against the nascent state of Israel starting officially on May 15, 1948 and ending almost a year and a half later. The next to make peace was Jordan who also returned those lands she had occupied since the end of hostilities in that same war against Israel, returning to the originally drawn border between the two, intended to be the Jordan River. It was subsequent to this peace treaty that Jordan then backed the claim that there existed some state known as Palestine that had rightful claim to those lands of the West Bank and that Jordan had ruled over these lands illegally and that Israel was now obliged to give up the lands for the formation of Palestine. This was an enormous hoax by which the Arab League using Yasser Arafat’s PLO terror group to make a spurious claim of another Arab nation, the twenty-third, and claiming that Israel was occupying that nation’s actual homelands. Check history in 1967 before June and find Palestine on a map existing from any modern time before June of 1967 which has any reference to a nation known as Palestine. Unfortunately, the education system, the media, the European nations, the United Nations, the European Union, the Arab League and much of the remainder of the world even including the United States State Department all now support this fiction and the youth who were born after about 1960 have grown up much of their lives and all of their adult lives under this misconception that Israel stole through the 1967 war the lands destroying the nation of Palestine and that the area referred to as the West Bank replacing the names for the lands historically of Judea and Samaria, a substitution made by Jordan when she annexed these lands in 1950 leading to her being the occupying power of Israeli territory and never of anything named Palestine. Palestine is a fabrication meant to take land from Israel, and there is where the deceptions grow deeper still.


The deceptions grow deeper the more one connects the dots, dots being obscured by what are some very skilled and practiced deceivers who have funding beyond imaginations. Foremost amongst the deceptions is that all the Palestinians desire is their small homelands returned to them. Do not believe me then perhaps you can believe a member of the PLO executive committee. Zahir Muhsein. You see, way back on March 31, 1977, the Dutch newspaper Trouw published an interview with Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) executive committee member Zahir Muhsein. Here’s what he said:

“The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct “Palestinian people” to oppose Zionism.
For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan.”


Don’t want to believe me? I understand, but would you believe Wikipedia or Daniel Pipes or Wikiquote or simply use the search engine of your choice and query, Zahir Muhsein Dutch newspaper Trouw.


Then there is that reputed grassroots effort which goes by the name of BDS and has infected unbelievable campuses of colleges and universities in the West and untold numbers of mainstream media types and politicians around the world, yet probably less than 10% know the actual origins and financial support for the entirety of the BDS movement. The BDS movement originated as the Arab boycott and at some point it was thought that this boycott could be taken to the international audience and that the world was ready to join with this idea. Imagine the shock when the BDS movement did not catch on like wildfire. So it was turned over to be managed out of Ramallah by the PLO’s successor, the Palestinian Authority or PA. The PA would invest hundreds of thousands of dollars and eventually hundreds of millions of dollars and who even knows the full extent of the monies now invested in the BDS movement which is still primarily supported out of the PA budget but hidden under Fatah or the PLO or any number of different entities such that it is never discovered except as being amongst the information propaganda efforts. The monies used by the BDS movement is distributed through a system of channels through which everything flows as cash money, no bank accounts or other such traceable revenue streams, it is an all cash business and as such numerous people have been greatly enriched personally by the BDS cash flow. The BDS is sold in the Western World as a boycott of items from Israel which has some connection to the West Bank and never as a boycott of Israel itself. That is a deception as the BDS movement is designed by the PA and PLO to continue, as stated honestly in the literature, until Israel has been removed from all of their occupied Palestinian lands, code words for that chant you hear so often at rallies for the Palestinian cause, “From the River Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea; Palestine must be free.” There is no differentiation between inside and outside the Green Line; the BDS movement is designed to destroy all of Israel. The leadership of the BDS movement mostly serves double duty as they also organize the Israel Apartheid Week (or month) on campuses across the Western World once again to vilify all of Israel. Most of these efforts were launched at the first two Durban Conferences which were titled as “The United Nations World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance,” one of the greatest misnomers in the history of deceptions. The conference broke down into a few separate items with one subject serving as the overriding target covered though there was also mention about reparations for slavery mostly to be paid by the United States and European powers and none to be paid by Middle Eastern and Asian nations. By and large the conference became a bash Israel fest to such a point that Canada joined the United States and Israel in quitting the first conference and not returning for subsequent conferences as they appeared to be simply updates and devising new tactics in the war against Israel.


The BDS movement lies and hypocrisies are just the tip of the iceberg. The proof has been easy to see if one just opens their eyes. Numerous of the store assaults, something often used against supermarkets or department stores, are not delicate surgical procedures, they are slash and burn procedures. They are riotous assaults where participants storm through the victimized location knocking over displays and showing a general disrespect for property all in the guise of BDS. They storm throughout the store seeking any items which are made by specific companies as well as any items marked as being produced by Israel without the slightest concern for whether they were manufactured or grown within the Green Line or in the disputed territories. There is little if any surgical precision or even the remotest attention to nuanced targeting, they are simply slash and burn of all items Israel and any mistake, well, it was an honest mistake and doesn’t Israel deserve the additional monetary price being paid. The sad item is that it is the store owner paying that price and actually their insurance provider. The truth is that the eventual price tag falls to the consumer as they will pay the increased price eventually.


But all that does not matter because the truth is in the message and that message is that Israel is an evil occupation force which stole Palestinian Lands during the war in 1948-9. Wait, I hear many of you calling out, don’t you mean in 1967? I mean 1967 as much as the Arabs and their stooges mean 1967 and I mean starting with the war that went officially hot in 1948 just as they mean 1948 and finally I mean to infer that this war started in 1922 with the first Arab anti-Jew pogrom just as they see this as a continuation of the 1922 riots and do not plan on stopping until the Jew has been entirely erased from all of their lands from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea just as many Arab nations drove the Jews from their soil by the middle of the 1950s possibly keeping a few remnants just as back before the 1960s numerous companies had the ‘company Jew’ which proved they were not guilty of anti-Semitism. The Hamas Charter goes the additional step of demanding that all of Israel be liberated from the Jew and then the world be cleansed of the Jew and only after that does the final conversions begins to take place. Once again we see one group telling the truth that what they plan to start with the Jew will end with all others once the Jew has been eradicated. Then there was the desire stated by Hezballah leader Nasrallah who hoped that all the Jews from every corner of the globe would make their way back to Israel so that his terrorist armies would not be required to search all over the globe to eradicate the last Jews as they would all be gathered in Israel. What is frightening is that Nasrallah might just get his way as far as religiously observant Jews outside of a small number of super-religious Jews who will refuse to leave until the Messiah gives them a hand written gold-leaf embossed personal invitation on perfumed stationary before they will even debate if the Messiah is the real deal. In the meantime I am simply trying to figure out how to get my daughter and grandchildren to make Aliyah.


The lies and deceits are deep beyond imagination. There are those who when speaking of Jews and Israel will come out, this has been done by a number of Iranian Imams and leaders as well as other Islamic Holocaust deniers who in a single breath will proclaim that there never was a holocaust and the Jews invented it and Allah willing there will be another Holocaust this time perpetrated by the Arabs or Muslims. Others have denied the Holocaust only to turn and claim they are dedicated to finishing what Adolph Hitler began. Abbas has made a perfectly valid statement knowing full well that the World and especially the political and media worlds will misinterpret what he meant and he can continue in his duplicitous stratagems. His comment is that he simply desires to claim his rightful 22% of the lands and then he will be satisfied, and in that he is speaking the truth. But the Western politicians and media will interpret this as meaning that all he wants are the lands of Judea and Samaria and then some even add in Gaza which places the error on the other end. You see there is only one measurement of lands that comes out almost within a few square meters of being exactly 22% and only one. When one takes Judea and Samaria compared to the entirety one finds that to be just a smidgeon above 21% and if then adding in Gaza the amount climbs to just short of 23%. But if one takes the British Mandate and subtracts the almost exactly 78% of the lands which constitute Jordan that leaves 22.06% of the lands not taken to form Jordan thus making all of Israel including Judea, Samaria (West Bank), Gaza and everything within the Green Line it is basically Abbas’s 22% plain and simple. People argue that I am splitting hairs and if I am it is only because I have seen not only Mahmoud Abbas be accurate to that degree of fault, especially when using a fuzzily and hazily defined set of terms to misdirect a willfully-blind media, but to lead easily doped hypocritical politicians and the rest of the useful idiots out in the world.


There has recently begun a very troubling and, though not at all unexpected, disconcerting set of events which has shown a growing tendency for those who are anti-Israel and anti-Zionist to also add a new feather to their bonnet which is an ancient feather which some have claimed is the feather representing the most ancient of hatreds, anti-Semitism. This had been manifest originally by the rampaging hooligans who destroyed anything labeled made in Israel and then blamed Israel for not denoting which merchandise was occupied-lands-free. This has now spread just that one next step to a bigger circle to include Jews as a guilty party by inference of possibly supporting Israel. Before going further into this, please allow us to predict the next and undeniably obvious incrimination to include another select and hated group to the list of guilty of the sin of Israel and that will be Evangelicals followed subsequently by conservatives of almost any stripe which is not anti-Semitic in nature to begin with. The worrying part in all of this has been the indoctrination of the youth, in particular those impressionable students in the colleges and universities and now starting to be brought into the classrooms of the high schools and lower grades as well. The problem with this is that today’s college, and especially high school, students are the leaders and shapers of society tomorrow (tomorrow = one to two decades but this is already well on its way so say five to ten years). The other fronts which are being implemented through intervention have been prison populations and the unions, especially teachers’ unions.


The BDS and anti-Israel and anti-Zionist leadership have already largely taken over the steering and defining of one of the United States two major political parties and in many European nations taken a grasp on many if not all political parties. One is guaranteed to find these views supported by the Communists, the Fascists, the Socialists and the leftist human rights guarantors. The conservatives are not completely above these influences but do tend to be the less confused and fooled. If we look around the Western World we find the staunchest supporters of Israel on the right of the political spectrum. Let’s talk first about the conservatives and leftists where they are most easily to differentiate, the two main political parties in the United States. The few Democrats who remain strong supporters of Israel are also the moderates and almost squeezed from the Democrat roles. One of the most conservative of the Republican hopefuls for the ticket for President in 2016 is Ted Cruz who is about as pro-Israel as they come as are many of his supporters. Some other true conservatives who fall heavily on the side of Israel and some even willing to claim that Israel is at the forefront of this culture war and the real leader of the Western World are former United States Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton, former Florida United States Congressman and retired U.S. Army Colonel Alan West, and current District One Representative in Oklahoma Jim Bridenstine. The reality struck home to those paying attention, a select few and you know who you are (our readers of course, the informed few), during the 2012 Democrat convention. There was a motion on the floor before the delegates which was to restore to the platform faith in G0d and support for Jerusalem to be the recognized capital of Israel. They called for a voice vote and it failed so the shocked chair restates the motion more deliberately and it is voice vote refused once again, and finally, after a quick consult from a ranking member, call for the vote again not hearing much in the way of a change, simply pronounced the motion adopted and moved on to a somewhat disturbed and perturbed hall. To watch the profound and shocking train of events for yourself see below or click for the YouTube video.



Other examples exist headed by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and British Prime Minister David Cameron with other notable supporters such as Geert Wilders who is a Minister in the Dutch Parliament. Unfortunately, supporting Israel is beginning to become a difficult position to hold through much of Europe and the rise in anti-Semitism is one of the lagging indicators. A direct relationship can be drawn between the drop in support for Israel and a coming increase in anti-Semitism. The rising anti-Semitism takes a number of different paths and like water it finds the paths of least resistance initially and then builds until it has the powers of tsunami and then comes the horrific and heinous results which if left unchecked anti-Semitism inevitable leads to. The proof of this is written throughout the over three-millennia of Jewish history from the Egyptian enslavement to the Babylonian exile to the eventual dark times under Persia to Greece, Rome, to Muslim and Crusader treachery alike to Muslims across North Africa and in the Middle East to European Kings and Barons to the Inquisition to the pogroms of the Czars and the Caliphs of the Ottomans and their lessor officials to the Nazis and the Communists to the current day Islamists and the coming waves of hatreds which now appear on the verge of cascading across the world from numerous equally volatile sources leading to potentially unprecedented levels with previously uncharted ramifications. Where the current spiral of hatreds will end or even if it will have an end is beyond any mortal perceptive intellect. One might ponder as to where are the prophets when one needs their guidance more than ever as threats and ravenous beasts rage at the gates and the barbarians have already found entrance ahead of the dark and ominous clouds on the horizon. One might hope that the threat of a previously unknown and apocalyptic storm perched on the horizon waiting for the sunrise simply to burst from its moorings and dissolve the sunlight into the pitched darkness of the darkest night and winds howling like the midnight wolves hungering for fresh meat leaving even the sane screaming against the thought of what the next precious hours of history may unfold quaking in fear of the unknown horrors now imagined. Is this our time, is this our destiny, is this the end of ends.


Beyond the Cusp


June 9, 2015

Time to Fight Back and End Coddling Detractors

Filed under: Administration,Amalekites,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab Authority,Arab League,Arab World,Arabs,B'tselem,Benyamin Netanyahu,Bible,Binding Resolution,Blood Libel,Borders,Boycott,Calaphate,Chancellor Merkel,Civilization,Condemning Israel,Conflict Avoidnce,Court Order,Coverup,Divestment,Domestic NGOs,Europe,European Council,European Governments,European Pressure,European Union,European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs,Executive Order,Federica Mogherini,Foreign Aid,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,Gaza,Gaza Blockade,Germany,Government,Hamas,Hamas Charter,Hate,Hezballah,History,Holocaust,Holy Cities,IDF,Internal Pressures,International Politics,Iran,Iraq,Iron Dome,Islam,Islamic Pressure,Islamist,Israel,Israeli Interests,J Street,Jewish Heritage,Jewish Leadership,Jewish State,Jews,Jibril Rajoub,Jihad,Judea,Judean Hills,Leftist Pressures,Legal Blockade,Light unto the Nations,Mahmoud Abbas,Media,Meretz,Middle East,Muslim Brotherhood,Muslim World,Muslims,Nasrallah,Nationalist Pressures,Nazi,New Israel Fund,NGO,Non Governmental Organization,Nuclear Weapons,Old Testament,OneVoice,Open Society Institute,Palestinian,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Pressures,Peace Now,Peace Process,Pogroms,Politicized Findings,Politics,Prime Minister,Promised Land,Psalms,Rafah Crossing,Recognize Israel,Resolution,Response to Muslim Takeover,Samaria,San Remo Conference,Shoah,Six Day War,Song of Babylon,Spying,Submission,Support Israel,Syria,Terror,The Twelve Spies,Three No's,Torah,Tradition,United Nations Presures,United States Pressure,V15,V2015,World Opinion,World Pressures,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 2:06 AM
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In Israel one would believe that identifying our enemies would be far easier than in other places but the truth is more complicated. The picture painted by those desiring to make this simplistic such as the media, especially the leftist media, cast the conflict as all Jews against all the Arabs. If this conflict was that simple then a solution might be equally simplistic, but that is far from the case. Such might be difficult to understand but there are Muslim Arabs who are better friends and allies than a number of people of Jewish birth. I am not referring to the ultra-Orthodox Neturei Karta who opposes Zionism and support passively, praise Hashem, the dismantling of the State of Israel calling for the Jews only to have their own state until the coming of the Messiah. But obviously the Arab Muslim supporters of Israel are nowhere near the problems that Israel faces and not only are not likely to perform favorable overt acts, neither should such actions be expected as why should they take chances when much of the Israeli government refuses to do so. Amongst those Israeli in high places who remain silent or worse are in high offices of the government, the military, intelligence community, judicial appointees and even some in the current ruling coalition are not standing up and fighting for what is theirs by international treaties which obligate many of the very governments around the globe that are signatories thereof but cowering when those same government paid assassins work tirelessly to delegitimize Israel. Where we here have been on the case of attempting to make the case legally, spiritually, emotionally and by any other means we can and are able to employ here at BTC, we are not any more able to turn the tides until Israeli politicians and the courts stop working against our efforts.


Fortunately, we read today about another who is also making the case and through research has discovered and revealed many of the truths we have warned were active in our articles over the years and has written about them in two books, I Sleep in Hitler’s Room: An American Jew Visits Germany and Catch the Jew! of which this article gives some insight which compliments much of the strongest points covered in these two revealing books. The author’s name is Tuvia Tenenbom and was born in Israel later emigrating to Germany, for reasons that escape me except that it was necessary for his great work to be accomplished and is just another reaffirmation that Hashem works his wonders and miracles sometimes in discernable mannerisms and other times not so much; this time it was somewhat apparent. Tuvia Tenenbom assumed a name for his research, Toby the German, which proved to be extremely disarming and coaxed feeling of his being a friend, a European and coconspirator in their working towards the delegitimization of Israel.


There were two distinct venues in which Tuvia Tenenbom researched for these two works, one being Europe and the other being Israel including Judea and Samaria. He was able through contacts he had made while in Israel with Jews and other Israelis who upon being softened by his charm introduced him to others which eventually led to his meeting veteran PLO spokeswoman Hanan Ashrawi and Jibril Rajoub, the recent instigator and master manipulator of the media with his threats and maneuverings over the supposed filing of a motion before FIFA to have Israel expelled from the organization and thus unable to join in any FIFA soccer tournaments or games against FIFA member teams, a sentence which would basically ban Israel from all of the soccer events including likely the Olympics. Such an exclusion could lead to other sports’ governing bodies also moving to follow the lead set by FIFA and also evict Israel from membership eventually leaving Israel all but permanently barred from sporting events worldwide. So, Tuvia Tenenbom really got a feeling for where the Arab Palestinians were coming from and their beliefs such as that there never was a Temple on the Temple Mount, there was no Holocaust, and denying there was ever a Jewish State. One last point before moving to the next area of this article is that Tuvia Tenenbom gave one outstanding, perfect and agreeing with what has been stated here for why so many Jews take the position opposing their own nation or those Jews external to Israel will so oppose Israel’s rights as a nation was simply driven by their desires to, as he stated, “They want to be the elitist of Israeli society, invited to panels, dinners, events – they want acceptance.” Further proof that insanity runs ramped in the far left has even struck the Knesset was proven when the far leftist Meretz Party has actually posted legislation to impose BDS labeling of all Israeli goods raised, grown, produced or manufactured in Judea and Samaria as being made in the Settlements and not in Israel. That was it for many like me in a nutshell, no more, no less.


Another subject which was given far less stress and importance in the article was the area of what the Jews, both Israeli and those in the Diaspora, though the Israeli Jews must take the lead here, should be called upon and requested to perform supportive acts whenever possible and once they have received training and guidance on the main pro-Israeli facts and other truths and been armed with the reality and the size, scope and depth of the forces they will be facing off against and opposing, and yes, given the risks; then those who have the inner strength and fortitude must be given all the silent assistance requested to facilitate their efforts to protest in favor of Israel even should doing so present those who have chosen to remain in a passive role must at the very least standup for Israel at least by enabling others. Those of us taking the fight into the world and readying to face the unbelievable hurdles and trial by fire, the motto has to be Israel first and foremost and before all else. The defining ideal is we must apply now to all of Israel that which Kind David demanded of our forefathers regarding Jerusalem when he wrote in Psalm 137 versus 5, 6, “If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning. If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy.” That is the extent and kind of love we must not only hold in our hearts and souls, but in our words and actions. Let us not fall prey to the ill-conceived words of the few who are weak in spirit and are on a path which leads one from the faith and love from Torah as it has shown us in our own history how in the reports of our Promised Land where the evil and horrid faithless description of the Promised Land by ten of the twelve spies, all but Joshua and Caleb reported of the wealth of these lands but made their stature as being giants of formidable size and strength who lived in great walled cities whose walls reached great heights and were thick beyond belief.


Joshua and Caleb both reported how the peoples, the Canaanites were fearful of these people who marched through all lands unmolested as their all-powerful deity, Hashem, had preceded them and totally laying entire armies to waste so as to permit their passing unharmed. The peoples living in the Promised Lands were so fearful of the imminent engagement which would certainly leave their armies shattered and their fields and livestock taken by the Israelites. These were a people who doubted their gods and knew of the power and of the hand of the Angel of Death and how the first born of all issue, man and beast, were taken even to include the son of the Pharaoh. Despite the massive trepidations which filled the souls and minds of the Canaanite peoples in their numerous fiefdoms, the majority of the spies retuned with false and fearsome stories of the adversaries who were undefeatable within cities with unable to be scalable and unable to be breached thus selling distrust in Hashem to keep his promises. This caused the children of Israel to be returned to the harshness of the desert, no matter how bearable Hashem made their stay, such that the entire generation of those who had been sapped of their willpower and courage during their lives of slavery were to die off and be replaced with a new generation ready and willing to do as Hashem demanded.


Those who are willing to take up the banner and wage the new warfare for the minds and hearts of the world’s populations must know that such is far from an easy task, but with every success comes a warmth and exhilaration indescribable. How do I know, I can proudly claim to have had just such an experience. The details are unimportant and can be left at I refused to back down or even give an inch even knowing that if the altercation of the verbal variety were to reach the higher-ups it would be the end of my position with the company, but I stood and defended Judaism and Israel and it does feel wonderful. But I must take my hat off to Daniel Pereg, a lone Jewish-American sixteen-year-old who can teach the rest of us a valuable lesson as he showed no fear and no backing down all while following the directives of law enforcement with whom he can be seen arguing his point that he was exercising his rights. A video of Daniel in the proverbial lions’ den can be found below. The video was shot outside the Israeli Consulate in Los Angeles during pro-Arab Palestinian rally against the legal naval blockade of Gaza to prevent arms from entering an area where they would be deployed against Israel. The protesters probably are unaware that there is an area of Egyptian waters through which a ship might pass to reach a Gazan port except that these waters are patrolled by the Egyptians enforcing their identical blockade for the exact same reason as the Israelis but there are no protests against the Egyptians, curious, no? As Promised, here is the video.




The secret of what is required of individuals, be they Jewish, Christian or any other supporter of Israel needs to be consistent and determined in those facts you defend, such as the lands claimed by the Arab Palestinian are part and parcel of the lands promised and secured for the State of Israel and is undeniably set by treaties and enforced by the United Nations despite what so many there claim. While Israel by these treaties is required to grant any inhabitant of the lands citizenship and rights, but not all rights, included amongst those guaranteed are the right to own property, the right to employment including self-employment, the right to use public amenities, freedom of movement subject to the laws of the lands, freedom to leave and return without fear of being refused reentry, and numerous other rights; there is one right which is permitted to be denied anybody other than the Jewish citizens, and those are political rights. Any political right granted to those Arabs claiming to be Palestinians is a gift which Israel is not required to grant them. Further, the area which may come under Palestinian control does not have to be made Judenfrei as the land remain a part of Israel which also has the right to deny or rescind the lands under her control. Currently there is a push by the world to deny Israel the right to be the home of the Jewish People.


This is an idea which is steeped in anti-Semitism and is one of the purest forms of anti-Semitism one can ever find. It is the double standard where the Jews, or in this case Israel, are denied a basic right granted all peoples. This case singles the Jews out as the sole people for whom there can be no homeland, no place where they are permitted self-rule and pressed to spend eternity living at the whim and pleasure of whatever nation they reside. Another example of this double standard is the complaint that during the conflicts with Hamas or Hezballah when the demand is made of Israel to explain why there are Arab deaths but the Jews are not dying at anything approaching the same level as the Arab casualties. They ignore the fact that Hamas, Islamic Jihad are using human shields to guard their rocket launchers and the personnel operating these positions. Was Israel to strap children to their tanks to prevent anybody from firing on them we can imagine, but only barely, the outcry from at least a few hundred NGO’s, every nation in of Europe as well as the European Union, also the United Nations, United States and possibly even Canada. Needless to say that anybody who holds an ounce of love for Israel would be appalled by such a barbarous action and should rightfully join in the condemnation of such an act. The difference between Israel and the Arab Palestinians is that Israel would condemn the same deplorable actions and would take steps to prevent the person or persons from ever taking such actions again. Israel and her IDF fight honorably and would never resort to such tactics. But this type of action shows the basic difference between Israel and her enemies as Israel uses her rockets to save Israeli people while the Palestinians use their people to guard their rockets, and that also provides the reason for the discrepancy in the casualties between Israel and the Arab Palestinians.


Beyond the Cusp


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