Beyond the Cusp

April 29, 2015

Netanyahu May Have Finally Decided on Government

Filed under: 1949 Armistice Line,1967 Borders,1967 War,Act of War,Al-Quds Force,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab Authority,Arab World,Arabs,Avigdor Lieberman,Ayatollah Khamenei,Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini,Ayatollahs,Balfour Declaration,Bayit Yehudi Party,Bedouin Tribes,Beit El,Ben Gurion,Benyamin Netanyahu,Bethlehem,Bible,Bible Study,Binding Resolution,Blood Libel,Borders,Breakout Point,Building Freeze,Cabinet,Calaphate,Caliphate,Cave of the Patriarchs,Checkpoints,China,Churchill White Paper,Colonial Possession,Condemning Israel,Crusades,Defend Israel,Defense Minister,Demonstrations,Dhimmi,Disengagement,Ditherer in Chief,Divestment,East Jerusalem,Eilat,EMP Device,Europe,European Council,European Governments,European Pressure,European Union,Extreme Leftist,Extreme Right,Fadjr,Fatwa,Federica Mogherini,Forced Solution,Fordo,Foreign Funding,Foreign Minister,Foreign NGOs,Framework,France,Gaza,Gaza Blockade,Golan Heights,Government,Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Hussani,Great Britain,Green Line,Guard Border,Hamas,Hamas Charter,Hassan Rowhani,Hate,Hezballah,History,Holy Sites,HUMINT,IDF,IDF,Infiltration Tunnels,Inteligence Report,International Politics,Intifada,Iran,Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps,IRGC,Iron Dome,Islam,Islam,Islamic Jihad,Islamic Pressure,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Jehrico,Jenin,Jerusalem,Jerusalem Day,Jewish Heritage,Jewish Home,Jewish Leadership,Jewish State,Jews,Jihad,Jihad,Jordan River,Jordanian Pressure,Joseph’s Tomb,Judea,Judean Hills,Kever Yosef,Knesset,Kotel,Labor Party,Land for Peace,Leftist Pressures,Legal Blockade,Levi Eshkol,Levy Report,Likud,Mecca,Media,Medina,Mediterranean Sea,Menachem Begin,Middle East,Military,Ministers,Mohammad Javad Zarif,Moses,Mount of Olives Cemetary,Muslim Expansionism,Muslim World,Muslims,Naftali Bennett,Nationalist Pressures,Netanyahu,New World Order,Nobel Prize,Non Binding Resolution,Nuclear Program,Nuclear Scientist,Nuclear Sites,Nuclear Weapons,Nuclear Weapons,Obama,Old City,One State Solution,Oslo Accords,P5+1,Palestinian,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Pressures,Parchin,Parliament,Parliamentary Government,Peace Prize,Peace Process,Persia,Persians,Plutonium Production,Politicized Findings,Politics,President Obama,President Vladimir Putin,Prime Minister,Progressives,Promised Land,Protect Citizenry,Protests,Public Service,Qom,Quds Force,Quran,Rafah Crossing,Recognize Israel,Resolution,Response to Muslim Takeover,Russia,Samantha Power,Samaria,San Remo Conference,Sanctions,Secular Interests,Security,Separation Barrier,Settlements,Shiite,Six Day War,Smuggling Tunnels,Society,Soviet Union,Sunni,Support Israel,Supreme Leader,Taqiyya,Temple Mount,The Twelfth Imam,Threat of War,Twelvers,Tzipi Livni,UNHCR,Unify Party,United Nations,United Nations Presures,United States,United States Pressure,UNRWA,Uranium Enrichment,Vlad the Invader,War on Religion,War on Women,Weapons of Mass Destruction,Western Wall,WMD,World Opinion,World Pressures,World Without Zionism or America,Yitzhak Herzog,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 2:29 AM
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None of us are ever likely to be on the inside and be privileged, or should I say cursed, to know exactly what outside pressures Prime Minister Netanyahu has had to face while deciding what kind of government to form. To most of us it appeared so simple, gather over sixty seats with right leaning to far right wing parties and include a minimal number of parties who might go weak under pressure. That is the sad part, that if Israel chooses the governance best for her that we are assured that the world will come down on us heavy and hard demanding that we bend this way and that until we make a Philadelphia pretzel look like a piece of straight bread. But it is easy to suspect that things were somewhat different this time as one of the few friends Israel has depended upon has turned into her greatest threat in far too many ways. We can all assume that President Obama made it very clear that if Prime Minister Netanyahu went ahead and formed that sixty-one or sixty-seven or whatever number right-leaning government that he would face an adversarial Washington which would not guarantee support in all the usual places. We all know what that threat means and what usual place that President Obama references, the United Nations Security Council. What is left out of that formula is that thus far the United States has not faced the need to exercise their veto purely to protect Israel as the usual Arab state demands either never reached the Security Council or failed to attain the necessary nine votes in favor despite their belief that had it in spades when they presented their petition. We heard some of the caterwauling over the past week if we listened to the wind which carried with it demands that Netanyahu make a demonstrative demonstration of his dedications and whole-hearted support for the two state solution which the Europeans and President Obama and company hold so dear. What may have escaped us was the real meaning of those threats and demands emanating from Secretary of State Kerry, Under Secretary of State Wendy Sherman, State Department spokespersons such as Jennifer Psaki, and President Obama who may have even pressured Netanyahu directly in a personal phone call made necessary due to the reason that it is within weeks, months, years, centuries or millennia to the Iran Agreement, Israeli elections, solar eclipse, arrival of Halley’s Comet or convergence of the planets with the center of the galaxy so President Obama must not appear to permit any public meetings between he and Bibi though he can call and berate him endlessly to toe the line and support the two-state-solution. All this pressure was around one single, but likely unspoken demand, as speaking its name would be uncomely, though why that might matter now is beyond me. That demand was for Prime Minister Netanyahu form a broad coalition and a unity government with Yitzhak Herzog and Tzipi Livni and reward these coequal partners with top cabinet spots such as Justice for Livni as she was so effective in carrying out the Obama principles in the last government, and Herzog to get Foreign Minister and their other highest members to get the Defense Minister and be granted complete control over any building to be approved for Jerusalem or Judea and Samaria. The people placed in that last position need only have one requirement, the ability to say ‘לא’ or ‘no’ in English. This was the real reason Prime Minister Netanyahu kept vacillating and putting off the natural right leaning parties and particularly Jewish Home as I can guarantee you that Naftali Bennett’s name figured prominently in President Obama’s demands for people he refused to find comfort should they be included in any coalition.


Even by American standards the interference by President Obama and his Administration in Israeli politics, at levels even exceeds those of President Clinton or anybody before him. The interference by providing election assistance had been done previously most notably by President Clinton and Democrat Party assistance for the Labor Party in Israel has gotten to the point I’m waiting for them to have joint conventions in the future, especially if an Israeli election can be scheduled to fit in relative close proximity to an American elections cycle, preferably a Presidential election. I can see it now, the newly nominated Democrat President with the newly chosen Vice Presidential candidate to his right and the selected Labor Party leader on his left with all three with their hands held together raised in a sign of might and unity of purpose. Why not, is that any sillier than an election group in Israel using the slogan ‘Change the Government’ and ‘Anybody but Bibi’? The only thing they were missing was the Hope for the Future so that could be abbreviated and they would have the proven formula, ‘Hope and Change’. Some slogans are too good to let die. First President Obama launched the campaign to unseat Bibi and the Israelis chose Netanyahu despite being informed what was good for them if they understood what the President of the United States demanded of them. Apparently President Obama missed the parts in the Bible when he learned all about Christianity from the Pastor Reverend Wright whose sermons he never heard, probably had snuck out for a smoke break and missed every last sermon, but he missed the part where the Jewish people were defined by their greatest of leaders, Moses, as well as the all-powerful One when they would discuss the difficulties and presented the main excuse that these were a stiff necked and stubborn people. If Moses and the L0rd found the Jews at their most timid to be frustratingly stubborn and stiff-necked, what did they expect of us today? Demand we vote as instructed by our what? Betters, was that the word? No, I don’t think so, we have our own ideas and will decide what is best for us and not somebody who had appeared all too ready to throw us under the bus for any reason and especially if it would grant him a second Nobel Peace Prize, as that is the only thing President Obama sees Israel as being good for, permitting herself to be splayed out before her enemies and lain low for easy conquest just so before the Middle East explodes into a thousand shards as everything is broken being cut by the jagged and sharp edges of the stone known as Jerusalem and the people who hold her as their only capital city for the last three thousand years and then some. The lesson President Obama missed was on Zechariah 12:2-3 where it is said, “I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling. Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusalem. On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.” What might this have told President Obama about trying to influence the Israelis through word or threat? Oh, most likely that we as a people have been threatened by the worst and the best of them and somehow we always seemed to find our own path and walked merrily listening to our own drummer and dancing to our own beat come what consequences may come.


Apparently Bibi has finally chosen to fear the threats of the people of Israel above the threats from the ditherer in Washington who has grown so infatuated with his own voice that he still believes it can move mountains and control the minds of the weak and weary. For far too long the leadership of Israel has been too weary and acted too weak when facing this menace when the best route was to stand firm and let it rip and give as good as you got. The funny thing is despite the demands and pressures; President Obama only respects one thing, strength. As a community organizer he knows how to argue from a position of strength which has always meant his position when it was backed by a group ready to fight for what they desired. President Obama, as an effective community organizer would only take on the causes for which he had a ready and willing populace group which he could call out to do whatever was required to gain those demands which had been presented in their name. This is what was behind his threat that he “has a pen and a phone and knows how to use both.” The pen was the obvious reference to Executive Orders and the phone was presumably connected to a group in the society which he knew supported everything he does and would gladly show up wherever needed and provide the agitation required to put the correct measure of force behind the cause, whatever that cause might be. The pen does not work in Israel and who could President Obama call out to protest beyond those who are already out there protesting, thus his two biggest weapons are nullified. That leaves the only single threat which might appear to hold water and be a meaningful threat, the threat to no longer protect Israel before resolutions brought before the Security Council, so exactly how vulnerable and what are the probabilities and realities about the threat itself?


The first thing we must ascertain is exactly how far might President Obama go in leaving Israel vulnerable to United Nations whims and fancies? Whatever is going to happen in the General Assembly is going to happen and usually against Israel and there is little anybody is willing or even could do even if willing, that is a dead zone for Israel. Then there is the Human Rights Commission which as part of its own laws and procedures is required to denounce Israel at the start of every session whether there is anything Israel related even to review, it does not matter as the bylaws require the denunciation of Israel before the session is permitted to continue. To point out that the Human Rights Commission is probably the only place outside of UNRWA where Israel is held in such unpopular esteem, makes it another lost cause. The rest of the commissions, agencies and organizations attached or circulating the United Nations all have their preconceived levels of disdain for Israel and her people and the reverse is surprisingly not necessarily a given, most Israelis have little care about the numerous appendages of the United Nations. So, thus far the threat by the United States President to stop support for Israel has absolutely no effective change as these areas are already universally against Israel by a large majority. That leaves the Security Council which is the one place where the veto power of the United States matters just as do the veto powers of Great Britain, France, Russia and China. So, it is possible that Israel might find another benefactor to provide the veto coverage needed. But would that be necessary? It would if Israel was concerned with everything the Security Council produced. There are basically three classes of resolution which the Security Council can issue, the Chapter Seven binding resolutions, the Chapter Six nonbinding resolutions and referential resolution which carry advisory weight and will likely receive more weight once should the General Assembly also validate it but still it would not be binding. The nonbinding resolutions passed by the Security Council are still heavy weight resolution and often carry the threat of being voted on again as a Chapter Seven binding resolution, and that brings us to the crux of the matter, Chapter Seven Resolutions. We have to face it that even if the President instructs Ambassador Samantha Power not to veto everything else, Israel will survive even if we may suffer a slight rash. But would President Obama instruct Ambassador Power to not veto a Chapter Seven binding resolution? Such a move allowing such a resolution to take effect requiring Israel to comply or face potential military force from the United Nations, and do not weigh such lightly as it was just one such Chapter Seven resolution which led to the Korean War, would President Obama, the Ditherer in Chief, actually deploy United States military personnel against Israel in order to back a Chapter Seven edict? To quote President Obama, “I was elected to end wars, not to start them.” It is our contention that the threat of not protecting Israel from every vote in the United Nations Security Council will only apply to Chapter Six nonbinding resolutions and not Chapter Seven where the United States veto would be utilized as it would not be prudent to set up a situation where United States military would enter into a shooting war against Israel. So, once again we see that President Obama has made a threat which costs him nothing and in the instance where his words would also require action by the President and the armed services, then the likelihood is that he will crumble before the pressures. Yes, Bibi made the correct choice to call the President’s bluff and listen to the Israeli people and forge a right leaning coalition. Now let us hope that Prime Minister Netanyahu can muster the stomach for some real pushback and he can start actually building and not pretending to support additional residences in Judea and Samaria. Also, start every cabinet meeting with a reading of the San Remo Conference Treaty as it is fairly short and Israel needs to get the reality of how much land we have surrendered which the Sinai Peninsula was a coequal part compared with Jordan which was built on lands set aside for the State of the Jews. Below is a copy of the San Remo Conference Agreement. Read it and remember it as it is a great place to start in communicating to every corner of the world who claim that Israel and the land promised to the Jewish People after World War I which had nothing to do with the Holocaust which had yet to occur and had everything to do with reinstating the Jewish People in their homelands. The restitution of the Jewish homelands was seen as a good and necessary step to start to make amends for the evils perpetrated against the Jews throughout the world and it was reasoned that restoring them to their Biblical Lands would make a great start. Let us press for this start to be made good and end the perfidy perpetrated today by the same governments under presumably more civilized leadership than in all of history yet they will require great amounts of jolts from the past, a retelling of the worlds they themselves transcribed at San Remo and made a solemn oath which must be attended to before the past no longer has meaning as history is no longer a vestige within the curricula where history has been replaced with lessons in proper acceptance of the new tolerance and acceptance which has little time or regard for promises past. Those who care not for the past will soon find themselves in the midst of it as it has a way of sneaking up on us with great stealth followed by a roar as it swallows the present whole immersing all in the retelling of tales of history ignored.


Beyond the Cusp



San Remo Conference Agreement

It was agreed –
(a) To accept the terms of the Mandates Article as given below with reference to Palestine, on the understanding that there was inserted in the proces-verbal an undertaking by the Mandatory Power that this would not involve the surrender of the rights hitherto enjoyed by the non-Jewish communities in Palestine; this undertaking not to refer to the question of the religious protectorate of France, which had been settled earlier in the previous afternoon by the undertaking given by the French Government that they recognized this protectorate as being at an end.
(b) That the terms of the Mandates Article should be as follows:
The High Contracting Parties agree that Syria and Mesopotamia shall, in accordance with the fourth paragraph of Article 22, Part I (Covenant of the League of Nations), be provisionally recognized as independent States, subject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone. The boundaries of the said States will be determined, and the selection of the Mandatories made, by the Principal Allied Powers.
The High Contracting Parties agree to entrust, by application of the provisions of Article 22, the administration of Palestine, within such boundaries as may be determined by the Principal Allied Powers, to a Mandatory, to be selected by the said Powers. The Mandatory will be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 8, 1917, by the British Government, and adopted by the other Allied Powers, in favour of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.

March 10, 2015

The Leftist Conspiracy, Israel, Europe, the United States, and Beyond

Filed under: 2012 Elections,24/7 News Reporting,Absolutism,Administration,Amalekites,Anti-Capitalists,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Appointment,Arab Appeasement,Arab Authority,Arab League,Arab World,Arabs,Ariel Sharon,Benyamin Netanyahu,Blood Libel,Cabinet,Calaphate,Caliphate,Campaign Contributions,Civilization,Condemning Israel,Corruption,Covert Actions,Coverup,Democracy,Elections,Elections,Equal Outcome,Equal Rights,Equality,Europe,European Council,European Governments,European Union,Executive Order,Extreme Leftist,Failed State,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,Germany,Government,Government Control,Greece,Green Line,Hatnua,Herzog,History,Human Rights Activists,Humanist,Inflation,International Politics,International Socialism,Islam,Islamists,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Media,Jerusalem,Jewish State,Jihad,Jobs,Jordan River,Judea,Judean Hills,Kadima,Keynesian Economics,Knesset,Labor Party,Land for Peace,Leftist Pressures,Leftist Propaganda,Likud,Livable Wage,Maccabees,Mahmoud Abbas,Main Stream Media,Mainstream Media,Media,Media Bias,Media Censorship,Media Intimidation,Mediterranean Sea,Middle East,Minimum Wage,Ministers,Mitt Romney,Multiculturalism,Muslim World,Naftali Bennett,National Socialism,Netanyahu,New World Order,New York Times,Nobel Prize,Norway,Obama,Occupy Wall Sreet,Old City,Omission,OneVoice,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Media,Parliament,Parliamentary Government,Peace Prize,Peace Process,Political Talk Shows,Politically Correct,Politicized Findings,Politics,Post Modernist,President Obama,Prime Minister,Promised Land,Proportional Representation,Protests,Quantitative Easing,Reserve Currency,Right of Return,Samaria,Satirical Magazine,Shared Currency,Socialism,Socialism,Talking Heads,Taxes,Temple Mount,Tzipi Livni,Under Employment,Unemployment,United Nations Presures,V15,V2015,Vote of No Confidence,War on Religion,Wealth,Wealth Redistribution,West Bank,Worker's Strike,World Government,World Government,World Media,World Opinion,World Pressures,Yair Lapid,Yesh Atid Party,Yisrael Beiteinu,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 3:15 AM
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Elections, media hype, political mass rallies, press control, universal currency and world governance are all leftist fronts where the extreme leftists are pushing the implementation of their socialist humanism ideals no matter the cost or the great dangers of potential dire results. The initial target in the West is the redefinition of religion from Judeo-Christian to Secular Socialist Humanism which seeks to establish a new world religion that will serve their aims to make a better world. This has led in many Jewish congregations in the United States and Europe to the redefining of Tikkun Olam from being a form of self-improvement first and having a communal accomplishment of improving each member leading to a more righteous community and thus making a more fair and caring world instead to improving the world which is designed as a socialist paradise where income inequality has been reduced, providing it does not impinge on the level of luxury of the leftists lives who are implementing this new equality of incomes, and the setting of a livable minimum wage instead of an actual simple minimum wage. They often demand that there be green areas set where there can be no building, limits on the heights for buildings and building freezes within cities and at the same time rent controls and affordable housing and rent subsidy housing but usually not near their neighborhoods. They pass completely meaningless nuclear free zone laws despite the fact that there have been absolutely no intentions to construct any such power plants. Sometimes they also pass zoning restrictions against coal or other carbon based power plants despite there being no power generation plants placed or proposed to ever be placed within their neighborhoods. There is a perfect example representing the nuclear free zone concept exists straddling the border between Montgomery County, Maryland and Washington D.C. in the Nuclear Free Tacoma Park which was declared a nuclear-free zone in 1983 by then-mayor Sam Abbott. Unfortunately for the Takoma Park library which had purchased new computers to replace their relics in June of 2012 they realized they had made an unforgivable error, the computers were Hewlett-Packard computers and Hewlett-Packard had been contracted to work on nuclear weapons thus making these computers not kosher for use within their nuclear-free zone. The city council gave the library a waver after a couple of months of severe hand-wringing. Strange but true. Another classical case of leftists hoisted with their own petard.


What I have noticed is that more and more as time passes is that leftists will use the world media, which they largely control, and other resources even to the point of populating rallies paid for by leftist groups or even other government agencies under leftist influence or from nations already under leftist control in order to influence elections in other Western nations in order to assist leftist parties to win elections. This has become very evident in the current Israeli elections and has an interesting twist which proves that this has been set-up and planned for quite some time leaving only exactly how deep this conspiracy had reached. First off to get back to the front end of this what very well might be a mad and crazed conspiracy theory we need to get back to the reelection campaign of President Obama. Throughout the campaign there was a theme that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu was actively supporting Republican Mitt Romney in an attempt to unseat President Obama by instructing the Jews and supporters of Israel to put Romney into the Presidency because Prime Minister Netanyahu could not get along with President Obama. This little theme kept creeping into the campaign despite repeated denials in interview after interview by Netanyahu. Reality did not interfere with the story as it was just a given that Prime Minister Netanyahu personally could not get along with President Obama no matter how much President Obama gave in to Israel on, how much he worked to protect Israel, often even from herself and specifically from Prime Minister Netanyahu’s own extremist demands and attitudes which will only destroy Israel and lose her all the nations which used to be her friends. Nobody could quite understand this false conspiracy between Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Obama.


Move back a bit before going on to the Israeli elections in 2013 to the government of Prime Minister Sharon in its post-Likud Kadima mode when the disengagement from Gaza was imminent and it was not until the last possible moment and only after great amounts of needless debate and hemming and hawing before leaving the government. This caused many to question which Netanyahu valued higher, his friendships especially when being called into question and his Zionist views which he claims are so central to his political life. Then came his winning the Prime Ministership in 2009 and his appointing of Ehud Barak as his Minister of Defense which led to some to question how deep Ehud Barak’s influence was being felt in cabinet decisions and how far the fact that Ehud Barak was Bibi’s commander in the IDF. This came to a head when President Obama demanded an extended building freeze beyond the Green Line which ended up being enforced for ten months despite support by the public to resist making such a sacrifice. Then came the elections in 2013 which returned Benyamin Netanyahu to Prime Minister and his first move was to include Tzipi Livni and her new Party’s paltry six mandates and appointed her to be Minister of Justice and made her the lead negotiator with Mahmoud Abbas and the Arab Authority government in Area A of Judea and Samaria. There have been rumors and even some unconfirmed reporting that there was another building freeze put in place to please President Obama and to placate Mahmoud Abbas and company. Now we are entering the last stretch of another election which this time places Tzipi Livni in direct opposition to Prime Minister Netanyahu as she has allied herself with the Labor Party and Yitzhak Hertzog.


It seems to be almost a theme in Prime Minister Netanyahu’s political career to have former Likudniks who have drifted, some even fled, away from Likud and the Zionist and right leaning camps to post-Zionist, and in Tzipi Livnis’s case, far leftist camp about as far as one could get from their Likud beginnings as they possibly could. This election has become a three ring circus with every ring and every act being some version of the theme, “Anybody but Bibi.” This has been the theme from Yair Lapid, Tzipi Livni, Yitzhak Hertzog, Zahava Gal-On and who knows how many other party leaders and NGOs. Where this Israeli election has the normal interference from the European Union and numerous European governments but there is a repeat of the Netanyahu opposition in 1999 when President Clinton sent James Carville and company to do everything possible and funded their efforts against Bibi. This election it is President Obama who sent Jeremy Bird and a group called either V15 or V2015 which is organizing as massive a grassroots door knocking army and has virtually unlimited funding as OneVoice which was recently awarded $200,000 for future projects by the United States State Department. This may be the first time that the United States State Department has financed the efforts to unseat a sitting Prime Minister of an ally in his nation’s elections. The efforts being put forth to beat Prime Minister Netanyahu is code-named “Anybody but Bibi” but is all about electing Tzipi Livni and Yitzhak Hertzog and prevent the formation of a Zionist or right wing government. This has gotten to the point where even President Reuven Rivlin has come and spoken of his desire if the election appears to be close and no clear victory is won to bring the two main parties, Labor/Hatnua and Likud together to form a so-called unity government with the intended design to formulate some new manner of electing the Israeli governance which will make it more difficult to topple a government and force the government to function with the elected people rather than holding elections every year to year and a half as so many Parliamentary governance like all those dysfunctional across all of Europe, or that is how it is being sold. All of these different packages are all designed to assure that there not be another Bibi dominated government and to prevent the formation of a Zionist and right wing government which will not cooperate with President Obama which is the result most sought by the leftist interference from the United States and Europe.


The really odd thing about the V15/OneVoice campaign theme is based on a simple word, “Change,” just change without the pairing with hope. Maybe the campaign genii from the Obama reelection campaign and also veterans from the 2008 initial election of President Obama using the mantra of “Hope and Change” and the so very rhythmic chanting of, “Yes We Can!” was just too easily recognized so instead they decided to go with something appropriate and simple but definitely unrecognizable, new, fresh and completely original so they came up with, “Change.” No hope included, just change, not even yes we might, just change, but everybody knows the real chant is anyone but Bibi. The V15 people necessarily never mention OneVoice and try not to allude to President Obama or overtly that they are campaigning for Hertzog and Livni, they just stick with the change of government and anybody but Bibi though everybody knows what that means, and it does not mean Deri from Shas, Bennett from Jewish Home or any of the others though most would be acceptable as long as they would not include Bibi in their coalition. But the truth is if you are attempting to defeat Bibi Netanyahu then you are campaigning for Hertzog and Livni. Further, if anyone cares to listen to what Hertzog and Livni were screaming about for the weeks leading up to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s recent addressing of the United States joint session of Congress then you heard their entire campaign platform. Their plan is to repair the relations between Israel and President Obama by dutifully obeying any and everything that President Obama demands from them.


This means that they will gladly withdraw all Jewish Israelis from all of Judea and Samaria as well as East Jerusalem and pull back behind the Green Line even without meeting with Mahmoud Abbas. This they will perform so as to allow President Obama to force Abbas to then agree to take the lands and hopefully accept them and agree to end his demands and make peace. Perhaps this is when the hope enters the formulas. Thus far nobody has addressed one little potentially troubling scenario, what happens should Mahmoud Abbas take the now purged lands which have been made Judenrein as he demands and refuse to make peace demanding instead that Israel accept some five-million Arab refugees within their now truncated borders and even then he actually says that he will still not make peace until all the Jews have been removed from his greater Palestine from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. Is this where the Hopeless Changes would be enforced and Israel made to accept every last Arab claiming to be a refugee regardless of their ancestral history? As I said, nobody has addressed this and I can assure you this will be exactly what will occur should Livni and Hertzog be given the opportunity to form and coalition and they succeed in forming a government predicated on accessing to every wish of President Obama in his mad quest for peace in the Middle East and his winning another Nobel Peace Prize.


If this interference in the Israeli election works for the international forces of the socialist extreme leftists then all of the Western nations can expect a full court press to place leftist government into power wherever it proves possible and then the attempt to impose a One World universal currency, a deal that the Russians have been very strongly proposing and supporting and have run into a singular blockade, the Chinese thus far are refusing to accept such a currency and are willing to continue using the dollar as their currency is defined as a set value against the dollar so it behooves them to retain the dollar as the petro-dollar and the reserve currency of the world. If for a moment anyone believes that the making of a universal currency will work please take a long and hard look at Europe and the Euro. The same problems that Greece is facing as their economic plans did not fare well when compared to Germany or any other Euro nation. One cannot have a common currency unless every nation using that currency agrees to centralize their economic governance. That simply means if there is a world currency then there must be a world governance. That is the desire of the leftists and is why they are allying themselves currently with the forces of Islam as they view their militancy as the fastest route to a single governance over the world except the leftists believe they will be able to redefine Islam to transform it into their secular social humanist governance and have overlooked the slightest of problems, the Islamists will be so very busy murdering these very same extreme leftists for their beliefs, especially for their liberal views over women, abortion, same sex marriage, alternate lifestyles, drinking of alcohol and virtually everything else they accept even to the way they dress. The misadventure starts with the election coming within two weeks in Israel, March 17, 2015 to be exact, and if in any way Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu is not chosen to form a Zionist coalition, or if he does not choose a Zionist coalition, then there will be endless interference and meddling in every election coming for the foreseeable future.


In some manners and ways even should Netanyahu be chosen to form the next government that is far from guaranteeing that he will form the kind of government required from him if Israel is to survive the calamities coming in the next few years. Obeying every dictation out of Washington, the White House in particular, would be a recipe for disaster and could very possibly signal the end of the Jewish People. In some ways it might be better for the survival of the free world and the Jewish People if one of the following were to be chosen though all are a longshot but are probably necessary for Netanyahu to choose in forming his government and the parties and their leaders are Jewish Home and Naftali Bennett, United Torah Judaism and Yaakov Litzman with Moshe Gafni, Yachad – Otzma and Eli Yishai and finally Yisrael Beiteinu and Avigdor Liberman. As things appear currently the polls are showing the race too close to call and in many ways it appears that whichever side between Netanyahu and Livni/Hertzog is given the nod to form a coalition will very probably succeed. Should Netanyahu allow his seeming personal problems with Naftali Bennett force him to refuse to bring Jewish Home in at all then he would be faced with accepting either a unity government which will cause problems and lead to a short-lived governing coalition which could easily be brought down. If the fears that some have expressed that Netanyahu’s Zionist streak may not be as wide or as deeply held as many have been led to believe and that his wavering on that point might cause him to make a unity government to honestly address the election processes and make a new and less fragile manner of governance might mean more to him. Additionally, there have been reports of some difficulties between President Rivlin and Prime Minister Netanyahu which also could come into play. Thankfully we have only a matter of days to scrutinize the elections and then all will be revealed and the die cast and our fates determined.


Beyond the Cusp


February 8, 2015

Obama Fighting War of His Making Ignoring Others

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President Obama is fighting what he believes is the greatest of evils facing mankind in the world today. He is marshaling the Democrat troops, sending Vice President Biden across the oceans, having Democrat Senators enter meetings of the greatest urgency, hoping to coral as many Democrat House Representatives to hold their meeting concurrently as the Senate Democrat meeting, and calling for efforts on the ground in Israel to canvas the nation warning against the greatest evil challenging the world in hopes of gathering the Israeli public in his efforts to right the wrongs and defeat the greatest of evils. But what is the nature of this evil which demands such efforts and coordination across two continents marshalling the people to fight and finally put this menace to all that is holy to rest. Senators, Representatives, public leaders and political ground forces capable of raising awareness with resultant actions across two nations to face an evil; a pernicious and foreboding evil that has threatened the very ties between two civilizations risking a calamity which if not addressed immediately could result in explosive violence across the Middle East. This threat has taken the highest priority on the President’s plate, but first let’s take a look at the solutions the President has in place on some of the other problems before we debate the merits of the President’s present obsession.

There is a deadline approaching, well, not so much a deadline as the latest date by which the negotiations between the P5+1 (United States, United Kingdom, France, Russia, China and Germany) with Iran over their nuclear program and the concerns that they just may be working towards the manufacturing of nuclear weapons are to conclude. Secretary of State Kerry let slip this week the secret negotiating technique the State Department has been applying to this recent and seeming last ditch effort to reach an agreement by March 24 avoiding a third procrastinating setting of a new date which would probably set yet another date towards the end of summer. But the new negotiation technique should resolve any outstanding issues as the instructions are should the Iranians balk at any of the demands then they are to drop said demand and move along to the next position and hopefully there will be sufficient time to readdress the outstanding and dropped issues. It is far more likely that we will see some agreement which will allow for President Obama to announce the reopening of an United States embassy in Tehran during his visit to Tehran where he will join Iranian President Rowhani in a signing ceremony setting the parameters and inspection format permitting only peaceful and low level uranium enrichment under IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) oversight. What could ever go wrong with having the IAEA inspectors under the guidance and power of the United Nations?

Then there is the problem with the JV (Junior Varsity) of the terror world, ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), sometimes simply referred to by their preferred title of IS (Islamic State) or the Caliphate. They had swarmed across one third of Iraq’s central regions and almost half of Syria before being slowed and finally contained by the Kurdish militias, Peshmerga forces, contained them in northern Iraq and reinforced the Kurdish YPG (People’s Defense Unit) and its complimentary YPJ (Women’s Defense Unit) stopping ISIS dead in the northern Syrian town of Kobanê, <a href= target=blank>their official Internet Site</a> and slowly retaking their home town. Further, the allied efforts of sixty nations carrying out airstrikes have also prevented ISIS from taking the Iraqi capital city of Baghdad as well as assisting Kurdish efforts to take back some lands in Syria and northern Iraq. The areas liberated by the Kurdish forces in Iraq have revealed a telling and horrid tale spelled out by the mass graves of Yazidis and Iraqis with numerous of the dead having single bullet wounds to the back of their heads and some with signs of having had their hands tied. Many of the witnesses have retold stories spinning a tale revealing the atrocities and degradations committed by the forces under ISIS, many of which are too horrific to be spoken of except as an impetus to action by those opposing the butchers of ISIS. One such horror that was regaled before the world in a video showed the execution by immolation of the Jordanian pilot held prisoner by ISIS. This atrocity has steeled the Jordanian people in any efforts to avenge their countryman’s fate. Jordanian monarch, King Abdullah II referred to ISIS as “Islamic Extremists” and vowed that Jordanian military was able and readying to ramp up their efforts to destroy ISIS claiming they would be “relentless” with strikes upon “their own homes,” and to continue the fight until Jordan runs “out of fuel and bullets.” When the video which showed the Jordanian pilot’s fate was released to the world, King Abdullah was in Washington D.C. where President Obama refused the Jordanian King’s request to be supplied with drone aircraft to make reconnaissance and other tactical missions thus aiding and increasing the effectiveness of the Jordanian efforts against ISIS.

Another front facing the world and especially the United States as the head of NATO and presumably the free world, President Obama has been all but absent from the uprising and Russian interference in eastern Ukraine. The uprising has had the telltale signs of Russian intervention as many of the fighters, especially those manning the heavy weapons and armored vehicles, have what appear to be wearing Russian military combat fatigues with no rank, name, unit or other markings. These troops are further tied to Russia as they are most often noted in numbers immediately after there have been additional armor or heavy weaponry crossing the border from Russia into the eastern Ukraine. While the Europeans had installed deep sanctions on Russia which had been starting to have their full effect felt, President Obama was busy leading the way for calls to remove the crippling sanctions were made and eventually heeded by the Europeans. In return, the United States has delivered non-lethal equipment such as night vision equipment, blankets, meal packets and similar supplies. The United States will be debating the pros-and-cons of providing the Ukraine so-called “defensive lethal aid,” that might be permitted to include anti-tank, anti-air and anti-mortar systems. The Russians led by President Putin who will likely call President Obama and remind him of the message he had relayed through then President Medvedev stating that, “This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility.” The aim is to put an end to the Russian adventurisms before Russian backed rebels rise up against the government in any NATO nation whose government then invokes Article V which requires the other NATO members to come to the aid of the nation facing such an invasion. Where the Ukraine is not as of yet a NATO member, they had been inching in that direction and it was the fears of their being accepted thus placing them under NATO Article V protection. The problem will boil over should Russian President Putin attempt the same scenario in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland or even Poland as Putin had boasted in a threat late last year when he described his feeling and disrespect for NATO implying that it was a hollowed out paper tiger completely devoid of the strength or will to prevent Russia from retaking the lands which had been under the influence of the Soviet Union. Such a threat would reveal the true intestinal fortitude of President Obama assuming that he has any to stand upon.

These problems would appear to be capable of filling the plate of even the greatest of leaders and of taxing their ability to fulfill their obligations as the leader of the free world. They surely have filled President Obama’s cup to overflowing, but as we have seen above, the President is right there with a resolute stance and the will to back that up if required. When the time comes to put up or go home he inevitably chooses to stay home and lead from behind. In Mali President Obama allowed the French to take the lead while he waited should any catastrophe require he stand up and be heard defining why this particular problem was not such a serious threat requiring any further actions, especially requiring American “boots on the ground.” He followed in Libya and then walked away with the job at hand only half completed. The refusal to step up and clear out all of the rats and their nests eventually assisted in leading to the tragedy which occurred in Benghazi where United States Ambassador to Libya John Christopher Stevens was murdered while the United States Consulate building was torched and burned to the ground. Also murdered were Sean Smith, U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer and aide to Ambassador Stevens along with two former Navy SEALS, Glen Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods who answered the desperate calls for assistance and eventually were murdered during the ensuing battle at the Central Intelligence safe-house where they managed to hold out for close to eight or nine hours calling for an air strike and any relief though none was ever going to be sent. Thus far investigations have yet to place the blame for giving the orders to “stand sown” to all units who were close enough to have rescued the two former SEALS who had rescued a number of Consulate staff and were fighting the insurgents attempting to save anybody still requiring their assistance.

The above challenges and the numerous scandals have the administration attempting to run out the clock until the term is complete and interest in them should die. Despite the appearance of great importance some of the situations such as with ISIS in both Iraq and Syria, Iran on the verge of producing nuclear weapons, and Russia threatening to overrun the Ukraine as well as potentially striking Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania or even Poland, and keeping the lid on the many scandals his Administrations, and especially Attorney General Erik Holder has produced, such as the Veterans administration keeping multiple lists to conceal their atrocious wait times which were actually killing many of the United States’ most vulnerable and destitute veterans, the NSA (National Security Agency) peering and hacking into personal files and other information stored on their computers as well as from credit card records and other such files, the Fast and Furious Program which could of added Fiasco to its alliterated name. The firearms placed intentionally in the hands of the Mexican drug cartels resulted in one dead American Border Patrol Agent, Brian Terry, and who even knows how many Mexican innocents, police officers and military forces assisting in their war on drugs. The rest of the tragedy which was Fast and Furious was that the firearms were never recovered nor were there any arrests or convictions attained due to the intentional arming of the worst criminals throughout Mexico and especially on the United States southern border. Add in the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) scandal where groups applying for tax exemption due to their nonprofit status were placed last to be processed and made to go through the most twisted demands and requirements to prove their nonprofit status including the answering of thousands of questions and even required them to turn over lists of their donors simply determined by if their name included words which were deemed suspicious and automatically placed the petitioner in the slowest and most intensive inquiries possible. What were some of these words? Words such as freedom, independence, guns, firearms, Constitution, Bill of Rights, Tea Party, 9/12 Organization, and other keywords which were considered to dictate the inquiry came from conservative or libertarian motivated organizations. There additionally were the attacks on the privacy of selected news and editorialists with whom the White House had difficulties or disagreements with their slant. These invasions of their private lives even went so far in at least one instance that the reporter’s parents’ files and information was run through the mill to see what may fall out. There is even more on the domestic scandal front but you get the idea.

Either side, the domestic scandals and the terror and Russian threats and other menaces on the world’s stage would be enough on their own plate and would lead anybody into a dizzying schedule just attempting to keep up, but the President has a singular mission he has placed before all others, the changing of the make-up of the Israeli government resulting in the replacing of Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu with the collaboration of Tzipi Livni and Yitzhak Herzog at any cost. Towards this end the White House has set up a funding headquarters in an office in New York City on West 38th Street under the name of the NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) V15/One Voice. In a surprising effort in Israel there exists another NGO with a name very similar to the NGO in New York, the Israeli one is named V2015 though on some of its material the name is shortened to V15. We have covered some of the particulars, and more should become available as we approach the March 17 Israeli elections. Our previous article was titled, <a href= target=blank>“Obama’s Deceits Over Israeli Elections”</a> and includes the letter written by Senator Ted Cruz and Representative Lee Zeldin who are both Member of Congress sent to Secretary of State John Kerry demanding to know and have an accounting over whether government funding of V15 and One Voice are being utilized in efforts to affect the Israeli elections. The efforts the White House is taking to attempt to embarrass Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu for accepting an invitation from Speaker of the House Boehner to address the combined houses of Congress on the Iranian nuclear issue and to give a summary of anything the Israelis might know that the State of the union address failed to mention. What is interesting about the protestations being staged by the White House is that they are premised on some false information. Firstly, the Prime Minister was going to be in the United States to speak to the AIPAC Conference the first week of March and it has been almost a given custom to have the Israeli Prime Minister address the Congress while he is in the United States. Additionally, the White House had been given notice that the Speaker of the House was going to request that the Israeli Prime Minister address Congress, the Speaker simply did not wait for an answer as the last time he made such a request it took the White House almost, if not all of, three months before granting him a reply. Additionally, the Speaker was aware that the White House would take an equally lengthy time this time as well so he decided that advising them of his intent to request such an audience was sufficient, for which there exists no reason that the Speaker of the House is required to have such invitations approved by anybody, the third in line to become President in a catastrophe where both the President and the Vice President were rendered unable to continue as the leader of the United States.

The White House has taken an additional step beyond their very public statement repeated numerous times stating that President Obama will refuse to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu and that Secretary of State Kerry has been instructed not to meet with the Israeli Head of State; they have further made grand mentioned that Vice President Biden will also not be present as he will be out of town in the midst of travels on the date of Netanyahu’s speech. Adding insult to injury, Vice President Biden and Secretary of State Kerry both made particular effort to conspicuously hold excessively visible meeting with Israeli Labor Party leader Yitzhak Hertzog demanding the press make note of this public display intended to send a visceral message to Israelis that the White House has found their lackey with whom they can arrange what President Obama has wanted since he made his very first official call as President to Mahmoud Abbas, to force Israel to surrender all of Judea, Samaria and Most of Jerusalem returning to within the Green Line which guarantees a bloody war will soon ensue when Arab rockets close Ben Gurion Airport and destroy numerous skyscrapers in the heart of Tel Aviv. The lengthy discourse stressing the complete lack of any relations between the two groups have continued to the point of absurdity and cemented the ties in place for all to see if only they desire to seek the truth. In all honesty, Benyamin Netanyahu or his Likud Party have retained the services of a political group which assists with campaign organizational functions and all other aspects who have previously been used by Republican candidates. The difference is that the firm assisting the reelection of Prime Minister Netanyahu and the return of his predominant Likud Party has been done straight up without any denials or other shenanigans. The V15 or V2015 and One Voice campaign refuses to even come out and say for whom they are working. When approached they claim they are not supporting the Labor Party-Hatnua Party alliance list running under the name “Zionist Camp,” a misnomer intended to mislead the electorate, and even refuse to recognize that they are attempting to bring down Prime Minister Netanyahu from forming the next coalition and say instead that they desire to force a change in the government from the nationalist to something else. They do not presumably care as long as the governance changes, I wonder what their reply would be if somebody then stated they must be supporting Jewish Home Party leader Naftali Bennett which my bet is would elicit the response of dismissing such as a silly idea as Bennett is not the next in line should Likud not be tapped to form the next government. The final incriminating piece of evidence is the stated plan of feeding the Israeli staff through the New Israel Fund (NIF) which is an NGO which has a history of being a clearing house of sorts for progressive groups, NGOs and even political campaigns to funnel moneys from outside of Israel into Israel such that the entity receiving funding from NIF can sometimes be dirty money being funneled illegally into Israeli politics. This has been the method of choice by the Anthropomorphic Climate Change entities when receiving funding from European governments or even from the European Union (EU) or the United Nations (UN). The final push will come in the final week to week and a half which is also when the New York office intends to flush the monies into Israel hoping that its late entry will not be revealed and caught by the agency which monitors the election for irregularities. Perhaps once the Israeli elections have concluded then President Obama can address some of those trifling matters such as Russia’s President Putin threatening to return the world to the Cold War days or address ISIS who is intent on introducing the hottest conflagration of war possible to the whole of the world given sufficient time and munitions.

Beyond the Cusp

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